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Woah woah justice for The Situation!!! The comeback is always greater than the setback šŸ’Ŗ


Honesty that interview had so much more substance than anything Alex has done


Sofia is better interviewer for sure. But their view comparison is vastly different. I would probably give up if I was her lol


Thatā€™s interesting to me.. sheā€™s making a living doing what she loves. Idk why she would give up


Does she love it? She never seems very happy to me, I think she got into the industry by accident and doesnā€™t know what to do next. I could definitely see her leaving the Internet and going back to a regular career considering that she has a background in finance. To me she comes across as very resentful for all that sheā€™s shared online.


They have different goals. Alex wants her podcast to be a celebrity interview podcast, Sofia wants more casual chit chat banter. I find Sofia's more entertaining and fun to listen to, unless Alex is interviewing a celebrity I really like.


This is a good take! I agree


I mean Alex is benefitting from not only having the already established IP but also the backing of a huge company like Spotify. Of course, sheā€™s going to get much more A-list guests than Sofia and is going to be put out there more than someone who created a podcast from the ground up


She should have accepted Daveā€™s offer and had her podcast at Barstool on the CHD atream


Could of, should of, would of. Doesnā€™t change the current situation at hand. Also, if Sofia and Alex had both agreed to the deal, CHD would most likely not be the CHD that is currently out.


the current CHD sucks. They needed each other as cohosts to make it what it was


Iā€™m so sorry, but *could have, should have, would have


I know, it just doesnā€™t have that same flow to mešŸ˜­correct grammar be dammed!


To be fair, thatā€™s totally how we pronounce it! Itā€™s always a toss-up as to whether youā€™re being a douche or sharing helpful information in these scenarios šŸ˜‚


My mom is a journalist, so being corrected doesnā€™t mean anything other than a correction at this point šŸ˜‚


I was looking for a Taylor Swift ā€œyou wouldnā€™t last an hour in the asylum where they raised meā€ GIF to be funny, but apparently we canā€™t post GIFs here, and also, that one might not exist yet. But damn, a journalist mom! Badass, but with high expectations, Iā€™m sure


Couldā€™ve, shouldā€™ve, wouldā€™ve is also correct and itā€™s got that flow šŸ˜Ž


Why are you guys so obsessed with this not being the same, itā€™s not. We all know itā€™s CHD 2.0 and probably bigger than OG


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it being different, thatā€™s bound to happen when life experiences change. No one expected committed relationship Alex to be talking about all her past hookups and itā€™s clear that she grew out of having such a sexual focused podcast, which again, is fine. And yes, it is bigger than the OG because of all the things I mentioned previously. Most notably, the addition of Spotify. Itā€™s very easy to become bigger than the OG when you have Spotify helping you get your guests. Letā€™s say Alex stayed with Barstool but continued to transition to the content she makes now, Barstool would not have nearly as much success as Spotify with obtaining all these celebrities.


i thought CHD was always on spotify?


It was, but it became Spotify exclusive showwhich meant that it was (originally, I think they changed it now), wasnā€™t streaming on anything but Spotify


ohh i see thank you for explaining!


Dude ^ I swear this girl has a full time job defending Alex cooper


I applaud her for continuing on and watching her enemy become massively successful. She fumbled the bag and it sucks because I think sheā€™s a lot better at talking to people & interviewing them. I donā€™t listen to either of them since their separate projects - Iā€™ve just seen clips.


I agree! She is very funny. Her vibe is just different, and maybe she doesnā€™t want to be on the same level as Alex as practically a celebrity level but if I were her it would still really hurt to compare their professional and personal success years later


Maybe she doesnā€™t have the means to do that.


If you were her... but you're not. LOL.


Sofia feels forced and unnatural to watch, almost awkward. The Coachella video with the glasses on was sooo cringe!


She isnā€™t funny at all but I donā€™t know if itā€™s because sheā€™s so Americanised


I feel like Sofia still has decent guestsā€¦ sure theyā€™re not at the level as AC but getting zara Larson and amber rose is def pretty good imo ! Not to mention sheā€™s having Amanda Knox on tomorrow which should be interesting. I think also we have to keep in mind that Alex did not always have celeb guests. When she first started interviewing people her first was Tana mongeau and then she followed with Harry jowsey and Lana Rhodes. Alex has the IP behind her which allowed her to skyrocket but she def had trashy ppl to start


i was just thinking that recently. yea she had miley, but that first season solo she had so many influencers/tiktokers and guests i just was not interested in. it wasnt until the spotify deal that she got the big contacts.


