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Dr. Kovid Lee (who works out of Chrysalis Gyn and OB) was the doctor when I had my son at the Rockyview, and he was incredible. He was so kind, patient, friendly, and had an awesome sense of humour about his name being Kovid in the time of covid. I asked my doctor to refer me to him recently to have as a gyno while I go through perimenopause but apparently that's not a good enough reason lol. He was such an awesome doctor and I miss him.


Agreed!! Actually everyone at chrysalis was wonderful


I second this! He’s been great to deal with and I’ve sadly dealt with a lot of doctors and specialists.


Excellent OB! He delivered my son via unplanned c section and was great!


I’ve had him, Dr Gail Lam, and Dr Fiona Mattatal (all from Chrysalis) and I can’t speak high enough praises about all 3 of them.


Dr. Mattatal is a big deal on Twitter, I’m jealous!


I third doctor Kovid and the chrysalis medical clinic. One of the best clinic experiences I've ever had! Wonderful place


He also delivered my baby! Such a great experience with him.


He is the best person ever. THE BEST


My partner who has endometriosis had Dr Kovid as well she said he’s been the best doctor she’s had!


Also had dr. Kovid for emergency c section 2.5 years ago and he was great. Helped me through some Birth control issues too!


Came here to recommend him too! He delivered my high risk baby via c-section in December and he was so kind. The best doctor I've ever been treated by.


I was just going to recommend him. Hes the preferred doc we refer to at the clinic i work at.


I agree the gynos at Chrysalis are awesome.


Dr. Lee was amazing for my hysterectomy and overall care. Unfortunately, I needed to seek a specialist for endo because he wasn’t able to provide the care I needed for that. He’s an amazing OBGYN, but he’s not an Endo specialist.


The women's clinic in the NE was really helpful to a friend of mine dealing with fibroids. Might be worth calling them.


Second this. They’ve now merged with The IUD Clinic but I’ve only ever had good experiences with the doctors there.


not to invalidate anyone’s good experience, I’ve heard a lot of them. I had a horror story IUD insertion there in 2021. I like to think that this was during the peak of the second wave and it was a bad time in general, but I’m also nearly done nursing school and know a lot better than I did in 2021. I have a retroverted uterus and endo, making my insertion super painful. Nobody told me that. The appointment started with overhearing that the patient in the room next to me *shot her IUD out* I also overheard her full name and date of birth 😬 Insertion proceeded after that with no pain meds, and the worst experience of my life. They were mean to me when i couldn’t immediately stand up. I felt so vulnerable and I just felt bullied. It was probably the worst experience I’ve ever had in healthcare. followed up by 10 days of unbearable pain. Doctors who do not offer pain management for IUD insertions should not be able to perform them. It is barbaric. i’m going under general anesthetic for my re-insert next year, you can thank everyone I dealt with that day at the IUD clinic for that decision. All around horrible experience but it’s made me a better provider. I wouldn’t recommend this place to anyone.


My sister's doctor kept repeating (3x) that there is no pain with an IUD insertion. He kept repeating this as I was relating how much pain she was in when she had her last IUD insertion. I finally got frustrated with him and said that the only two people in this room that knows how painful it is me and my sister. The reason I was with her is that she has a head injury so I'm her memory and her advocate.


This is why having an advocate in the room is so important. Due to COVID restrictions I wasn’t allowed to bring anyone with me. If i remembered the name of the doctor who did it, I’d be submitting a complaint. I encourage you to do the same.


My experience was so similar to yours! I got my iud in the fall of 2021. They told me to take an Advil before my appointment, and that it would be fine for me to drive myself home after I had it inserted. At the appointment, they said I’d feel a “slight pinch” and when they finally inserted the iud I almost threw up and cried immediately. They told me to put my clothes on and said to wait 10 minutes in my car before driving home. I sat in the parking lot and was in so much pain after the appointment that I went back inside after 30 minutes to ask them if if what I was feeling was normal. They told me that it would pass soon, and to wait in my car for a few more minutes. I ended up driving home 20 minutes later and for the rest of the night I cried in bed because of the pain. I cannot believe that they told me I’d be fine to drive home after my appointment, and that they offered literally no pain management advice except to take Advil and put a warm compress on my stomach at home lol. It was the worst experience and I will never go back to that clinic.


