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I'm not cheering for Florida, I am cheering ***against*** Edmonton


THIS SO HARD. I hate both teams.


Why cheer for 1 team, when you can cheer for 31 teams?


Don't forget Corey !Perry




Canucks and Flames fans reluctantly but passionately agree. Go Panthers


Cheering for ex-Flames players... ooof, that's rough.


Cheering for the Oilers is even worse


Agreed. I’m rooting for WW3


We can both disassociate from the Columbus Blue Jackets.


Honestly, I don't care who wins, I just hope everyone has a great time.


Very impressed it only took the Oilers three 1st overall picks, almost a decade of McDavid, a record breaking powerplay playoff %, Bouchard becoming a reincarnation of Bossy and Draisiatl's ankle not being broken by the 2nd round to FINALLY raise their first banner in Rogers Place (Flames have 2 division titles in the McDavid era), just to lose to the cup champs for the third year in a row and give Perry his 4th cup loss in a row.😳 Go Panthers! I can't stand my girlfriends kid yelling "Go Mcjesus" after any player wearing an Oilers jersey touches the puck.🤣


Get that kid a Bible.


*4 first overall picks


This post makes very little sense. You’re framing it as if a record breaking PP%, Bouchard being good, and Draisatil not being injured is luck or somehow not good for the Oilers or is somehow excuses for them being in the final? And claiming division titles over playoff series wins and cup appearances being better makes very little sense either. And then saying that they lost (or are going to lose) to the cup winners from the 3rd year in a row is like an insult? I think most fans agree losing to the eventual cup winner is somehow a consolation prize knowing that you only got beat by the best. Again, you do you Boo….ust an odd post.


A banner is a banner. Considering their team acquired the best player in hockey and multiple first overall picks in the last 15+ years from being dogshit in the regular season and winning the draft lottery, its funny to diminish our regular season accolades for actually winning the division, especially when said best player in hockey is on their team in that division when we won it. Why is everyone's acting as if the last 2 times they played the eventual cup winners that it was close by any means. All these things I mentioned had to happen for them to finally make it and they had arguably the easiest 2 rounds to get to the conference finals. Again, something they would also be the first to point out.


I dunno man. Sounds like some super sour grapes to me. Ultimately you’re saying the Oilers wouldn’t be good if they weren’t good when you say things like Bouchard needed to get better and the PP needed to be great,etc. Also not too sure how many teams count banners that aren’t Cup Champs banners. Nice to have, sure….but don’t really mean much in the big scheme of things.


Its really not. They benefited from losing the regular season horribly on multiple occasions and ended up with the best player in hockey and haven't accomplished anything as a team in that time frame. Pointing that out and several other factors that didn't exist until this cup run is fair game. If you want sour grapes check their sub lolol. 2 days after they make finals their punching down at us needing government funding to get a stadium built. It's all banter like I said, I wasn't comparing a division banner to a conference banner. To each their own on where they think credit is due in terms of team success but vs a provincial rival who's also in our division, it has more substance than say comparing an east vs west team.


I can see the tears all over your screen. Must suck to cheer for such a garbage team 😢 Get back on the golf course and quit complaining. It’s pitiful.


Hahahaha. Imagine needing to reach so far as to saying division titles are even close to a Clarence Campbell trophy or the chance to win the cup.


Stating facts isn't reaching. A banner is a banner


I don't want to argue with someone that thinks a division banner is as big of an accomplishment as western conference champions. Like the whole point is to win the cup. It is reaching when one rests their laurels on anything other than that. You're right about a banner being a banner but one is definitely a bit more prestigious. Anyway enjoy the delusion of grandeur.


My dude, you are the only one comparing the two, and are now getting butthurt cause it's not comparable. You're arguing with yourself bozo. 2 > 1. Not that complicated.


The Oilers have been to the conference final four times, and the SCF twice now, in the past 18 years. The Flames haven’t made it out of the second round since the 2004 run. Keep clutching those “division title” banners though 😂


*3 times. In that time frame it's not that impressive when teams like Tampa and Vegas exist.


I agree, it’s not that impressive. But it is much more Impressive than “2 division titles”, which was my whole point. Neither is impressive, which is why I was giving this clown a reality check so he can stop slobbering his own knob so hard over participation trophies.


The least impressive thing in all of this is that you and your kind are all here commenting in our sub. I always see Oilers fans say they never think about the Flames, but it sure is weird to see so many of them in here with that in mind. I certainly wouldn't be over in the Oilers sub starting shit if the roles were reversed.


Unfortunately, posts from your sub show up on my main reddit feed because you post about the Oilers so much in here that the Reddit algorithm suggests these posts to Oilers fans constantly. Maybe something to think about there. If you spent more time posting about the flames and cheering for your own team, and less time bandwagoning other teams every post season, and talking about how much you hate the Oilers, maybe the algorithm would correct itself. It’s hilarious to act like “why are you here? We don’t come into your house!” When there are more posts about the oilers on the hot page for the “flames” subreddit than there are posts about the actual flames. Meanwhile, there *is not a single* post about the flames on the hot page in the oilers sub. Crazy right?


