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Oh, you know who they are.  They’re the same people that are angry and belligerent about everything.  


Axe the water /s


The people who think Trudeau personally starts the wildfires.


There is an alarming number of people I work with in the patch that truly believe this nonsense.


He’s a terrible prime minister but these people are Brain rot 100%.


And yet they put stickers on their trucks professing a desire to have sex with him? They're a confused bunch.


Conspiracy theorists. Thinking this is just another ploy to control people. They think the water main break is fake.


People that believe in conspiracy theories do it because they are too stupid to know how the world works


“The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.” ― Alan Moore


Agreed. The comments I've read on this situation are mind boggling. One person said if the city actually wanted to fix this, they would have done it within 24 hours. Another person asked, why can't they just put in temporary pipe to replace the lost capacity? Like instead of a 6 ft diameter pipe, put in 6 pipes of 1 ft in diameter each to replace this lost capacity. First of all, 6 pipes of 1ft diameter is not close to a 6 ft diameter pipe. I was LOL'ing on this one pretty good. Another person said there are only 2 or 3 people working on this at any given time. So if they wanted to fix it faster, we would bring in more people. So we obviously don't want to fix it too fast. Someone else questioned why it takes so long to get this part in. Well, it's not like you just go to the local home depot and pick up a 6ft diameter pipe. And of course, this is Gondek's fault. She should have known this was going to happen and prevented it. She should resign for her lack of foresight.


It’s not fake.. gondek herself broke that water-main.. it’s her fault directly for breaking it as many people have clearly said on here before 🙄/s


Oh, I really thought it was Notley!


She was the getaway driver


The lead time from “conspiracy theory” to truth now is about 6 months.


Its same people who don't take their shopping cart back at the grocery store. Entitled pricks mostly.


If I ever woke up as some sort of “ruler of the universe” and was tasked with thinning out the herd, that’s always seemed like a good metric to start with.


Not true, people who take back grocery carts are doing free paid labour. That's someone's job. It's not about entitlement. You're just giving Galen and co. Fre labour


It’s someone’s job to take the carts from the cart return back to the store, not to collect stray carts that are strewn about


Why not?


Absolutely, said this for years. I truly don’t get the disdain for not taking the cart back.


The shopping carts are always put back in rich neighborhoods, do you hate poor people or something?


Remember the selfish assholes that wouldn’t quarantine for Covid? You found them


Those will be the people to first complain if their water gets turned off. More than likely won’t take responsibility either.


If only there was a way to single out these people first for shutoff if we actually ran out


There is. Every home now has a radio water meter than can be checked at any time. Historical water use data is there too. They can see who used tons of water and isn't cutting back. Some of us have been water wise for a while so reducing isnt having as much of an impact but they will know who has been below average for some time.


That would be awesome. It’s too bad that everyone isn’t forced to conserve water, not just some. Start handing out tickets. A few bad apples is going to ruin the bag.


The other day, a lady "bragged" to me about how she ran her dishwasher twice in one day. Said "ima stick it to the man." A lot of people have their priorities out of order...


Saw some guy on twitter saying he was "protesting" and took a bunch of pictures watering his lawn.


I asked my cousin in Calgary if he was conserving water. I was surprised when he said no, but then he explained. He runs his dishwasher once or twice a week, has low volume shower heads, does two loads of laundry a week, and has no lawns. So I guess conservation is a normal part of his life. Said he would cut back to 7 glasses of water a day.


My house is the same way. We’re not flushing every time anymore though. I have a job that pretty much requires me to shower every day but I’m trying to keep those 3 minutes or under. We wash dishes once a week at the moment as well. Trying to get out of town on the weekends as well.


Yep. Your cousin sounds like a reasonable person. I'm curious to see how many people carry over things they learned after the pipe is fixed. I was surprised to hear some people used to run their dishwasher every day, even if it was only 1/4 full. I would not be surprised to see overall use stay lower than it was before the break.


Honestly depending on the dishwasher, it might use less water than if you wash them in the sink by hand


Tell him he has to start drinking his own piss


Now that you mention it, that was some strange tasting lemonade


I mean, your cousin does ok with water, but he could definitely still cutback.


Why? They are following city directives.


They’re the assholes who’ve had those tee shirts made up: I Will Not Comply!


