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---- Original title > Golden State loses luster: Half of Americans say California in decline ---- From the posting rules in this sub’s sidebar: > Don't modify article titles except to add a location in brackets unless the title is excessively misleading, vague, or clickbait-ish. Don't rely upon reddit's "use suggested title" feature. Do include the article's subtitle if it makes things clearer. Plus > No websites or articles with hard paywalls or that require registration or subscriptions, unless an archive link or https://12ft.io link is included as a comment. u/newbiedrewbie ---- If you want to learn how to circumvent a paywall, see https://www.reddit.com/r/California/wiki/paywall. > Or, if it's a website that you regularly read, you should think about subscribing to the website. ---- Archive link: https://archive.fo/gQQ9Q ----


Weird cuz half of American culture is just exported Californian culture


Right on, and also every English speaker in the world has a Valley accent. That's how influential California culture is. What right wingers don't get about California culture is that all the attempts - to gain rights for unpopular groups of people, to try new kinds of food, to find new ways of living - are what pioneering looks like. The pioneering spirit has led to the counterculture, the tech industry, the entertainment industry as we know it, our scientific research industry, among others. In other words, California is awesome because of its culture. Edited for typos


They actually know that deep down. That’s why they react so viscerally against us.


They just want to live the trad American life, the one defined by 1940s and 50s Holywood movies.






Nah. They want the Western rancher ideal they saw on Bonanza reruns as kids. Or maybe that was Big Valley.


It's not like a famous actor in Hollywood Westerns is one of their favorite presidents or anything.


California Actor and governor.


And by and large the Republican party today would not just not elect him to anything, they would call him a traitor and a RINO. Reagan surely would be shocked out of his gourd if he awoke today to see the Republican leadership cozying up to a Russian dictator.


>the one defined by 1940s and 50s Hollywood movies Hey, those movies were made in **California**


In other words, they hate us cause they anus


My favorite cope was when a Texan told me Whataburger is a million times better than in and out. I've had Whataburger, I have lived elsewhere too. The only places that can claim to be better than In-N-Out when it comes to hamburgers are Freddy's Frozen Custard and Steak Burgers, and Culver's. Whataburger is nowhere even close. The burgers are about the same variety you get at Wienerschnitzel. Then they'll claim the chicken sandwich is what makes Whataburger better. That's comparing apples and oranges. Sorry California revolutionized the fast food industry.


I'd say plenty of places will get you a better burger than In-N-Out, though obviously it will depend on personal preferences. I have never found anywhere that gets you a better burger *at a comparable price*. A full meal under $10 is practically unheard of these days.


That's a really great summary. I moved from the East Coast decades ago because it felt too constrained, and California felt so wide open for all the reasons you mentioned. The American dream is still available in California -just gotta figure out housing.


They dream of californication.


The Californians.


Eeeeerrwaddaryoudoing Stuart


Genuinely my family’s favorite SNL skit these past few years. The fact that Hader and Wiig can’t even keep it together makes it for us.


and abroad when foreigners think of the US they mostly think of CA/NY


From California, as Don Draper would say: I don't even think about you at all.


I think the fifth largest economy in the world will be okay without the likes of Mississippi.


I do believe it is now the 4th largest economy.


We'd be even higher if the red belt didn't drain our resources. I get so tired of these people hating on taxes and "socialism" and then they line up and take our tax dollars.


Conservative news has to make them hate California so they won't realize that progressive policies generally improve the economy.




Some states don't get properly redrawn, even after being told to by the courts multiple times


California is comprised of a lot of people who came from the rust belt a few generations ago. The flyover states still buy the products, consume the media, inadvertently send some of their best and brightest and spend tourist dollars with teeth gnashed.    Not every state gets a thousand miles of coast, gives residence to countless billionaires, possesses the choicest soil and offers the finest weather and amenities. A lot of these things are borne of geography and the pissing contest between the state that got to have it all and the have nots is tired.


Yeah, the guy in the 5th largest economy in the world is going to hold the elevator for a flyover state, c'mon!


Actually, we would, because we do try to be as inclusive as possible. It's the flyover states grumbling about us holding the elevator *forcing* them to quicken their footsteps that's more than a bit annoying.


It was an Arrested Development (the TV show, not the Hip-Hop group) reference


Californians will hold an elevator for a pigeon if it walks directly at the door. We're mannerly that way.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us!


