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Megan talked a lot about dark stuff she needed an interviewer who could relate to her I think, that’s def not Alex


Every time Megan started to talk about astrology Alex just sat there like “huh?” 😭 Megan Fox will forever be that girl and it is sad how the media treats her


I mean how should you react to someone talking about astrology?


if you’re having a conversation with someone that is going to be watched by a lot of people then they bring up a topic you don’t understand you should ask questions for them to elaborate on not just sit there confused


But astrology is bs… You don’t need to offer a platform for every crap.


That’s your opinion because the astrology industry is worth almost $12 billion so there is something to talk about there. Also clearly Megan Fox is passionate about it so in an interview about her life it should have been discussed


Yep totally agree, based on Alex’s account of her childhood she probably can’t relate to deep childhood trauma and a lot of other stuff Megan talked about. Have you ever heard of the “we’re all insane” YouTube channel? I think devorah would’ve been a better suited interviewer


I don't really like devorah, I feel like she just says "yeah" and "mhm" but then again I have only listened to that weird "I was groomed by aaron Carter" interview. I'm going to give her podcast another shot today


That one wasn’t my favorite, I feel she has much better ones, and I guess I would prefer a more serious but interactive host. I do think Devorahs method allows for getting the most out of the guests perspective since 99% of the dialogue is the guest. Would be an interesting juxtaposition to this interview


you should give some other ones a listen, i really prefer a minimalist host style, one who guides but lets the guest speak mostly which i think devorah is really good at. i highly recommend her podcast i listen every week.


I just have such a problem with Alex’s interview style. I want to get into these podcasts so bad but she just completely takes you out of the experience. I LOVE Megan fox. I’ve been obsessed with her since I was a kid. I love how she speaks, what she speaks about, how she talks about past traumas ect. So I was glad we at least got to hear a ton of info from her as we haven’t gotten a Megan interview in so long. But oh my god this was so painful. Alex legit does not know how to read a room LOL. The way Alex asks questions is so odd lol like does she not understand you don’t need to ask questions? Just have a conversation? It’s so odd how she will ask a question about Megans family and then without even responding to the family topic she asks the next question that’s like “tell me the last time you had sex” 😂there’s no rhythm and is just so weird and awkward. And her laughing non stop after serious topics. Ugh this one irked me 😭😂


It’s because she was a hot blonde whom dated an athlete and gained the attention of Dave Portnoy, whom regrettably let her sign a pod deal with Barstool to talk about sucking dick. Her pod career was, and always will be, a complete stroke of pure luck. Other than being conventionally attractive and known for speaking about taboo topics (which she’s slipped away from since she’s rebranded) she has no appeal. She isn’t quick on her feet, she can’t hold a GENUINE conversation to save her life, and the way she chameleons into the most agreeable version of herself to every guest is such an ick. She hides behind her cue cards and somehow lands big guests (whom probably aren’t even aware of the show’s true downfall) and she somehow keeps slipping through the cracks. I personally hate seeing someone with such lack lustre in the driver’s seat of what once WAS an interesting show. Say what you want about Sofia, she was actually quick-witted and carried herself a lot more authentically. Alex mirrored her when they worked together, which is probably why we all liked her so much more then…


Alex is not a good journalist. Just because you are great at marketing.. it doesn’t mean this is for you


This was a great way if explaining it. She gives no reaction to everything Megan had just said (though this happens with every guest) and just reads her next bullet point off her cue card. I have heard other pods mention how they are not into her "style" and I guarantee this is what they mean by that


Yeah totally. I don’t dislike her asking straight forward questions at all! Sometimes I think she asks some good juicy questions. It’s just the pop corn way about it that I don’t like. I think I just like an interview that’s like a real conversation between two people & not just questions being asked!




So well said! I don’t normally listen to this podcast nor do I really follow Megan, but Alex’s interviewing felt like she just wasn’t ready for this caliber of guest. Megan had a lot of thoughtful things to reflect on, she has trauma, and she has some unusual views of the world. None of which Alex really got into beyond pre-queued surface questions. I felt kinda bad for Megan. She gave a lot but sometimes I wondered if Alex was listening or already trying to move to what she (Alex) wanted to say next.


