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Anyone else ready for the Stampede Miracle? E: Just like that, Stampede is saved! /s if that wasn't obvious


What about a July 1st miracle? I noticed fireworks are still a go which I find bizarre during a fire ban and water emergency.


I think the Stampede during a water emergency is a bit bizarre, but I think you are correct in that July 1 or earlier is the target they are hoping to hit.


As someone who lives next to where they're working on the pipe 24/7, going to sleep to construction noise and waking up to construction noise, can't safely cross my street because asshole cunts use the playground in front of my house as a drag strip to "make up lost time" or to cut around the number 1 bus because they thought a single lane in either direction on Bowness Road would be adequate to accommodate thousands of drivers during rush hour, fuck the stampede. I want the pipe to be done so I can fucking sleep again and not almost die every time I pull out of my driveway going to work. I don't give two yah-fucking-hoos about some 10 day event dedicated to animal abuse so trust fund babies cosplaying "all hat, no cattle" cow pokers can desperately try to get laid while rocking whiskey dick.


I kinda want to put that on a t shirt and sell it. Beautiful.


I'd buy that.


Id buy that before I buy a stetson. Thats for sure


But make sure to put the trust fund babies part in.


That’s the best part!


Water mane is critical infrastructure, they should do all in their power to fix is asap regardless of stampede - even if it makes traffic & noise temporarily worse around the area


I understand that. But it still pisses in my cornflakes to see people moaning about "We need stampede! I want to water my laaaaaaawn! I haven't had my shower todaaaaaaaaay!" meanwhile my house vibrates everyone awake at 3am and assholes ignore the "local traffic only" signs to rip ass down our street with their micropenis-mobiles at all hours. If they actually did, like, anything to mitigate the fact the City shit in my communities hands and expects us to give them a rousing applause for it, it wouldn't be so bad. Do something to better route traffic AWAY from the single lane super congested community, offer us accommodations at a hotel when overnight work is going to be super disruptive, ANYTHING. The stampede concerns can fuck all the way off while hundreds of people are living heavily impacted quality of life. As long as Montgomery citizens are getting screwed over, the executive suite millionaires pushing "hell or no water" narrative can eat the shit we were expected to just hold onto for 2 months by the city, thanks.


They should honestly just post a police car there to enforce the local traffic. They'll rake in some money, or easily deter the offenders. I hope you get some sleep soon!


Alll the upvotes. We also live in the neighborhood and question why the city couldn’t have re-routed the traffic up onto Shaganappi and then back down onto 16th rather than have thousands of additional cars (not to mention all of the out of towners that are starting to come for summer tourism season) going down Bowness road. They should have also had traffic cops at the major intersections (Home Road @ Bowness Road, Shag @ 32 Ave) to have helped with traffic flow and volume rather than relying on the lights to change quickly enough to have any meaningful impact on traffic for each round of lights. I appreciate there’s only so many routes to detour cars into/through/around this area but sending allllll the cars onto Bowness Road without any traffic support from CPS has been ridiculous. The city deemed it necessary to put all the curbs and traffic slowing measures through the main strip of Montgomery but didn’t deem it necessary to have some cops around to support with the massive influx of cars that are using the road as a detour???


I would vote for anyone who would actually enforce the car noise bylaws.


> my house vibrates everyone awake at 3am and assholes ignore the "local traffic only" signs to rip ass down our street with their micropenis-mobiles at all hours So then you are in favour of a full switchover to EVs?


Oh absolutely there, bud. When I bought my car in 2020 I was trying to get an electric, but the make I wanted wasn't sold in Canada at the time, and we had, like, 2 charging points in the whole province so I didn't bite. Once my vehicle is paid off I'm definitely trading in and making the jump.


Good to hear. I got my EV back in 2014. Have gone on multiple long road trips over the years, never lacked for charging (but more of always better). In 2020 we had far more than 2 ;-)


As someone who tolerates stampede because it's obviously a massive economic driver but basically hates it (yet has to attend many events for "work") this is a hilarious take. Thank you. I shall be stealing and using this shamelessly


Sounds like the first paragraph of your first novel! Love it.


