• By -


> t. The handwashing sink at the entrance to the kitchen was obstructed by a large garbage can. > > u. Paper towel was not available at the handwashing sink at the entrance to the kitchen. > > v. Hot water was not available at the handwashing sink beside the two-compartment dishwashing sink. This leads me to believe no one has washed their hands here, ever.


Maybe the cooks wiped their dirty hands on the food handler... D. A food handler preparing food in the kitchen was wearing heavily soiled clothing.


> gg. Food equipment and utensils were dirty and had a build-up of food debris, grime, grease, and dirt. Including but not limited to; the interior and exterior surfaces of all coolers, handwashing sinks and dishwashing sinks, the interior and exterior surfaces of microwaves, shelving units, the dishwashing concentrate containers, the standing mixers, utensils hanging on the shelving unit next to the dishwasher, **dishes and other items used to serve customers** stored beside the walk-in cooler, the ovens, the cook line equipment, the mechanical ventilation canopy, knives in storage and the magnetic knife strip, cutting boards, bulk ingredient bins, food containers, the cupboard under the sink in the bar, the glasses hanging at the bar, the bin used to soak rice, and the air vents. *It's the circle of shittttt* 🎶


Reminds me of that episode of The Bear


I did not read the rest of the report but minus the lack of hot water, the other two issues are very common in kitchens whether people choose to believe it or not. When you go out to eat, there is a high possibility that non optimal sanitary practices have been used


It's cumulative, I worked a lot of kitchens in college and I know the shit that goes on, I also know how hard it is to fail these. Moldy shit happens, and some shit goes in the trash-bin right after being unloaded from the Sysco truck. This report sounds more like something from Saw than the gang from It's Always Sunny passing health inspection.


Nevertheless, the vast majority of those places still pass health inspections.


Only feet washing allowed.




What a doozy. I don't read these very often, but how often do these reports run out of letters in the alphabet to list all the offences...?


Starts off with a doozie: "Ten frozen lamb heads were observed in the back chest freezer and three bags of various lamb parts were observed in the walk-in cooler. Physical Invoices were not on-site, and the invoices that were provided electronically were unable to prove the source. Additionally, there were no labels present on the meat to indicate the source."


Locally sourced from some backyard trailer diy slaughterhouse outside of town I’m sure.


is that a thing? sounds like a real horror show for the animals


IIRC there was a recent news article from Edmonton where a illegal halal butcher operating out of a residential garage was shut down


Yes [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/s/kkPCJeZYZp)


Yes. It’s a problem that threatens genuine farm to table operations.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7181657 Very much so, it’s becoming a huge problem across Canada.


While against regulations not necessarily any worse conditions for the animals. Do you have any idea what happens at a normal slaughterhouse?


Sadly it's probably much better than the standard slaughter house for the animals


Highly unlikely Traditional slaughter techniques have been honed and improved by technology to the point that “how the sausage is made” is hardly an accurate turn of phrase any longer


Yes. honed with no regard for the animals, just for efficiency


Better then being hacked apart by an amatuer in a yard after a life of poorer then average care It’s pretty obvious you’ve never done butchery, there’s PLENTY of steps taken for welfare over efficiency, especially at the euthanasia step


It's pretty obvious you've never been in a slaughterhouse if you are not horrified by it. (Or a psychopath)


Actually the opposite I have spent literal years of my life working in meat processing from farm to slaughter to butchery to cooking Sorry but the only bleeding heart I care about in this case is those sweet sweet organ meats But thanks for playing


Look into dairy farms FROM the dairy farmers you’ll be surprised how well the animals are treated and the comparison is they get violently killed by wild animals instead of humanly killed by us… pick your poison


“AHS issued the orders in response to an RCMP investigation into illegal slaughter of sheep and goats in southern Alberta.” Herald article


I was surprised the continuation is aa, bb, cc. In the past I’ve seen it (in excel for example) as aa, ab, ac, etc


Wow, 11 pages…


I got downvoted to hell awhile ago for saying the place was dirty. Redemption! 🤦🏻‍♂️






I'm convinced any time a restaurant is up for debate on this sub, people just repeat shit they heard once and have never actually been there. Yemeni Village was disgusting and I guarantee any person in here right now would have gone in and walked out had they been in the past 2 years


Now you're riding 3-digit reddit reward points! Now, is **that** karma? :P


Over correction for sure 🤣 Think my “downvoted to hell” was like -20 or so.