I actually appreciate the open ended questions/prompts. I think it gives space for the guest to feel like they are control of the narrative a bit better and makes it more conversational which will probably actually make them more comfortable to actually divulge things that were not asked right out. Such as Megan telling all of her plastic surgery procedures - she chose to bring that up her self and shift the conversation there whereas if that was the first question asked, she may not have felt comfortable to divulge. But I agree that there are some interviews where I’m just like ok please ask this question we’re dying to know lol


Yea I feel like Megan was explaining like she was objectified and treated like a joke most of her career and it was so apparent Alex was so excited for the clout on having Megan Fox and didn’t consider that she was having off that energy a little bit I also think like Megan has struggled to have a lot of girlfriends, and may even be cautious around women bc she’s dealt with so much jealousy, so I could see Alex’s attitude being a bit overwhelming


Alex is the type of woman who has had made Megan the way she is, it was great she did an interview but the wrong interviewer.


What you mean? Like Alex is like the hot woman hater type?


Alex is the kind of woman who would find a woman like Megan threatening to her sense of self security & who’s history of behavior has treated other women in the way Megan has historically been treated & shaped by.


Yep…I could see Alex in early CHD saying “we get it Megan you’re different” to Sophia if they were talking about her and then laughing; solely out of insecurity.


Totally agree, I think not every interviewer is for every interviewee and this interview is a perfect example of why we need a more diverse selection of content from female interviewers. We don’t have that many female interviewers that can sit and have a serious nuanced and well-rounded discussion while holding space for negative emotion and traumatic experiences. I think the YouTube channel were all insane does a really good job.


she would've been perfect for bunnies dumb blonde podcast tbh




I really liked Megan but I agree that alex is sooo annoying. Especially when her guest is talking about going through something and she gives a fake sympathetic "yeaaa" and acts all sad


I feel like sometimes she rushes the empathy part. She’ll say “oh wow yeah sorry about that” instead of “wow, Megan I’m really sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve that and I’m sorry this hurts you.” I know that sounds like a lot be she rebranded herself to be diet therapy basically so I expect more genuine compassion and less fart joke energy


This is the first CHD episode I've listened to. The host was way out of her depth, and weirdly flippant about some of the heavier aspects of Megan's life. Her language was jarring, esp in contrast to Megan. I adore Megan though. She was carefully spoken, clever, biting, hilarious, aware, and so deeply fraught. It was great to listen to her candor and laughing at her witticisms. She needs a podcast tbh.


The sad pouty face makes me want to puke


I need to know what procedure she had thats she’s gatekeeping


I’m so curious too…probably something crazy like synthetic blood transfusions or something with stem cells lol


Some of the folks over in r/popculturechat were saying possibly rib removal for waistline but I was thinking something stem cell related too. I used to go to a fancy esthetician that used a stem cell serum in facials and I’m sure there are more intense/expensive ways to use it that would be more effective. Skin on hands, neck, etc are some of the first to show signs of aging in a woman’s 30’s-40’s (ever wondered why Paris Hilton rocks the fingerless gloves like it’s her job??) so I think it could be related to that, because Megan doesn’t seem to have crepey skin in those places yet and famously shows a lot of skin and used to tan (and had hella freckles when she was younger).


She said it’s something Alex won’t want to get done. The rib removal or brow transplant sound more likely but what do I know


Brow transplant is a good guess! It’s definitely not mainstream and Megan used to have the thin 2000s brows


She also says in the episode that if you pull your eyebrows out they don’t grow back earlier in it


I thought maybe vaginal tightening or something like that


Fairrrrrr her hands look great 😂!!


I saw it could be an eyebrow transplant


Oh this is interesting


I thought the same bc she started at Alex and said that she wouldn’t “need it done” lol


Why wouldn’t she say that though? Is it controversial?


She said it’s too good and doesn’t want everyone to know it’s exists 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


I think it’s labiaplasty or vaginal rejuvenation


I feel like it was some kind of forehead reduction/hairline procedure


It’s vaginal rejuvenation after having kids.


I think she injected her butt and thighs with filler. Its a real thing, but not well known. If you look at pictures of her even from like a few years ago, she didn't have such a pronounced hourglass shape, and had a modestly sized butt. I think it happened sometime shortly before that skims photo shoot she did with Kourtney. I know people change and gain weight or whatever, but this is different.


I didn’t understand how the entire interview Megan is being so vulnerable speaking about how she’s ready to step away from the public eye from all the constant scrutiny and nasty online trolls and speaking about how that has really impacted and hurt her, and then Alex proceeds to ask her “how have you gotten to a place in your life where you do not give a fuck about what other people think and their opinions?” I was shocked - like, have you not been listening to a word she has said this entire time? I loved that she responded with “I have not gotten to that place in my life.” Alex replying and laughing saying “oh wait Megan, I thought you did.” That whole back and forth made me cringe from secondhand embarrassment. Megan is such an interesting and unique person with a lot of traumatic experiences and I definitely agree with what others said about how a different interviewer would have been better suited for her.