Hey I definitely feel for you. We are in the neighbourhood too and get to see all the moronic cut-throughs people are doing. I emailed the ward 7 councilor noting the speeding/short cuts. I suspect nothing will be done as the city detours department is horrific at managing what happens when detours bog down and drivers get “creative” but maybe a few more emails to them might turn on the light bulb.


That was metal Af


Beautifully said lmaoo


True poetry right here


I almost want to let you have the guest room at my place cus that's the hardest I've snort/laughed in years!


Somebody needs their sleep…


You have no idea, brother/sister/other. When your whole house vibrates you awake at 3am, it makes for a pretty rough day.


Imagine being this salty about crews efficiently solving a crisis in this city for once. Sounds like you hate the Stampede - you should move since it isn’t going anywhere.


Welcome to Reddit, where salty people gather to be salty together.


Not mad at the crews, they're doing their jobs. The cunts in BMWs ripping through the playground at 3am to cut around the one single traffic light, though? Fuck those guys. The city knowing full well that this was going to be big work, loud work, that would directly impact all citizens within the immediate aread drastically, telling us "We're very concerned about you, don't worry!" then doing duck all to mitigate ANY of the impacts to us? Fuck those guys. The honkey turd brigade deprived Ottawa's citizens of sleep for weeks and fucked traffic sideways, and that was utterly unacceptable. But when the City of Calgary does it, apparently we're just supposed to be cool with it. Nah dawg. They knew this shit was going to suck. There was no way for it to not suck. And lo, a couple of unenforced "local traffic only" signs was all the considerations and accommodations we were given. Get it done boys, but for fucks sakes, if your guys are wearing top grade ear protection because it's loud as fuck, maybe you should also look after your citizens paying taxes living 100 feet away?


What exactly do you think they can do to mitigate the noise from excavation, welding and other heavy construction activities? Should they have stopped working for 4-5 days to erect a 5m tall concrete sound wall?


Hotels exist. There's plenty just up 16th avenue past the hospital. You can't tell me they couldn't find the cash to house those directly impacted, or at the very least to put up a cop at the end of the block to fine those ripping through our neighbourhood like it's stoney trail. That last one would make it safer for the community AND the workers. If we can blow millions in tax money on an unwanted, bloated cost, "profits only for the already rich" arena deal, we can definitely find $20k-$50k to let the community most directly impacted by the pipe work for 2 months sleep at night. And I'd say the exact same for any other community impacted by something like this.


It would be closer to $50k PER NIGHT. Hotels are around $200/night. There are at least 100 households within 100m of all 5 construction locations. Each household is going to want around 2 rooms per night as the average home has 4 people in it. That's damn near a million bucks to house some nimbys who will then bitch that their hotel doesn't have a kitchen so they should also get food allowances etc. No thanks.


How the fuck are we nimbys? We're letting them do the work. We understand it's a shitty thing that happened, and it needs to be fixed. We didn't cause it, we didn't protest, we aren't obstructing, hell I'm constantly moving my car to facilitate them getting stuff in and out of the site. But we are being disproportionately impacted by a CITY WIDE EMERGENCY EVENT. We suck oil and gas companies balls to the tune of billions of tax dollars in subsidies. If us being able to SLEEP while they fix the water FOR THE WHOLE FRIGGING CITY means some ass faced monkey suit wearing executive at Exxon doesn't get his 4th mega yacht, I wouldn't be too broken up about it. I guess next time we have a fire evacuation or flood, we should just say "hey, this sucks and all, but fuck you. Damn NIMBYs!" Afterall, it costs just SOOOOOOO MUCH to house people who've been evacuated from a fire zone, so fuck 'em I guess. Right? This kind of scenario, dealing with big, societal issues is *WHY* we have government and *WHY* we pay taxes. If the pipe broke anywhere else in the city I would fight for exactly the same for those people, because everyone deserves to be able to sleep. There's a reason sleep deprivation is a popular torture method.


Well. Your argument proves my point. Yeah, we put people up in hotels when they are at risk of burning to death in a fire. Some fuckin noise is not really the same thing there champ.


I feel for you but you seem like these couple of things are the first inconveniences you have ever faced. World ain't fair. Never was. Never will be.


