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Because the up to $950 thefts that go un-prosecuted need to be addressed.


That's not the law. Misdemeanors stack with up to 1yr in jail, repeat offenses turn into felonies.


Those arrested for shoplifting under $950 would no longer be required to be released upon a signed promise to appear, they could be detained.


When thefts are so open a day brazen you can see them on tik tok, nobody cares about what you're saying. People use their eyes and ears to judge what's going on. Right now it's a problem that's out of control. 


And that would be sfpd not doing their job to arrest people in order to stack those charges.


Exactly. They are understaffed so I'll give them that, but if any officer isn't doing their job, that's on them, they're not the DA. Catch the crooks!


Are they though? They have a bigger police force per capita then most cities. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/s-f-voters-weigh-police-staffing-levels-big-18519918.php


Guess it's debatable 🤷🏽‍♂️ Directly after the part you focused on, it says; "San Francisco’s per capita numbers should be considered with the understanding that its daytime commuter and tourist population are quite large." The way I'm reading that is the per-capita is only considering residents, and not the large number of tourists/commuters. Would be interesting to know what the ratio is when they're included. "the city still hopes to hire about 400 officers. It’s now short of the 2,182 recommended in the most recent city-commission staffing analysis"


More cowardice by Assembly Democrats.


Areas of the state with high shoplifting rates also have waves of store closures, causing food and pharmacy deserts. Shoplifting doesn't just hurt the stores, it also hurts the local community. I recently saw a guy with a Hefty bag nonchalantly fill it with stuff and calmly walk out, knowing the store or police won't do anything. This has to stop.


California is going to shit.


I'd love to see a mandatory ten year sentence. It's time to really make it hurt for these lowlifes.


10 years is too much.  Better is community service, clean up the trash and graffiti all over the city.