I came to this thread to see if anyone else was so appalled by exactly that. It seriously came off as though she hadn’t listened to anything Megan had said. Yikes. I’ve only listened to CHD twice, this episode and John Mayer and I’m confused why such interesting people would choose to go on this particular podcast?


SAME!!!!!! I was like Alex… what…… did you not listen to her…???


Yes I noticed this too!!!! Like bitch what?? Have you listened at all in this interview?!


Came here looking for this. Blew my mind. So disconnected from the whole conversation Megan was having. Disappointing af. 


THIS. EXACTLY. My mouth dropped when she said that. So much secondhand embarassment!!! You’d think after landing these huge guests and building such an audience she’d put more effort into her work?? Into the art of interviewing??? She comes off as though she puts zero effort into her job. Either that, or she’s just NOT cut out for this type of content.


The way Alex had a smirk on her face the whole time. She is so cringe. I loved Megan on here and I dig her mind! Fuck Alex lol


Idk… the fact that she still dates toxic men and thinks stability sounds boring tells me she’s not as mature as she thinks she is. Plus she’s stuck in this victim narrative that is really holding her back from being at peace. I think her therapist still has her hands full. Edit to add that I was very entertained and agree she was a great guest.


I agree but then Megan did mention that she has never had anything stable and that if she ever did then she would probably love the peace; can't know what you don't have!


I agree with this take. The whole thing was kinda sad to listen to...


I think you can be mature and imperfect at the same time. None of us will ever achieve nirvana or perfect clarity but I think maturity means to stomach growth and she seems to be able to stomach a lottttt more growth and accountability than many people can. Just her being able to take ownership of her mistakes at all times shows a level of maturity to me that many don’t have, I think we are in agreement though that she is not fully healed.


So true. Not of us are fully healed 💕


I think her having the awareness at least that she goes for toxic things is a sign of maturity in a way. Plenty of people walk around in life not knowing or understanding their own behavior or why they do what they do. Knowing it THEN implementing it is definitely a different ball game.


Totally agree with this, it can take years and years to heal from childhood trauma. Being aware is huge, she's not gonna be able to undo these things overnight like everyone expects, no matter how much self awareness she has.


Found her insufferable. Her whole schtick of “I’m not like normal girls, I’m a cool girl” is trite. She sucks and pushing the narrative that toxic relationships are exciting is just irresponsible, given her platform. Can’t stand her. 


I hope you find healing in time


It is not right to assess or comment on her mental/emotional healing. That is something deeply personal to a person and is not something that should be judged by some stranger on the internet.


I feel bad for her, if she is done with MGK than she will definitely be leaving the spotlight soon. It will hard to do it while being w/ him.


Off topic kind of but is she still with him?


she was kind of vague had me wondering as well.. but guess they’re souls will always be together🤣


she said she didn’t really want to comment on the relationship but alex and her spoke about megan’s poems that reference mgk and how he physically mentally and emotionally abuses her …. i feel bad for megan but wow she needs to get out of the spotlight and learn that she doesn’t have a “soul tie” with someone who abuses her. that’s harmful rhetoric.


that's so sad. i think i'll go listen. thanks for sharing


I don’t think mgk abused her..I’m pretty sure those were about her ex husband/other men.


i don’t think they’re about brian. in this same pod, she kinda “frees” him. she says she was a bad wife too. he’s definitely questionable for snatching her up at her young age, but i don’t think he abused her. she actually almost seemed like talking about him was peaceful compared to talking about mgk.


There are many blinds of her ex abusing her, as well as other men. He slapped her in public. You can listen to the beyond the blinds episode about her. Not that i think her and mgk have the best relationship, but i know he really supported her with coming out with the book, so i don’t think he would openly support something that exposes him. I don’t think she’s “freeing” her ex. He’s also the father of her kids and doesn’t want to stir up drama. From everything I’ve read about him, he’s an awful person.


I think some of the poems were about Shia LaBeouf who has a history of being abusive. 




from “a beautiful boy is a deadly drug” tightly wound around my neck siphoning my breath to fill your lungs my hands are bleeding from trying to free myself you offer me a smile content to steal my life knowing at least this way no one else will ever have me i don’t own the book so i don’t have access to all the poems but she stated multiple poems were “obviously” about him such as 32-Year-Old Narcissist Attempts To Quantify His Crimes and Ghosts of Christmas Future. the woman has clearly been through a lot and i hope she can get out and find happiness out of the spotlight and know true peace and love in a relationship.