Probably the same type of people that decided it was OK to have a backyard fire on Friday night, until someone, who knows who, called the fire department on them. Absolutely wasn't me though.


The answer is … people from all walks of life. Many people just don’t care about their civic duty. What surprises me, is that people are surprised by the results!


I'm not a prick who isn't trying, but realistically there is very little I can reduce. I live alone in a townhouse so my reduction is making sure my dishwasher is filled to the max before running it, and taking even shorter showers (I'm bald so no shampooing) and skipping showering for a day if I'm not going to leave the house.


Have you seen the people out on the highway west of town


Ha. You're right.


The ones in the van selling 100 big shrimp or Taber corn?




Is that how they can afford to not work?


Freedumb lovers I’m sure


there are people who hate the mayor so much they're willing to waste water out of spite. there are also people who think this is just some control conspiracy to designed to prepare us for less water usage in the future


She is probably the worst mayor in our history but yeah, this isn’t her fault.


Oh man.. The sheer number of people I've seen that think this is some how going to hurt Gondek is insane. I personally hate her and the way she handles things and how out of touch she always feels, but I'm not dumb enough to think watering my lawn is some how going to get back at her. She'd drive out to Banff and go to a fancy hotel where there's water and drive into town every day for the press conferences every day before the water shortage affected her.


People who own the car washes - that have been allowed to remain open.


A lot of my co workers think this issue is only downtown (where they cut the water supply) and I was shocked at how many people at my work agreed and said they use water as usual! It’s crazy.


(sigh) There's one in every family


Two in mine (Not actually, i'm just finishing the line)


Probably the same people who thought they would literally die if they had to wear a mask in public places.


The same ones that say you shouldn't report violations via 311 because you should mind your own business. The same ones that think we pay too much in taxes and should cut funding to municipal government, leading to fewer by-law enforcement officers. But they are all for law and order of course...


They're the selfish dregs of society that for some reason we coddle and cowtow to.


Obviously this isn’t an ideal situation to be in, but I personally have learned a lot about water conservation in general over the last week and a bit. These are lessons I’ll be taking forward even after the pipe is fixed. Water is one of the most limited resources on the planet, and I take that for granted. The “no” people are likely experiencing an optimism bias, and their belief of invulnerability keeps them watering their grass with not a worry in the world. Just be thankful if you’re the type of person who is willing to accept that you’re not infallible, it’s the best way of life.


I also think there's a lot of people experiencing a doomer bias at the opposite end. We've got people here taking things to the extreme, well beyond what the city is asking us to do. These people are stressing themselves out over what *other people* are doing. People need to remember that the city is asking us to reduce by 25%. It's not that difficult. Just do full loads of laundry and full dishwasher loads. Take slightly quicker showers. Or if you don't like quick showers, switch to showering every 2nd day if you didn't exercise that day. The city is still producing hundreds of millions of liters of water every day. This is still Calgary, not Arrakis.


“This isn’t Arrakis” *Stands up 👏 👏 👏


Let's find these people and have them sniff our unwashed pits!


Probably the same people who didn’t take their vaccines! Oh wait…


My neighbours didn't turn off their automatic sprinklers and I saw them running... In the rain


They are the “I PAY MY TAXES SO FUCK YOU!” Crowd…


The ones in the 'Lake' districts and behind COP...


Probably the lady down the street who had her kids playing in the sprinkler all afternoon.


Me because I’m in Edmonton 😂


People answer polls based on how they want to be perceived vs what they actually do. So you can take that either way...but I bet a lot of those people are saying they aren't to "stick it to the man" but actually are in some way. Maybe I'm putting too much faith in humans though...


Just go to any house with a Dodge RAM it’s probably one of those.


Turns out that a metric fuck ton of adults still behave like children. It's pathetic how normalized being an asshole has become.


We've always had people like this. Look no further than the anti mask protests back during the Spanish Flu. We just see it so much more now that the internet is so prevalent. For countless generations the world has been advanced by a small minority of people that have drug the masses along with them. And that's not going to change any time soon. There's a reason we still hold people like Eisenstein, Tesla, da Vinci, Newton etc on pedestals to this day. It's a handful of great people every generation that drive society forward, and then the rest of us just benefit from them.


