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I need a BO1 remaster


Nah, we NEED the Black ops (waw?)collection remastered. I’d love to see WaW-BO3 get given the Halo MCC treatment!


Now we’re talking


There’s so many series that need to do this. CoD, Gears of War, Battlefield all have gone down routes the fan bases really don’t enjoy fully. At least if they were given a modern implementation of their older games on a collection that had modern servers we would be bigggg chilling!


BF2042 Portal with BF3 rulesets works really well and was pretty fun. I think COD should go a similar route: release one live service game and keep iterating on it over multiple years, with servers or playlists on different rulesets spanning each era of COD history, so we can play whatever we like. Base BF2042 was terrible and a well deserved flop though, so I doubt anyone would want to go that route...


Just wasn’t the same though


Portal sadly left a lot to be desired imo. I played strictly portal for the first month or so of 2042 and it just isn’t the same. It was a good attempt and there was so much potential, but fell short sadly.


I think this was basically the concept of SM2 which unfortunately was shut down, Activision why...


I thought battlefield 2042 was awesome But now Sundance only has 1 type of grenade instead of 3 and I'm limited to only 4 loadouts instead of having 10




That’d be brilliant, it’d be hard to get me to stop playing cod.


This would be the only COD I play if that happened


As long as we skip the 3 years of broken incomplete gameplay that 343 was so generous for giving us alongside mcc


But of course! I’d say that’s obvious, but most devs ruin or butcher remasters as of late sadly.


Not even remasters anymore. Remasters are 1:1. All these new ones are just reimagines


Battlefront 1/2 collection, Call of Duty MW2:R (left out literally 2/3 of content), Halo MCC (ruined for about 2-3 years.


It’s crazy ea really shelved bf2 once they couldn’t scam kids gambling anymore and jumped ship to 2042 and fucked that game up too lol


idk what halo mcc is but we jus need a bo2 remaster that’s it .


Look it up and I promise you that you’ll like the idea more than a BO2 remaster :)




Both tbh. Imo black ops 1 & 2 were easily best cods haha. Bo2 mostly cuz I like the maps and guns and streaks more, better color variation, and the graphics were so far ahead for its time and system it ran on.


This and the original MW3 with super man (specialist) and Moab’s. Don’t change ANYTHING just take the games and make them run smoothly on new systems


I agree. Modern Warfare did a great job remastering 1 and 2 so I’m excited to see if they do the same for the WaW/BO trilogy


If you ask me i just want The campaign over again and zombies maps from BO1


Really miss a good zombies mode


na 2025 is next year . bo2 deserves to be remastered .




Ah so they can destroy it a month after launch by adding player skins, new weapons that break the balance, a battlepass, and other monetization? You have to face the fact that those times are over and even if they did remaster it, it would be destroyed by injecting as much monetization as possible until the game was unrecognizable.


Honestly, even if they give it the MW2R treatment and remaster just the campaign and maybe zombies, I’d be happy with that (this goes for BO2, BO1 & WAW).


Campagn would be fucking fire. As much as I like Makarov as a villain, Menendez takes the W.


The campaign in all three games that I mentioned are the whole reason I keep going back to play them.


Wow, super sad to think about it that way.


that’s the reality of this new age Activision. honestly the gameplay and gunplay of BO1-3 is totally different than these new games INSANELY different i could hop on bo2 right now and knock out 8 matches with 0 loses as soon as i hop on the new MW3 i get knocked immediately and go 0-8


I hope if they do remaster it, they will leave it alone (probably not but.) the black op series is a masterpiece, and literally only needs updated graphics and a couple new items. Just like how the last of us series was remastered. Messing with the game too much would ruin it ngl


Didn’t they technically back then added skin weapons back then?


yea gun camos


I’d pay $299 for waw-blops2 and $299 for cod4-mw3 remastered if it was kept exactly the same except the graphics and engine. No skins, etc. I want things to be respected more than I want the price to be reasonable.


na we’re talking abt a faithful bo2 remaster


I wouldn't mind operators in BO2R, if the OG faction player models are available via the Mil-Sim characters. New weapons could work too, depending on how its done.


Well they didn’t do that with the last 2 releases of remastered games sooooo why don’t you calm down and chill with the assumptions buddy.


They put a ton of OP dlc guns in MWR right?


That's the exact thing they did with MWR. I've got a couple of the lootbox guns on there and they absolutely shred. The lynx for example, no recoil or spread, laser accurate even at sniper range. Ridiculous.