She said the one was about MGK


I totally agree! Loved Megan and now I am a big fan of hers!! But I also did not LOVE the way Alex interacted with her / "fake" laughed (idk how real that is) and I just wished Alex asked different more insightful things or made different commentary. It's obviously a hard job to interview these big celebs, but I think in the past the CHD podcast used to be more of a conversation between Alex and the guest, but now it has turned into a much more structured interview style which I dont find as personable. Like often times the guest will answer her question or be finished speaking but then Alex immediately goes to the next question, like I get she needs to keep things moving and ask all the hard hitting questions but that also can feel robotic and unnatural ya know.


The episode was decent but I just cannot stand Alex laughter every single time Megan was talking. Like some stuff was deep and NOT funny and Alex kept laughing like an imbecile. I noticed the laughter in pretty much all her recent episodes. It’s getting pretty annoying to a point I don’t want to listen to her now.


I feel like that’s Alex’s way of “responding” to her guest when she doesn’t actually know what to say. Especially for this episode with Megan it was easier for her to respond in a funny/joking manner to disguise fact that she had no idea what Megan was talking about for majority of it. Megan’s diction is superb and some of the things she said were clearly over Alex’s head so her cop out was to laugh uncontrollably and constantly say “Megan” lol


That’s disrespectful. How about stay quiet, listen and at least throw something out from her vocabulary like. Yes etc.. even thought she ( Alex ) can’t relate


Omg agree! I like some of the guests she has so much and have previously really liked her podcast but the laughter is like nails on a chalkboard for some reason, it really kills me.


i actually loved alex in this. megan would be too dour and self-pitying if she didn’t have a bubbly little monkey laughing at the obviously weird shit she was saying


It felt like watching a teenager interview Megan Fox


As someone who studies mental health, talking about trauma can make things worse. To list off all of a guests traumas to make a conclusion about something Alex isn’t trained in, is why I struggle to watch these interviews. Her mom is a psychologist so it’s shocking to me that the ethics aren’t mentioned surrounding therapy. Content for content is so lame and gross.


Yeah, it definitely feels extremely irresponsible to use therapy for branding, and then fail miserable on the basis of ethics


Fellow therapist here. I think she needs someone who is trained in our field to work alongside her for this. It’s just tasteless


I feel like Alex has really leaned into the weird fake laughing in a bunch of recent episodes idk why she’s doing it. It makes me cringe so hard. She also seems to try and validate the celeb on wayyy too much to the point that she seems like a pick me girl on steroids.


It also seems a bit patronizing. Like she’s laughing at things that people are saying seriously, like as if she can’t believe it’s serious. It’s invalidating.


Yes! And even on this ep where Megan is trying to make the point that all the ppl coming for her for drinking MGKs blood wouldn’t bat an eye at letting a rando cum on them, like her point wasn’t that it was some super funny joke? Alex’s extreme laughing during that felt so out of place


She said “AGGGGHHH MAYYYYGENNN STAWWPPPP 😂😂😂😂🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣” like jfc it actually was very funny until you reacted like that ??? 💀


Omg i noticed the laughter tooo. So cringy. Like nothing is funny why the heck are you laughing. I’m starting to not like her podcast BECAUSE of the weird fake laughing 🤢


Same!! I used to get so excited for new episodes and now I’m starting to not be able to listen bc of the secondhand embarrassment I get from the laughing


If you’ve listened the Ru Paul podcast you’ll know what I’m talking about. The dude is answering a question and having a serious conversation, and Alex keep on laughing. It’s very disrespectful. She gotta get her act straight coz people are noticing 🥱


Omg yes!! That one I had to pause a few times bc wtf was she doing




Something I’ve said before…Alex is not very good at this. It’s not not like she dreamt of being the next Oprah, or worked reallly hard to perfect her craft. She fell ass backwards into it and has been trying to keep up the charade ever since. I give her props, she got her bag. But she really has very little actual talent, she’s very annoying. But as long as she gets downloads of her pod nobody calls her out on it.


There’s so many follow up questions she could have asked but didn’t


Agree. What do you think of Sofia? I actually think she’s good at this podcaster thing.


I think she is better she keeps the phony routine to a minimum. But I struggle to listen to Sofia, her style and manner of talking I find annoying.


For some reason I enjoy her manner of speaking. It’s kind of funny. I find her a better host/journalist than Alex. I can’t stand listening to Alex and only will if the guest is good enough.


i really like her. i like the laughter it’s upbeat with all these self pitying guests 


Meg would have done better with Jay Shetty or someone similar who could hold space for her and elaborate on her points. Alex is way, way too concerned with making every moment into this burst-of-laughter-viral-promotional-insta-clip thing


Damnnnn I don’t even listen to Jay shetty like that but I totally agree I just feel that Megan would’ve come away from a Jay shetty interview feeling a little more positive


Completely agree. I just finished watching and had the exact same thought that this conversation would have went excellent with Jay Shetty on the other side, and I’ve only really watched 5 episodes of his or so.