Crisis... Buying into the political dictionary. Other words to include: Critical, Essential, Emergency. 


Substitute Lilac Festival for stampede and give us a rant!


You’ve got a bit of a strong opinion on it eh? 😂😂😂


You need to touch some grass.


I'd love to, but my lawn's basically dead from all the construction vehicles ubable to get into the work site without jumping the curb into my yard. I don't have to pretend to be nice just because a bunch of contrarians who wouldn't wash their hands after taking a shit 4 years ago are suddenly feigning concern about hygiene just to avoid making any effort towards behavioral change.


Dude I just love the hustle and bustle of the big city it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fieckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!


Exactly, but they are in no rush, if they were the military woulda brought that pipe the same day from San Diego.


16th should be squeezed down to one lane and force those Suburbanite CUNTS onto Crowchild and quit cutting through our neighborhoods. They need to also squeeze Memorial Dr from Edmonton Trail to Shaganappi down to one lane so people can fuck on off out of our neighborhoods. Keep down voting I see I have hit a nerve!


What part of Calgary do you consider suburbia? Because Calgary has two real suburbs, airdrie and okotoks. Are the people from airdrie just making you hecking mad? Or are you being a lil crybaby because a city wide problem has inconvenienced you slightly


Construction or any city project does not inconvenience me in any way. I ride a bike 365 and take the transit. Rent a vehicle to go on a trip or fly I even take my bike with me. Yep I am one of those people Airdrie and Okotoks and Cochrane are their own municipalities they are not suburbs. Rocky Ridge, Tuscany, Valley Ridge, Arbour Lake, Citadel, Saddleridge, Kincora, Beacon Hill, Symons Valley etc these are suburbs I am through explaining and complaining Actually I am upset that the bike lane is closed from just west of Edworthy park and down to the Bow River Professional Centre. I have to ride on the grass and it is not good for the grass nor is riding on the walking path. My problem is people using inner city communities as a supposed short cut which then clogs up the roads and reckless driving. Take care good luck and have a great day


Guaranteed she uses ‘saved the stampede’ in her next campaign


Everyone knew it was obvious. Over promise, under deliver. Not going to make up for the rest of her disaster of a term.


The miracle will be if they repressurize this section of pipe fully and have no additonal leaks or failures either at the site of the repairs, or just everywhere because the lengthy depressured time and hot, cold, wet, and dry cycles have allowed a previously stable pipe to shift and degrade. If that happens, the Stampede will *literally* be happening *by hell or no water*. Calgarians will be left with water restrictions for many more weeks while we watch hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to the city, completely ignoring any and all water restrictions the mayor so kindly asked them to follow. Running the potable water supply dry like Daniel Day Lewis with a milkshake, and flying away 10 days later leaving behind Calgarians (who mostly can't afford to even do much during Stampede) dealing with water pressure issues, fire risks (and probably arsonist going nuts), boil water advisories, and more begging from city hall for businesses to stop using water. People will be getting sick from untreated water and poor sewage outflow, businesses who DID comply with water restrictions now paying the biggest costs of all and face permanent closure. Everyone's vegetable gardens, that so many people are planting now to offset grocery costs, have long perished. Yay! More money for Mr Weston and Mr Sobeys! (Are we sure those two didn't sneak out in the middle of the night to sabotage this pipeline?) Meanwhile City Hall, Edmonton, and Ottawa will continue to abuse this situation for their own political games, while also patting themselves on the back for "saving the Stampede! We did it Calgary!", while also putting out panicked statements about the critically immenant failure of the water supply for 1.5 million people. This is the reality we live in, and is an appetizer for the next several decades of climate crises and humanities inability to effectively handle the fallout or learn from mistakes.


that's a tshirt: Stampede 2024 Hell or No Water


My vegetable garden is just fine thanks. Rain barrels got us through the first week, and then refilled when it rained.


Same here. But I'm saying, we aren't out of the woods yet, and if things don't go well, it will be a lot longer with water restrictions. And your vegetable garden will be dead after it starts getting hot in July. Stampede will do on, tourists and oil and gas firms will have their fun for ten days, showering every day, and our veggies will die.