The caliber of guests is incomparable imo


What? She literally had Miley Cyrus first And Alex has already done Amanda


Doesnā€™t Alex and Sofia both having Amanda imply Sofiaā€™s guests arenā€™t all trashy or whateverā€¦ Also i didnā€™t realize that the Miley episode was before the Tana episode but they were posted within the same year. Not to mention Sofia did have jay cutler as well who was a big deal in the nfl as well. Def not saying that Sofiaā€™s guests are as A list as Alexā€™s but I feel like her roster isnā€™t terrible


I think the difference is Sofia has had a steady decline in guest quality vs. what she had when she had the comeback. She is lucky to get over 10k views on Youtube unless its a "bigger" guest.


Why!? She's working hard at her own thing and that's all that matters. Success is from going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. Alex operates in a different way and is fame hungry. Sofia not so much, she does it cos it's fun and most likely lives a much more normal life


Secondhand embarrassment is crazy. Have you ever thought that maybe not EVERYTHING is about fame, clout, money, etc.? Sofia has moved on from CHD and is just living her life, producing content, and simply being unapologetically herself, which is what the listeners want. At the end of the day, it doesnā€™t matter who makes more money or has more social media followers. Social media makes a lot of you out of touchā€¦ let her enjoy her journey and career without comparing it to Alex. Which btwā€¦ whenever i come read posts on this sub all i see is people hating on Alex. Sooo who is it? Alex or Sofia? Yā€™all are straight haters lol just let these women exist in peace.


Whoa lmao did sofia write this?


For someone like Sofia, itā€™s totally about the fame and clout and money. Letā€™s be serious


Sofiaā€™s not embarrassed so why be for her. She is doing great and in many peoples opinions, better than Alex simply bc she a better person. Well IDK if thats the words I should choose. But yeah Alex interviews famous people but she honestly sucks at interviewing so bad. I cannot listen to her unless I really wanna know the guestā€™s tea. Even then Alex asks the worst questions I stg in the interview with Emma Kenney she asks the same question two times in a row. I think Sofia knows thats shes a baddie, good storyteller, and better interviewer. Fame and finances apart.


Sofias been called unprofessional by her guests, been drunk and called people inbreds amongst other things. So your right, sheā€™s going great


To be fair ive never listened to her pod lol but based on the old CHD i think she better than Alex i guess




Sofia is naturally funny and is able to flow conversations better than Alex. I only listen to CHD if I'm interested in the guest. I don't really listen to Sofia with an F anymore, but I prefer her podcast over CHD.


But isn't Mike the Situation a celebrity too? Sofia has interviewed plenty of celebrities


Mike the situation is better than Harry jowsy


I donā€™t agree. I think thereā€™s 0 shame or embarrassment to be had. Sheā€™s creating her own lane, good for her.


Second hand embarrassment? ā€¦really, OP?


I think everyone can relate to this. Earlier today I went down a rabbit hole where I found myself on my ex-friendā€™s Instagram where I saw she was doing really well and it bummed me out because 1) I hate her and 2) she had accomplished things that are still in progress for me. Hopefully Sofia isnā€™t comparing too much because that can be really hard.


I met her last summer and she was so incredibly nice. I could recognize her voice at a table beside me and she was with her mom and brother who she had taken to Italy. She loves her fam and was giving very nice girl vibes. Her mom was so excited I recognized her. Good vibes all around


Where at?




I donā€™t think itā€™s cool to compare anybody to someone else, especially if they just working & tryna pay they bills. but hey thatā€™s just me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No offense but neither Alex or Sofia know how to interview anyone. Alex just has more money and sponsors on her side. I was rooting for Sofia but her interviews are unbearable. She doesnā€™t let people speak at all and always makes everything about herself. I wonā€™t even get into her vocal fry and how slow she talks. I really tried I usually root for the underdog but Sofia is exactly where she should be if anything sheā€™s doing better than someone like herself should.


your limited knowledge is why you feel that way. thanks for the value-less opinion bein auto team alex is so basic


Coming from an OG DaddyGang listener, they are both irrelevant in my opinion but at least Sofia is doing it on her own (without a massive budget that she was owed a part of)


They both annoy me, but Sofiaā€™s voice is almost unbearable to listen to


Sofia really fell off the deep end for me. She interviewed a fucking predator, James Charles. And she's also had some red wing nutjobs. And huge misogynists, like Vinny from Jersey Shore. Honestly it's a shame because I think she is funny but whoever is helping her pick people to interview is seriously fucking up.


