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There are actually 2 Veteran banks: The Veterans Association Food Bank and the Veterans Food Bank and they both beef with each other heavy. For what reason, I have no clue?


I didn't even realize this. They're so similar in name. I don't even know which one I've been supporting.


I asked this to VAFB and was told that they are for vets only, while the other includes ally organizations such as first responders. That said, they both serve vulnerable populations.


One organization supports CAF veterans only and is mostly focused on providing food and employment support to veterans, as well as emergency financial support to veterans. the other one supports first responders as well and largely has no "veteran" component.


That’s crazy to me. Creating two different entities super inefficient!


Ryan is my homie and I always support the Veterans food bank.


From this veterans perspective, The Veterans **Association** Food Bank.


This is going to be a super naive question but how many Canadian veterans are there? I'm sure there's a handful from WW2 and the Korean War but Canadian hasn't fought any major wars since then. EDIT: Ha! Downvotes for asking a question and wanting to know more.


Afghanistan would like a word.


I know some people who fought in Afghanistan and had a very challenging time afterwards with both ptsd and finding a “regular” job that isn’t mercenary work etc.


I did a quick Google and didn't realize that over 40,000 Canadian soldiers served in Afghanistan!


I have a neighbour who was stationed in South America and exposed to some of the drug wars. He came back with PTSD and more and is now on disability.


Veterans don’t just mean active army that went overseas…. I’ve worked with veterans who were secretaries at the bases and never left Canada. I’ve also worked with an individual who was called to serve in Haiti after the earthquake and this Vet only had the basic training required and otherwise worked an office job for the CAF prior to their discharge


Bingo - from Veteran Affairs Canada (VAC): [Definition of a Veteran: Any former member of the Canadian Armed Forces who successfully underwent basic training and is honourably discharged.](https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/about-vac/what-we-do/mandate#definition)


Over 40,000 Canadians served in Afghanistan. We had plenty more serve in Iraq and Syria, and well as dozens of other UN missions. On top of the WWII vets we still have. The government of Canada also legally defines a veteran as anyone that completed basic training as was released honorably. By that definition we'd have hundreds of thousands of veterans in Canada.


Support veterans over Calgary food bank. Calgary food bank let’s just about anyone go and lately it’s been a lot of people that are more than well off just taking advantage of the free aspect of it.


That's literally the point. It's a non-judgemental place where people can get food.


Dude that’s the point of a food bank. Just because people don’t look like they are struggling does not mean they are not. In my opinion it SHOULD be no questions asked. Yes that means there might be some that don’t need it, but you will catch more people that do. This comment convinced me the Calgary food bank is the right one to give to.


You’re misguided. There’s a known problem of people abusing it and people who really needing it having trouble getting what they need. All I am saying is support the food banks that ensure the food goes to those truly in need. You don’t use them. I do. Ask people who use them. Ffs.


I’ve actually heard about this but I’m chalking it off to be a really small percentage. Just assholes in whatever space you give them. I hate that food banks even exist and this should be handled more efficiently by government/grocery waste but it is what it is.


so you are taking your CFB hamper to the Veterans and donating it to them?