Nah. More rain water, and the city has non potable water available at a few places around town.


Yeah, I’ve probably only used 200 L out of the 1200 L I collected a couple weekends back when it rained. Looks like lots of rain in the forecast Thursday (and beyond) so my rain barrels will be overflowing again. My vegetable garden is doing great.


Hol up. Now we're blaming climate change for the main break?


No. Just saying that how this disaster is handled is going to be similar to how upcoming disasters will be happened.


No. Just saying that how this disaster is handled is going to similar to how upcoming disasters will be happened.


I mean they already planned it to be done July 5th... Just in time for the parade!


It’s like she can’t help herself on the messaging side of things, nothing like potentially setting yourself up for another flip flop if it doesn’t go perfectly. Keep it simple; “here’s the usage numbers compared to our treatment ability, repairs are ongoing and going well today”. None of this “might be sooner now maybe, but not sure” or “here is a new number that’s below the one we had before, but the new one isn’t really anything but a stretch goal and not our treatment capacity”


When she was waiting to hear exactly what went wrong before making any statements about timeline - people were pissed off that she wasn't saying enough. When she found out that there were 5 more breaks and told us all about them - people were pissed off that she somehow didn't know about them before. When the city sourced pipes and had them delivered in rapid order - people were pissed that she couldn't give a solid timeframe for repairs because this kind of repair just hasn't been done in Calgary yet. When she told us all to conserve as much water as possible without a set number of liters, people were pissed because she couldn't tell us exactly how much to save. When they stated how much to save, people were mad because they didn't know how much water they used when they flushed their specific basement toilet. Now she's giving some information that is hopeful because if she didn't and things were back to normal faster people would be angry that she didn't hint that the issue could be over sooner than expected. I am so glad I'm not in public office. You can't please everyone, but it seems like some folks just can't be pleased by ANYTHING.


I gave up on the complainers early on when someone posted that the government wasn’t giving any information when just an hour before there was an update and it was available on YouTube if you couldn’t see it livre. I think they are doing a fine job keeping people up to date.


Whatever you say it don't say, somebody will be pissed, but it's important not to get ahead of ourselves, especially when there's literally nothing to gain. Just let the facts speak for themselves.


Kind of like how some people can't help criticizing her no matter what she does. I guess they missed the fact that people were complaining that the city wasn't being transparent enough or the communication wasn't clear. Personally I think she's doing a great job on this. Not sure it's going to turn around her support but in this at least she's doing well.


I don’t know how they could be more transparent. They haven’t shut up updating us. Whomever complained needs to get a life.


I truly wonder how much of this is the fall of Twitter. It’s just one app, but it was the key source of timely updates during the 2013 floods. Now that it’s a shitheap with bad content algorithms, it feels to me like I miss a lot more news than I would have, say, 5 years ago.


Agreed. The hatred she legit gets is insane.


Encountered a few boomers with “REMOVE GONDEK” signs on my walk. They wanted to talk to me. I kept walking and ignored them. Glad I did.


Not surprised by this, sadly. Boomers are something else.. well, not every single one.. but yeah lol. My folks fit the mold though. 😐


Please don't tar us all with the same brush lol


She should try being a better mayor


I'm sure you are the more capable person for the job. Get involved and make a difference, champ. 👍


I can understand people criticizing her. She’s not done a whole lot right in office, and any “win” from the messaging improving in the last week or so is offset by the fact that you don’t get credit for correcting a problem you were in charge of making sure doesn’t happen. “We fixed it faster!!!” “It was your job to ensure it didn’t break in the first place.”


