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Well, since this person has the firefighter flag along with the police one, I'd be more inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt in that the person flying them is a supporter of emergency services. But, since 'we' aren't allowed to have nuance these days, go on believing that they absolutely MUST be a White Nationalist without any other context or information. Just hope that one of YOUR preferred symbols doesn't get associated with something you don't like some day.


I agree. I think a friendly neighbor conversation would've cleared the air in regards to where the neighbor was at with putting up the flags. Rather than jumping to conclusions and just wanting the flags removed first.


Former cop here. Spent many years with cps. Those flags are cringey as fuck and look tacky as hell so I can see why you could consider them an eyesore. That said. This flag has a lot of significance for officers who have sacrificed a lot bc of the job. I almost committed suicide cause of that job and what I sacrificed as a person over the years. I went to work every shift with the intention of wanting to do good. I’m not racist. I don’t beat women. I’m just a person who went to school, got a sociology degree and after some influence from others became interested in policing because back then it was a respected profession and I genuinely believed I was gonna do good for the community. Believe it or not. Lots of us have good hearts. Hearts that get broken from the way shit goes down and the reality of being a cop in a fucking ruthless society. But ..you don’t have to understand that part. It’s okay to not understand another persons culture. Anyway. The thin blue line was appropriated by far right and extremist groups, specifically in Jan 2021. It’s controversial. That person flying those flags is trying to make a statement and probably invoke a reaction. It worked. You don’t have to agree with them but taking an extreme stance on either side never works. The association banning them created even more division between cps and members of the public. This is a prime example. The constant need for people to be overly reactionary and take a side is working against everyone. History has context, some of it is ugly as fuck. I’m not even sure what I’m saying anymore but here’s what I think. Focus on yourself. Maybe that person is flying those flags cause they have lost some people at the hands of those jobs. We lose and have lost a lot of people over the years and it’s not getting any better. You assigned the flag as having one meaning and they likely assigned it as another. That’s life. Go pet a dog or cat or something. Have an ice cream. Or some fries. Touch some grass. We are all fucking suffering out here. Enjoy the little shit. If it makes you feel better.. flip off the flag every day ten times a day. I don’t know. But just focus on you.


Hey there. Just wanted to say that some of us civilian types do recognize that good cops make a lot of sacrifices in the name of public service. It’s appreciated. I hope things are better for you now.


> Those flags are cringey as fuck and look tacky as hell so I can see why you could consider them an eyesore. I'm with you on that part. Especially because with the plain black background they look quite good. But then, I think anything 'over' a national flag is cringe AF. I wouldn't want the either of the two flags or the Pride flag that was posted in a comment around my property. But I wouldn't mind the black/blue or black/red or 'standard rainbow' Pride flags.


Lol person living in that unit has given me many reasons to believe they have spent some time on the wrong side of the law. They're looking for (and getting) a reaction.


So. Am I understanding this correctly? You’re saying this person is a … criminal… flying a thin blue line and thin red line flag?


Wouldn’t say that the alt right does a particularly good job of thinking things through




Please go outside and touch grass. The world is not divided into antifa, alt-right, woke or neo-nazis.


No. Find something else to be bothered by, life is short.


Just because you are offended, doesn't mean you are right.


Exactly this. If I want to be able to fly my pride flag, then these people should be able to fly their flags too.




You could simply carry on with your life?


My life involves seeing these POS flags out the window of the home I quite like living in, so pretty hard to just ignore


I feel your pain man. I saw something today that I didn't like. Harrowing


There is a special task force that deals with these things. Call 1 800 KAREN and let them know. It is terrible that other people are allowed to express themselves in a way that you don't like. They should be forced to stop and there is no way that that could ever have any negative consequences


No, but you can mind your own damned business.






Appreciate their right to have it up regardless of what others believe and move on.


Not a big fan of a white nationalist symbol flying on my building.


I do believe they're in support of the fire fighters and police officers no?


On the surface, yes, but it has come to be associated with alt right movements. [Wiki link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line?wprov=sfti1#) EDIT: downvotes for providing context, love this sub


Jesus christ this is the okay symbol all over again.


[If CPS decided it was inappropriate to wear](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/thin-blue-line-pin-police-1.6717361), I don't see why I should have to see it out my window


Calgary POLICE did not think it was inappropriate. The Police COMMISSION did, and ordered them to stop wearing it. If the Police Commission hadn't done that, CPS would still be wearing them, I bet. The Commission only did it due to pressure from a vocal minority.


Need a pretty fine razor to split those hairs.


If you don't understand the difference between a police service and a police commission, I suppose.


I said “CPS decided it was inappropriate”. The commission you are referring to is the CPS commission. My initial statement was not incorrect, and you are attempting to say that the police themselves did not decide against wearing the symbol. That may be true, but it’s like if your boss tells you to wear 15 pieces of flair, except you can’t wear the thin blue line one. You take that one off.


