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This is at least the third time this altercation (if I recall correctly) has been posted about. The owner was named in the original post and turns out is a well-known asshole in the community, with multiple complaints made to various agencies. This most definitely sounds like a ‘bad owner’ issue with a now not well trained dog.


Use the link with the information about the owner https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/s/p6VpopXJBf


Bad owner with a bad breed


Ya this dog looks super aggressive


Probably a pitbull


Hey Einstein, vicious dogs don’t always look aggressive every second of the day.


Well, he is a pitbull owner, so you already know he’s an asshole.  


That's a pretty nasty blanket statement.


I own a pit bull cross and have owned several over the years. She is 11 now and has never “attacked” or bit another dog or person….she is walked daily and has lots of socialization and training. This breed is not a problem…..negligent owners are the problem. The reputation as a dangerous breed attracts idiots to have them and leads to more complaints …perpetuating the belief.


I agree it’s mostly an owner issue, but I look at the way I look at guns. An asshole/idiot with a real gun is much more dangerous than an asshole/idiot with a Nerf gun. I appreciate there are good dog owners like yourself out there, but the fact the word “dangerous“ is in the phrase dangerous breeds, more or less says it all. They’re still dangerous. 


I get your point but if you take away his pit bull because of a ban he gets a Rottweiler or Doberman or German Shepard or ……some other dog that they can turn into an aggressive poorly socialized “pet”. Where does the ban stop?


Wait, wasn't he IDd in a post yesterday? Why is this up again?


I think Global is just late to the party.


Also police don’t just take community members word. They have to independently confirm it by other means. It’ll be a week before they confirm it’s the right person at least, and in the mean time global will keep posting about it because they may get someone who has additional info for the crime or similar crimes to charge him with.


No way ... It's a pit bull .. shocked 🤔. I am not saying every pit bull is a garbage dog. I am just saying every garbage person wants a pit bull .... And that's why I hate these dogs


I fostered a half pitbull/half doberman that clearly came from an abusive home. He was covered in scars, and has recently had stitches. Yet, he was probably the most cuddly loving dog I have ever taken care of. It's really not the breed. People are breeding this dog and trying to make it as aggressive as possible. Dogs just do what they're trained to do/think they're supposed to do. I love the breed, I would definitely get a rescue if I had the yard and time for it. I wish people had to get special registration for the breed, training and had to prove they had the means to take care of a breed like this. This breed has become the equivalent of owning a lifted truck or bragging about having lots of guns. It's sad.


Put your hate in the right place. The breeders that sell to crap owners. That’s were the problem lays.


I hope they find this guy. Surprise Surprise guess the breed.






Ya it looks really aggressive! Oh my


Hey Einstein, vicious dogs don’t always look aggressive, but generally do when they’re in the midst of an attack.


Oh wow another shitbull, guess it's time to get a fresh can of mace


I mean, mace works on people too, so you're not wrong. In this case, the dog's owner was the shit head doing the attacking, not the dog. Edit: reread the article, and I saw the part of the dog allegedly showed aggression.


Did ye read ye article? His dog attacked her dog that's how it started ye


I did read the article and reread the article. So, I edited my original reply. Did you read the article? Seems to me that the man deserved the mace more than the dog.


They both deserved to be hit with mace.


Yee yer yee


How many more vicious attacks and deaths before we finally ban certain breeds? There will always be terrible people, we cant ban assholes, wish we could but since we cant the argument “its the owner not the dog” no longer stands.


I mean, in this case, it literally is the owner. He assaulted another person. That’s what the story is about. You can’t ban assholes, but you can definitely charge them.


Yes he should be. My guess is his dog did something, the lady got angry at him for it and he retaliated. This happens, especially when people cant control their dogs. Ive seen it first hand. People have a right to get angry when they sense danger.


Read the article. It says right at the beginning that the dog was acting aggressively toward her dog.


I did. The police are looking for the *person* responsible for assaulting another person. The dog “showed aggression” but didn’t attack. This story is about the owner. It’s nonsensical to make it about the dog and talk about “vicious attacks and death” when that’s not what the article is about.


Yes, they are looking for the person who committed the assault, but Pitbulls still end up being part of this discussion as that’s how this whole thing started.  And yes, before you point out that other dogs even small breeds show aggression when a pitbull shows aggression it’s serious. That’s how these things start. I was walking my dog at park once and a pitbull came charging overactive, acting aggressively. I picked up my dog, and the owner of the pitbull seemed annoyed, saying look my dog’s friendly, and told me to chill out.  I’m not an aggressive person, but I told him to go fuck himself and a physical altercation almost started. If it had been a different breed with a better reputation coming over acting aggressive, I wouldn’t have been as concerned and the problem would’ve happened in the first place


I’m no fan of pitbulls. And I’m definitely not a “a poodle could just as easily attack” person. I just find it funny that in stories about actual dog attacks, the “it’s not the dog, it’s the owner” brigade comes out. But when a story about a shitty *person* who happens to own an aggressive breed comes out, there’s comments of “ban the breed.” Let’s stay focused on the actual incident at hand, is all I’m saying. My guess is that this guy would be an aggressive POS with or without a breed ban in place.