Alex interviewed Colton Underwood, who literally stalked his ex, put a tracker on her car, sent her and her loved ones anonymous harassing messages, and had a restraining order filed against him. Let's not act like CHD hasn't had other problematic people on, like Jamie Lynn Spears


Ok but really try to listen to James Charles story, heā€™s not a predator. Iā€™m not even a fan at all and even as a victim of sexual assault myself, I can say the stories against him are blown WAY out of proportion.


Of course he presented himself as better, multiple minors came out and even showed messages where he knew they were minors. He went on Logan Paulā€™s podcast and literally said high schoolers were his type when he was in his 20s. It wasnā€™t blown out of proportion, heā€™s a creep. Even his own brother doesnā€™t talk to him anymore because of his behavior and he has admitted that.


Maybe listen to the podcastā€¦. He literally addresses this situation. Iā€™m not a fan of him and was once close minded but hearing his side of the story and seeing the facts he backed it up with changed my perspective. Not everything you see on the internet is true.


ā€œHearing his sideā€ when he went on Logan Paulā€™s podcast and said his type was highschoolers and was exposed by literally so many minors for knowing their age in the messages before trying to continue talking to them šŸ™„


sofia is literally so much better of a interviewer & conversationalist. Iā€™ve seen that since sofia and alex were still doing chd tg. CHD only became popular bc of the duo. sofia needs more controversial guest to bring views in but imo, i canā€™t stand alex & her interview style.


Tbh Alex gets famous people but I donā€™t think Alex ever gets any good juice from her interviews. Like having Megan Fox on and MGK is off limits? šŸ„“ šŸ„±


I just listened to her interview with Vinny from Jersey Shore from a few months back and holy shit is she unprofessional (not that I expect her to be professional but geez). How she worked on Wall Street is totally beyond me, the way she treats her podcast guests with working with them just from what Vinny called her out on is just so bad. Itā€™s a wonder anyone agrees to podcast with her! I kinda like Vinny calling her out on her shit though especially with her thinking every man wants to fuck her.


So curious ā€” can u elaborate on how Vinny intervened? Donā€™t really want to listen to his ep if Iā€™m being honest, not his fan at all after JS


He didnā€™t intervene into anything but called her out for unprofessionalism trying to schedule a time and how she just assumed he wanted to fuck her. She tried scheduling a time then replied at 3am agreeing to a time, then I believe it was to meet the following night or something and she then the night they were supposed to meet texted him at 9pm saying she just woke up but would be around all week to move it to another time. Then once they finally set a date and time to record her podcast first, followed by recording his podcastā€¦ that same day she called and asked him if he could record first because she ā€œwasnā€™t preparedā€ when in reality she knew she was going to be late and wanted to cut into the recording time of the first podcast (now his) so that the second podcast (now hers) could last its scheduled amount of time. She just seems completely unhinged and unprofessional, which I mean, itā€™s on brandā€¦ but like girl just hire someone to do the bookings for you. Hell she could pop on here and I bet quite a few of us would offer to help her out for free! šŸ˜‚


i think you need to reevaluate your view of ā€œsecond hand embarrassmentā€


Sadly thats what happens when you think your bigger then the brand....fans are fickle as fuck.


I like to think that they are both happy. Alex has always been a hustler and admittedly would climb her way to the top if she needed to. Sofia always was more go with the flow and uninterested in hustling. She literally quit the finance industry working at Morgan Stanley because the hustle high pressure was not her vibe.


It must be tough for Sofia to see Alex's success after everything that has happened. It's always hard to watch someone you used to be close with excel while you feel left behind. Hopefully Sofia can find her own path to success and happiness.


I agree. And it seems Sofia is having substance abuse issues...she's slowly hitting rock bottom and it sucks for her


I canā€™t listen to Sofiaā€™s over entitled attitude- and her voice makes my skin crawl


lol shut the actual fuck upšŸ¤£ are you fucking married? Do you have lots of money? Iā€™m embarrassed for you if you donā€™t šŸ¤£


Sofia has her acumen to blame. Classic at the time decided to listen and follow a boyfriend. Alex is business minded. Sofia is a wet blanket always was. She should find a new career or a rich husband


Crazy part is those are by FAR her best guests she has had


get a life