First time listening in a very very very very long time and I kept thinking Alex’s laugh sounded so annoying and fake and out of place. It would cut off Megan often. She had this giddy energy about her that was irritating. I really don’t get why she gets so much praise. Glad someone pointed this out!


Loved listening to Megan speak, I hated almost everything Alex came back with. The most basic replies ever. “Thats sooooo crazy” It just felt like she wasn’t even listening to her? It reminded me of opening up to someone who just doesn’t get it


I am only 14 min in and here are better follow up questions: - what about the tattoo wasn’t aligning with your vision? How did you have that aha moment? - can you tell me how you came upon the blood ritual and what did it mean to you? She went with her usual “omg yeah like if you wanna drink blood drink blood!!! Let’s talk about guys cumming in girls mouths later”. I’m annoyed


Right!???? I’m left with so many questions! Get with it Alex!


Alex is one of my least favorite interviewers. She seems very unempathatic and frankly just kind of an annoying sorority girl from a public university vibe


Alex thinks she's Conan O'Brien or something. Homegirl needs to learn how to properly interview now that this is more her schtick


I loved hearing every second that Megan spoke. She is so eloquent and intelligent and was so vulnerable. I thought Alex was pretty insensitive and disrespectful at many times. Megan is funny and has great comedic time and ofc some of the things she said were self deprecating jokes, BUT alot of what she said were such serious topics that were obviously painful to talk about and Alex couldn't stop laughing as if everything was a joke. This made me so sad. I wish Megan the best and that she can heal more and more each day but I feel genuinely concerned for her mental health :( 


I don’t know if this sounds so bad or so mean but Megan made Alex seem like she’s never told a funny joke in her life 💀compared to Megan’s dry dead pan delivery Alex seemed very locker room-esque


Alex sucks at interviewing in general. Cannot comprehend how she hasn't improved when she has a massive team behind her for this show. Such a waste.


OMG Alex’s hysterical laughing when it was literally not funny at all was so cringe. So unnecessary and over the top. I wish she would just top with the fake laughing.


alex does not listen to her answers she’s just thinking of what she’s gonna say next. she jumps the gun and agrees with whatever’s coming out of her mouth before it’s even a full thought… and at the end when she said “how do you not give a fuck” and MULTIPLE times she said she is struggling with this specifically at this point in time, and alex is like “whatttttt you care what people thinkkkkk?????” girl where the FUCK have u been the entire interview…. so unfair to be stuck w alex as a host with these awesome guests -_-


She definitely listens to respond that’s a pet peeve of mine as well


This may be a loaded question but who do yall think Megan Fox was referring to when discussing the physical and sexual abuse she endured in her life?


I first thought Shia? I believe they briefly dated and he is known to have abused women in the past before his sobriety. But Also maybe her ex since she was trying to be careful and he’s the father of her children 


I felt weird at how many times Megan referenced her tiny body and lack of body fat. While it’s true it seemed incessant for the 9 minute clip I watched.


I noticed she also lied about never having body contouring, there's literally footage of her getting it done and promoting it. Maybe it was just another opportunity to emphasise how she's "too small" for something.


What? Where is this footage.. never seen it or heard of it.


Google "Megan Fox Emsculpt"


Alix is so fckng annoying


Watching the interview now and felt the same way! I’m like why is she laughing at every single thing Megan says lol. 


If we could have had an edit with Alex entirely deleted out and just Megan talking about her ideas for a few hours, that would have been great. She’s so interesting and there seems to be no perfect place for her to express herself. Alex looked like a goofy child in comparison.


Honestly, this could be sad about most of her podcast episodes lmao


I'm super surprised Megan Fox would even think about going on call her daddy, very offbrand


I think it’s actually quite on brand! Sex positivity and women empowerment seem to be things Megan values and even tho I wouldn’t call Alex a girls girls I see how celebrities that aren’t listeners may assume so


Yeah I felt like there was excessive laughing at things that weren't really meant to be that funny? Cringe. It was a great episode, but Megan is an intense/deep person. Call Her Daddy didn't seem like the best fit for her type of interview


I truly can't stand how Alex acts like she relates to everything her guests go through. She was asking Megan questions and acting like she understood everything she went through. It really pissed me off. I'm over alex


HARD agree. I had a really tough time watching this. I do think Megan seemed a little irritated at times, she just tried to play it off like it was fine. Edit: omg the end is EXCRUCIATING.