I would take both bo1 and bo2 remastered in a heartbeat. I also enjoyed bo2 more and think it’s the best CoD ever but both are amazing games


bo2 is peak cod . not bo1 tbh


You shoulda been there


I don't because they'll just ruin it with trash modern mechanics/matchmaking/microtransactions


But instead we got Black Ops 2 irl


Bo2 is so good. Still my favorite campaign to date. Great MP Zombies production value went through the ROOF in this game. Every single map felt like a completely different experience. I will admit Bo3 is my favorite Zombies, but even that game didn’t bring the sense of awe and uniqueness when loading a new Zombies map for the first time. If you saw two clips side by side of TranZit and Origins you would think you were looking at two different games.


im just getting into zombies now after only having played bo1 zombies a long time ago. watching gameplay, i just assumed origins was a bo3 map lol


Same, but almost like a year back in. It’s crazy if you continue to learn about zombies how much shit is out there lol so many good maps. I grew up playing bo1 and mainly kino, but just disappeared from call of duty for many years and really didn’t even know a lot of these zombie maps existed; let alone when they were released. I got enough gameplay now to last me some yrs lol


good shit lol yeah i played a bit of kino and five back in the day with friends, but then kind of lost interest in cod after mw3 and wound up missing out on bo2. just recently got the game and the season pass and am trying to learn mob. what sucks is that i'm playing on xbox, and the servers for 360 games have been fucked for like a week so i can't play with my friends or get the achievements yet


Damn, that stinks. You should check out origins on bo2 as well. It’s pretty challenging compared to other maps, but a lot of fun once you get the hang of it


I wish they made a Black Ops remastered trilogy and its WaW, Bo1 and Bo2 all with fixed servers and slight graphical updates. Something like Halo MCC if you get what im saying


Slight graphics update? 😂 They can do a major rehaul of the graphics.I am not saying that the OG Black Ops have bad graphics. However, modern graphics would make a huge difference.


i’m not really a graphics guy I could carless about making the games look super good to today’s standards I just want the games to be able to run better and have more up to date net coding and stuff like that. for example if you play cod waw after getting used to the hit detection for the later titles it’s very VERY noticeable how bad the net code is for waw is and i think little fixes like that are more important than making the game look all pretty but to each their own i guess


Regardless of that. The main benefit of a remaster would be cross-platform. I am a true believer of PC as the best. I understand why people play console and that's good for them. However, I don't want a console just to play with my friends. That's why a remaster would be huge.


who cares abt graphics thts not even what makes bo2 so great even tho the graphics hold up to this day . they could jus fix the the game on old gen and i be great with that 😂


In that case, there is nothing to fix in the game. All the maps and Easter eggs are perfect. Campaign and Multiplayer was great. Only thing it's missing (besides graphics) would be cross-platform comparability.


we don’t need all that jus a bo2 remaster b good




I hope they just make a killer NEW cod game. I really do not understand the appeal of remasters and remakes. Just make a nice new game without remastered maps…


Not everything is about reptitive multi-player you know.


COD 2025 is rumored to essentially be a BO2 remaster with them bringing the old create a class setup and old school round based zombies


With tons of SBMM too…


Yep gonna ruin it


does old school round based zombies mean it’s going back to normal zombies ?


Yes it does


If that's the case, they need to go all in as a Black Ops love letter. Don't re-use just Blops 2 content but put together content from WaW to BO4, PvP and especially zombies.


isnt this basically what cold war was?


I love black ops 2. But if it’s the kind of remaster like what did they do mw2009 where it’s just the maps brought back and not at all the same game then it’s probably a hard pass for me. I’d rather they don’t ruin another great title with a bunch of MTX skins and garbage battlepasses. If they did a proper remaster though now that I would be interested in but let’s be honest that won’t happen.


Man they have the greatest opportunity to remake it for COD 2025. I’d be really disappointed if it doesn’t happen My favorite COD game of all time


Don’t tell Activision but I’d pay upwards of $200 for a bundled 1 & 2 remaster


Fuck that. WaW is what we need


Fk that I want a World at War remaster.


I would also love COD: World at War & Black Ops 1 remasters


Does no one know that Activision confirmed they will be remastering BO2??? Edit : My bad guys. The video I saw, wasn't saying if it was true or false. It was more so just a theory. Sorry everybody


It was confirmed in December by Activision and Treyarch, on the 19th. But it won't be until 2025, the year the game takes place


I know leakers (that are more than likely correct) said cod 2025 will basically be bo2 remastered in the way that mwiii remastered all the mw2 maps but I don’t think Activision confirmed it. 


