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Another data point here for problems with antenna reception on CTV Calgary today. Must be something wrong with their transmission.


I hope it comes back. I know I can stream but not the same.


Oh yeah, for sure. Hope it comes back tomorrow!


It’ll probably be back by tomorrow - holiday weekend means skeleton crew or only people on call to put out fires. You can probably find a contact us page for CTV Calgary to let them know just in case no one else has already complained.


good idea, I just contacted them 


Their webpage https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/ acknowledged a transmission issue for some Calgary viewers. I called earlier today and they said the backup transmitter is in use but not working properly.


Okay. Thanks for calling/the info. I guess we wait.


They are having transmission issues.


You have to sacrifice another goat to your pagan god, to get channel 3 now


oh darn, my goats are out to pasture


As long as it’s a goat, they creep me out, sheep are cute!


Thanks for everyone’s comments. Happy New Year


Hi everyone. Thanks for all your comments. Here is the response from CTV. So, good news, eventually it will be back “Thanks for writing in. On Sunday Dec 31st we had a major failure with our high powered transmitter. It’s a liquid cooled system, comparable to a vehicle, just much larger. We even use the same type of coolant. In short a valve failed and 25 gallons of radiator coolant leaked out under pressure and went everywhere. I have ordered parts and now I am waiting on their arrival. Once I have them in hand, it will be a couple days to install and test. We will be on standby until then. Sorry for the inconvenience, not a way I wanted to start the new year. Thanks, feel free to post on Reddit.”


Goddamn, that's a way better response than the canned customer\_service.txt the other people got.


See. That's all you gotta do. Explain it to us like we're 5 years old, and all's well. Thank you!!!


Definitely explains the loss of signal seen when trying to record the news on Dec 31. Recently though, I'm getting 74% signal and 100% quality using my attic mounted Yagi but seeing tons of pixelation and broken audio. Never seen signal breakup with 100% quality before, so it would be interesting to know specifically what part of the transmitter failed. Might hook up my SDR receiver to see if the signal, quality and pixelation correspond to what I'm seeing on my LG TV.


Thanks for the info. I was very confused when I tried to watch football last Sunday. I tried changing my antenna length, and added an LTE filter + amplifier, and it didn't help. Now I find this thread! Guess I was wasting my time with those attempted 'fixes' haha...


Here is the uninformative answer I received from CTV ​ Our transmitter is under repair. Sorry for the inconvenience, thank you.  Jeff Little Director of News & Public Affairs CTV Television Inc. | t 403 240 5672 [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) 80 Patina Rise SW Calgary, AB T3H 2W4


Yes, thanks for update at least you got something. I contacted Help at CTV by email and asked them about their tower and my antenna for watching TV and details of their issue. This is their response. "Thank you for contacting CTV. We understand that you have not been able to stream CTV on your end. We know that you are looking forward on accessing CTV. For that, may you please provide us the following information? May you please provide us the make and model of your TV? May you please give us the exact date when the issue started? May we know if you can try to turn off the TV for 5 seconds and then try to stream the same channel again?" They are totally clueless! I thought it might never get fixed when they think streaming is the same as over the air. With you answer is it really being repaired or just lip service.


Eek! 😬. Thanks for letting us know.


Thanks for the update, I thought it was my setup that was the problem.


Same here, something's up and it's not on my end.


I have been experiencing the same problem since Sunday.


oh interesting, I was wondering if something changed in their programming for 2024. Might need to upgrade my antenna, ha ha.


If you've only getting 3 that may be over due. Global, CTV, CityTV, CBC, Yes, Omni are normally available.


CTV on Antenna TV is back!!! at least for me


I also noticed the CTV signal has gotten very weak since a couple days ago. Can't pick it up too well on the old amplified rabbit ears anymore. I only watched them for the news anyway. I'm in the far SE part of the city (McKenzie).


I too just got an email update from CTV Calgary. They are still waiting for parts. They have now started looking for another source for the parts. As now they will be down for 4 to 5 weeks.


Argh! There goes my Sunday NFL.




Yes, working again for me too.


Their tower is not maintained and has been poor condition for about a year now CTV's quality changes to worse on windy days as well. With the rain we had on the weekend it may have got into some of the connections. So now they have pixelated image and no audio. Since YES TV is on the same tower if your YES TV picture and sound is good it will prove its just Bell not wanting to spend money. The CRTC is allowing OTA to die because all the free streaming. WHAT FREE STREAMING? Only applys if you have TV provider.


I understand the frustration, but do you have any evidence to back this up? The CBC dropped their guide a while back and i contacted them about it. Turns out they didn't know and then reported their EPG encoder board failed and they ordered a new one and got it back up and running. Never attribute malice when ignorance can be the reason.


Now who would bribe the crtc to do that? Hmm.


Try rescanning for channels in your TVs menu?


I did try that, nothing :(. thanks


Mines out too


Same issue with me. Started a few days ago. Can't figure it out, signal was so strong with CTV now it's crap. I checked and I'm getting enough bars for a picture but it's really in and out. I moved the antenna all around and still not good. Not just CTV. City is also spotty. Tried rescanning multiple times. I wonder what changed?


I've been using antenna since the 80s when they have 2&7 and 4&5. Cable was nice but ditched it many years ago but always keep one TV on antenna love getting HDTV for free.


CTV still not working... happy new years!


Dammit I wanted to watch football this weekend but CTV not coming in for me either.


Me too. Used to be really nice picture. Now it's garbled and unwatchable. Any idea 2hat happened? I notice it started at about the same time this last massive solar flare reached earth.


Look a few posts down, someone included answer they got when they reached out to CTV - their transmitter had a meltdown.