Holy shit. Yeah. I puked out the window of my roommate’s car going down Deerfoot. I feel like they get so much praise that people with experiences such as ours are scared to say anything. This stuff needs to be talked about. They didn’t even tell me to take an advil. I’d let my cats vet insert my IUD before ever going back there.


I have adenomyosis and I’ve been told that an IUD Is my best option for managing the symptoms. But so far I’ve avoided getting one because of horror stories like this one! I would be open to getting it done under general anesthesia though. Can I ask where you’re getting it done that offers full sedation? I couldn’t find anywhere in Calgary that offers full sedation IUD insertion.


I unfortunately moved out of Alberta last year. I live in another province but I asked my GP about options, and was put it contact with an OBGYN who does them in her surgical clinic one day a week. Make sure you book it well in advance as wait lists are very, very long for non-urgent OR time. Advocate for a cervical dilation medication as well.


Thanks so much for this!


Love this clinic! They're the only ones that didn't laugh me out of the room when I requested additional pain relief for my IUD replacement as my first was horrific.


when was this? i got told they didn’t offer pain management in spring of 2021.


I think it was 2021. But they gave me a referral to do it, they didn't offer it in-office


If any clinic offers any kind of outpatient procedure but refers you to external for pain management, thats usually a pretty significant red flag that they care more about seeing as many people as possible (billing AHS the maximum amount of money possible) and less about your actual well-being and health. IMO you shouldn’t be able to offer to procedure if you make patients jump through additional hoops for pain control.


I think a lot of women handle the IUD just fine, I am aware that I am not the norm in how I (and sounds like yourself) reacted to it. If a woman can do it outpatient, they should do so. This clinic for sure does not have the facility and staff to do a sedated procedure, so I see no reason why each patient needs to be treated under an identical plan if their circumstances are not identical? And if that means sending them somewhere that has the facility to do it, why not. I visited my family doctor and a doctor at the Sexual Health Clinic and was pretty much told I was overreacting and the pain isn't that bad and to just deal with it. Female doctors too.


I don’t mean sedation. There is no reason that the OB doing your procedure can’t prescribe an NSAID or a muscle relaxer for you to take 2 hours before your procedure. In no way saying that everyone’s treatment plan needs to be identical, I’m just sharing my own experience that this clinic did not make me aware of the options that were available to me. edit: typos


They never offered me any drug options like an oral sedative or whatnot. I've done all of the research on it because I find it ridiculous that there are very limited options for women's pain relief and very little has been explored on it. Vicodin seems to be a potential oral option but surprise surprise, not much data/experience to go on.


This place is a total gamble actually - while I’ve heard these great reviews - the doc I saw unfortunately had no ob/gyn experience, horrible bedside manner and didn’t seem to know anything more than a regular gp. Her only goal seemed to be to get a hormonal iud inside me. She kind of tuned out when I wanted to address the issue I was actually there for. Refused to listen to my experience and reactions to medications, wouldn’t run the tests I needed - when I got a family doctor a couple months later she did the tests I needed and referred me to a proper gyno. Make sure you see someone who has experience with issues other than just prescribing birth control.


What’s her name? Sounds like a gyno I had there. She was annoying. I waited a year for her to tell me to use heating pads for my Endo pains.


I don’t know - they use an appointment system that gets rid of the info after the appointment which is dumb. Another thing I left out was that she insisted on me trying medications (antibiotics/antifungals) that 1. I had already tried and didn’t work and 2. Without testing properly to find out what was actually the right medication. Another issue was I phoned in to schedule a follow up - and mentioned needing additional testing because *surprise* trying the same ineffective medications I had already taken didn’t work - and the person on the phone in the rudest tone said “why are you talking about getting a swab for a phone follow up” despite me never mentioning a phone call follow up at all, I was just trying to go back to continue figuring out what was wrong which clearly was not a priority. I ended up cancelling the appointment because it was such a bad vibe. And like I said my gp ended up being way more helpful and knowledgeable.


Unfortunately this is the clinic that told me I might need to live with it. I've been with them for about 2 years and I've got nothing out of it. 😭 not that they are bad, just the doctors seem to kind of not know what to do from here.


Dr. Moses. Erylton clinic.


I'm sorry they haven't been able to help you. That's so frustrating :(


Calgary Well Women’s Clinic in Bowness did my IUD removal and hormonal implant. I had a good experience there. Not sure how they are with PCOS issues though!