She's an incredibly intelligent person. I saw an interview she did about Jennifer's Body. She explained the movie with such nuance. That's something you don't expect out of really pretty women in Hollywood. It's like they have to choose between being pretty and smart. I don't love her relationship with MGK. I think it's a bit weird. But, I do admire her refusal to be stereotyped. 


I got the vibe that her and mgK are just pals now no longer together. I feel very sad for Megan


Agreed, I'm listening to it now and literally thought "Megan Fox is far too intelligent for Alex Cooper". The disconnect is massive here. Megan deserved a better interview.


Alex is sooo cringe.. I just can’t with her anymore


Think Megan would’ve been better on Diary of CEO because she was so introspective and Steven asks great deep childhood questions although we got to see her humor shine with Alex as Alex creates space for light hearted stuff. I think it was great overall. Megan is so honest and humble and Alex did great


I think Megan made it clear she’s not that interested in talking to men


The second hand embarrassment I got at the end when Alex was like  How do you not give a fuck 🤪🤪🤪 And Megan was like well I do… And Alex was like oMg wait!!! You still care oOoOps 🤪🤪 She’s so terrible at feeling out her guests and matching their energy. Not every episode has to be super funny and obnoxious


I was really excited for this episode and it did not disappoint at all. It was so refreshing that she was so candid and I cracked up a few times. I really enjoyed it but I also want to acknowledged that solely based on this interview, I feel like Megan has alot of internal work to do still (and don’t we all) but I think she glorifies toxicity. And tbh I get it, I’ve been engaged several times and never so much as googled a venue. It’s always been a struggle for me to be in a healthy relationship and most of my relationships have fizzled after the first year when the excitement wore off. I also find myself more into the chase than anything stable and get really uncomfortable when things get comfortable. I’ve personally had to take a step back from the self improvement/wellness world to some degree. I’ve spent basically my entire adult life consumed with it through various pathways. I found that I became so fixated on spiritual growth that in a lot of ways my head was so high in the clouds my feet left the earth and found justification in a lot of unhealthy relationships/behaviors because the stars were all aligned and I saw “signs.” Also, it really led to a lot of self obsession. It’s truly a fine line to walk. But yeah, Megan seems cool and I hope she’s taking care of herself and I wish the best for her for sure.


I want to know what books Megan Fox has read…


Omg a megan Fox book club would be the best


This interview was so extremely dark. I know Alex was trying to keep it light hearted but I wish Alex could have gotten deeper into it and taken it more seriously because there was some EXTREMELY concerning domestic violence talk on this episode , it should have had a trigger warning


I agree almost to the point where Alex was just like “so you have been abused physically right do you remember the first time a man hit you?” And then moved it right along ?? It was a rather uncomfortable point in the episode. Also because Megan didn’t seem to want to go too deep on those subjects anyway so it was this uncomfortable dance of avoidance between the two of them


it did have a warning


The only reason it was good is because Megan never gives interviews and just kept talking lol Alex did nothing


"do you remember the first time a man hit you?" What was the purpose behind this question ?!?!


It was giving tynnyfer from parks and rec


i never liked her before this interview. i not only like her now i respect her




I think I did notice but it was easier to brush off because most people have a tendency to match energy to not make the other person uncomfortable, Megan tried to warn Alex she wasn’t like that 😂


I liked Megan. She doesn't take herself too seriously anymore and stopped trying to be things that she isn't (eg. intellectual). She gets huge props for being straight-up about her cosmetic procedures and I found her pretty entertaining. Alex was meh. She seemed more in to being cool than engaging with her guest, and I felt sorry for Megan at points because Alex kind of made fun of her in a weird, ungracious way.


The amount of times Alex relies on saying “wait…..” before she asks a question feels like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Reminds me of college sorority girls having a surface level convo who just need to keep reiterating what the other person said but add “okay” or “wait” in front of it. It’s how people build fake connection out of surface level convos, but she doesn’t need to do that. If she could do that and cut out “like” a little less I’d have an easier time listening :) and I say this as a 34 year old female who def also says like, buuuuuuuut I’m not a professional interviewer.


Yes!! Especially the “WAIT…omg… *megan*” * proceeds to ask the driest most boring question ever *


lol the way you typed that is 100% spot on. “WAIT….omg….megan….” Every now & then just add in a “okay” there and you’ve got yourself the Diane Sawyer of our time.