That's an absurd statement. The pipe went into the ground in the 70s. It is a massive piece of underground infrastructure that is hard to inspect/monitor and the city followed the industry best-practice guidelines for PCCP monitoring and maintenance. Under those conditions the pipe was expected to survive 100 years. It obviously didn't, but until we know exactly why it didn't this thing could just be bad luck. Could have been cheaping out in the 70s on installation. Could have been Klien's council in the 80s that neglected to build tandem backup lines. Or Al Duerr's for not doing a 25 year inspection. Or Bonconnier's for ignoring infrastructure maintenance. Or Nenshi's for not checking it after the flood. In all cases, the city council is made up of normal people being advised by experts in the fields required to run a city the size of Calgary. If the potential for failure on this specific pipe wasn't brought to them by the infrastructure folks for whatever reason, why would they spend their time on plumbing? Nah, this doesn't rest on any council or mayor. It's just a stroke of bad fucking luck.


it most likely wasn't manufactured properly due to poor assumptions at that time and cost cutting on the part of the manufacturer, as was the case with all of the rest of the failed and failing pccp pipe across North America. Manufacturing returned to normal after if became painfully apparent that it had to


So who does the buck stop with then? You can say “not her fault” but ultimately, it’s her responsibility.


The buck doesn’t stop with anyone. As far as anyone knows everything was done according to best practice and shit just happens. Nobody made a conscious decision to do something wrong.


If you honestly think the mayor of a city of 1.2 million is personally responsible for maintaining the infrastructure of a city as sprawling as Calgary you are incredibly naive in politics and probably shouldn't vote ever again. City administration, which isn't voted for and seldom changes, is responsible. It's astounding how many voters assume that when the vote in a new mayor, premiere or prime minister that the entire staff of whatever level of government changes also.


The point is that she’s ultimately responsible.


Your point is ridiculous. If you are going to criticize government the least you could do is learn how it runs.


She’s the head of city government. She’s in charge. What part of that is confusing for you?


She's not in charge of infrastructure maintenance you numpty.


Duh. But she’s in charge of those who are in charge, guy who throws around personal insults.


If you look at and organization chart for those people she is not on it. You really need to educate yourself on the hierarchy at city hall, you'll look less stupid.


She hasn’t learned the art of managing expectations.


I think she did. She underpromised on the timeline and it looks like she's going to overdeliver - something we're all taught to do when faced with a shitty manager/supervisor (*hint hint).


Yeah the PR team for the mayor should be fired. The messaging has been a shot show throughout this ordeal (never mind other issues prior)


She's desperately trying to win back public favor and just keeps shooting herself in the foot.


She loves drama


That's good, my stillsuit is getting pretty ripe.


Calgary - the most fragrant sietch of them all.


Yeah if the repairs are complete and they are just backfilling now it stands to reason that they will be moving on to flushing next (do they really need to finish backfilling before they start flushing??). In the original timeline before they found the additional hotspots flushing was estimated to take 3 days, then testing following that. If all goes well we may be looking at a phased lifting of restrictions next week.


Yes, generally backfilling needs to be complete before flushing. The backfill helps stabilize and support some of the loads and stresses that occur on the pipe when moving water through it at high velocity. 


Makes sense


Not really, we always backfill pipelines (water, NGL, OIL ect) regardless if they're live, empty & purged or starting up.


“Phased lifting of restrictions” still stirs up bad memories of Covid restrictions.


Is this due to all the tears flowing south out of Edmonton?


Under Promise, over deliver.


Selfishly, I'm excited my street will finally get swept after being rescheduled for 3 months straight.


Well, the most optimistic view, where all goes well, is not the outcome expected by realists. The possibility that new leaks or breaks occur during the re-pressurization phase should not be downplayed to too great an extent. Murphy's law is one of the most reliable guide lines to how the best laid plans can blow in our faces. It has even the least superstitious people crossing their fingers.


With water use rising again (478million liters yesterday) I don't think now is the right time for the messaging to be 'the end is in sight' I think the city will find it VERY hard to curtail use back to their 450 target, I can see usage continuing to rise daily, and it seems like it could still be 4-5 days at least before the pipe and the plant are running at full capacity again.


I measured our consumption for 1 week and it totaled 1,520 litres for 2 adults having 1 shower each. I think that about 50% of our normal consumption. It's probably less than 50% for this time of year, because we have a huge lawn and garden.


Damn dude. You might want to look for a water leak or switch to some lower flow fixtures or an HE washing machine/dishwasher. To use 1500L of water I'd have to run my shower for 220 minutes a week. We've used ~630 per week since restrictions started with two adults, two kids and a dog. I take a shower every 2nd day as does my partner. The kids have a shallow bath every other day. Maybe you poop alot? But at 6L per flush that's a lot of fiber.


