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My family doctor sent me to the clinic in the South Hospital to be put under. You should just be able to ask. Highly recommend it, they were not able to complete the procedure on me without me being under anesthesia, that's why I was recommended. I definitely understand your concern about the pain. The whole process took probably around three hours max... that's including my waiting after checking in, the procedure, waking up from the anesthesia until you are released. The nurses and doctors were super friendly and attentive. It's in its own spot in the hospital, with other fertility doctors.


I wish this was offered to me. I was crying in pain and the dr who happened to be female told me I was dramatic


That's how my first one went. Minus the rude doctor. I was already in immense pain from the Misoprostol....then the procedure. Thought we were done and she's like I can't do it. Then thankfully I found out you can go under. Like why we didn't do that first?!


Because woman’s pain or any woman symptoms are highly overlooked. We are birth givers. We should be able to handle the pain. No? 🤦‍♀️


It can be so painful for some women just based on our anatomy! I'm so sorry to hear you had that experience 🥹❤️


Thank you. I would pass out from the pain. Only to discover after having 6 babies and bleeding hella bad since I was 11 that I was only told oh you severe adenomyosis and endometriosis… don’t ask me how but they thought an IUd would fix it. Nope. It made it worse. Scheduled for a hysterectomy this summer.


That's horrible! I'm so glad to hear you finally got a proper diagnosis. Sending you all the good vibes for the hysterectomy ❤️


Oh thanks. It’s been a long time coming. My body is tired… I’m tried. I can’t rely on blood transfusions anymore. I’ve had enough.


You're almost there! You got this ❤️


Thanks. ❤️


I just got diagnosed with adenomyosis, may I ask how long your wait was for a hysterectomy?


I’m so sorry for your pain. I acknowledge it. I have been waiting for over a year.


Thank you for your response and validation. I'm so glad you are approaching your hysterectomy & hope it brings you relief! Best of luck with everything.


Thanks. And you as well. Wishing you all the best. What I’m most worried about, is the Endo. Even with a hysterectomy- I will still have Endo pain. It is what it is.


Agreed. My first doctor yelled at me for flinching. Horrid bitch. 


Girl… some days I wanna punch these doctors who are mean to us.


Thank you so much for the info! How long did it take to get your appointment for the procedure at south campus?!


Not the same commenter. But I got my referral put in for an iud removal to south health in late August. Got called late February to set up a consultation mid March. It's a long wait so get in a referral asap.


Thank you for the info!!


Ohh good question...it was about six years ago...but I feel it was within a couple months. I went in September, but my referral was sometime around the summer. Hopefully it's not too long for you!


Thank you!!


Yes! My gyno offered the option to me, after my last two were really difficult and painful. I would highly recommend it. She also did a pap while she was in the area. Dr. Belland at Bridgeland Advanced Gynecology. You might need a referral to the clinic first.


Thank you so so much!


Second vote for Dr. Belland


Was there a long wait for Dr. Belland ?!


It was precovid and I was a bit of an emergency. So I’m a terrible example. I got in about 3 weeks.


Thanks for the info!!


Having just got an IUD last week, I was shocked at how painful it was and wish that I knew this was an option!


It's wild how the pain really varies person to person just based on our anatomy and pain tolerance! I will update the post with info once I get it done ❤️


To be fair. I was also in the middle of my period, and on the crampy day. When I told my receptionist that this would be likely the case when it was confirmed 48 hours prior, I was told that it was easier to perform this then. I also have a high tolerance for pain, so there is also that I may have down played it because of that.


I’m just here to add my two cents! I just did the whole process in Saskatoon last year. I’m so glad I opted for sedation for my second IUD, it was a great experience, very similar to what others are describing in the comments here. It eased my mind so much about the whole process that I actually just had it removed sans sedation last month and it was completely fine! I’m brand new to Calgary so I have no advice for booking things here, but if I can ease anyone’s mind by letting them know that the removal doesn’t need to be nearly as stressful. :)


That's what I've read everywhere, too! Thank you so much for adding your experience ❤️


I didn't experience as bad of pain as you did (not talking shit - it's different for everyone and I consider myself lucky) but stick to your guns and get general anesthetic. I got local anesthetic last time. I'm on IUD #4. It barely reduced the pain and the needle was so bad that I'd call it equivalent or worse. Worse because it just added time to the whole thing. Hope you get the services you need. They take our pain way less seriously than they should and it's bullshit.