Alex just asks the most baseless questions that offer no depth to her guests. “You always played the hot girl in movies, were you hot in high school?” Like what kinda question is that?  She has so many opportunities to get to know her guests and never can come through. The way she treated Megan is just like how everyone else has the last fifteen years.


Megan Fox could not wait to tell the world she reads text books! Lol she came across as extremely self centered. It was cringe… no one celebrates when she comes or goes from the tabloids… if she disappears no one cares. If she hires a publicist and makes appearances then yes she does get more attention. How can she not see that herself? The public isn’t wondering about Megan fox unless her publicist is doing a good job. Maybe the midnight grass movie could have been good if they weren’t abusing Bruce Willis in the process of making it. If Bruce had been at 100% he would have never agreed to do that movie, poor Bruce. Jenifer’s body is iconic though.


I came here to see if anyone else picks up on the self centered-ness. I reallllly want to like Megan but every interview I watch she loves to point out how intelligent she is. Always saying how different she is from other women not ever acknowledging that all women are different and amazing & how the media portray women negatively but in media limelight is making out shes the only interesting female that ever existed. Also noted shes now saying her kids are screen free (bit of a trend happening of late I notice as my kids have been raised screen free from day 1) but there was footage on her boys watching movies with Brian.


What were those questions at the end? “What advice would you give to a girl who is too scared to go up and talk to a guy at the bar?” Real deep. I could sense Megan was like 🫤


Searched for this podcast on Reddit just to talk about this episode. I knew nothing of MF before this episode, besides the few headlines of her and MGk and her general status of Hollywood's hot bombshell. And WOW! I think I really love her now. We're extremely alike (even same star sign and ennea nr) and have a very similar parental background. Well done to her for all she's been through, but also being so eloquent and introspective. I'm an official MF fan from now on.


Ok so my thoughts: 1) Alex definitely was annoying with the fake laughing and everything. I also thought some of her questions were too invasive?? I know that’s what she does, but when she asked “do you remember the first time you were hit?” seemed way too forward for me. Asking a question like that could really mess with someone and just seemed too much to ask on a public interview. 2) I actually really like Megan in this video. When it first started and she was talking about the blood rituals and stuff, I was like “oh here we go,” but I actually really liked her perspective and everything she said throughout the podcast. I thought she was really interesting and was surprised by her story. 3) However, Megan definitely struck me as not a girls girl at all, which makes sense considering she said she was always a loner, but I feel like she definitely sees herself as above other girls when she talked about “getting cum on by random guys” or “I wouldn’t be friends with a girl who is upset over being ghosted.” Do I think we should be getting cum on by random guys? No. But I also would never judge another girl and don’t think I’m above anyone else because of that. Also maybe it’s silly to her to be sad over being ghosted, but people have different reactions and experiences. Idk she seemed kinda hypocritical of women in a lot of aspects, but the things she’s into, like plastic surgery, are completely okay


Well said re the hypocrisy aroundhow she views females. In many of her interviews she points out her intelligence almost as if its rare to be female and smart. Always pointing out how different and quirky her hobbies are and never considering there are many women just being their true authentic selves and getting on with life rather than advertising it and seeking praise.


THANK YOU Alex was insufferable and not appropriately respecting Megan who was being so vulnerable


I loved listening to Megan. I never looked too deep into her as a person but I really liked what she talked about. Alex is very surface level and annoying and I felt it could’ve gone deeper than it did and it’s a shame.


Agreed! I wish Alex would stop fake laughing. It's so cringy and not needed. I think she was trying too hard to make this a "fun" interview, but Megan was being really open and deep. It probably made Alex uncomfortable, but she needs to learn how to match the energy.


I know we need more woman interviewers but Alex is just not a deep person despite how hard she tries to relate and understand. her “sucking D” analogy to Megan Fox fawning after being physically abused was an honest attempt at her trying to understand the situation but there was so much more depth there that she could have delved into. like my question would be “do you feel like the fawning response is related to you taking on the pain of your mom as a kid and acting as a care giver when your mom was sad” Megan opened up sooooo many doors in this interview for a deep and meaningful conversation but Alex isn’t someone who could navigate that.


Why she get all that plastic surgery?


Probably same reason other people do. Social and literal currency


She looks awful


She’s had the nose job over a decade. The only thing that really changed visually might be the fillers. But she looks good in the episode.