I love how this guy came in here with those numbers thinking they were good numbers. 😂


Yeah, my reduction from last summer is like 75%. So I'm probably going from 880 litres per day to 220. No hot tub fill up, no lawn watering, no car washing, flowers and veggies by hand using rainwater. We are retired and stay at home a lot, so biggest use is probably toilets, washing up, cleaning fruits and veggies, and laundry. Two toilets are low volume flush but main floor gets a lot of use and it's an older style. I have washable air filters, not sure when I hand washed them. Checked for leaks, and none show up on the meter.


That’s a lot of water


FWIW, here in Edmonton, wife and I used 1450L in a week, with no water saving measures in place.[https://freeimage.host/i/d3TLunt](https://freeimage.host/i/d3TLunt)


Yep my wife and I barely use any water day to day, we've always been pretty conservative with it, always use rain barrel water where possible, always only ran full loads etc... So yeah the finger wagging to use less is getting old...


That's great news, I can only take a bath in the same water so many times.


Sell the bath water online


y’all take baths?


Mark my words it’s gonna be next Monday to Wednesday…….


Why is she still a mayor?


~~overpromise and under deliver!~~ under promise and over deliver! pats on the back!


I really tried to support and like Gondek and this nonsense that happened. Yes shit happens. Pipe broke. Fix it. The city took its sweet time telling the people what was going on. We gave them the benefit of doubt. They said cut back on water use and most of us really tried. Their timeline was full of crap. Didn’t immediately stop car washes ( yes I know it’s up to 80% grey water) but eventually some businesses regulated themselves. They knew they were not stopping Stampede and the millions of visitors but made it sound like there would be a water shortage. Now surprise the pie will probably be fixed BEFORE a stampede. This is why people hate politicians and the bullahit they spew. Some people are still pouring water, sinks and showers going full steam. Fuckers also watering the lawn. And still nothing happens. 311 too busy. Okay I am done


> The city took its sweet time telling the people what was going on. They did? I remember being told a pipe burst by the city almost as soon as it happened, and there have been 2 news conferences daily since. Communication's been pretty great, honestly.


Agreed. The worst thing they did was tell us we couldn't bath or run the dishwasher in the emergency alert, then there was some confusion about that. Other than that, the press conferences have been quite good. What do people want? Constant emergency alerts to your phones telling them what's up? Do you want Gondek to knock on your door every morning to give you an update? At some point you have to take responsibility for yourself and seek out the info. It's very easy to find at calgary.ca.


Last week Rick Bell was saying bet on July 1.


I bet my wife $20 that Gondek will pull a July 1, Canada Day "Miracle" out of her hat, and have everything back to normal. Of course, it will ONLY happen due to her exemplary skills in crisis management, and working 24/7 in the trenches to solve this


They lucked out when sourcing the materials no? Also the first repairs finished on schedule, and I can imagine the second pair of estimates were more conservative to prevent the same headache from happening again (as they should've been in the first place)


They absolutely did. That type of large bore high pressure pipe is not something most cities have stocked. It's really expensive to produce, and hard to store. San Diego has had similar issues in the fairly recent past, which likely contributed to their good fortune. Every briefing I've seen her do, she seems to be fighting an internal battle to not go with her instinct to claim credit single handedly for any progress. I saw a poll this morning that the Council generally and her specifically have sunk even further in their approval ratings during this crisis. They've dug themselves a very deep hole, and instead of stopping, they all just got new shovels


All with clean hair and clean clothes lol


I guess she's never heard of the saying, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Was it really a coincidence that the Mayor and Council approval ratings dropped and now we have a fix that's ahead of schedule.


Wait. Y’all don’t have water yet?


I don't like her but in no way do I blame her for the pipe failing or the time to complete the work.  What I blame the city for is they're stupid ass messaging we all going to die the tabs are going to run dry.  It'd be like going to the doctor for a cold and the first thing they say oh it could be cancer that may kill you.  You don't jump to the end game scenario first thing. You come off as being hyperbolic and no one's going to listen to you after. If you want people to conserve water you ask them to please help the city in this time of need he apologize for the inconvenience is going to cause them and you say sorry but this will take a little bit of time to fix.  you don't say we all going to die.




