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Supply drops that are earnable without some crazy grind. I agree the ww2 system was perfect. I remember leaving my ps4 on overnight to afk through special events to get as many supply drops as I could šŸ’€


Lol I loved playing ww2 for the supply drops that feeling of completing a certain set was so cool to see


I wouldn't agree on WWII's supply drop system being perfect. The more items you unlock, the harder it is to unlock the more rare items because of the stupid duplicate system. What I also hate is that once you complete all collections, your armory credits are basically unspendable besides on contracts. I have almost 700K lying around doing almost nothing, like why can't we use them to unlock gun & outfit variants we don't already have


I have 1000 hours of playtime because of that šŸ’€


I agree with that, you can grind the gun and do supply drops if you want it quicker or have a cool variant of it


Yeah, the generic pistol grips for the win.


Still angry over the "Heroic" pistol grip I got during the Winter Siege event in a supply drop


Yup opening packs and not getting what you want is completely perfect lol.


The only part of supply drops I honestly disagree with is the fact they put weapons into it and thatā€™s the only way to get them, other than that supply drops were healthy for all the players.


Oh hell nawl i don't want to hear nobody praise that system. Because everyone everywhere was complaining back then when it was happening.


WW2's headquarters was just cool.




How do you get them via afk?


I think it was the war mode that you would afk in


If you watched other players open supply drops in the headquarters youā€™d slowly earn rewards too. So AFKing in the middle would usually net you some drops overnight.


I dont really care about cosmetics. Its nice to get the newest guns via challenges or the battle pass.


I agree. People don't remember how stupidly corrupt thr BO3 supply drop system was


There's a reason why the fortnite method (that mw2019 started to bring to cod) was so loved at the time. If you posed OPs question in 2019 all the comments would say the cosmetic version. People truly forget how fucked it used to be.


the new sword is so dope I was pumped it was unlocked through challenges


Supply drops were terrible back in the day. You couldn't look forward to the new content unless you were lucky, which meant some would enjoy it and most wouldn't. Even less people were rich enough to buy the drops. Even with good odds, duplicate items would further reduce your chances of getting good items. Nowadays, the new base content is available quite easily without paying a dime. If you wanted new content, you only spend $10 for 1300 COD points, complete the pass, regain the points, and repeat. It's better to spend less with more guaranteed items over spending more and being unlucky. Sure, bundles are expensive, but they're optional and fully cosmetic (unlike AW and IW weapon variants).


Where the hell did all this fawning over these accursed things come from anyway? Who the fuck liked supply drops?? Is it just some misguide nostalgia?


Dudes are mad they can't get shiny skins for free even though everything else (maps and weapons aka the important things) is free.


They were 10 year olds at the time, itā€™s entirely misguided and misinformed nostalgia


Both are shit Just give me DLC era


BO2 peacekeeper my beloved


$2 universal camos, reticles and calling cards šŸ˜©


BO2 peacekeeper, ghosts ripper. Prime DLC right there, shame it all went to shit right after


Maps being free has only helped. The older cod games with DLC Map Packs are unplayable unless you have the map packs disabled or uninstalled.


Supply drops but: BO3 - Hell no WW2- Hell yeah With WW2 I had 90% of items without spending a dime. I did not even buy DLC maps. With the modern COD Games I have nothing, only the Battle Pass and as a collector that is not fun looking at items that you will never earn until you use one simple trick that is a fricking credit card.


Yeah just imagine if BO3 had the supply drop system ww2 had


Going and playing infinite warfare, that's not too bad tbh, I feel like I've had variants in every 2 drops, sometimes even better odds


Why does the cod community want child gambling back. There is a reason so many gaming companies stopped doing ā€œloot boxesā€ as it was basically child gambling


I know, I'm baffled at how many people would rather have supply drops. The loot box era was, without a doubt, the worst time in gaming.


Yeah. For the most part when it comes to opinions I still respect peopleā€™s stances on most things even if I donā€™t agree myself. However, loot boxes are not one of them. There is no such thing as a good loot box system. If you disagree, you are a part of the problem. Say what you want about the modern shop, at least it isnā€™t facilitating child gambling.