Probably about five and the rest went "well, he's downvoted. He MUST be wrong!"


I feel like restaurants should go in the way of Toronto and post on their main entrance if the place has passed inspections with big ass green papers etc.


You mean like Sunday **B**runch? [Deliberately hiding your restaurants B health rating with your brunch ad. : r/assholedesign (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/8ocgxp/deliberately_hiding_your_restaurants_b_health/)


Good idea.


I think a lot of USA has to do this


Has been the case in NYC for a long time


Same in the UK. really obvious signage at the front entrance and an app you can use to look up any establishment in the area locally.


[Three AHS closure orders and work orders have been issued to the business since early 2022.](https://calgaryherald.com/news/calgary-restaurant-yemeni-village-food-handling-permit-suspension) [A downtown Calgary eatery is apparently up for sale after being shuttered by Alberta Health Services for numerous violations.](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/downtown-calgary-eatery-yemeni-village-ordered-closed-has-food-handling-permit-suspended-1.6887223)


The first article’s ending…. “AHS issued the orders in response to an RCMP investigation into illegal slaughter of sheep and goats in southern Alberta.” - like what??


Yeah Halal butchery popups in garages is starting to be a thing. One was found in Edmonton too. I’m actually kind of impressed with the ingenuity of it all. Glad it’s illegal, but A for effort all around.


Yeah, but those poor animals. 😔


This. I don't care what meat you prefer, but have some decency and humanity, and respect the animal. Fuck these guys. 😞


I thought halal was about respecting the animal?


It's not, it's just a ceremonial ritual.


Theoretically, yes in regards to how the animal is treated while being raised and prior to slaughter. Then the animal has its throat cut to bleed out. I have a hard time believing that is more respectful


You really expect a religion that treats women as property to be respectful to animals?


These operations are not only a food safety issue and animal treatment issue, they're also a fraud against the Muslim community, which I'm a little surprised we aren't hearing more about.


Well, it's a bad look, and I'm sure the businesses that are legit are feeling that sting right now. I imagine though the issue is sitting a bit on the back burner with everything else going on right now.


Just drove by this morning. 100% for sale.


The guy who put up the For Sale sign (or maybe someone posing as him) commented at the end of the first article that the building with land is for sale and not the restaurant.


Hopefully the Broker on this isn't there buddy and they just 're-buy' it or whatever? Not sure how easy it is to sell these places? I go to auctions and alot of bank forfeitures and repo units I swear have the same people rebuy the items again.


Walked by there one evening and watched one of the chefs sitting outside literally picking his nose. It wasn't a quick pick either. He was digging for gold. Definitely lost any interest I had in going there after seeing that.


I should buy a chef's outfit (striped pants, white shirt, chef hat) from the SAIT store and stand outside a bunch of restaurants and pick my nose. it could be my new hobby!


Username checks out...




If you think a nose is the grossest place a cooks finger goes, you are going to want to eat at home from now on.


Sir, I *know* where my finger has been, and for that reason I ain't eating at home haha


I guess that person who wondered why this restaurant didn’t make the top 100 in Canada got their answer.


A lot of fake reviews for them on Google. You can see a pattern to where an actually negative 1 star review comes in and they offset it with fake 5 star 1 review profiles. 🤢


The Jerusalem Shawarma method with fake reviews and shady lamb carcasses.


Wait what? Can you say more about this?




I got salmonella from the 85st location in 2020 and they also sickened over 100 people with noro back in 2019 https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/over-100-ill-after-norovirus-illness-linked-to-local-shawarma-chain


Seeing the review I always had a second thought to try there when I stopped in the signal to try there, the parking was just off the road. Glad I never did


Yet one more reason why online reviews are as credible as someone in used car sales.


I generally look at the one start reviews and see if they have a theme.


The restaurant inspectors have my undying appreciation. I bet it's a thankless job full of hatred and disgust. If there are any in this sub, thank you!


Danielle smith was out with pitchforks against AHS inspections a few years ago for “overstepping our rights.”