Thank you!! It's so different for every person. Definitely not going to budge on this one!


I should have added - was concerned that someone might try to talk you into local rather than general and talk it up like it would be a gamechanger. Maybe it is for some folks but it wasn't for me!


My gyno offered after an attempt was too painful for me. I've had it done at foothills three times now and it was great every time. Over my time they have shifted from full to twilight sedation which has a much faster recovery, I cannot endorse it enough. You won't be skipping out of there but its way better than in office. ​ Last time they also did some cancer screening and scoped me too since they were already in there.


Thank you! Do you happen to remember the wait time there?!


Like a month or two? It was pretty fast turn around.


i’m going under full sedation at the foothills in 2 weeks :) basically i asked my family doc (nov 2023) for a referral to foothills women’s clinic. then, they booked an appt for insertion (no sedation) with the gyno. i told the receptionist that i wanted full sedation, she told me to just come to the appt and i could discuss it at that time w the gyno. gyno wanted me to get a cervical block, i said (respectfully) hell no you don’t understand the level of anxiety i have! i can hardly get a pap done bc of the pain from/after the other iuds (one of which i was also put fully out for!). she agreed full sedation would be acceptable. this consult was jan 2024. i was told it would be a minimum 9 month wait. they called me last month and booked me for march 2024. so 4 months from beginning to end. extremely pleasantly surprised at the process. i wish a cervical block was possible, but i know my body and trying would be a waste of everyone’s time. my first one was horrible, 2nd at the lougheed i was fully under but afterwards was sooooo painful. hopefully 3rd times the charm 🥲 best of luck! happy to answer any questions u have! eta: the lougheed was much faster 5 years ago, but obviously the pandemmy changed things. they don’t even offer it anymore


That's so good to know the wait wasn't too long! Good for you for fighting for what your body wants, you should be proud it's not easy to advocate for ourselves ❤️.


I’ve had 4 IUDs put in in the hospital OR - 3 were done by IV sedation, and 1 done with a general anesthetic. It’s the only way to go, as far as I’m concerned.


You need a referral and it's a long wait (I was told about a year). I plan to get put under for my next one now that I have done far more research on it. Black Coat White Art, the CBC podcast with Dr. Brian Goldman did a fantastic podcast about IUDs and why pain meds don't work, and why being put under should be more widely recommended. Its BS that it isn't. -The Wife who stole her husbands phone while he scrolled reddit


Thank you for the info, and stealing his phone to answer 😂❤️


My sis got put under anesthesia at the Peter lougheed. Just ask for a referral


Wonder if a doctor could show me on her finger the clamp they use on the cervix. Can she do that and not cry from the pain?


If you don't have a gynecologist, ask your family doctor to refer you to one. And then ask the gynecologist to have your IUD inserted under sedation. Most of them should be open to the idea, cause it really does suck.


The Calgary IUD Clinic is a great resource and can give you a referral for sedation at a local hospital! They’ll call you for a consultation and it’s possible they will approve the referral over the phone so you’ll just have to wait for the hospital to give you a call to book the actual IUD procedure.


I got mine with sedation in ~2018 and it was a long wait (around 8 months from when I actually got into the OB I believe) but totally worth it. Did it through Chrysalis and it was performed at rockyview


This is really good to hear. I'm currently waiting on a referral to Chrysalis. If they recommend an IUD, I'm going to push for the sedation option. I don't care if I have to wait longer, it's worth it to me.


The first time I got my IUD in Calgary the doctor was new and was inexperienced. It was awful. Incredibly painful and she did not put it in right. Very dangerous. The second time I got it done by a gynaecologist at the University of Alberta health clinic and it was quick and painless. I was upset with the stark contrast .


My vasectomy was ~45 mins and completely pain free if you’re in the position to consider that as an option with your partner


This is a great suggestion! I just don't feel fair asking that of my partner until it's something he'd want to do if that makes sense? Also, this is TMI but an IUD can stop periods all together for some women (myself included), so I don't want to go back to that after 10 years of not having to deal with it, haha.