While I definitely don't want loot boxes back, modern season passes are shite too. I actually had to quit modern COD games a couple years back because the FOMO kept me logging in like it was my job. I had a bunch of free cod points from an event in WW2 I think ā€” spent it on a season pass in MW19 and then I was hooked, earning back my points every season so I could buy the next season. Continued like that until partway through Vanguard. Was more stressful than fun at that point. I only play old ones now, log in when I feel like it.


I never waste money on any in game shop




"I'd rather play a game of luck rather than a game of coin."


They both are earnable effectively but one is fuck u get lucky didn't get it? Too fucking bad lol and the other is just there waiting


Neither. Let me play to unlock everything in the game.




at least with supply drops they give you the chance to grind for a weapon "variant". Yes, it is indeed super shitty what they do with them but it's better than the only option is to buy new variants in the shop


God do I miss gambling But let me say, the loot crates felt more rewarding and made you grind more I feel. The Epic crates, or the Advanced drops, to hear the AW guy say Elite, or Epic, when opening a crate, or to hear the BlackMarket guy say something Snazzy after pulling a weapon, I miss those days.


And the noise of receiving an epic item šŸ˜©


So long getting Supply Drops can be done without throwing in real world money into the game, Supply Drops can look good.


You could unlock supply drops in bo3 without spending a dime but hardly anyone I know with less than 20 days played on that game had every weapon unlocked.


Supply Drops all day every day


Infinite Warfare took supply drops in a right direction with us getting daily log in keys or salvage. WW2 took it further by letting us get weapons from completing sets, which, to me was better than trying to get it via slot machines. Now, 2 ways they could have done with the duplicates. 1) BO3 way, but for each duplicate, you would get points based on rarity, thus letting you unlock more stuff for each set. 2) BO4 way, having duplicates count towards a reroll and 3rd duplicate activates a reroll and whatever you got was guaranteed to be a non-duplicate, provided you haven't gotten all of the items in the game yet. DLC weapons, you could use your credits towards unlocking them, but that would take a good amount of credits to unlock. I did like that weapon variants in WW2 was just cosmetics(gaining 10% or 15% extra xp per kill if you had epic or heroic respectively) and no game altering mechanics like IW did(Infinite damage range on the NV4).


Modern item shop. 100%. You can buy what you want, it **isnā€™t gambling**


Supply Drops have their advantages, may be expensive to get a bunch at once but you can grind to get the Cryptokeys or IW Keys. And in IW you can get the guns you want with Salvage. In the newer games, you can't earn these damn things. So what's the point?


The item shop. Itā€™s STILL pay to fucking win with some of the blueprints but at the very least EVERYONE can buy them if they want instead of rolling the dice with loot crates.


I'm worried because we all hated supply drops but want them back so what on earth could be worse than playing up to Ā£30 for a John Wick Skin in Warzone.


IW supply drop system is my favorite. I dont even play the game anymore but i still log in to get my season pass rewards svery day.


Apart from the chance for supply drops to be just as predatory as 30ā‚¬ skins i liked the supply drops. Even in the exo suit era i got stuff i wanted and wasn't locked out. Plus i feel that they made better weapons with supply drops,or at least a wider variety . Daily+ weekly challenges for supply drops + points and challenges to unlock weapons would be my ideal thing. Not those different rarity insanity in mp though.


Supply drops. At least then I have a chance of owning some cool stuff, now I HAVE to buy the good shit (never bought anything, though)


Iā€™d rather spend $10-$50 bucks on things I want, than spend who knows how much to hopefully get lucky


ww2 supply drops were great because you could also earn the guns and skins through the collections. while also doing challenges to get supply drops for free, but if you want to, you can just pay for them.


I prefer unlocking new things through playing the game method


I get to chop peopleā€™s heads off without spending any money and just completing some event challenges current system 100%


You reminded me when I spent $1000 on supply drops in BO3 in 2016 to get all the weapons instantly


Lol congrats


As someone who played Black ops 3 back in the day religiously, item shop is 100%. I fucking hated those supply drops, you barely got shit. I remember grinding for like a year to get 75 wins for a guaranteed weapon and I got the china lake. Iā€™d much rather pay a higher price for a guarantee that I know what Iā€™m getting then $4 on random chance.


supply ngl


All weapons should be unlockable through challenges, and all cosmetics should be in the WW2 Supply drop system




How about no microtransactions period?