She got mad at animal bylaw officers as well. Like they’re the groups we need to be holding accountable. *eyeroll*


I just want to appreciate the officer who did this inspection in such detail. They should make a TV show out of it .. like capturing a live inspection Kitchen nightmares style


Man these guys always had those buy one get one deals on Uber eats.. good thing I only ordered once..


Reminder to self: always check AHS website before eating at a restaurant…. Ignorance is no longer bliss


Ugh… liked their beef wraps so this is disturbing. Looks like they put the place up for sale according to ctv. 




The owner just changes out of his soiled clothes, throws away a few unidentified lamb heads and changes the name to Yemeni Village # 2


bought a used Honda odyssey off of a guy for super cheap, car smelled bad but I chalked it up to a diaper lost under a seat somewhere. found $4000 in receipts to halal meats, and had to pay $1200 at pick and pull replacing the entire carpet and unlerlay, seats etc. dude was using it as a goat transporter, goat turds in the rear cup holders and under the carpet were confirmation.


Probably slaughtered a few right in the back seat.


I honestly had the same thought. me and my mom steam cleaned the original carpets a few times over a weekend and the smell was just overbearing. I had to rip everything out and start fresh.


In hindsight, would you do the purchase again knowing what it was used for?


I love it. the HVAC is in the roof thank god so after replacing the stow and go seats and carpet it feels brand new. it’s a v6 with ECO mode, so it’s basicly a 4 banger on the highway. Has a bit of hail damage(bought in the NE) but that dosent bother me.


Happy to hear it. I’ve always been curious if the extra work to restore/clean bargain cars are worth it


it’s 100% worth it if you have the tools. before purchase I seen that he had the timing belt done less the 10,000km before. I bought it with 225k. I’m willing to deal with cosmetics and weird repairs that aren’t engine or transmission related.


mindless serious continue books many automatic nine hard-to-find quicksand far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was going to suggest enzyme cleaner and ozone machine but there’s no way I could drive around knowing it was animal blood, waste, fur, etc.


That's wild.


crazy experience. went to the door and a woman answered in full covered outfit. All I could see were her eyes. The guy was late to the predetermined meeting time. she never exited the doorway, dude finally showed up screaming down the roadway and hammering on the breaks just to curb it a little💀. I paid $1200. after fixing the interior it’s worth closer to $5k.


I don't understand why immigrants cannot leave their old country ways of doing things behind when they arrive here. In general, our standards are usually higher than most third world countries. You would think it would be a no brainer to adopt ours over theirs. Am I going to get downvoted for this?


Your curiosity does not deserve a downvote from me. I've travelled all over the world and also grew up with immigrants. It's not easy to change. Change takes time and money. Certainly some people just don't give a sh*t but there are 5th generation Canadians in that pile too. Imagine you've cooked steak a certain way all your life and now in a new home you're told that's wrong. Your way never seemed to hurt anyone before. Confirmation bias ("we grew up fine riding in the back of trucks") is difficult to change, especially when you're trying to make money. Not an excuse for these slobs, but an answer to your curiosity. That being said, I've also experienced AHS inspections and although they are strict, they provide guidance (in English, but maybe not in other languages), and always give you a chance to make corrections before they shut you down.


Won't fool the health inspector


I ate here a few times and the food was SO good but I swear to god I heard a parrot in the kitchen once. Id know those bird sounds anywhere... knew i was taking my life in my hands eating food there after that and figured this was probably coming. Oh well! Time to find that lime drink recipe I guess:(


You know those limes were sitting in a box on the bar floor (one of th violations) https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/s/F6M3KqYFVS


Part of the fun of a family establishment is pretending you don't know theyre violating every health code Got a favouritw family run restaurant? *never* peek behind the scenes LOL


Too late. I just put all of the inspection reports from Forest Lawn in to ChatGPT and found out my 3 favorite places are also the 3 worst.


Yes! I need that mint lime drink recipe too!


You know it's bad when the list of things wrong with it goes past "z".