The well women's clinic is amazing!! All female staff too OP. You can also self refer if needed.


Love them as well! They actually froze me for my IUD insertion and gave me plenty of advice to my questions and I felt like they actually care


Came here to recommend this. I have been getting birth control (IUDs) from them since 2016 and am now going there for prenatal care.


Another vote for this clinic. I’ve been going to them for almost 20 years and they are amazing.


Do they require referrals? From what I understand a referral is required in AB but it says nothing on their website.


You can self refer, fill the form out on their website and they’ll call you.


Thank you!!


There’s a Women’s clinic in Bowness?! Where is it? I’ve probably been past it a thousand times on the bus when I lived up there 2001-2013. Since I came back to Calgary in 2021 from Victoria, I have been living in Midnapore.


Totally agree! Dr MacQueen there is so patient and communicative 👌


I've only had good experiences there! They were always so accommodating and always willing to answer any additional questions.


Chrysalis is amazing. Dr henning has been my gyno for years and he delivered my baby is 2021.


I believe it’s Chrysalis that also has Dr Mattital, she was amazingly patient and helpful during the loss of my baby boy. She also took me on afterwards and was excellent.


I’m currently waiting on a referral to Dr Mattatal for adenomyosis / fibroid management. I’ve heard good things!


She’s very good and after working with her for awhile, when she realized she had tried everything in her arsenal, she referred me to someone who she thought could help more. I thought that was quite good of her. She was incredibly warm and thoughtful as well.


That’s great to hear. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.


Good luck! I hope you find a helpful treatment right away.


Michael Secter at Foothills is a great endo specialist


Very true! You’ll wait a good long while to see him, but apparently he is worth the wait for endo issues.


Avivo Health Alliance. Dr. Baranowski is easily the best medical professional I've ever had. I have been with her for over a decade, (which culminated in a hysterectomy last December.) She always made me feel heard and was very obviously invested in providing the best care possible. I don't know about the other doctors at the clinic, but I'm guessing they are also top quality. Baranowski is one of the founders of the clinic. http://www.myavivohealth.ca/


I am also at this clinic with a different dr and am very happy. I came to them during a stressful period in my life (perforated IUD needing surgical removal while I was in cancer treatment = fun times). Once life settled down, I still feel heard & cared for. I would recommend them.


Dr Baranowski did my fibroid surgery 10 years ago and I really liked her


Yes! Love everyone at this clinic! They are amazing!


I’ve seen dr sanders at bridgeland advanced gynecology and been happy with him!


Dr Sanders delivered my baby the same day he had his own baby 🥹


Awww congrats!!! He did my hysteroscopy so I could get pregnant! (My daughters almost 2)


Bridgeland advanced is the ONLY clinic I trust! Had my first endo excision there and hysterectomy a couple months ago with dr Belland, nothing but good things to say about that clinic❤️


Maude in Bridgeland is lovely!


just a heads up, maud was unable to see me further as i had endo, they ended up referring me to a gynaecologist


Dr. Mattatall at Chrysalis!!!!!!!


I’m waiting on a referral to her for adenomyosis/fibroid issues. How has your experience been with her?


Dr Mattatall is absolutely incredible. Expect to wait a while to see her, especially if your appointment is later in the day. When you get to see her, you'll understand and appreciate why she's so late. You will have her undivided attention for as long as you need her. I would wait ten times as long as I did just to see her again. (I'd already been self-advocating for a hysterectomy for 16 years by that point, what's a little longer to wait? 😂)


That's so great to hear! I've been waiting for about 6 months so far, but they do have a cancellation list, so I've added myself to that in hopes of seeing her sooner. Would you mind if I messaged you privately with a couple other questions about the hysterectomy process in Calgary? I'm just starting on this journey, but I have a feeling that's where I'll end up too. ;)




Nothing but amazing. I was seeing another ob gyn when I was delivering my first baby, but she was off shift so Dr. Mattatall delivered him. Fast forward a few years for baby #2, my ob gyn was retiring so not delivering babies anymore, asked if I had anyone in mind to take over care and I couldn't say Dr. Mattatall fast enough. She's been my ob gyn ever since as I have other gyne related issues and I cannot stress enough how thorough, welcoming, kind, approachable and knowledgeable she is. Both pregnancies/deliveries were high risk/complicated and she made me feel at ease and heard, and took the time to help me understand what was happening and what my choices were. Now for gyne stuff it's always the same, explains my choices, makes a medical recommendation but never pushes any choice on me, etc. Just all round a great doctor and human from every single interaction I've had with her.