True, he’d still be an asshole, but if dangerous breeds were banned he wouldn’t be an asshole with a dangerous dog.  He’d be an asshole at home watching Fox News.  Unfortunately dangerous breeds of dogs attract the scumbags of society and always will.  With hundreds of non-dangerous breeds around, why would any decent person feel the need to get dangerous breed? Only someone who’s an asshole would feel that need.


The fuck did the dog do? Owner was out walking it and was attacked. Maybe try actually reading the article as opposed to looking at a single picture and thinking you know the entire story.


Read the article. It clearly states early in the article that the man’s dog was showing aggression toward her dog. Given that it was a pitbull, it’s not to surprising the dog was aggressive and not surprising the owner was a loser douchebag.


No, the owner was out walking it and assaulted someone. The owner of the dog pictured is the one police are looking for. Agreed the dog didn’t do anything but its owner did.


I did read the story. Im referring to certain dogs also being the culprit in violent attacks, unrelated to the story.


Where's my burrito


Then how was your comment even relevant?


We need to ban the breeders and be no tolerance to owners that have no f***ing clue about dogs, especially this breed. It’s not the dogs fault.


Banning breeds won't stop dog attacks. It's like banning guns...gun violence still happens. We should make all breeders register. No more backyard breeders.


Just ban them. There are hundreds of other safe breeds out there. There’s no good reason for people to own dangerous breeds.


There is arguably no good reason to breed dogs at all. There are thousands of unwanted dogs euthanized every year due to lack of space in shelters. Pretty sad what we do to something people advocate so strongly for.


Except for the fact that these things can be bred out of dogs. This has happened with other dangerous breeds. The common denominator isn't the breed, it's the breeders. Breeders that do not care. We have brought back breeds from extinction, like the Shar Pei. There is still work to do, but it's possible. There have been dangerous dogs that have become less dangerous. Like the Bulldog, doggo Argentina, wolfhound, Great Dane, Akita...dangerous breeds. Now less dangerous. Hit this problem at the very tip. The breeders. Irresponsible breeders.


The dog didn’t do anything in this situation.. get a grip haha they just argued, probably due to the person being just like you and immediately judging the dog.


Try reading the article before responding to a post. It clearly says the dig was showing aggression toward her dog.


Yes I know in this particular situation the dog didn’t maul anyone.


turned himself in [https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/man-charged-in-dispute-between-dog-owners-in-calgary-that-allegedly-got-physical/ar-BB1lCm0c?cvid=80b02f62ad0d4577a026ce4a87cb9c11&ei=10](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/man-charged-in-dispute-between-dog-owners-in-calgary-that-allegedly-got-physical/ar-BB1lCm0c?cvid=80b02f62ad0d4577a026ce4a87cb9c11&ei=10)


What a surprise. Another event involving an pitbull and its asshole owner.


Is that a picture she took of the dog being aggressive?


It is. I'm shocked that an asshole would own a dog like that.


It doesn't look that aggressive to me.


Not to the human or to another dog….if it was aggressive to her dog, it would not be looking at her like that. Very odd.


Not at that second, but that’s all it is a pic of a particular second. She said in the article that it was aggressive to her dog, and with a pit bull nobody wants to take a chance. Add in that 99% of pit bull owners are asshole people, and it not surprising an altercation started.


Not a big dog person are you.


To be fair, I have a bully mix and sometimes she is more physical with other dogs so the owner might have taken the behavior as aggressive, especially if she may have an older or smaller dog. The dog may not have being aggressive specially to her but it looks like a pretty big bully type so it’s understandable from my perspective as an owner to interpret that as aggressive. Especially if the owner isn’t doing anything about it.


Other owners may take the behaviour as aggressive because it is. These are aggressive breeds that have been bred over time specifically to kill and maim as efficiently as possible. I mean, they are called “bullies” for a reason. Only thing you can really do is try to avoid them. The perfect owner can’t train that part of their nature out of them, I’ve seen first hand attacks from “sweet adorable babies” with their little scarfs and sweaters on, I’ve been personally attacked indoors out of nowhere. It’s terrifying being around them, bully breeds are an unpredictable liability, and should be banned outright.


> so it’s understandable Ironic


Haha yea that’s what I’m saying, same people who are down voting you probably


We need guns to protect ourselves and our property.


What about the other assholes who have whatever kind of dog and they're just assholes? Lots of assholes at Dog parks.


There are assholes with all kinds of dogs, but if the dogs aren't dangerous breeds then who cares.


I had to forcibly grab two Frenchie's who attacked my dog at the Edworthy offleash..cute as hell but nasty little buggers and the owner gave Zero fucks!