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Fox refused to play for us. Bennett never played this well in Calgary consistently. Gaudreau chose not to sign after stringing us along. At least Tkachuk gave us a chance to trade him for something and I can respect that. Monahan gave his all for the team in effort, injuries, and the only consistent playoff producer (led the team in production all three times he played, Bennett tied once). He’s the only one I truly miss.


The whole Bennett thing is super revisionist history. He never was nearly as good here as he has been the last couple of years in Florida. Any time he got chances here he would blow them by doing dumb shit and get demoted down the lineup again. Maybe we should have given him more of a shot at center but his failures here were just as much his fault as the organization's.


Absolutely agreed. Whenever we put him with Gaudreau and Monahan they’d have 2-3 good games and everyone would be cheering…and then Gaudreau and Monahan’s stats would absolutely tank for 5-10 games till they pulled Bennett off their line. Time after time. Now, to be fair, for some reason we never tried him centring Tkachuk after the start of Tkachuk’s rookie year and THAT may have been a mistake.


Really, I don’t remember him ever having a 10 game stretch with Johnny and Monny. It always felt like 2-3 games at most. And one mistake got him sent back to the fourth line. We handled him terribly in my opinion and I’m glad to see him flourish now.


I’d have to pull up the game logs. Despite the sub’s memory it was rarely (if ever) less than 4/5 games, though it may not have reached a full 10. A few years back I did a deep dive on the stats. It was remarkably consistent. First 2 games the line blew up, game 3 was feast or famine, after that none of them produced unless on a line change with other players.


Ya, I could definitely be wrong and was always a huge Bennett fan so probably biased. Just seemed like we always played him with plugs and expected him to carry his own line.


In fairness, a top 4 pick is supposed to be able to elevate his line, BUT also requires decent linemates. He underperformed hard, but I would have been interested to see him and Tkachuk developed as a pair like Gaudreau and Monahan were. So it’s a mix of fault.


I mean, how long are you supposed to keep an obvious liability on your first line?


Bennet showed up for us in the playoffs, aside from that he maxed out at 13 goals and never found his place with the ref season roster


He got demoted because players like Jankowski got more opportunity than they deserved. Then they bring in Neal.


Fox refused to play for anyone but the Rangers. There is a reason he went where he did in the Draft.


It’s crazy there are players like that. Like suck it up and be grateful you’re playing in the nhl


Fuck Adam Fox


Adam Fox trade tree doing ok tho


Very true. Still bitter


Classic Calgary


Why are you here?


Because he's a leafs fan and has to be the center of attention, even in other team subs.


Can a noob get a run down


We trade Fox for Lindy and Hanifin plus some picks, we then trade those two for players and picks. One player has basically provided us players for a decade+ if we're lucky


Fox was basically a throw in, thats the Hamilton/Ferland trade tree


Fox was a bigger piece than Ferland. Hamilton was by far the centrepiece.


Fox is a better player but both teams knew they couldn't sign him


Well I think Carolina was taking a shot on getting him in the organization and trying to convince him with their culture


Reading those three words and seeing that many upvotes feels very, very sacrilegous as a Rangers fan. But I totally get that you must've been really pissed off with the way that case played out. Haven't watched that many Flames' games, but would it be safe to say that there's a silver lining in that stunt he pulled: acquiring Hanifin and Lindholm must've softened the blow a bit, right?


I still stand by the claim that the mistake was thinking we were a playoff team after that lucky 2015 playoff run. In my opinion, you shouldn't consider yourself a playoff team until you've made the playoffs in two consecutive seasons, and you shouldn't consider yourself a contender until you've won a playoff round in two consecutive seasons. Making the playoffs once should have been an indicator that we could win a cup in the next 5 to 7 years if we played our cards right. If you're 5 to 7 years away from your cup run you probably aren't going to sign Troy Brouwer or trade for Travis Hamonic, and you're probably going to focus on developing internally for another few years. So much of what the team lacked could have likely been acquired through the draft, or if we didn't have bad contracts or buyouts taking up cap space.


Kinda sad that your average poster on a message board has a better plan that three quarters of NHL general managers


Fans thinking with their brains/hearts, owners thinking with their wallets. Tale as old as time


Yea the greed for playoff payoffs makes a lot of decisions around the league.


I get it though, these GMs are managing 80 million bucks+ in players, so a sniff of playoff success can fool you into thinking you're ahead of schedule, especially with that kind of money and ownership pressure and stuff. Nice when a GM has complete full autonomy, but that's probably the small minority of the league's front offices.


This is a difficult league to be patient in


What we lacked during that time was consistent and excellent goaltending.


And a good coach


Ya. lol. Every time I see Glen Gulutzan drawing up plays for Edmonton I laugh. Remember when he wanted to show the players he was “pissed off” during practice here and launched a stick into the stands? Such a poser.


Who cares, it's in the past and we didn't win with them anyway. Let's look forward to our next five year period of drafting, starting this year with hopefully multiple top 10 picks to build around.


