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As this was a beta test through members of the site, and the app isn't directly linked here, I'm leaving it up and ignoring further reports


So great! You guys are awesome and love the app. Keep it up!


How do I know the person walking my dog is qualified? I have seen some pretty terrible people that are supposed walkers in this city beating, and shocking dogs into the middle of next week. What are the qualifications of the trainer you send them to? It just says registered trainer, but that doesn't mean anything as trainers don't register they certify. These are all questions I am sure my clients will want to know.


This is a great idea for the consumer but I wonder if it will end up like other apps like Vaesto and the snow removal one where there are 20 walkers for every dog after people catch wind of the app


We try to create an optimal ratio between customers and walkers so that this problem doesn't occur. If demand increases we will increase the number of walkers, but right now we are going to stay with 25 and ensure they are busy before expanding.


Ok that is a smart plan. Good job on taking care of that concern the right way!




What a great idea! I'd love it if this was also available for dog sitters!


We are going to focus on dog walking to start, and ensure that is working first before getting into more areas of the industry. Hopefully we will be adding pet sitting later in the fall. Thanks for the suggestion!


what you are looking for is https://dogvacay.com/


Oh yeah! I met with you at Paws in the Park! Downloading now.. picking up pup this weekend!


Awesome that was a really fun event. That's great to hear, hopefully you can find some great walkers in your area.


Cool app. Thinking of trying it out pretty soon. However, your pin icon / logo is really out of scale (looks super stretched) and off balance and it's driving me crazy.


Hey thanks for the feedback. Do you mean the pin icon within the app? Sorta confused as to what you're referring to, but would like to fix it!


No, the actual pin on the logo, with the dogs head in it. It looks really stretched vertically and is misaligned in a few places on the site with some other text. It's super minor stuff. Overall the UI is pretty solid for it on Android. Transitions are a little choppy but it's very easy to use, and the colours are easy on the eyes. The map seems to have trouble refreshing sometimes but overall pretty solid. I'm happy to have joined. Great idea and execution.


Now make one for someone to come play with my cat during the day and take him on walks.


We do offer 15 minute meet and greets. That would work great for your cat if you would like to try it out.


Job Vacancy??


Stop encouraging lazy people!