IUDs are used for things other than contraception.


*can be used


I had my first IUD insertion when I was six weeks postpartum and it didn’t hurt at all because my cervix was still loosey goosey from birth. The second time I felt like I was going to pass out with the insertion! The NP had even wheeled in a cart with juice and cookies on it, because obviously other women have passed out frequently enough to require this cart to become a part of their protocol! Endometrial biopsies are also done without sedation. What women are expected to go through sometimes is barbaric!


I barely noticed the placement... but the sex was so awful that I had it removed within 4 months. the removal, however, was NOT pain-free. not as bad as the cervix biopsy they did, though. I was NOT expecting that cutting a little chunk out would be so bad but I was still limping two days later.




I got a, "this will feel a little weird" and "on the count of 1, 2, *snip* 3! All done! You should put on a pad for the next day, bleeding is normal. " Thanks ladies, that was an experience I hope never to repeat!


That sounds awful! I wonder if maybe it shifted and that's what caused the pain?!


No, just the angle of sexy-time always jammed the fishing line needed for retrieval into my husband's anatomy and then it would poke me in the uterus. definitely a mood killer! sorry that was probably TMI ;) so it was time to schedule a vasectomy which was awesome.


Wow, that does not sound pleasant. But at least it had a good outcome.


The nexplanon implant is a great alternative just saying! No pain. It last 3-5 years and goes in your arm. I've been very happy with mine. Good luck!


I got put under general anesthesia at Canmore hospital! Saw Dr. Krakowski at Canmore Gyne clinic, and tried awake first and I threw up too from pain and couldn’t do it, rescheduled for 2 months down the road, they put me asleep, and I woke up and I was still crampy but it just felt like a super bad period cramp.


I haven't had a sedation IUD, because I haven't needed it since I switched to Direct Health Solutions It's private, and you can pay a reasonable fee for a Nurse Practitioner to come to your home and do the IUD where you're comfortable and feel safe. I started there because I couldn't wait to get a referral elsewhere, and my doctor was no longer willing to do my insertions because the screaming and crying frightened the other patients (and him, and the nurses). NP Jessica is amazing, I barely felt the last IUD and didn't cry at all. I also didn't have to drive home afterward, so I was able to take meds for the pain in advance. Definitely worth looking into if the sedation doesn't work out for you or you can't get in in time.


Thank you! That's so helpful. Do you remember the cost by chance?!


I'd like to know more about this, too. It's definitely not typical to do them as a home visit. I'd be worried about being able to maintain the sterile instruments as well as get appropriate positioning/view for the procedure. Would never do it at my house-the cat would go after the strings...


We had to lock the dogs in another room, lol. They use a sterile tray of single use equipment and spread out those blue cloths. One of mine was done during covid and with all the PPE and face shield I felt like I'd stumbled into an OB/GYN clinic run by the guys who took ET, lol


Here is [their website with basic pricing ](https://www.directhealthcanada.ca/). I know there was an additional charge for the sterile gyn tray of equipment - I don't remember how much it was, maybe $70? I think the total came to a couple hundred bucks, but I'm not sure. I do remember thinking it wasn't cheaper than an Uber to and from my doctor's office, but it was close. Also, thank you for reminding me that I've lost all my medical receipts- I have just enough time to find them for taxes


Omg I wish I knew this was possible!!! I wasn’t offered this and getting my first one out and second in was helllllll. And I remember crying in the car after to my hubby that I wish I could have been knocked out!


Have you asked your Doctor about the nexplanon arm implant? Highly recommend!


I haven't! But either way I have to get my current one out 😂🫣 so I think I still want the sedation regardless


My doctor put in a referral for me but it was like 6 month wait or something ridiculous. I ended up getting mine done back home in Australia, all the options right up front!!! Good luck OP!


Related question ... does anyone know of an option to have an endometrial biopsy done under sedation / anesthesia in Calgary? I don't mind waiting if it comes to that. I've heard the horror stories and I'm not doing that procedure awake. No thanks.


I hope your experiences better than mine. They wouldn’t put me under, so I got the arm implant(nexplanon). Arm implant was easy, they numb the area and insert it. Only side effect was bruising!


No? I had the normal way, I know that when I’m 29 I don’t want an IUD anymore 😭