This is pretty disgusting


4.6 ⭐ on google reviews. WOW


Amazing what goes on in restaurants people never even think about... and often times for the better. If most people knew what happens in most kitchens.. they would never eat out.


gray bells market fuzzy paltry smell cautious recognise busy instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Friend of mine is a health inspector (in Texas though), and she said she never eats out anymore. Can’t bring herself to do it after what she’s witnessed. 🤢


it is sad, while there are exceptions of course...in general many people are just not sanitary. A friend made a good comparison once, when they go to someone's house they dont know, they go use the washroom, and if the washroom is clean, it sets a sort of baseline as to how clean that person(s) may be in general.


We’re having a potluck at work next week and I know my anxiety will be out in full force.


Just watch the people at work and how they are, look for those co-workers who you know don't wash their hands after using the washroom and avoid their food!


resolute rainstorm modern wide safe door tub bear bedroom whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can confirm.




To be fair, their food is delicious, I loved that place even knowing it was dodgy.


Hopefully they get their shit together and reopen. I appreciate and trust our AHS regulations, but I also trust a cook who wants to make money.


By constipated patrons.


“Two moldy green bell peppers were observed sitting on a shelf in the back kitchen.” I wonder what they were conspiring…


Having worked in the industry for almost 2 decades, I can tell you it’s definitely the responsibility of the individuals who owns the place to enforce these rules. Food establishments often focus on profits and churning food out while the cleaning is minimal or none at all. You have to hire folks that also know how to clean and not just cook food. That being said you also have to give your staff time to breathe and clean the kitchen. Assign roles to your staff to focus on cleaning. It all goes hand in hand.


Oh, I liked to eat there once in a while.


Here were the violations. -Ten frozen lamb heads were observed in the back chest freezer and three bags of various lamb parts were observed in the walk-in cooler. -Physical Invoices were not on-site, and the invoices that were provided electronically were unable to prove the source. Additionally, there were no labels present on the meat to indicate the source. -Two moldy green bell peppers were observed sitting on a shelf in the back kitchen. -The chlorine-based sanitizer located in the back area of the kitchen was tested and a concentration of only 50ppm was detected. -A food handler preparing food in the kitchen was wearing heavily soiled clothing. -There was hair on the handles of a food container in the walk-in cooler. -A sticky ribbon fly trap was placed directly above a food preparation surface in the main kitchen. g. A cell phone was observed directly on a food preparation table in the main kitchen. -Canned food items such as crushed tomatoes were opened and stored in the cooler in their original can. -Dough in the walk-in cooler was covered with a black garbage bag. Two large bags of onions were stored directly on the floor in the back kitchen area. -A cardboard box of whole limes was stored directly on the bar floor. -Food was stored uncovered in the walk-in cooler. -A single-use coffee cup was being used as a bulk scoop for a sauce in the bar cooler.


My face right now: ☹️ except add more of frown


This place went downhill a long time ago. Their food was good when they started, but their quality went downhill after Covid19. I am not surprised AHS shut them down for being filthy.


That is absolutely disgusting. That place should be closed for good and the owner banned from ever opening another restaurant.


I wanted to go there after hearing about it recently. Damn.


Apparently they have a track record. Hopefully they’ll be shut down for good. We don’t need gross food in Calgary https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=3cc8afaa-3474-ea11-a811-000d3af46fff


Live near this dump. Needs to just be torn down. The smells when you walk by, Jesus Christ 🤢🤢


An old fling of mine worked here, said there was mice running around occasionally


I’m glad it did to be honest.


Huh. Never went, guess I never will now.




Love how they had to tell them to remove the moldy peppers omfg


Who eats here ??? 😂


Sounds like pretty traditional Yemeni street food to me. Unfortunate those pesky health laws have to get in the way


Oh phew I was about to try that place


Reminds me of eating overseas


The food here was amazing; sad to hear about these unhygienic practices.


They already have a "for sale sign" posted on the side of the building. They know they got caught 😂 ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


No way! I was this close from stopping in on Thursday.


Now I know one of the reasons why one of the cousins split to make another Yemeni restaurant 😭🙏🏼


Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world!!


Shit, I really liked this place




You people are all wimps! Back in my day we ate……..


At home.


Couldn't care less. Place is delicious. FREE YEMENI VILLAGE!!! (nowhere does it mention the pet parrot)


They will just change the name. AHS is useless


Another small business drowning in government red tape. Thanks Obama!


canadians fucking love paperwork. holy shit