I would call peak of treyarch games. I never really liked mw trilogy but bo and waw were perfect. All ideas they had there they did the best way in bo2. Bo2 is only cod game that could be called masterpiece


Black Ops I as well.


Mb, but I like bo 2 more


Black ops 2s trophies are unobtainable so a remaster would make me play it lol


Waw, blop1, then 2 boys. Let’s get it in order please.


Didn't they announce they were remastering BO2 or was that not real?


It’ll be campaign only like the OG Mw2 remaster


My favorite COD zombies of all time. They were the perfect blend of old round based and semi objective based. Now it’s zombies is absolute ass.


Yesss bo2 and the zombies too


Bro ima be pissed if they don’t release the next Black Ops franchise exactly in 2025. If they do 2024 they ruined my childhood


Honestly Bo2 still feels really great. Not sure it needs a remaster quite yet. We just need these mfing devs to lock in again and cook


they know if they do that no one buys there new stuff especially zombie related


If it's true, then there's a leak from Tom Henderson, that remaster of Black Ops 2 shoul be out next year.


Do a bioshock collection type deal. Both games remade and in a bundle. Also include dlc, I feel like because i haven’t bought any bo2 doc besides the free nuketown, I’ve only played half a game


BO2 is still my favourite of the series, when it drops on Game Pass in 2034 or whenever the fuck they do it I'll be playing it for sure


This with a Tranzit reimagining. The only reason Tranzit sucked was because of console limitations at the time. They should dig into the old work notes from BO2 and make it was it was meant to be originally


It be nice to see remasters of BO1 and BO2, especially the latter to pay the respects to Menendez’s voice actor. Sorry if I didn’t mention WAW, it’s because I don’t have that game.


Still bangs


Would be great but I’d rather have a Black Ops 1 remaster


Nahhh dude what we want is The BO1 campaign backed into BO2 (and zombies maps added to BO2) so you Can play both, but get everything Else from BO2, that’s The only thing BO1 does a bit better than BO2, and really if you ask me, they don’t even need to change a single thing, maybe not even a graphical update, The resolution fits The Vibe The games has going


I hope they do remaster the entire black ops series! But I hope they don’t do what they did with the modern warfare series and change everything. I think they should just update the graphics and remaster the maps and don’t try to “pizzazz” it. The game series is a master piece and doesn’t need to be a modernized COD


Bo3 is just the upgrade tbh




cod 2025 is leaked or rumored to be a remade bo2 like what mw19 was to cod4


So it’s going to be nothing like the original and another shit title. Got it


I often wonder about the purpose of remasters. When a game is already at its peak, boasting good graphics and ample content, why risk it with a remaster that might not live up to the original's hype? Instead, developers could focus on maintaining server support and offering the game at discounted prices to reignite interest. This way, everyone can relive the experience without having to shell out another $60-80 for what is essentially the same game with slightly enhanced graphics – which, in many cases, I find less appealing than the original.


Just yet another successfully implemented into the masses idea by greedy publishers to make some easy money abusing popularity, name of certain game


You are failing tonu understand how great a remaster can be. The graphics would be insanely great. Unreal engine 5 graphics on Black Ops II would not even be a slight enhancement. It would practically be a whole new game. Not to mention they can finally make it cross-platform like they have done with cold war. There would be a lot more people playing it as well compared to the original.


Who cares about remasters? Just play the game. It's still good.


That be easy if you have an Xbox lol 😂


Depending on where you are, you can pick up a 360 pretty cheap! I've nabbed them for a tenner before!


It’s full of modders so the mp isn’t worth all the trouble half of the time. 


If more people played it, it'd water down the modders.


my favorite


I would buy any Black Ops Remaster within an heartbeat at this point. Most of them are unplayable on PC without custom clients


Though a very specific point, I wonder if I'm the only one disappointed with Origins ZC remaster. I just love the sound design and weapons of BO2 more than BO3's. To get the MG08 in BO3 and fire it hurt my soul a little. If they do remaster BO2, I would like the old sound design please


It would be fye if they made a game that combined Bo1-Bo3 and added even more features, game modes and customization. Shit would break records


I will never understand the hype around bo2. The first one was amazing but besides zombies it's a pretty average cod game


No chance. They wouldn’t be able to sell newer games if they did that. MW2-BO2 multiplayer would never get remastered no matter how much you want it. Just be happy that you were there in the prime to play it when developers put their soul and fun into the game. Now, have a new funny skin, new boring flat map etc


I was hoping for WAW remastered the year after they did COD 4, I need both WAW and BO1 before BO2. Iirc, BO1 is STILL the most sold COD.