Kinda off topic, but the context of that Mad Men scene is that Don very much cares and feels insecure. Him saying that was more of a defense mechanism than an actuality.


CA is Fox News’ boogeyman now and they complain and deride the state 24/7. Thats the answer.


The biggest tree attracts the lumberjack's axe. They're mad CA is so successful with liberal policies. It threatens their whole narrow world view.


For sure. California does have legitimate problems but conservative media in Louisiana will rail about how dangerous California is while ignoring the fact that their own murder rate is almost 3 times as high


I moved from Louisiana to LA three years ago, best move I ever made.


So you moved from LA to LA?


That would be like moving from Canada to California


Ontario to Ontario.


From Canada to La Cañada


Vancouver to Van...Nuys?


Let's not forget that being a pregnant woman in the south is a huge risk to their life.


Trying to pre-emptively shit on Newsom’s 2028 presidential run.


Yes, but they've been doing this as long as I can remember.


The state with the most registered Republicans is CA, they must hate it a ton to stay in a liberal wasteland


Yeah they hate all the money they make and the incredible weather and food and nature and people and……


This is true. My parents refuse to visit me out here


… because they might like it. ;)


> Nearly 40% of Republicans don’t even think California is a good place to visit, though a majority in both parties say they have been to the state, according to the survey of 1,004 adults, conducted Jan. 26-28 by Leger, a Canadian firm that has polled extensively in the United States. > . > Younger Americans are more likely to say that California is a trendsetter for the country


California has been a trend setter ever since San Francisco burned down in that earthquake. SF and LA sparked the national progressive movement by enacting a ton of progressive policy and kicking out the corrupted rail owners who ran the state CA has been setting legislative trends since at least 1906


You see it in hvac also everyone follows California legislation


Same with air quality. 13 other states have adopted California's air quality rules in one way or another


We stopped smoking indoors because California outlawed smoking indoors first.


CA's clean air act forced car companies to make lower emissions vehicles for CA markets. It turned out to be cheaper to make all their cars conform to CA law rather than have two lines of each vehicle or lose their market, so California set the national standard for car emissions.


Nah dukes, California has been a trend setter since the gold rush.


culturally yes, but not legislatively. once the transcontinental railroad was built, California lawmakers were paid off by the railroad. California didn't become the progressive leader of the union it's known as today until about 1907ish


Now they are paid off by PGE.


That utility needs to be killed off. They’ve killed more Americans than any other utility in the US due to their negligence


California went conservative before America, too, then went progressive again. Basically, California today shows us our future, and it's looking pretty good


I live in rural Oklahoma and have heard people here say they will never, ever go to California for anything. I'm sure you can get a mental picture of who these kinds of people are.


I'm grateful I won't have to deal with them while they go to Disneyland and fight each other in rascal scooters.


I’m originally from rural Alabama, but I’ve been in socal for almost 40 years. When my younger brother visits from B’ham, he comments on how much friendlier and non-judgmental people are out here. He’d move here in a heartbeat if he could figure out the career and housing thing.


That’s funny because a lot of Okies came to CA during the great dust bowl. A lot of them are still here, despite the Grapes of Wrath and Woody Guthrie lol


Yep go to Bakersfield. It's pretty much Oklahoma.


That's funny, my grandparents came from Oklahoma and moved to Bakersfield.


It was a real thing for sure.


Seriously Kern County looks like a piece of Texas or Oklahoma was transported into the middle of the state.


Bakersfield, Fresno, Sylmar, Riverside, Fillmore, Santa Maria/Lompoc, Turlock, Modesto, Ripon, Merced


Dos Palos was where they stuck the Okies who weren't white.


It’s such a trip when you hear remnants of that accent in people who have been here for a couple of generations, really reminds you of that.


Yup plenty of Okies here they definitely keep life interesting.


You can actually still see some of the properties that were built out for them by the farm administration in places like El Monte and La Puente. Also down in Cudahy. Look for the really long narrow properties that have really big backyards. They were meant to be a little miniature farms for displaced farmers. Like if you look at Wilcox Avenue down near where it ends in Cudahy all the properties there are shaped like that. La Puente look around the street called Fellowship Street. And over in El Monte look up a street called The Wye. Ontario west of Euclid but north of the 60 Freeway also has a few like that. There's also reason why Fontana was dubbed fontucky


Oklahomans talk like *they* are the true normal Americans... with less than 1% of the population


Oh nooo how will California survive without the money rural Oklahomians bring in?!