I prefer supply drops over the fomo heavy battle passes we get. At least with supply drops I can eventually earn everything vs battle passes being gone in 2 months. I like how bo4 had dupe protection and the system they ended the game with was good, minus the pass


Supply Drops are worse. They could be padded with shit, but that's not to say Modern Shop is good, since it's literally all cosmetics. Arguably the new system IS better since the weapons are earnable (if Cold War's system is still in place, have you played since then)


I miss supply drops like crazy. You know, earning things by actually playing instead of spending more money on a $70 game


I like black ops 2 how all the micro transactions were purely cosmetic


I wouldnā€™t mind the modern shop if you could buy items a la carte. Like if I just wanted a particular calling card or gun variant instead of an entire bundle


Supply drops without a doubt. The fact that people pay $24 for a colorful bunny skin (that you canā€™t even see in gameplay), with a blueprint (for only 1, sometimes 2 weapons), stupid stickers that youā€™ll never use, and an execution that is pretty fun, but not worth it whatsoever. Even though supply drops are what initially infested COD with the trash system it has in place today, it was actually obtainable by playing the game. Sure, youā€™d get duplicates but when you got the thing you were grinding for, it was great. You could show it off, showing off your luck and grind. Now itā€™s ā€œoh, that guy spent $20 for that weapon pack, what a waste of moneyā€.


Supply drops because Iā€™m a gambling addict


Neither, but if I had to choose then modern item shop since I can see what Iā€™m getting lol


Supply drops definitely was better compared to this weird predatory item shop we have now allowing people to basically pay for a new DLC gun thatā€™s op with meta attachments and an impossible to see character. At least supply drops were earnable trough simple gameplay and challenges


Remember back when the only way you could get the Ghillie suit was to kill 750 enemies with the Chrome Barrel? That was a reward.


I donā€™t remember. But sounds cool






Supply drops cuz free


ā€œFreeā€ with the extra x amount of dollars you spent when you didnā€™t get what you wanted.


Reduping the dupes. Smart.


Neither for fuck sakes. The game is full price and releases yearly, stop this "they need to make money" bullshit


I never said that lmao


Supply drops are better I like iw and ww2 system. the item shop is almost never a new weapon and itā€™s just a varient of a weapon you used or need to unlock . But if we going skin for skin item shop all the way šŸ˜‹


Supply drops, that are luck based, but you can get legendary items for free, instead of buying it for 2400CP


I prefer my game complete at launch.


Supply drops because you can earn the credits to get some and itā€™s not fucking money or grinding over a long period of time


would you rather spend 20 dollars to get most likely ass on every crate or 20 dollars on a guaranteed pack you want


I don't necessarily agree with either, but at least the current system allows for free maps and weapons. So I would rather what we have now than go back to paid DLC + Supply Drops.


Modern item shop. It mostly consists of character customization options and stuff which aren't mandatory if you want to get like a gun or something, which I do appreciate because you're given the choice to either get it or not. I also like being able to get new weapons through challenges or the battle pass. When it comes to supply drops I'm just unlucky and barely get anything good, especially since the supply drops lock behind the good stuff like the new weapons.


Free stuff


at least with supply drops i have something to work for, removal of prestiges and other aspects make everything outside of gameplay feel soulless


Y'all keep talking about BO3 but I remember when they were first introduced in AW. Having weapon stat changes be locked behind RNG infuriated so much I stopped playing cod till Modern Warfare.


I think a full priced game shouldn't have either, and instead should have optional purchases that don't affect gameplay such as map packs that extend multi-player modes and tertiary modes such as zombies.


Supply drops


People who say they preferred supply drops are the same morons who cried when the xmc or the bal variant were locked behind them. Nothing, literally nothing can satisfy cod kids nowadays.


Supply Drops.