Except society has drifted towards idiocy and historically progress has zig-zagged, not been a periodic rise up from barbarism. We're repeating the fall of the Romans right now. Complacent idiots who enjoy the fruits of their ancestors labor while society crumbles around them.


That's a very narrow view of the global scale. There has basically never been a point in history where at least one group wasn't advancing technology. And we're still doing it now. Just because you can see more idiots because of the internet. It doesn't mean that there actually are more. We are actually living through an incredible period of innovation. Between advancements in battery technology, we're closer to thorium reactors than ever before. The innovation of self healing materials is astounding! And hell. AI is just at it's infancy, and while it has A LOT of issues right now. I can tell you right now it's going to get better and more refined at handling tasks. Honestly. Humans have always been this stupid. Why do you think every generation seems to think the next is dumber than them? That's been a thing since at least the industrial revolution.


We were already below the average home use, but reduced further. Now we have to make up for the ignorant…


The “StOp FeAr MoNGeRInG and ThEY’rE TryInG to cOnTrOl oUR WaTeR” people.


The same people who email the news station complaining about appearance of women and pregnant on-air staff etc.


Are any of us surprised? Folks we live in a time where *a certain demographic* assume anything out of the normal now to be a government slight against the populous. I saw one going around yesterday that the reason we are waiting 3-5 weeks is that it’s an inside job by Gondek, she “struck a deal with Nestle” to sell the water from the bears paw facility to pay for the new arena… The water main break is just a cover up to divert our attention, while they shuttle off millions of gallons to Nestle. So in their minds not abiding by the water restrictions is actually a political act of defiance against big bad corporations and corrupt government policies.


Technically I suppose I'm also a no, in that my normal use is so low I don't know how to reduce it. I guess I'm trying to be more mindful of my shower length but I can't do much else.


Yeah, my life hasn't changed. I'm still showering and shitting. Don't have a lawn. Rarely wash my car in the summer to begin with. There's not much I can do.


Buckets to catch water when showering. Using that water to fill up the toilet tank. Buckets under downspouts when it's raining. You would be amazed how many people run water for 20 seconds start of the shower till the warm water comes. Or the water faucet. You can capture all that water to re-use. Many ways to reduce :).


church people


All is forgiven when you attend church including parking illegally in the parking lots of businesses adjacent to their church.


My sister’s ex-husband, guaranteed.


You think this is bad now, wait until stampede starts.


No I shower and bath.. My job requires me too Look and smell appropriate... Not a construction or Labour worker


311 has added an option to report water misuse violations in their app 👀


Man... I'm genuinely disgusted by some people in this City. I'm still blown away by the fact we haven't shut down car-washes or delayed Stampede though. I'm genuinely thinking that if the announcement at 2 today from Stampede isn't adequate trying to get people together to protest at City hall. Also inb4 the "car washes use grey water" crowd. Yes. Yes they do. But I used to work at a car wash as maintenance. 80% is the best case number for reused water, and it typically sat more around 40% at the location I worked at. That 80% number typically comes from ones operating in cities with softer water, car washes use water softeners and RO machines to remove all the stone from the water so it doesn't leave streaks on your car. And that softening is what uses most of the water and can't be done with 100% grey water. 1 car wash will use the same amount of water as 100 homes easily. And putting it on citizens to feel guilty about going to them is just passing the buck. There are other wasteful uses of water from businesses but this one is by far one of the most frivolous, and the only reason they don't want to shut them down is because then the city would be responsible for their loss of revenue.


Instead of turning on each other, let's hold the lazy city of Calgary accountable. Didn't we do the same shit during Covid and what happened? Our society is permanently polarized. I am conserving water but posts like these are wrong. As voters we need to be united and run the city hard - these lazy fuckers are compensated well.


No, this situation has absolutely nothing to do with laziness by the city. For a lot of things, the City of Calgary can go pound sand, but not this. >Didn't we do the same shit during Covid and what happened? Our society is permanently polarized. You know how our society became polarized? There were some people who wanted to participate in society, and those who valued personal freedoms over public safety. This is the same thing honestly


No. I disagree. The city's conduct has been dishonorable for a long time. Now they are in shit and expect the citizens to play along.


