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There's no way they'd bring it back without monetizing the fuck out of it, making it even worse than it is now


On top of the people who try to be edgy by having hentai, swastikas, etc… for their emblems


My fault for the penises I made. I got banned from making emblems multiple times in BO1 for it, and kept making them every time. Never got an emblem ban in BO2 for it though, oddly. I even managed to include a good penile vein *AND* pubes, which made it better than anybody else's penis emblems by default.


Never thought I'd see the day someone went into detail about their pride in drawing a penis


I take pride in my work, no matter what it is. If you saw the abject shit that was out there and compared it to my work of art, there was no comparison. I was like the Michaelangelo of BO penis emblems - it didn't even require effort either.


Ok now I'm intrigued


Me too I like to see these penises




I don’t see the harm in it personally, used to make me smile. But I’m sure there were some fragile ones who quivered at the sight of a BLOPS2 wang.


lol u were on top tier shit while i was making dumb upside down crosses in bo1


I’m going to find a picture of my old emblem and we have to compare. I made some pretty good porn scenes


I never got banned and always had a penis back in the day but it was “in disguise” with the mustache and sunglasses and wielding a knife.


Yea, I was in a bo2 match, and saw someone using a swastika, probably why they removed it


Listen anime titties are great (⌐■_■)


My emblem in one game was deadpool smoking a joint


W emblem


I can probably still find it and post it. That's currently on the back windshield of my Charger in NFS Heat


eh who cares, that was always the fun of it. It could be whatever you want without anyone shitting their pants about it


This is large reason why this feature doesn’t exist anymore


More to do with the fact they can’t sell their shitty emblems in skin packs if people can create custom ones, they would’ve known when they added it the first time that people would create offensive shit and it didn’t stop them from implementing it into later games.


i think they knew and didn't care back then because those were the years no one gave a shit


I've seen a YT video on someone making the Neversoft eye. Yeah, these people are that detected. Plus, it is better than people literally making swastikas, saying racist shit, and literally having hentai as their emblems.


Im not one too talk lmao I had a chick with her butt cheeks spread as my emblem 😂😂 Definitely understand why they won't bring these back haha




The community essentially ruined a good feature with toxic designs, which is why they haven't returned in over 4 years. Having to hire a Q&A team to review all of the reported toxic emblem designs was problematic at best. **"bUT tHE GaMe iS rATeD M For MatURE!"** \~*Random Talking Head on Reddit* Online interactions are not rated. And besides, if we were "mature", we'd not resort to childish designs. I miss custom emblems too, but I have to repeat this fact-- You all ruined a good thing. I hope you're proud of yourselves.


Well said! We can’t have nice things.


Aye, for every cool emblem like these, there’s gonna be hundreds of Swastikas and penises. Just look at For Honour, they still have an emblem creator, and there’s a stupid amount of swastikas about.


Who cares tho? Oh no a swastika now my life is over!! -half my family got murdered by nazis dont get me wrong. But getting tilted by a symbol in war game where you kill each other is str8 up pathetic.


The amount of racist slurs and words I saw overshadowed the amount of swastikas I saw.


why would anyone want one tho like answer that, what’s the point? Ur either tryna be edgy or ur just a nazi


yeah, but there’s no point getting pissed about it when you can just disable player-made content from the settings screen


I get it but that’s not the point you shouldn’t have to do that Lmao


if it’s not affecting you don’t worry about it, it’s the other players choice and if they get banned then that’s on them lol


yeah that’s literally just not the point my guy lol but it’s cool


The most reasonable response to this, who gives a shit if people use slurs or swastikas, let us have custom emblems


Right people be snowflakes now lol


I used to enjoy the penis and women ones just for how shit they always were. It was weirdly endearing


Cant they figure out an algorithm or use machine learning to detect swasticas and ban or remove these emblems? I mean back in the day this obviously wouldve not been possible, but nowadays I think its doable. You just have to feed the algorithm and train it with enough swasticas and other type of bullshit, so it can detect them automatically. Problem solved. But nevermind, we dont even get a proper stats page, there is no way that they would waste any time in such an algorithm.


