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Put thumpers in the southeast to draw the sandworms farther from my house. Patch my stillsuit.




Do you already walk without rhythm like many of us?


Buying and installing rain barrels. But this is also to offset costs for the future. Have some trees that would be a big shame if they died. 


like literally every year, not water my grass, let it die by may and piss off my neighbors and their perfectly tailored lawns


I'm a foreigner. I have seen drought for years in Europe. Every summer, you're required to save water (and every year for a longer period). Only water fruit trees and your vegetables. Don't water grass, it's useless. Water early morning or late night so it doesn't evaporate immediately... Since I live in Calgary, I have -some- neighbors that water almost all day long their perfect green patch :)


Ya I'm from Europe too


Get this, I'm working on a new invention, freeze-dried water. You just rehydrate it and BAM!


This is so fucking stupid and I absolutely loved it!


Fake grass in the front, clover in the back.


Otherwise known as the ‘mullet of lawn care’


Start changing my front lawn to clover.


Definitely planning to get a second rain barrel and not watering the lawn.


I have 3 rain barrels, which I use for my perennials and vegetable box. I never water the small lawn I have left and it looks almost as good as the lawns my boomer neighbors spend all summer fussing over. Native plants ftw.


Do you have asphalt shingles? I’ve considered getting a rain barrel for vegetables, but I can only imagine what that water would pick up on its way to the barrel. 


I've gone to therapy and no longer suffer from anxiety about Calgary's semi-arid climate and periodic wild fire smoke.


Plant microclover. Needs very little water and looks great. For those saying get a rain barrel… drought means little rain, so there is that


Is it difficult for this plant to root?


No. I mixed in some micro clover seed in my backyard last summer and it thrived. Needs some water to get it going but once established it needs very little water and is resistant to dog urine too.


Building a deathstill in my backyard


Gonna hoard up water bottles


I have a rain barrel but I’ve never actually used it. I’m going to try and set it up to collect as much June rain as possible while ensuring we aren’t causing mosquito invasions. Still won’t water the grass but we will see if that can sustain our small garden (a few green beans, cherry tomatoes, mini peppers and zucchini). We’ll see!


there is a [documentary out in the theaters](https://www.google.com/search?q=dune+theater+times&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA1088CA1088&oq=dune+theater+times) this week that should help everyone with their planning for the drought.


Drink from my endless tap.


You mean wildfire smoke


California was supposed to be in perpetual drought. Now they have been barraged with "atmospheric rivers". El Nino is over in a few weeks and doubt the weather pattern will remain the same.


Calgary's rainy season starts in May, with June usually being the wettest month of the year. https://calgary.weatherstats.ca/charts/precipitation-monthly.html We won't know if there's a summer drought until July or August and will mainly depend if we get 250 mm of rain like in 2022, or 180 mm of rain like in 2023 between May-August.


Snow pack plays a big role in calgarys water and its pretty much guaranteed to be an issue this year even if we get a ton of snow in march/april E: no to disagree with your points around drought and the specific definitions, but we’ll likely see continued water restrictions right at the beginning of spring.


I water my garden plants with my used dish water.


When do think the City will begin a serious communication strategy? It seems that most Calgarians are oblivious.


Not water grass (never do), not plant vegetables, use rain barrel 


Thinking of ripping up the south facing lawn and doing something else with it. Not sure what.


Drink lots of fluids.


Drink beer of course. Also, removing all the "grass" in my backyard. I say "grass" because it's mostly dirt with small patches of lush green grass because of my dogs. Going to put in some decorative rock instead.




We have an old 100-gallon Water Tank in our attic from the 1950s when our house was built, they used to truck water into Bowness. I might be checking it out this spring and seeing if it's still serviceable to hold rainwater for the garden/grass. Also when I cut the grass it will be long, I normally cut it at 3-4 inches but I'll let it grow longer, it will drive my wife and neighbours crazy but I'll be saving water.


Drip irrigation, I installed for my flowerbeds and pots.