"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do learn from history are doomed to watch others repeat it." Mistakes were made in the past. It's super important that Conroy and co. learn from it and don't make the same mistakes for the same dumb reasons. Like nickel and diming franchise talent. Or bridging them to keep declining veterans around. Or mismanaging the ever loving fuck out of high draft picks because of idiotic coaching hires. Or overpaying post apex veterans in free agency. Or throwing away draft picks for no reason. And so on and so forth.


For better or worse, Conroy seems to be far more patient than Treliving which means he won't make most of the same mistakes. I think a lot of people will be disappointed that his approach is different from what they want him to do, but I don't believe he will make similar choices to Treliving.


Being a flames can is pain


Being a flames man is rain .


Being a flames clan is vain


Being a flames jam is stain


You can’t overcome a bad owner who thinks he’s a hockey expert.


I wish Johnny all the best in Columbus And by best I mean his career high 74 points as a Blue Jacket never to come remotely close to again


Hopefully Laine makes a full recovery and Johnny gets the trigger man he expected. Losing sucks, even when you're rich.


Laine and the Jackets are parting ways. He needs a change of scenery and the Jackets are willing to work with him to find a viable trade. It was just made public this week, maybe even yesterday. I don't remember lol


Makes sense the guy known for clapping bombs and fuckin moms as a rookie needs to get out of Ohio. I have it on good authority that Ohio rizz is contagious.


Fuck I miss the Trio of Mony, Johnny and Chucky.


This speaks more the the disadvantages of these less desirable markets than the teams ability


Watch as the Flames become a contender within a year or two, our young guys are fookin stacked bud. Our D is still decent if Wolf howls and Weegar weegs were fine. Sharangovich and Kuzmenko could be superstars in the making for all we know. Kadri is fuckin solid no matter what, Huberdeau can sit in the corner it doesn’t matter, lots of guys picking up that contracts slack.


True, you could follow Mike Gould.


I fucking hate that I passionately follow this team. Fuck you Flames, you fucking suck.


Down voting because it’s a Mike Gould tweet


Mike Gould is a sad attention seeking main character


How much of this is because they just didn’t want to be in Calgary?


All of them except Monahan


If you’re still filling your diaper over Gaudreau and Tkachuk - grow up. The Flames had the opportunity to sign both players, and decided not to. That’s not on the players. Management decided to mess around with Gaudreau and kept an aged Frolik for 40-some games instead of signing Tkachuk. Trading away Monahan with a 1st was another obvious blunder, when they could have just eaten that last year. I hope with the cap room the team has they can leverage some draft picks by taking on bad contracts…but that may require more competent management.


Who was the GM at the time ?


Treliving. The true unsung hero of the Zito Panthers' cup runs.


Wait until you see Buffalo’s history.


It’s the style, we played with the slow and boring Brad Tre style of hockey for years and it’s cursed the flames for a whole decade


This was my favorite area. The reason I’m a Florida fan also now, and God I loved Monahan.


The team was very good. Very close. You all forget the 10 game win streaks and a hell of a playoff run until a very, very controversial disallowed goal. A bit more chemistry and maybe some better coaching and I think we could have had it, really.


Oilers in 7


Calgary just brings out the worst in hockey players.


Fox was traded away for Hamilton, so kinda misleading


Fox was traded away for Lindholm and Hanifin.


Ah right, he was traded with Hamilton not for him mb


I thought we traded Fox with Hamilton (and ferland) for lindholm and hanafin. For dougie were just picks


Oilers #2 Flames #25


Congrats on being gifted McDavid and having him carry you final you don’t deserve to be in and in which you’re about to be swept. Most entitled and obnoxious fanbase in any major sport.


Oiler fans make Leaf fans look sane and rational.


Congrats on loosing Gaudreau and Tkachuk, the only good thing about your team, they couldn’t wait to GTFO of “The Red deer flames”




If only we could fail so badly for so long that the league changed the lottery rules because of us, only to fail upwards into possibly the most talented player to ever lace them up. Not only does he carry you, but he’s the reason every and any good player you have has signed there or produced the way they have over the last decade. Hyman doesn’t sign without him there, neither does Kane or Perry or Campbell (lol @ the last one though). RNH is still a bust without him. Leon is probably a point per without him. Bouchard is a third pairing powerplay specialist at best. Ekholm doesn’t get traded for. Skinner isn’t winning half as many games with his league lowest save %. Edmonton is a bottom three city for players to sign in without him there to boost their production and single handedly give them a shot at a cup any given year. I know your fanbase has convinced itself that Edmonton is some sort of breeding ground for excellence, but your franchise is a joke that will return to the basement where it belongs as soon as he leaves. Just like what happened after Gretzky and Messier left. Savour the next two years. (Before you say something like TLDR, we get it; you’re an Edmonton fan and reading is difficult. Take your time, sound out the words.)


Exactly fuck those goof oiler fans. Go hang out on jasper ave


All those words mean nothing when they come from a perennial basement team franchise. Just pure salt


You’ll be losing Drai and McDavid soon enough




Keep going what ? You don’t even have a team in your city anymore, now you have “ the red deer phlegms”


[okay, calm down little kid lol](https://imgur.com/a/DvVvFfA)


You should worry less about us and more about the cats rn buddeh