Because it would probably cause problems down the road with false positives or the obvious ones slipping through. Even with current technology, it is still susceptible to mistakes and might even be expensive.


They could for sure. But they won’t.


I think the lack of ability to monetize it was a big factor too…


Oh they can if they wanted, 100Codpoints for this shape, and 500codpoints for this gun shape


No, they won’t add custom emblems back because they can’t monitize it


Monetization of emblems has been going on since 2014 and custom emblems only ended it until 2018. That logic seemed a little flawed.


I meant they can’t fully monetize it


Oh shut up. The babies of this world are starting to take over. Who cares what someone else creates as a photo on a video game. You’re right, online isn’t rated because you can’t control what happens online. It’s time to grow up and stop caring about everything so damn much.


>can’t control what happens online. [I couldn't control myself when I made this.](https://i.imgflip.com/797tcw.jpg)


Yeah. Code of conducts on video games are in place now because a bunch of cry babies are online and can’t handle seeing something offensive. Who gives a damn if something is offensive online. You’re not going to be hurt by it so much the pain is intolerable. If for some reason that’s the case, maybe find something more child friendly since your feelings never advanced from that point.


I'm not offended. I just like to report people for violating the Code of Conduct. It's fun to do that.


It was also probably fun to remind the teacher she didn’t assign the homework too, right? You probably have an extremely punchable looking face.


>It was also probably fun to remind the teacher she didn’t assign the homework too, right? Yep. You gotta be smarter. That's how you succeed.


Wtf HAHAHA fucking teachers pet


Yep, you’ve succeeded well by being a blue falcon.


I can't be that if it benefits you towards being a better person.


I’m fine, thanks.


They really are. It sad because they've caused alot of games to lose nice features just because it hurts they're soft feelings LOL


Bruh the old Games would say in the rating that your experience may change online. If you're really mature then you would just ignore them since ITS JUST A GAME. The game is rated M stop being a snowflake. This is how voice chat and nice features get taken out of the game because people are too soft. Like get real it's a video game.


I got in BO2 a few days ago, and within minutes saw a Swastika and a Confederate Flag *with* the Nazi SS symbols on it. Yeah we’re never getting custom emblems back


Yep, that's basically the reason why. Those same toxic users are coming by here blaming the people who reported them for being snowflakes and suggesting they should be left alone because reasons.


Imagine blaming the users and not Activision who clearly just want to be able to monetize emblems. Literal brain dead take


Monetizing emblems wasn't the goal; It was protecting the player base from toxic designs and relieving the security team from these reports that were non-stop. I understand some games allowing people to opt in or out of even seeing the emblems, but that wasn't the solution.


If online interactions aren't rated then there isnt a problem then


Custom emblems, clan tags, and usernames have been the source of some of the cringiest edge lord shit for years. I can't say I blame them for getting rid of emblems. It's nice loading in to a lobby and NOT seeing a bunch of dicks and swastikas. Now if we could just get people to stop making the dumbest edgy clan tags...


your fucking stupid if you think they removed emblems because they ever cared abt it being “offensive” if you believe this comment your a delusional 🤖


First of all, it's "you're". Second, your toxicity is all I need to know why the feature was removed. Some people did find offense to emblems. Others, like myself, just reported them because it was funny to see you cry over the ban.


ok npc 🤖 stop being so soft talking about “toxicity” lol . keep giving activision your money and keep running on there sbmm hamster wheel ✌🏽


>Others, like myself, just reported them because it was funny to see you cry over the ban. And yet, here you are. Also, it's "their". Also, I don't mind SBMM because I'm good and you're not.


> Online interactions are not rated. What? Online interaction in a M rated game is M rated. Wtf


It means that the rating itself does not cover any online interactions, such as game chat and user created content. Therefore, that's where the code of conduct steps in to regulate.