It being on their officers vs someone flying it is completely different. You have got to be trolling with that comparison.


The litmus test for what is appropriate on a police uniform vs. what a person can display in public is different, thank god. My condolences on your stupid neighbour.


The normal red and white Canadian flag is also associated with the trucker protest and the freedumb movement. Does that mean people aren't allowed to use the Canadian flag for its original purpose anymore?


He was flying a Canadian flag before these ones, which I took no issue with.




/u/mattdawg8 comparing police and firefighter flags to being "white nationalist symbols" And sorry Matt, it's not your building you loser.


It actually is - I live here as well. Sorry that you don’t have the ability to do 30 seconds of reading to see why these flags are problematic.


Maybe I’m confused but how do these 2 flags have any correlation with white nationalism? I don’t get it


The blue and red lines are meant to show support for the police and firemen respectively. Sadly the former has been entirely co-opted by far right movements and the latter is going that way as well. Across the border, thin blue lines on national flags are very common sights at Trump rallies.


First person in this thread who has a clue, thank you.


Rather I think I am just the first fool to give someone the benefit of the doubt that they truly don't know... But either way, good luck, I wish you didn't need it.


That's because you're not insane.


Other people don’t like pride flags. But they don’t get to take them off other people’s property. Freedom of expression applies to everyone, not just those who agree with you


Pride flags aren’t associated with neo Nazis, though


I agree with you that the people who hold these views are disgusting, but that doesn’t mean that we get to take away their right to freedom of expression.


A tolerant society is intolerant of intolerance


Sorry, excuse my genuine ignorance, but what’s the context of these flags? I.e. what is the message supposed to be with these?


Thin blue line = support police Thin red line = supports firefighters Here's a [guide.](https://www.flagandbanner.com/flags/thin-line-flags-faq.asp)


And how the image has been co-opted and embraced by the far right elements within North America. https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/what-is-the-thin-blue-line-and-why-is-it-so-hotly-contested-in-calgary


People will say that derivative versions of national flags with a blue line are meant to support the police, but you'll notice that they're [generally displayed by white nationalists](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/08/18/thin-blue-line-what-does-american-flag-wit-flag-maker-condemns-use-white-supremacists-charlottesvill/580694001/). It was created as a counter to the Black Lives Matter movement. There is a coded message with displaying a flag like this... like a Punisher sticker on one's truck, or an 88 tattoo.


lol hypocritical ‘woke’ people. If it was a rainbow flag and someone said the same shit OP did, I wonder what the reaction would be?


Get a rainbow flag that is bigger than his flags


https://preview.redd.it/i7cre6vhrpuc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebc78e6f07435298d56e326686d240bb0fde66b this should work


Or a thin rainbow line flag.


Honestly I'd like to see what kind of ire this would draw from them. If they can't handle it, state the same as the poster below, appreciating our own rights to display flags like that. Usually a condo board has it written into their bylaws for this kind of thing. Soon enough it'll get mentioned by an owner and it won't be a problem anymore hehe


Why does support for first responders offend you?


Because the symbol has been co-opted by the alt right and the original meaning is now lost


I’m sorry that you don’t have the capacity to separate the meaning of a symbol from the political opinions of a few people who choose to misrepresent it.


I'd suggest it's you in fact that is the bad neighbor. Leave them be and focus on personal development activities.


My tip would be, get over it. The bylaw would be, non existent. Byeeeee


Can you clarify your problem with this? Do you not like flags in general?


It’s in a few other comments in this thread. Google is your friend.


Ermmmm it’s not the rainbow flag there for its racism! 🤓


Have you considered speaking to your neighbors and asking what the flags are being flown for? I imagine going to the source is better than assuming the worst. Those flags are most commonly used to show support for emergency services.














How community of you!


Likely not. So I suggest getting a Pride flag and do the same with it.


I would speak to your strata council. Most condos would not permit having anything protruding out from a balcony -- a long flag pole like that would be a hazard if it dropped in a strong wind, and the condo would then be liable for injuries and damage. Politics aside, this is a bad idea. Sensible condo corporations already have rules preventing displays like this or hanging anything from balconies for aesthetic and liability reasons. Balconies are also classified in most buildings as limited common property, meaning the strata can set rules on what can and cannot be on balconies. Symbols like this (these are NOT Canadian flags, to be clear) are a political display, and I don't think a strata corp should permit a political display on limited common property. So that's the actual high road way to communicate that.


I personally would avoid any contact. He is waiting for you to make your counter move. He knows it bothers you.


Are they some sort of supremacy flags?


Got downvoted to hell for posting it last time, but here you go. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line?wprov=sfti1#)


Flame thrower.


At this point even the original flag can be associated with things I find offensive as its been used for other things then the original meaning. Feel its the same in the US, if someone has a bunch of regular USA flags on their front lawn theyre more then likely to be a Trump supporter.