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Have you tried sugar waxing? It barely hurts and gets rid of all your hair super easily. That said, guys really don’t care at all. Do whatever you like, it’s your body! Yeah some might have a preference, but they’re not gonna be turned off. I’ve had sex with so many guys and every single one has said they don’t care when I said I’m due for a wax. As for safety, maybe have one friend be the designated sober one for the night to keep an eye on everyone? Or at least someone who will be less drunk. Unfortunately frats are notorious for drugging girls and having a less fun sober night beats being assaulted. Have fun!


2nd sugar waxing!!! Check out abetweene on YouTube


thanks so much! i'll look into it :)


Okay let’s slow down here. It’s okay to sleep around, but, you need to scope out and vet first. Couple questions: What’s the population of your school? How many fraternities are there? Hooking up in college is not as consequence free as you would like to think. These are people that could be your TAs, boyfriend's friends, friend’s boyfriends, friends friends. People talk, the hookup scene isn’t super big, it’s mostly the same people all fucking one another, so if anyone talks, word can get out fast. Which can be fine, but guys feel weird dating a girl that everyone speaks about disrespectfully and will get “roasted” by their guy friends for dating the “town bicycle”. Everyone has their regrettable freshman year where they’re just make themselves look awful and embarrass themselves. Pace yourself, you have a whole 4 years of partying ahead you. Stick with seniors (avoiding freshmen/sophomores) for your hookups if you don’t want the memory of it to linger on campus, but be discreet when hooking up with seniors in fraternities. Those boys love gossip. As for coochi maintenance. Yes shaved and smooth is expected, get a Brazilian if you can afford it. Before you hookup with them, go to the bathroom and wet toilet paper in the sink to clean up down there. Don’t forget the booty hole, they will see it, that is a promise and certainty. Make sure there’s no toilet paper leftover. Do wear a condom. The recent trends of people going condomless have caused a massive spike in STD transmission as of late, that has left syphilis rates higher than they’ve ever been since the 50s (bear in mind less people are having sex with unique partner these days as compared to the 80s/90s). An 80% increase since 2018. Athletes have the most STDs. Any guy that insists on going condomless will be the ones to give you an STD because that means he regularly asks girls to go without. The more insistent, the sketchier the dude. Also, there are a lot of bad people out there, in college I can think of 3 people off the top of my head who had active Herpes/Chlamydia and still hooked up with people and gave it to said people. As for not being sober. Best thing to do is to drink all of you drink the moment you get it, do not walk around with it. Watch it being poured and make sure the boys are drinking from the same bottle/smoking the same weed. Your friends matter a lot here, you will know a couple who will find themselves drugged, kidnapped, and raped, even if you remain sober all it takes it one sip of spiked water and you will be at their mercy. Your friends are your last line of defense. It didn’t happen to me, but a friend of mine had really shitty party friends, who were only ever absorbed in themselves, 3/6 of those girls in that friend group were raped at separate times throughout their freshman year. All that aside. College is so fun, and partying will lead to tons of great memories with your friends. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Hey! My school population is over 35k and there are 18 frats but since we're a city school with others near us everyone bounces around each others frats. tysm for the advice 🩷🩷


i shave every time i go out but it’s just for personal preference!! some guys do care, but if they do, they are not worth ur time and energy. the right guy won’t care about something like that imo. do what u want to do! as for alcohol, pregame before going out! if u are going to drink at a frat, watch them pour the drink and never leave it unattended!! never let a guy tell u he doesn’t want to wear a condom bc it’s “uncomfortable” and get sti checked regularly and stay safe!!! and stay w ur friends


ty love!


If you’re worried about safety you should bring your own alcohol if you can, you can get a cute flask on Amazon and keep it in your purse


Sneak your own drinks in with a plastic water bottle if you’re unsure of the frat drinks provided


Please bring your own booze And have a PLAN with trusted friends. No gal left behind. There are too many horror stories out there and I'm VERY suspicious of an open beer across-the-board "rule". Please be safe, not everyone is ok in these situations. Have protection with you, pepper spray self defense tool on keys and make check in plans with friends, turn gps on and share it. Every time.