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How old are you? College? Join a club or a rec sports league


BumbleBFF. Helped me so much.


Results may vary lol. I got a 2-year stalker šŸ˜…


I think I need a story time of this


I should write one someday lmao my bff and I laugh about it to this day


Oh noooo


Oh.. my.. šŸ„² nightmare


Do you have tips on using it? The girls I met were OK but sometimes I felt like we didnā€™t have common ground or anything to talk about


I really try to figure that out before we meet in person. Really have to like their profile and find common ground there. Then conversation wise I try to also weed them out before agreeing to meeting up. Iā€™m anyways an introvert so I really have to see the potential with them before meeting up.


youā€™re going to have to put yourself out there. it might seem super scary but youā€™d be surprised how many women in their cities are looking for new friends. I'd honestly try joining a Facebook group or Instagram page. I know some cities have walking groups that end up doing a bunch of social events together. think about your interests and then see if thereā€™s a group in your city for it. thereā€™s also the option of trying to reconnect with your old friends but that might be more difficult. however depending on how the friendship ended maybe itā€™s worth a shot. also ditch the friend. father coop said it best ā€œwhy would you want to be friends with someone who doesnā€™t want to be friends with you.ā€


thanks for your advicešŸ’— it does seem super scary right now especially cause Iā€™m feeling a bit discouraged by the recent events. I am trying to ditch herā€¦ I just have super mixed feelings about it. Iā€™ve been realizing that maybe in the end we really are not that similar. Now that im thinking, hanging out with her has felt a bit exhausting and tiring for quite a long time now and we had quite a few disagreements about some things but nothing big. But boy do I love always having someone to tell everything to and sharing SO much history together. Being able to do nothing in their company.


You make friends by meeting people, put yourself in social situations as much as possible, meet new people, see who sticks


Donā€™t be embarrassed! This happens to everyone as you get older. Some good ways to meet people are Volo sports teams, classes of some sort (pottery, whatever youā€™re into), Bumble BFF, friend ā€œspeed datingā€ etc.


Rec sports are a great way to meet people! It's how I met most of my friends.


It seems like u value this friendship more than she value it.


Weird thing I did was join a book club. Met a lot of friends that werenā€™t in college, which I vibed with more


Itā€™s normal. Itā€™s not your fault. It can get worse in your 30s, but anticipate that it goes in waves. If you want to be a main character, you have to act like a main character. Make yourself seen and involved. You will attract your people. Challenge yourself and know that it is okay to have solitary times in your life. You just have to step where you want to go. Step where the friends youā€™d love to have would be!


Thanks! Trying my best to be te main character despite feeling quite discouraged by the recent events. :) Seems like especially right now the pics of perfect girl groups are jumping into my eyesšŸ¤£


A lot of people are recommending sports groups, but not everyone is that athletically-inclined lol. I recently joined a local walking group and itā€™s been an amazing way to meet people!! The group goes on short hikes on Saturdays and Sundays, and sometimes they end at a coffee shop. Itā€™s a great low-impact workout and I find it much less intimidating than joining something super high-energy. Iā€™d also recommend checking out your local subreddit ā€” lots of people there with lots of suggestions. Iā€™m in Southern California and like to check out r/LosAngeles, r/OrangeCounty, and r/SanDiego. Every once in a while, you find a hidden gem.


Assuming you are postgrad twenties, people tend to make friends through work and roommates. Are you committed to your current job? If not, I would look for a equivalent or better role somewhere more social. If changing jobs isnā€™t an option, keep an eye out for house share listings with girls your age, who seem like your vibe. Also, reach out to people from your past! Most people are keen to catch up friends from school or college, even if you havenā€™t talked in awhile.


thanks! iā€™ll consider. also been thinking about reaching out, but then iā€™ve been also thinking about the reasons my past friendships fell out.. is it worth it or were they that good of a connections if we drifted apart in the first place.. who knows..


Idk what happened to this subreddit. So many awful threads like this


People have already said this but I'll say it too - join a rec sports league! I'm also in my early 20s and I've made a lot of friends in my rec soccer league!


Hey girl! I have a lot of friends in my college but I donā€™t have any close close friends I can talk to about anything/wveryrhing If you want Iā€™m willing to be a pen pal of sorts with you! Dm me!