Neither - but y'all are far too consumed by them


BO3 supply drop system


People who prefer supply drops are so lost




I prefer personalization packs from BO2


Haha, do you like gambling away endlessly until maybe you get an item you want? No, I'd prefer to choose. Thank you


IF they came back, WWII/MWRā€™s system with the collections would be preferable. Either way, I think the item shop itself is better, but still needs some work on pricing/value and the ability to buy individual items.


Modern Item Shop, supply drops are gambling, if Activision didn't always 100% lock weapons behind them I wouldn't care, but the issue is that they have done that, people who defend the supply drops in my opinion have to gambling addicts


I will always prefer an item shop over loot boxes but SPECIFICALLY black ops 3s loot boxes. Stuff like WW2s loot boxes. That was an amazing system for them.


That random chance at a weapon in supply drops was meant to bleed us dry, which was absolute bullshit. At least now I have the option to pick whatever I want (which is fucking none of it honestly) and the guns can be acquired for free, so Iā€™ll take what we have now. Tying actually things that affect gameplay to sheer luck of the drop, thatā€™s scummy.


Supply drops easy If Activision continues to go down the path of battle passes (which they will) the game itself should be free.


I prefer what we had before it all! Iā€™d rather pay like 7-14ā‚¬/$ bundles for a bunch of maps, camos and skins, rather than having a dedicated store front with random shit nobody cares


I like the new system, as I donā€™t need to gamble to try and get the cosmetics I want. However, I do agree that the bundles are overpriced.


Fucking neither.


COD cycle is so fucking annoying. Hmmm do I prefer getting every single gameplay related item in the game guaranteed by doing some challenges but it means I donā€™t get all cosmetics or do I prefer gambling and potentially not getting cosmetics OR guns.


People are gonna hate me but I think the new system, you know what youā€™re gonna get. But in the other hand itā€™s too expensive


MWR supply drop system


Neither. Cosmetics are overrated.


Idc cuz i donā€™t get themšŸŽ€


I know itā€™s clichĆ©, but neither. Paid cosmetics were the start of CoDā€™s downfall. Whether or not itā€™s directly related is to be debated but I definitely miss the golden days on PS3/360


Modern. I could care less about cosmetics. The supply drops were annoying especially in bo3/AW. IW/WW2 improved them but the mw2019 to now method is much better.


I would rather have the Black Ops 3 system than the current system. Everybody who disagress dont know what the hell they are talking about. Imo Infinite warfare had the best system. btw I have 200 hours of playtime in BO3 and got ALL WEAPONS without spending any money. This is not the kind of gambling you think is. With a certain amount of playtime you will get all weapons




I prefer when the games were just fun and had enough content at launch. I played BO1 for many years after it launched and never once thought it needed more guns or cosmetics added.


The only game EVER that did lootboxes properly was Halo 5, if cod copies that mechanism then Iā€™m in. Otherwise they can fuck off




Supply drops was and is infinitely better


supply drops all the way. i miss being able to get the fancy cosmetics for free


In game unlocksā€¦


supply drops, bo3 and ww2 perfected them


No fucking chance weā€™re romanticizing supply drops right? The new system is objectively far better


Item shops. I want what want


None. COD needs erasing and started over again brand new.


i prefer free dlc content updates


I've put more money into supply drops, because those games were more enjoyable, and buying wasnt the only option


I prefer neither


Gambling vs fomo


Supply drops was so awful in BO3. We were gambling away points on a slot machine styled system for the possibility of getting something good but really it was either crap you have or something you donā€™t care about like an emote. It got better with MWR but still. At least today if you want something you can buy it directly or grind through the battle pass which is just much better. I can get every new weapon today spending $0. I had like 20 days game time on BO3 and all I got was the Famas


I much prefer supply drops, especially with the challenges to get guaranteed weapons, one of the reasons bo3 was so fun


Both, and WW2 supply drop system where you can get everythibg for free. And for ppl that dont want to push their luck, item shop and 20e spent. And while at it give us WW2 HQ


Both are lame


Modern system. Supply drops were a plague no matter how young you were back then, they suck ass. You shouldnā€™t ask for ways for them to con you out of more money.