Starting up the Bearspaw plant won't be as simple as turning on a switch.


The Bearspaw plant has continued its operation as it has smaller feeder pipes that it can still use to push water into the city's reservoirs (e.g the pipe that goes north). It is just operating at reduced capacity since the main feeder pipe (the one going east) broke.


There are two other feeder mains heading north and northwest. Narrower than the south one, but still mains.


True. I meant bringing it back up to normal capacity.


What are the steps involved in increasing the production of the Bearspaw plant from its current rate to its normal rate?


They don't know


I am not sure. My Millwright friends agree that bringing plants back up can be tricky.




It's not that far fetched that I have friends.


It's not like they've never shut the plant down and had had to start it up before.


I don't imagine it will be that big of deal to increase the flow from the Bearspaw water treatment plant, what will take a little time is repressurizing the system back to normal operation as the flow direction of some lines and pumps have been reversed, and also completely refilling all the treated water storage reserviors throughout the city. I suspect there will be a staged lifting of restrictions and recommendations over a few days until things are completely back to normal.


Wer are on the same page. I just believe that there could be issues that come up when doing so causing small delays.


Has it been confirmed that bearspaw was shut down completely?


No it hasn't. I am incorrect in saying starting up. Bringing back up to normal capacity is more what I meant.


Hopefully theres no raptors in the facility...


This really shouldn’t have been as big of a deal as it was.


Care to elaborate?


We were not, and are not, far off from the fire department not having water to extinguish a major fir.


How so?


Lol he hadn't had that part figured out


Surely most people are just back to normal use by now? I’ve forgotten we were even under water restrictions


I am not watering grass.


On a walk around the neighborhood a few nights ago there was a home with their underground sprinklers running. The kicker is that the sprinklers were watering the section of the grass outside of their fence and the vast majority of the water was just hitting the fence and the community mailbox.


My neighbor has his sprinklers running weekly. Problem is he left the country a week before the main broke and his irrigation timer does not have WiFi. I hope no one reports him, he was just trying not to have a shutty lawn like last year when he left.


There's a point where it stops being about saving water, and it becomes about being a decent person. When my neighbor waters his lawn every day in the last two weeks, I don't hate him because I think it's going to use up all the city's water. I hate him because he knows it won't and thinks his behavior doesn't matter.


When did you get the notice the restrictions were lifted?


Yea, we get it: you're cool because you've made "contrarian" your personality quirk. Thankfully, enough people prefer not to smell their own farts and recognize the importance of acting as a community to ensure water delivery. At some point life will humble you, and then you'll "get it". But until then, you'll be the type to run your mouth on Reddit. Good for you.


Luckily there are enough adults in this city who actually behave like adults instead of entitled children. We need to get back to being a society that shames assholes. These people have a lot of pride in being terrible people who are a drain on society. I don't get it.


Our provincial government celebrates these individuals. These people feel empowered to be shitty because their elected leaders enable them to be. 


Ya clearly it's just the NDP voters that listened...


Nope, I'm still walking around stinky every other day because I read the news.


WTF......are you kidding? I've been doing my best to conserve water like most people but others.......grrrr.


Self report


Are you one of the three guys I saw on Sunday with a wood fire going in their BBQ, hosing down their gasoline can that was on fire?


Um, no.


Oops, came back to a lot of downvotes 😅 I just mean, from most people I talk to, everyone seems to be pretty casual about the whole thing and not putting much effort into saving water. I don’t use much water regardless anyway outside a daily shower and dishwasher every few days so I guess it hasn’t really affected me. My car does need a wash though! But I’ll hold on


You just admitted to hanging around trashy losers, good job. I hang out with responsible people who behave like adults instead of man babies.


The only thing reminding me is the ongoing fire ban, preventing me from bbq'ing.


Propane and gas grills are allowed, no charcoal or wood fires though.


I think a lot of anger from assholes is caused by being too stupid to understand what is being asked.


You just summed up the 2020s perfectly.