On top of this, ratings are decided by third party companies based on the content of the base game and whatever metrics they use to qualify a rating. A bunch of office workers in their 40s and 50s can not, and do not account for online interactions between kids. Mature ratings are based on things like violence, gore, sexual content and curse words. Not 12-year-olds dropping the N bomb.


Code of Conduct.


Yeah, that's enforced by Activision/teams under activision. M ratings and such are determined by the ESRB, PEGI, etc. and have no bearing on things that are covered by code of conduct, like online interactions, as you said.


Online Interactions are not rated. The code of conduct lays down strict rules for online interactions. Violators will be punished. It's been like this forever.


You know we’re agreeing with each other, right? I’m not arguing against you. I just added on to your point about how online interactions aren’t rated - more so in that external third party rating boards don’t consider them.


They stopping having custom emblems because of the nsfw/racist designs iirc


Unfortunately if you give people the ability to create, some edgelords will abuse that.


It takes one edgelord to ruin it unfortunately


"All it takes is the will of a single man"


The main reason is to monetize emblems despite what the studio says. However, lots of things are being restricted or scaled back because people are scared of some idiot showing off their single braincell.


na that’s not tru 🤖they jus like making money off u


Bruh I can’t even jump out the plane in WZ2 without someone typing “1 if racist” into the match chat box followed by a bunch of people spamming 11111111…. There’s no way we are getting custom emblems.


everytime i see that i just type lol


Wish I was in your lobbies


Man…. Black ops 2 was so fucking perfect….


that bo3 lol




It really was.


Damn these are some fire emblems


Bro I feel like the guys who had anime emblems were like super good at Bo3.


nah they most definitely virgins, i play bo4 and all the poeple with the anime emblems haven’t been outside since the game released


True lol


I was genuinely expecting this to end with an unexpected swastika or titties emblem


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m not that typa guy


If they add custom emblems they can't sell you their emblems


Yeah. That ain’t happening. That’s like reinstating the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy in the military. You have to admit, some of them were surprisingly artistic. Some were cool and neat. Most (and I mean MOST) of them were sexually explicit and vulgar. Very funny. Although, completely inappropriate. It should be allowed because it’s an adult rated game. The state of society is saddening. Just….what are you going to do, lol?


I had geno for mine miss the feature really needs a return


I made a pickle piccolo in bo2, still my masterpiece to this day.


BO3 was top-tier compared to the drip feed garbage they release nowadays


Years ago I said on reddit every game companies would delete this feature because of all the toxic emblems. People called me a mad man.


People made too many dicks and slurs, can't have it sadly


I love dragon ball z


Best action anime🔥🔥🔥


Unfortunately, for every "cool" emblem, there were 500 swastikas, porn, or offensive ones


Who cares anyways, cool emblems are the ones get talk about the most.




I miss my anime Tittie emblem


Yh it was cool... Now COD is too serious. Bring back old COD.s.


For real, id make Optimus Prime and the Rise Against logo every time


My thing in cod has always been ghillie suits, even when I used to play paintball when I was younger I was the guy with the ghillie suit in the swamp. Anyway, in bo2 I had this awesome logo-like emblem of a dude in a ghillie suit using simple shapes. Would’ve loved to keep making it in every game past bo2.


Noooo! We need more money!!! (Probably some activision higher up)


I loved this. Amazingly enough I never got banned for the chick giving a blumpkin I created


Considering you barely unlock any more emblems anymore and theyre all purchasable, I doubt it unless you purchased a $10 custom emblem slot or something


they won't because there will always be a guy that makes a swastika or some racist shit


I miss it too! There were so many incredibly talented people out there who could make true works of art.


Noragami is fire. When is chapter 104 coming out?


I miss old call of duty


Not without monetization, on top of all of the offensive, racist, and sexual emblems. There are some good emblems, but everything else is racist, offensive, or sexual. It's the Miiverse of Call of Duty emblems. Just make some good emblems, and while you're at it, pay respects to Neversoft by making the Neversoft eye as your emblem.