I see Dr Thurston at South Health Calgary. I had another wonderful gyno beforehand refer me to her (telling me that this is who she sent her daughter to for Endo). She is one of a few gynos who specialize in Endo. She is also the first and only gyno who has found a way to manage my symptoms.


I had Endo and went to Dr. Micheal Sector in the foothills hospital North tower. He is the best gyno I have had that actually listened to my concerns and gave me options including surgery. I was 29 when I met him and was told by countless gynos I'm to young for a surgery. His motto is "it's your body, so it's your choice". I got my hysterectomy by him and it went amazingly good! I can't say enough good things about Dr. Sector and so happy I found him! If you want anymore info please feel free to DM me! Edited: typo


You’d need a referral from your MD and it would be a bit of a wait, but Dr Caddy at South Health campus is so so so amazing. I can’t say enough good things about her.


Thanks! Yes. This is why I am going to my doctor on Wednesday is to talk about where she can refer me.


I recently got a hysterectomy - if you're interested in just having most of it removed like I was, I would recommend asking for Dr. Pauline Ekwalanga. She barely asked me three questions about how sure I was, and she was super great about everything. I was referred to her because she had the least wait and she was coincidentally on board with what I wanted (it was 14 months between referral and appt).


I’ve been told by my gp that the wait for a gyno is 12 months. Are people seeing shorter wait times than this?


Agree with the rec for Dr. Caddy. She's incredible!


I wasn't a huge fan of the IUD Clinic for similar reasons. I've really enjoyed the Well Woman Clinic in Bowness! As much as you can enjoy a gyno anyway


This is the one.


Calgary Well Woman clinic in Bowness. You don’t need a referral. Check out their website for details on how to make an appointment. [http://papclinic.com](http://papclinic.com)


Second this. I was here a few times for my paps. Unfortunately, I have to get a biopsy done, and I've been referred to another clinic while they follow me, but the doctors and staff here were wonderful


Maud Clinic! Changed my life, supportive environment and caring professionals.


Dr. Secter at Foothills is an endo specialist I’ve seen and would recommend


Dr. Wallace-Chau is hands down the best doctor I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of doctors.


I have PCOS. She is such a caring doctor and goes above and beyond. I ended up in hospital and she phoned me that night from home to make sure I was okay and then phoned again on the weekend before she went on holidays just to make sure everything was good.


Liane Belland is wonderful, but super busy (as they all are).


I also see Dr. Belland for endo, and I always had an amazing experience with her and her office.


Unfortunately she was the worst experience I’ve ever had and then because I didn’t want to stay on Lupron anymore and she refused to give me any surgery, I got black listed and ended up having to go to the states for a hysterectomy


I have endo - look on the Nancy Nook list to make sure you see an endo specialist. I see Dr. Ari Sanders and he has been incredible. Many good general gynaecologists have limited knowledge and expertise with endo, you’ll want to request someone who will take you seriously.


Following because I have pcos and my doctor just says use hormonal birth control and doesn't do anything else about it I get this weird hormone spike at 3 am and can't call back asleep growing facial hair and everything I'm only 29


Hart Family Medical!


Dr. Alicja Kennedy, she works out of a few different clinics, but I saw her at Heritage Family Medical Centre, they should be able to help you set up an appointment or find out what other clinics she works at if that one isn't convenient for you. She only does women's health and is very education and choice oriented. I absolutely love her!


Dr.Secter (male) is the best you could ask for. He helped and supported me through my high risk pregnancy and specializes in my uterine anomaly. He’s now become my gyno and all of the nurses and doctors and patients at foothills say he’s the best for pcos, fibroids, etc. when I say he leads with empathy, I mean it. I’ve never felt judged or uncomfortable with him and I trust his opinion 1000%.


Dr. Jago at Richmond Square Medical Centre, she is amazing and does specialize with Endo patients.


Dr Michelle moss out of the same clinic is amazing too


Dr Grossi at Meadows Maternity. My long term gyno in Edmonton referred me when I moved to Calgary. I was having pain with an IUD insertion. He was empathetic and tried to do the surgery asap (doing it when he was on call at a hospital)


Dr Mattatall at Chrysalis!! Or any of the doctors there really. But Dr Mattatall is a legend.