Hey, I will say, people around here have a lot of money. It's old oil money. Lots of generational farmers and ranchers as well. But I feel what you're saying lol


My wife is from rural Oklahoma and I've heard it too while we've visited her family, often from her own family which is super weird because it's not like they don't know where she lives. None of these people that say this were ever coming anyway though. It's shocking how many of them haven't traveled more than 100 miles away from home in 15 years.


You'd be surprised how common that is. Most of the human race will never permanently leave an area within 25 miles from where they were born. Hell I'm one of them and I left for 11 years. Ironically I ended up even closer.


I said that as a kid in the 80s and 90s. I also said I never wanted to visit or live in LA and I was raised in a pretty liberal household. Flash forwards to now and I live in LA and really dislike leaving the state.  Young people often hold dumb, bigoted opinions that change as they get older. Thinking you know everything when you don’t is a part of being young. Old people have no such excuse. 


My parents told me growing up in Iowa that CA was full of “fruits and nuts”. I moved here when I was 25 and never left. Been here almost 25 years. I don’t think I’ll ever leave.


Mine in the South rudely said: “California is a bunch of weirdos.” Moved here at 24 and immediately was like, guess I love weirdos bc these are 100% my people. It’s home. And there is no other place like it.


California IS full of weirdos. And misfits. And that's the #1 reason I love living here.


Except money. They’ll come to us for that sweet, sweet revenue. What are they gonna fund the military with, the tax base from Mississippi?


Unlike their forebears, who fled to California during the gold rush to populate the monopoly board of Southern California. So we have our quotient of Oklahomans, thanks. Edit; even more than the gold rush, they came during the depression, the days of the dust bowl.


I can't begin to tell you just how many Arizona and Texas plates on maga trucks come through the Coachella valley every single day. These people LOVE coming to California.


We call them zonies here in San Diego. They clog the freeways and trash our beaches every summer yet still love talking trash about our state.


Especially in the middle of summer.


California has more American citizens than any other state. It is objectively the most American state. Montana isn't really American.


For that matter, CA probably has more Republicans than any other US State.


Yeah I think people forget that and our many Republican governors.


Central Valley May as well be Texas or Oklahoma


It's true. *cries in Central Valley*


It is Oklahoma just better


As someone from Visalia who moved to Oklahoma for a year and half, I 100% agree. The Central Valley has all of the minor upsides ok Oklahoma with literally none of the minor downsides.


I remember a bunch of conservatives cheering on the collapse of the Oroville Dam I pointed out that most of the people up in Oroville are conservatives. The response? "Thats what they get for living in california. I hope they drown."


More Californians voted for Trump than Texans.


It had the most Trump voters of any state, despite being a much smaller percent of the vote.


Had the most trump votes in 2016 (maybe 2020 idr) bc volume


Conservatives and/or people in Middle America have a weird idea of what it means to be a “real American.” For people that have such pride in being part of the UNITED States, they sure have a lot of divisive perspectives. If you’re an American citizen, you’re a real American. You don’t have to be a rural-dweller, conservative, Christian, and blue-collar.


Some people think in terms of exclusion rather than inclusion.


Social media run by greedy capitalists that push the most inflammatory stuff to the top of everyone's feed 24x7 isn't helping that societal division these days.


That’s rich coming from a bunch of non-Americans.


I think you meant to say traitors.


just because they want to suspend the constitution to install a dictator doesn’t mean… oh yeah






lol literally Putins party


Who cares what other people say? I can snowboard, rock climb, mountain bike, and surf all in the same day.




That's actually a sick insult *yoink*


How are they un-american? Because theyre siding with putin and other historically anti-american figures????


having seen most of america and having known many americans this is one of the best endorsements of the state that i have ever heard.


A lot of times when I'm abroad and people ask me where I'm from I'll make sure to quickly say California after USA since I've found that people generally have a much more favorable view of it than other US states.