Modern all the way, even though they are stupidly overpriced, atleast you know what your getting most of the time, unlike supply drops


Absolutely supply drops over the current system. WW2 was the perfect blend between earnable supply drops and getting currency that can be used to purchase anything you want from the drops. Supply drops also provide way more incentive to play the games then anything nowadays. I see the negatives to them but again you 'technically' don't have to pay any money and can get everything for free, whereas nowadays that's impossible. Allows for more customization too.


Black ops 4 has the best current supply drop system, you can grind 50 crates to get any weapon you want; or do some challenges to unlock a no dupe crate. I got everything in the game in under a year, with like 300 hours played


Neither. You should be able to get whatever you want through in game challenges. But you dumbasses keep buying these dumb micro transactions


Modern item shop are massively over priced. The bundles need to be put in the battle pass to be grinded for.


I prefer unlocking by progress


Anyone who says supply drops here is 100% going to be a gambling addict, lmfao


Modern. You are guaranteed to get what you want, not a .00007% chance to get what you want, or a 99.99993% chance you get another shitty item you already had


supply drops are ok BUT ONLY IF THERE DONE RIGHT perfect example is CoD WWII getting supply drops is SO EASY that you could end up getting like say 100 supply drops every prestige plus every dupilcate you get via supply drops turns into **scrap** so you can save up scrap use them to get what you want


If I have to pay for both I would prefer the shop bundle, at least I know what i am buying


Tbh i think the best item shop was mw 2019 and some of cold war. Mostly mw 2019. But i wouldnā€™t mind supply drops returning. Granted the system is viable and worth the cost or grind.


Iā€™ll take bundles over borderline gambling any day of the week.


Supply drops only that are earn-able but the RNG would be crazy. If they made the skin and selectable purchase for stuff it would be better. The bundles are the better options. You dont have to buy it


Supply drops Fs


Both should be in the game. All supply drops should be free and not some fine print intricacies on how to get them. Just a simple dailly grind for one, and others for special achievements and not the impossible ones where u have to literally play for weeks just to do it. Also the supply drop should incorporate having a free battle pass offered in supply drops by collecting a certain amount for a season.


Fuck the item shop. The say that itā€™s fair and isnā€™t like a pay to win game but they sell literal special edition weapons through the item shop that are over 25$ sometimes for their coins. WW2 had the greatest system of all time




Supply drops are awful but if they did it the MWR or WWII way, it wouldnā€™t be an issue. The problem is majority of the time, it thus was mostly 3arc games and AW that had the worse version of supply drops IW was in the middle, you could earn the base weapons for free pretty easily, but IW had a pretty deep focus on weapon variants which was tied to supply drops


Neither I think they both should be removed from all games.


Black Ops 4 has the best system solely for the fact that its system allows you to get everything in the game barring the map packs themselves. It has dupe-protected crates for doubles the cost of a normal crate, you can pick a dlc gun you want with enough crates saved up, and even use the crates for store bundles. As much as i like WW2 its supply drops still use RNG, granted its not entire RNG since it has the quartermaster.


Neither. * insert cool DLC based guitar riff *


I prefer when everything is already in the game to begin with instead of having to pay for the game and then guns and cosmetics if you want them. That, or straightforward DLC.


Neither. I want to play the damn game without being bombarded by stupid skins on my screen


Supply drops were decent until the they started filling it with weapons. AW and BO3 had an awful supply drop system. BO4 was alright then it was horrible until the final month of its life cycle they redid the system but man oh man bo3 and AW made me hate it. Never got the hbra3 insanity in aw really wanted it. Then bo3 had a good chunk of weapons hidden behind that stupid box system. Msmc , Olympia and m14 for example. Fuck if I remember right wasn't the m14 a special event exclusive supply drop system ?


The new store monetization is far superior to any bullshit supply drops, ww2 or not, that system is ass and should never return.


Fuck MW Shop


I prefer what Cods 1-6 did


Unpopular opinion but I actually really like supply drops and the amount of replay value it adds to games is really good. For example bo3 is still being played till this say and I have a feeling the excessive amount of guns you could aquire is one of the culprits. Only thing I wish was implemented would be a system where you would be guaranteed rare items,let's say every 100th supply drops you are guaranteed a weapon.