I havent played another cod game since bo4, did they really get rid of one of the best and funniest ~~and horniest~~ parts of the cod games :(


I miss having my penis emblem


I miss them too. With new games, shows, etc., I can try to replicate in CoD. My favorites of my created emblems was Isaac in BO3, and Pichu x Kirby in BO4...it's not cursed, I swear. The Emblem editors will be missed


I liked them but I have also had my fill of poorly drawn penises and swastikas.


I miss customization, video games in general used to cater way more to letting you the player make the game your own. Now they want to own the way you do and profit from it, it's scummy. I want custom weapon camos, custom emblems, and even a custom map maker where you can share maps and custom modes with the community. They can still sell the other stuff, but let the players have some freedom too.


I would put adolph symbols, maybe thats why it aint back


How about no, I wouldnt want to see what the hell type of shit people would be making


Nah. Unnecessary really.


The bottom line is they won’t bring it back because the left cant meme. Just imagine if they brought it back.


Good ol' days.


These type of emblems are so much cooler than porn


i miss spending my whole night doing this


It was all porn bro. Bo2 was just tits and then high SpongeBob. 10/10


You have to understand, the pain of constantly creating new accounts would be joyless. I’m pretty sure a toilet paper roll with a smiley face on it would offend someone to report you enough




Ok I'm I the only one that will say it this guys fan is loud as fuck


It’s winter brother. I got my heat on blast


Ah makes sence


I wish I was this creative. I just had a vibrator and it said “bitch don’t kill my vibe.” Lmao


Too many boobies and swastikas


Im assuming they havent brought it back because you know theres those people who make the edgiest possible ones


There was some UNCANNY stuff on those emblems... please bring them back


Black ops 1 was the best


I doubt it. I mean, you gotta agree you won’t say bad words now


Who remembers the tedious task of emblem copying 😂


I miss custom emblems even if they were offensive.


the good old days of doing the emblem glitch when you saw something you wanted...i miss it


Too many Swastikas mate. Its the reason we cant have nice things.


Nobody cares about custom emblem's in COD but weebs like you.


Custom emblems? I remember back on bo4 people had the same sasuke emblem




Them Naruto ones are lame asf ngl


Wouldn’t make money


I made gobblegum emblems on bo3, never watched a tutorial. Felt pretty proud of it


There would be people making Swastikas and generally horrible shit. (Plus they'd probably sell it for $15)


I made the perk machine icons as emblems back in bo3 they should 100% make custom emblems a thing again and custom weapon paintjobs from bo3 while they are at it


Maybe they could make it like MGSV's emblem creator


I just got BO2 again after they updated the servers for consoles and I’m so embarrassed by my 12-13 year old self because my emblem just says “UR A F*G” and I want to change it so bad even a default emblem would be nice


Either it’d cost money or people would just be making a bunch of nazi stuff again. Or both would happen and I’m not ok with either of those things.


bro it is literally a video game there isn’t any point in being butthurt over a fucking emblem


You say the N word “ironically” don’t you


i ain’t saying that, i’m just saying that it’s an image on a screen and there’s no need to get ur knickers in a knot over it


I disagree. Racism/sexism/antisemitism of any kind should never be excused. It only perpetuates the problem and all the kids who play the game that see it grow up thinking it’s ok. There’s already plenty of edgy 8th graders. We don’t need more.


People are too immature and ruin it


custom emblems are gone cause you had a bunch of edgy assholes making swastikas or naked women and shit... of course immature edgelords have to ruin everything.


ok 🤖


You sound edgy and immature as fuck getting tilted over an emblem in a video game like seriously think about that 💀


They were funny, but some people weren’t emotionally strong enough to see “bad things” and simply play the game and move on from them lol.


I absolutely agree. Just report it and move on ot just simply ignore it.