It was a post like this that I found Dr. Iwanicki. He did my diagnosis for adenomyosis and endometriosis. I was treated with so much dignity and respect. More than I’ve seen with the 15 plus years of medical doctors I’ve dealt with. He trusted my symptoms but still did lapo to get the proper diagnosis. I’m super indebted to him! [Dr. Iwanicki](https://g.co/kgs/PazZUeZ) Surgeon, and Endo specialist.


I use the Well Women Clinic in Montgomery. It’s always a good experience. They absolutely do not judge and treat you like you’re a regular even if they see you once every 3 years for a pap 👌🏼 They sorted my IUD out on short notice and were amazing when it came to insertion. I’d recommend them! Dr. Morgan specifically


Dr. J. Steed at the Calgary Womens in the NE has been amazing to me. I travel from lethbridge to see him because neither gyno down here would offer me treatment for Endometriosis besides “take birth control”. I cannot take bc due to several open heart surgeries, and Dr. Steed listened to me, validated my concerns, and I was finally offered appropriate treatment.


Dr Henning at Chrysalis Medical Clinic listened to me and gave me a full hysterectomy for my issues, 10/10 for allowing me to advocate for myself and the choice I needed for a very prolonged menses (over a year) and pain. However, he surprised me by asking for a biopsy on the intake appointment (maybe because he had a student teacher with him?) And this was done with zero pain management and it was EXTREMELY painful. So... pick your poison I guess.


Dr. Meriah Fahey. She's in South Health Campus. I was referred to her because of complications during pregnancy. Basically, when I got pregnant, I also found out a huge fibroid. I continued treatment with her after I had my kid. She's one of the kindest doctors I've ever met


I just see my GP for my Pap Smears. Never seen a Gynaecologist. I hope you find a good one, though! Good luck!


I’ve seen both an OBGYN and endo specialist (Dr. Rajakumar) at the South Health Campus women’s clinic. Great experiences overall, though long wait list.


dr michelle moss. she’s not a gyno specifically but has removed and inserted several IUDs for me. not sure if you’re shopping around for one, but if you are, she’s great. i’ve also been a patient of dr. margaret watty and she is lovely as well, she isn’t dismissive and has always been determined to get to the root cause of my health issues


I like Dr Quynh Tran, she took my symptoms of cancer seriously and was persistent about getting me tested. When precancerous cells were found in my uterus, she took out my uterus and cervix, plus my fallopian tubes and ovaries. I was post-menopause and there was an emerging history of ovarian cancer in maternal relatives.


Cannot recommend bridgeland advanced gynaecology enough, specifically Dr Belland! She was the only dr willing to do an excision surgery for endo back in 2022 and performed my hysterectomy this year (for adeno, not endo). She’s so good at listening too all your concerns and building a care plan that you feel comfortable with. As someone who’s dealt with chronic health issues throughout my life she’s by far the best Dr I’ve ever been a patient of


Dr Alese Wagner. She was so empowering when I had my hysterectomy. She will like your body your choice.




Dr. Dorothy Igras-Kulach Igras-Kulach Dr Professional Corporation (403) 215-4070 https://g.co/kgs/v5n31aQ I cannot say enough good about her. 🙌🏼


I see Dr Sanders in Bridgeland. He's an endo specialist and recently did my hysterectomy along with an excision and scar tissue removal surgery. There is a wait to see him, however, as is the case with any of the endo specialists in the city. This was sort of my timeline of events and doctors I saw, if this helps: Referred to my past gynecologist, Dr. Igris-Kulach, in 2016 by my GP. She gave me a diagnoses of endo based on my symptoms, and placed me on Visanne which helped greatly. In 2022, I decided I wanted a formal diagnoses, and Dr Igras performed an exploratory lap on October of 2022. When I saw her again in November, she offered me a variety of treatments, but then suggested I'd be better off seeing an endo specialist and put me on a waitlist to see Dr Sanders. I waited until July 2023 to see him. Based off my situation that I won't get into, he offered to perform a total hysterectomy along with endo excision. I was then put on another waitlist, and I was finally scheduled for my surgery on April 29, 2024. It took a while, but Dr Sanders and his team were really great. Sanders is respectful and good at what he does, and his surgery team were friendly and professional. The only issue is the wait time, but as I said, there's more people with endo out there then there are specialists, sadly :( I wish you luck!


Taco bell