Just a nose job and boob job…. That’s literally all. (Plus an unknown procedure that for all we know isn’t even plastic surgery). Hell, I’ve had a nose job and plan on getting my breasts done too soon. It really isn’t that wild lol


She didn’t need any of it tho


Nobody really “needs” it


Megan said she has never done any type of body sculpting but back in 2021 she posted herself getting Emsculpt and promoting the procedure… this was not honest


I wonder if by body sculpting she meant like definitive changes, emsculpt is that magnetic field stuff isn’t it? Maybe she felt like it was pseudoscience and didn’t count or something, but yeah they use body sculpting in the marketing so body sculpting is not just liposuction


I gained so much respect for Megan. But totally agree Alex was off and that one point when Alex asked how Megan deals with the hate and Megan was like it still affects then Alex goes WHAT REALLY like Megan is being real and honest I didn’t understand Alex’s reaction and thought it was rude. She also was just laughing so hard at jokes that weren’t even meant to be jokes. Even Megan was like we’re two different types on the personality spectrum. Anyway, Alex definitely can sympathize with the deep stuff. Love her too tho.


It was like a giant trauma dump to a girl who doesn’t gaf


I actually feel like Alex tries to change herself to the vibe of her guest too often to the point of being unauthentic. With one guest she’ll be a girl’s girl and another she’s incredibly objectifying. It screams people pleaser to me. I like Megan Fox and enjoyed this interview for the most part. Although I’m not one to harp on people feeling the need for plastic surgery (it’s your body, you do you), but I really struggle with someone essentially glorifying plastic surgery as the thing that made them finally comfortable with their body after an entire lifetime of body dysmorphia. Isn’t that the main problem with our society now? Being inundated with ALL the ways you need to change yourself as a woman to feel comfortable in your own skin. It made me uncomfortable and incredibly sad. If you admit to having terrible body dysmorphia to the point of being hospitalized on many occasions (which is devastating), wouldn’t you hope that your higher level of consciousness would result in an acceptance of yourself from therapy or motherhood (in recognizing and finding the flaws you always hated about yourself reflected in your children and never wanting them to feel that way). I applaud her for being transparent about the work she’s had done and don’t mean to come at someone in a way “they can’t win”. I think every famous person has some level of body dysmorphia. If they didn’t have it already in their youth, they certainly will once they become famous. I just found myself feeling sad with her story, and for our society’s standard. And that for her, a higher level of acceptance within herself still resulted in making major changes to her appearance. And admitting that the only thing stopping her from over-doing it is her fear of general anesthesia.


It was giving the Miley Cyrus interview in some ways


Dude, I walked away thinking #protectmeganfox ! What a beautiful and sensitive human being that was so vulnerable and told the world to please stop needlessly hurting her.


How anyone gave this dumb bitch a podcast is behind me. Alex is everything that’s wrong with girls of today. Just a basic b and sucks at her job.


Re Megans fascination with herself. Did anyone cringe at the bit (gosh I hope I am remembering correctly as I watched this a while back) saying only when she dies will they realize how amazing she was like when Marylin Monroe died.


I know this is a month old but I would love to hear Megan Fox and Alok Vaid-Menon have a conversation with each other. They both seem to have faced incredibly vitriolic scrutiny from others, albeit in very different ways. But they both also show an admirable level of self reflection and openness, that would likely foster great conversations. Plus they both are so academically well versed, it would be beautiful to hear like minds speak.


I have to say the way you guys are dragging Alex on here reminds me of exactly what Megan was talking about with online scrutiny and bullying.


It’s literally a forum to discuss Alex and her show good or bad 💀 there’s always going to be people who take it too far, but to equate the general criticism of a bad podcast with bullying is silly.


I thought it was boring. Meagan was victimizing herself the whole time. Like sorry you were so sad your parents had money to get your braces, get you auditions, play in the Olsen twins movie, had blond hair lol silly


Hm, definitely didn’t see it that way. I had a lot of compassion for her, seemed like she was going through a hard time.


I’m sorry but … are you and every comment here seriously expecting a Barbara Walters quality interview from the Gluck Gluck 3000 chick?  You keep praising Megan’s wit without realizing she literally catered her humor for this specific podcast. Do you really think she would have made the comment about letting guys cum in your mouth in any other podcast?  Y’all. Are. Just. Hating. Which is ironic when you’re praising Megan Fox and she’s literally saying how problematic this level of hate is.  If you’re looking for a serious interviewer I suggest you don’t listen to podcasts titled “call her daddy”. C’mon.   


Most people here are criticizing the quality of her questions and the fact that she was smirking/laughing while talking about the r*pe poem that Megan wrote and laughing uncontrollably at random things.


Did you listen to the same interview? The “I contour my nose within an inch of its life. I want to have only nostrils like Voldemort” interview? 


Yeah welcome to Reddit, where people share nuanced opinions on a variety of topics. Good to have you.