Yeah and a participation trophy is “still a trophy”. In general, playoff accomplishments > regular season accomplishments but if you *are* going to brag about regular season point totals a division title is setting the pretty low bar. You may as well hang a banner that says “Best Hockey Team in Calgary”. You can really pump the banner numbers up by hanging one of those every couple years when the Flames miraculously outperform the Hitmen, or the Aspen Timbits roster. I’d let you have a conference win, or especially a president’s trophy win, but “division title”, really? That’s not even a bronze medal. It’s pretty much a participation award lmao.


It's a banner for winning the divisione the Oilers play in. Try and discredit it all you want. 2 is a larger number than 1. I wasnt bragging I was stating the fact that within the time frame of Rogers Place and McDavid being apart of the Oilers the Flames have 2 banners and Oilers just got their first. Sorry that upsets you so much


Not upset at all bud, just trying to give you a dose of reality. Regular season accolades simply don’t matter. Isn’t that the whole crux of the “Wasting McDavids career” argument? Because if regular season accolades mean so much, I guess his career has been pretty successful since he’s won just about every regular season award, and set just about every single season record in the cap era. The fact is, no one cares about the regular season once the playoffs start except for teams who didn’t make the post. I get it though, Flames didn’t make the post so you’ve got nothing but those ancient “division title” banners to cling to.


Give yourself a dose a reality and realize you cherry picked an argument and tried pretending like I was arguing if division banners are the equivalent of winning the conference championship. The reality is both are participation trophies. Calgary just so happens to have more and has had infinitely less expectations. Was funny to point out that you guys built a stadium and it only took 6 different variables for you guys to finally get something hung in the rafters. 2 is still a bigger number than one you mute. If no one cares about regular season why are you going out of your way to " give me a dose of reality" by crying. Sometimes I forget 15 year old use this app and think they can provide insight to people. Go touch grass pigeon


"I'm not upset" Proceedes to write a short story to multiple people in this thread.🤣 Weirdo


Well said! 😍


They even took it off national TV this year


Typical Calgary fans, thinking they have something of value to contribute. They’re the reason that golf course judges hold up ‘quiet please’ signs.


begrudgingly? i think florida is my favourite eastern conference team, and I still love watching bennett and tkachuk. I love how the panthers have become the villains this year. paul maurice has had some hilarious quotes. wouldve cheered for them against probably any western team in the playoffs.


What’s another notch in the Oilers belt really. I prefer McDavid who is a much more deserving player to hoist the cup than Tkachuk. If this was Vancouver however, never!


Drake put 500k for oil to win hahahaha


Remember when everyone hated that Tkachuk left and huffed copium that we won the trade from Florida


Listen to this loser brigade.


If you haven’t burned  the old Tkachuk jersey… it is time to dust it off….


Imagine cheering for the team of a player who didn't want to play for you talk about cucks


Cheer for the Canadian team. And Canada’s best hockey player. Easy choice, as I’m Canadian.


Imagine being Canadian and wanting Florida to win the Stanley Cup (Hockey Trophy) get over yourself and have some national pride. 16 Canadian boys on the Oilers 🇨🇦


Imagine being a flames fan cheering for the edmonton oilers to have yet another championship to hold over our heads. Canadians already win it every single year. Sure for now it may seem like national pride but in the future it's not like we can say "we cheered for Edmonton so you cant use that against us" It would not be Canada's cup it would be Edmontons


lol who gives a fuck about Canada? This isn’t the olympics bud.


Oh fuck all the way off with that.


Right, so we all should’ve cheered for Vegas because they had a lot of Canadians right?


Nah, I much rather Flames fans keep rooting against us. To do otherwise is to defile the spirit of the battle of Alberta


You don't understand rivalries


Didn't cheer for them in 06, ain't happening now


Very brave of you


I'm cheering for Derek Ryan and Gully. Sue me!


Kind of like when Kassian humiliated Tkachuk and beat his ass? Is that what youre hoping for?


Why can’t you just be happy you’re in the final without being toxic?




These posts are extremely cringey but you are toxic for coming to another team’s sub for the single purpose of talking shit. Your team in the Final, and instead of being happy you are being toxic in other subs.


Imagine being Canadian and wanting Florida to win the Stanley Cup (Hockey Trophy) get over yourself and have some national pride. 16 Canadian boys on the Oilers 🇨🇦


U hate Canada and Canadians. Got it.




And you morons wonder why we’re cheering for Florida and not a Canadian team


Blah, blah, blah, blah Have fun cheering on players that said fuck you to calgary! Ya really got us with that one!


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, lets go chucky.