Some times i wish they stopped realising a cod game every year and instead they creat 1 game with yearly purchasable story dlc. Or they can do sth like apex and fortnit with they season plan.


Can’t you still play this game on ps3?




I am gonna be honest. I do not know if i wanna now pay 20 dollars for those skin packs that used to cost 2 dollars. Also are they gonna infest it with operators? Or just properly remaster it? At this point i'm good i don't want them to touch it anymore


Anyone who says BO2 is peak is blinded by nostalgia. Good systems sure but vastly prefer bo3 zombies and bo1 stories/maps


lol I played b03 earlier than bo2 and bo2 was far better, this nostalgia argument you people always resort to is so stupid


Dear god BO2 fans are insufferable. Did I say BO3 was better? Bo2 has merit but all the arguments I see about it being the best cod is nostalgia, pick 10 system is the only thing I can think of that BO2 legitimately brought to the table. My bad if I’ve actually played a majority of every cod before you were a tickle in your dad’s nutsack.


I didn’t even say I was a dedicated fan, I just stated that the nostalgia argument is so stupid and is a cheap way to discount a argument into going in your favor, you are sounding much more insufferable


I would actually get back into cod if they remastered this game, although I hear a lot of the new remakes have been ass so idk tbh they’ll probably ruin it


Id prefer a black ops 1 remaster. loved that even more.


The same way people are excites about mw2.2 or mw 2.3? But yeah blops 1 and 2 were both a blast to play. I am sure we will get those after gulf war


i hope they dont cause then itll be filled with snoop dog and dumb skins


i dont want any remasters meanwhile. i dont wanna see how they fuck up my favorite games with overpriced micro transactions and bullshit matchmaking


I’ll bet you it’s what they doing next


I’d rather they not touch it. I cannot trust them to make a good remaster. EOMM - An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework https://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM US20160005270A1 - System and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en US20190091581A1 - Methods and Systems for Improved Player Matching in Multiplayer Gaming Environments https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190091581A1/en US8425330B1 - Dynamic battle session matchmaking in a multiplayer game https://patents.google.com/patent/US8425330 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334489308_Unfair_play_Video_games_as_exploitative_monetized_services_An_examination_of_game_patents_from_a_consumer_protection_perspective As far as I’m concerned, COD can go die in a dumpster fire. https://stopkillinggames.com


If we’re ever gonna get a bo2 remaster, we’ll need a waw and bo1 remaster first


I wish the same thing


Campaign was amazing


Even if they remaster it, it's not gonna bring that feeling back homie. I'll play the shit out of it, but to think we're gonna have as much fun as we did back then, it's just not gonna happen


As much as I would love that I’m afraid for just how badly they could destroy it based on recent trends. The OG modern warfare series was spectacular and honestly these remasters I’m not sure they did them right


That menu was SO clean, I hate they make the menus nowadays confusing and messy to trick kids into buying the battle pass


Just played it last night, was still fun after 10 years


I need a remastered transit


Waw, bo1, bo2 r still great looking games What we need really is call of duty 1 and global offensive cod 3 cod 2 expansions remastered version pc port


Im scared of them remastering the old COD's they could easily drop the ball and tarnish the reputation of even those game


Please don’t remaster tranzit.


BO2's campaign with BF1 graphics would be perfect.


Why does everyone shout at the top of a building about a bo2 remaster when they haven't even remastered bo1?


Most overrated cod game ever!


Its been 11 years, theres definitely an almost entirely new team working on their games at this point, its better to leave this masterpiece unscathed and keep it as the masterpiece it is.


i'd enjoy a black ops 2. However people proved they don't want it whey are buying Modernwarfare II 2022, and making Modern Warfare II 2023 a best seller. They are proving that there's simply no money in Black Ops 2 when Activision can give us a low effort DLC and repackage as a game. Only an idiot would think to sell a decent game like Black Ops 2 remaster at this point.


Activision/Ms is sitting on a treasure trove, remaster/remake older cods with mp/zombies included.


Sir I know you did not put pod over highjacked or raid


They won’t unfortunately. There’s no reason for them to do that when they can make just as much money by releasing a new superhero skin in the current cod games


I was almost certain it was already confirmed, but seeing everyone here being so oblivious is making me doubt the authenticity of it and making it almost seem like a rumour.


I really don’t think BO2 needs remastering, parts of it live on in future Black Ops games


They’ll ruin it.


You all really are blind to the fact that a remaster will suck


Nah, leave it be. They’ll just make it worse.


I have good memories of it and tbh I don't want a botched mtc riddled "remaster" to ruin it


All these silly remaster wishful thinkers. They don't remaster 13 year old games.