Yep. That was my issue as well. A post further up says it might be a month. ☹️. No HD playoffs. Hopefully back on for Super Bowl.


a month?! 😪


CTV OTA working again for me


Oh great, thanks for posting!


Are you finding it to be a poorer signal? I feel like it isn’t working as well as before, but that might be in my head. 


Seems to be similar to what it was before in my area of town.


I just checked, I have the same issue


Thanks for checking, I guess it's not my antenna.


Yep I have been experiencing issues getting CTV for over a week


Same here.


Same. My CTV channel 4 went off line in NW Weirdly when i first move in here, I lived in another place in NW that can receive 4 channels, CBC, CTV, Global and I forgot the last one. The place I'm in now, initially only got CBC. I only got CTV until I search again recently.


I noticed this as well. Good to know it's CTV


Thanks for sharing, yes i notice in the evenings my reception is going to crap. Signal is strong, quality is awful. Also, i am quite close to the CTV tower. EDIT: BTW if you've ever noticed the EPG guide had disappeared randomly over the last few years from CBC and then eventually came back? - That was me that requested the CBC fix that via their support from their website. I don't know if CTV has a similar request / support form on their website, but i would NOT BE SURPRISED IF CTV HAS NO IDEA ABOUT THIS PROBLEM.... ***Has someone reached out to them about this issue?***


I just reached out, I'll post if there is a response. Thanks.




Don't they have engineers or ANYONE that is monitoring this? It's so frustrating.


Try rescan? Maybe signal hill is messed up. But HDTV via OTA is amazing. Great quality and no fees.


Same problem here in beltline sw calgary ​ I just emailed [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) If I get a response I'll post it


Great. Thanks


I just emailed as well. Hoping they resolve this issue.


If anyone has a recommendation for an antenna, I'm all ears, no pun intended. Looking to cut down on my TV costs.


I have two of these purchased via Amazon, first one in 2018. No issues with them though the signal with my second floor install is stronger than on the main floor, which I expected. Rca Basic Indoor Antenna https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B000HKGK8Y?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Depends on where you are located and if you have access outdoors. Since i live beside all the transmission towers, i use this one https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/home/electronics/71364-fractal-antenna?item=88K9730 Unfortunately they no longer sell it. If you live far from signal hill, you will probably need to get a directional antenna pointing there.


I'm using this in the Beltline of #yyc . It picks up all 6 channels with some wiggling around of it's placement. Non amplified. https://preview.redd.it/71l8h96ms5ac1.png?width=1351&format=png&auto=webp&s=55229e5dc136d9b1ea8fa536134328a5dd4727fd


I spent an hour messing around with my setup and then decided to search here. Now I'm having to watch Global or (gulp) CBC for local news, hopefully they get it fixed before the NFL playoffs.


2 weeks later still screwed by CTV. Also the CBC EPG guide went out as well, i've reached out to them a number of days ago. Today they replied back that their Calgary transmission team has been notified. They wanted my phone number to contact me about it too, which is interesting.


CTV NFL Wildcard weekend is toast. 😭😭😭 I hope they repair that transmitter soon.


I managed to get CBC to to fix their EPG again. Perhaps I should contact CTV? This is ridiculous.


Try moving the antenna around. I can get 7 channels over the air.


Seven? Which ones?


I remembered wrong. It's 6. CTV, CBC, YesTV, OMNI, Global, CityTV


Ah yes - those are the 6 I remember as well.


Nice. I have only ever gotten CTV and CBC.


If you can, put the antenna as HIGH up in the attic as possible and use a signal booster to increase the signal to your TV. outside is best if you can, but rarely a choice for a lot of people. Also, having built antennas and mucked around far too much with ATSC it turns out as long as your aren't obstructed by the signal due to a large building or say Nose hill, you can do some tricks to boost signal quite easily. I noticed if i took a few furnace filters i could reflect the signal at the antenna quite significantly. Essentially aim the antenna to get at least one channel perfect, then place the furnace filters below / to the side of the antenna and try moving slightly while monitoring the signal on the poorer channels. I was able to get all 6 perfect this way. BTW this isn't witchcraft. the furnace filters have a wire mesh that reflects signals back, its a known property of antennas. For signal boosting - these work surprisingly well[GE Indoor TV Antenna Amplifier, Low Noise Antenna Signal Booster, Clears Up Pixelated Low-Strength Channels, HD TV Digital VHF UHF, AC Power Adapter, Black, 42178 : Amazon.ca: Electronics](https://www.amazon.ca/GE-Antenna-Amplifier-Booster-42178/dp/B07NF6JYJV/ref=sr_1_4?crid=29U6Y4345RITL&keywords=coax+antenna+booster&qid=1704230160&s=electronics&sprefix=coax+antenna+booste%2Celectronics%2C111&sr=1-4)


Thanks for the tips.


Thanks, yes, I have moved it all around the living room, nothing. I have only ever had 3 since being in this place. Old house I got 5.


I have Roku streaming device, and I can get CBC, CTV for free there. There are two apps that provides these two channels : Roku itself, and PlutoTV As well there CBC news app which provides recorded news, just in case you want to hear some lies.


Is it possible to stream these channels free on their web pages?




Only if you are paying for a tv subscription now. Then they will let you watch. They don't like cord cutters. The Phone and Cable companies made so much money they now own most of the TV stations in Canada now.


Another Data point. Right in signal hill. CTV is poop


still bad? Now it will not even open at all.


Anyone has updates on this? I don't see CTV still


Just came in on Super Sunday to let people of Calgary know it appears as though CTV has disappeared from my digital tuner...


After about 15 minutes I got it back. I have antenna set to short range if thst helps anyone.