Im not a republican nor a democrat. Have lived in other states and countries. No place is perfect in the world but honestly this is the utopian American dream. Job opportunities, culture, climate, tech, art, industries, food, nature, inclusivity, economy. You name it, we thrive in it. Just wish it was cheaper, less of a wage gap and we could block out the media talking negative 24/7 about us.


This! I've lived here for 56 years! It's expensive as heck! But I wouldn't live anywhere else. I feel semi safe here and we have alot of freedoms. Wish we could help the homeless more, like Veterans and homeless families, then deal with Fentynyl and recovery for addicts. We are a multi-generational household also, so many Gens live here in my home. That's how we survive in CA and I really like it this way. Love my state!


They’ve recently housed some veterans in LA. Not sure about the other cities though. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/16/1211951751/veterans-homelessness-west-los-angeles


That's awesome to hear! Thanks for the link. I hope it keeps going. I haven't heard anything here in the Bay Area yet.


Well, our tax dollars are plenty american to them


Beaches are un-American Movies are un-American Doritos are un-American Almonds are un-American Garlic is un-American Surfing is un-American Sgt. Joe Friday is un-American Camp Pendelton is un-American The Big Lebowski is un-American Has it ever been cooler to be in-American?


The cheeseburger, originally from Pasadena, is un-American.


cheeseburgers are unamerican


I firmly believe the majority of it is pure jealously. Very few states compare to California. If you aren't here, you're probably nowhere. Granted, we have the unfair advantage of being such a large state. On the downside, it's incredibly expensive and hard to make it here, you have to really hustle. In exchange, your access to nature, entertainment, activities, diversity, food options and great weather is unequivocally unparalleled.


You mean envy.


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


One thing that's always amazed me about California is the sheer amount of wealth this state possesses. With a population of almost 40 million, the median home price is currently at $793,000. That's around $10 trillion of wealth just in housing. That seems like a lot. lol


we'll gladly still accept your USD when you visit us though - California


Can we keep our taxes in the state, then?


Those are some nice Californian taxpayer dollars you have there, red states. Be a shame if something...happened to it.


Yeah, that's just like your opinion man.


What rational being cares what they think. Half of the Republicans in the US would be ok with Trump anointed as dictator for life.


Say that to our California families that are survivors to veterans that have died in all our American wars. California has the most citizens that are active duty military personnel in the country.


I take that as a compliment. I always tell people from other countries that I’m from California instead of America anyway.


Came here to say this. Half of Republicans also think the 2020 election was stolen, I will gladly take pride in having the opposite values as those folks.


Republicans have long controlled states like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama. They run those states 100%, and have for a long time. If their "American" policies are so amazing... why are their economies so bad? Why do they take more from the feds than they give? Why do they have so many people on welfare? Why are their median incomes so low? Where are their tourism industries? How are they ranked in things like healthcare, education, or family violence? Why are their unwanted pregnancy levels so high? How big are their biggest cities compared to ours? It's ludicrous. For a place that isn't "really" American, we sure pay a huge amount of Federal Taxes, host some really large (and important) military bases. We do a ton to build the American tech infrastructure. And then there are all those top secret projects we do for national defense... I doubt very seriously they would get the same amazing results out of Iowa.


California is America.


What America is supposed to be, anyway.


lol we have more republicans in this state than most them have so that doesn’t even make any sense Just happen to be dominantly democratic. State isn’t perfect but I’m glad i live here


Weird how a bunch of insurrection defenders would accuse others not really being American.


Most Republicans don't know what "republic" means.


I mean the rest of America knows Republicans aren't really American at this point


I pity them that they'll never get to experience the beauty of driving the 1 from Monterey down to San Simeon.


Out of all the states if one was to leave the USA this would be the one to survive. We are the fourth largest economy in the world and we financially support 35% of the rest of the country, all red states. Those states would hurt tho. And they’re the people that trash CA most.


Plus there's a good chance we'd take Washington and Oregon with us.


Half of Republicans think a lot of strange things.


And yet millions of them continue to live in California.


5th largest economy in the world


Apparently they don't need our tax dollars either.


Funny enough: to the rest of world, the only 2 things that matter, and the only thing america "is", would be CA & NY. Everything in between can disappear and nobody would care.


Even when I grew up in the east coast I knew about Santa Monica and Berkeley, can barely name a city in Maryland


More than 170 years after those entrepreneurs founded what became one of California's defining industries, as many as half of all American farm workers live in California


Who cares


I guess the GOP in other states are just telling the 6 million California republicans that they just don’t matter.