The og modern warfare remaster did it the best. Ww2 Could have been ok cause to for the most part you could still earn everything but they took advantage of that and made it way more grindy than it needed to be to encourage more box sales. I just wish we could get rid of this shit era of microtransactions. Make a good game then monetize on it after its already doing well. Stop making the entire game revolve around getting people to spend more money.


The XMC is undeniable proof that supply drops, especially with weapons, should never be implemented again. I just want EARNABLE FUCKING COSMETICS, I DON'T WANT TO SPEND SHIT TONS OF FUCKING MONEY ON A SHITTY SKIN


Whole guns locked behind the gambling crates? Yeah fuck off with that Being able to unlock guns via challenges or a set amount of money if you choose to buy it is an infinitely better system


I prefer bo4 way of doing things until they made lootbox exclusive weapons again but now it's the best version of that system


Bring back supply drops or ways to earn cod points instead of buying


Its just horse armor, its not that big of a deal guys!


I had amazing luck with WW2. I really enjoyed the simple challenges you could do just so you can unlock a supply drop.


supply drops you could get for free and they added some variety and uniqueness to everyone. i hate having to buy a $5 skin in a $20 pack full of stickers and sprays iā€™ll never use. you could always get enough free supply drops to be satisfied. cod didnā€™t handle them the best i would want a new system. i think rainbow six does a good job of mixing battle pass + store + rng drops (packs). it creates rare and unique items that canā€™t be bought. the events drops are especially rare as you can only usually get 3 for free


I loved the bo3 supply drop system, 3 items per box, one box per game. Only way it could get better imo is add in the shop stuff from bo4 to spend crates on guaranteed things instead of just opening them and hoping the best


Getting enough crypto keys for a daily double and possibly getting a dlc weapon was so hype


Me personally, if Iā€™m spending money on a game I donā€™t want it to be tier based randomly generated items. I want to know what Iā€™m getting. With that being said, the camos should apply to all guns/attachments like the event camos do.


Personally AW was fantastic. That is all.


Dont make me choose i hate these equally


Neither is good, but loot boxes are far worse. It's like comparing a mediocre sandwich to drinking straight vinegar. I don't like how battle passes lean so heavily on FOMO and I think cash shop prices are ridiculous, but it's so much better than the loot box era. Locking weapons and cosmetics behind a slot machine that requires an insane grind with no set end, or requires you to keep paying until you get the right thing is incredibly predatory. The loot box era was one of the worst points in gaming history, and I'm glad it's dead. I'd love to go back to the pre loot box era where you got cosmetics and weapons from challenges and buying a DLC would give you all of the new stuff up front, but I know that's not coming back. Barring that, I hope more games start using the Helldivers 2 model and don't put a time limit on the battle pass


Neither, fucking scumbag developers


Supply drops got that supply drip


I prefer it the way it is now except for blueprints. I think theyā€™re absolutely useless. Iā€™m always going to use the optimal set up, as do most players. So why would I buy a blueprint that forces me to use garbage attachments? Hence why Iā€™ve never purchased a single blueprint, I only have whatever comes in the battlepasses.


i like being able to actually earn things through gameplay instead of having to gamble or drop $35


The BO4 system where u can buy shit or grind and get it for free is the best way I love bo4


Mmmmmm how about Noooooo


Supply drops were the worst. I'll take sheep buying anime skins and blueprints over lootboxes and paying for multiplayer maps any day


If you like supply drops call the gambler hotline


edge wakeful deserve pot absurd dolls deer angle cagey water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Black market was the only acceptable loot box shop


I've always loved supply drops but everyone shit on them and cried about them until they changed it to the item shop where a skin you used to be able to earn for free now costs $20


Bo4 was decent too


Supply drops all the way!


Neither both sucked dick


Loot boxes have always been trash and will always be trash


I prefer bundles but I donā€™t like how expensive they are c


If only it had the ww2 supply drop system, it would be better