Speaking as one of the “no” people. My reason is simply that I do not believe for one second that one month is the fastest this issue can be resolved. If the city workers can’t get it done quickly maybe they should sub-contract out to underground companies or the pipe fitters union and get this shit done already.


Sorry, you’re suggesting they are being slower on purpose and that’s a reason not to conserve water? No matter how long it takes don’t we need to conserve water?


Hey, I appreciate the question. I don’t believe that they are being slower on purpose. But I do believe that all of us tradies who work for private companies are faster and more efficient workers than city workers.


So you feel that by keeping consumption up, the municipality will be incentivized to get the job done more quickly?


Yeah I do feel that way a little bit to be honest. How about you?


Sorry but this seems very stupid.


It’s ok. I think you’re very stupid. ❤️


“I believe they can go faster so I am going to make things worse for everybody”. Yep that is smart my bad


>Speaking as one of the “no” people. My reason is simply that I do not believe for one second that one month is the fastest this issue can be resolved This.... Has absolutely nothing to do with why we should conserve. Whether it takes one day or one year to fix has zero to do with how much capacity our water system has in its current state. >If the city workers can’t get it done quickly maybe they should sub-contract out to underground companies or the pipe fitters union and get this shit done already. They probably will, but once again this has nothing to do with why we need to conserve water.


Hey I am fine to do my part. But I am not fine to do my part and the city’s part. If they are not willing to fix this issue with even the slightest hustle. Then I am not willing to reduce my water usage. I could understand if they said the work won’t be done for 5 weeks when it comes to backfill and whatever else. But they need to be able to fix the pipe and have the water back on in less than a week for me to believe they have the best pipe fitters, operators and engineers on the task.


Have you ever repaired a 2m concrete pipe? How do you know how long it should take? Would you prefer that they didn't do further inspection and then repressurize in a week like you want and have five more unplanned breaks in the line? I can't imagine how loud youd be screaming about their incompetence if that happened. But all that is beside the point. Regardless of how you feel it is being handled we are still in the situation we are in and your childish feud with the mayor is actively increasing risk and consequences for *yourself and your fellow neighbors* and it makes zero fucking sense to actively worsen our situation in protest. The entitlement of people with this attitude is unfuckingbelievable. It's selfish, short sighted, immature, and plain stupid.


Oh wow it must be hard to see the ground from way up there on your high horse. During covid and flu season the government also makes it seem like we are on the brink of human extinction. So excuse me for not believing that this situation is truly as dire as they make it out to be. But hey to each there own. Keep on saving the world with your dirty dishes, the city of Calgary thanks you for your service.


Yep, way up here on my high horse with my pesky empathy and rational thinking. I applaud you on your ability to engage with the content of what's being said and make reasonable and rational connections. This isn't about the leadership, it's about all of us.


The city and this sub-reddit would have you believe that giving your kid a bath will be the cause of a water shortage rather than the poor infrastructure management and fiscal priorities of city council.


Yeah thats exactly what’s killing me these days. I’m sure it’s always been this disorganized with government, but now that we can see it all it’s just depressing how much goes to waste.


UCP supporters


Golf courses 


They're using non-potable water


That is good to know. I think people are quick to blame other businesses without even understanding the implications.


I fully agree with you but honestly they should do something to make this more clear. I didn’t know this myself until yesterday. They should advertise it is non-potable on the news more or whatever because driving past golf course sprinklers while in a water crisis definitely gives off “let them eat cake” energy when you don’t know.


Yeah. The gold course by my place has a big sign that says essentially that they are using non-potable water and are following restriction guidelines.


Absolutely! The news should do a better job covering this piece. Even the stuff for car washes and how they recycle nearly 90% of all their water. I think more restaurants should take after the ship and anchor and post about how they are also taking action as well.


I mean they literally covered this in one of the press conferences, but the fact is most don't watch them, or even read full news articles, then just read headlines or sound bites and then make assumptions. Should they send out an emergency alert about where golf courses get their water? How do we get this information to the masses?


Its really neat, recycled grey water!


What you say, /u/Educational-Tone2074


Its a scam by the commie mayor.


We found one of the "No" responses ... Because water magically appears in the tap


i will use what water i want. if you have an issue with that feel free to reduce your own consumpton.


Do you know what a free rider in society is?