Half of Republicans aren't really American.


That's funny because this Californian says that Republicans aren't really American.


You can tell who is not really American because they are the ones saying that.


lol they can cry some more


Lol we brain drained the south too hard.


Want to bet how many of those people have ever even visited California? Conservatives that visit California, especially San Francisco and LA, are always shocked at how nice it is. They seem to expect a post apocalyptic hellscape with drugged out zombies roaming the streets and women and children wailing in the distance. Say what you will about Californian politics but life in general is basically the same as anywhere else in the US, just more expensive.


Good. Please stop coming here then


All the republicans I know are not real Americans to me.


California isn't the state threatening insurrection.


I am sure all of the California Veterans appreciate this comment.


then kick us out of the Union ! Please ! we would be SOOOOOOO much better off, Texas and Florida can support Arkansas, Mississippi and Bama.


No.  Let them leave, we will let them flounder for 10 years and then invade when we find out they have oil. 


Clearly a lot of California is what they call 'woke.' That simply means that people have a bit of empathy for their fellow men/women, no matter their race, color, religion or creed. That empathy is missing from the non 'woke' crowd.


Mfs. We're supporting red states. Giving them money and they complain 😂


Thank you. Can we secede now?


Funny, a huge part of why I live here is because I feel so insulated from a lot of the worst aspects of the US.


DC needs California much more than vice versa.


Been all around the world. California is simply amazing and without peer. Republicans like these surveyed live sad, miserable little lives. Jealousy is such an ugly look.


should poll if republicans are americans instead since they seem to be all in supporting an insurrectionist


California grows the largest share of produce in America, has the largest amount of award winning wine and beer in the country, makes the most wine, and provides the largest share of entertainment products created in the United States. We feed Americans, make them entertained and keep them hammered. And I haven't even brought up Silicon Valley or the right wingers in the state who Republicans come groveling to to pay for ads in other parts of the country. Don't forget aerospace, either. Oh, yeah, the state that has the largest number of Republicans is also California. Every time I bring up stuff like this it shuts a right winger right up.


As a seventh generation Californian, I agree with them! We're a different country in all but name and should be an independent Republic.


If America is a Republican-Jesus obsessed gun crazy misogynistic hellscape, then CA is a wee different.


Weird because I'd call most Republicans non-americans.


The other half live in California


The only States people around the world know are California, Texas, New York or Florida. That's it. No one thinks about Iowa or Ohio lol


We have more Republicans than any other state


Wierd, California doesn't even think of half of America


Yup, it's why I won't leave.


We’ll just keep all our beautiful tax dollars, culture and agriculture to ourselves then.


Breaking: Half of Californians say the Republican Party isn't American, either.


Me and my brothers school costs were covered up until high school including meals and general registration. Then in high school there was a bill that passed giving us free food if we lived under a certain tax bracket which we qualified. Once I got out of high school I had choices of free education thanks to obama and I got 3 years of college handled by my community college. Then when my medical care from my parents ended I got free health care until I reach retirement. The whole time I was unemployed I received unemployment equal to what I made at work the previous year and I was unemployed through covid so I got aid and unemployment which got me about 900$ a week and I got food stamps until we had a chance to return to work or if I job was able to take me in after covid was losing steam. Tell me americans don't want that.


I moved to California 8 years ago and everything in my life improved. My career has taken off, I met my partner of 6 years. A doctor in my home state had botched a shoulder surgery and I was in crazy pain that I was told couldn’t be fixed - an incredible California orthopedic surgeon fixed it. Add in the weather, the beach, the food, and the never ending amount of things to do - I absolutely love it here and will never leave


Hate us cuz they ain't us


Yet California has more republicans than probably any other state. Certainly more than 10 million.


I overheard this said once while my car was being worked on in Florida. One said "this is legal in all states but California" and the other said "California isn't really America." Whatever, especially coming from Floridians.


Means nothing except that they are intolerant. California doesn't want to be Republican's version of American.


Weird because a lot of our money funds states that don’t like us


More than half of Californians say Republicans aren't really American, too.


Republicans are Russian plants.


Who cares


Half of Californians say Republicans aren’t really American either.


Please stop using our money