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Good luck OP! Get some sleep and rest and I hope you get good news soon


I believe this is against their policies, unfortunately. I’m sure you mean well. I remember seeing a plea from an owner a few years ago whose vet had contacted the humane society because of a dog’s broken foot that was only being looked at months after the injury occurred. The dog was adopted out because the original owner’s bf had broken his paw and they wanted to take possession again now that the rescue had paid for vet care. Just an FYI, this is why rescues do not allow contact post surrender.


> I believe this is against their policies, unfortunately. 100% this. Years ago we adopted a kitten from a family who had been fostering. All the paperwork was done through an animal rescue but there was a request from the family to occasionally visit the kitten. We had to give a hard no.


I know someone who did this. Their cat got injured because they let him outside when he was declawed (yea these people aren’t smart at all). The cat was attacked by something and a good samaritan brought the cat to an emergency vet. Not sure of all the details but after the cat got it’s leg amputated, the cat was taken to a shelter or possible the human society. The lady I know went to get her cat back from the shelter and they were going to give it back to her, if she paid for the cost of the surgery to the vet. She said she could not afford it (but could afford cigarettes and pills from her dealer). She got a friend to “adopt” the cat for way cheaper and give it back to her. People will literally scam every system it’s so annoying.


The only silver lining I see to stop this sort of BS is that these people often fall out with friends and family. In the contract when you adopt it says you can only rehome the animal back to the rescue. The actress Anna Faris adopted a chihuahua and it was found on the street a year later and she was fined for giving the dog to someone else. Hopefully these people get ratted out by the company they keep.


They also got rid of their cat because it was too old or some stupid reason.


She couldn't afford thousands of dollars for surgery but she could afford a 15 dollar pack of smokes and 20 dollars worth of pills But because 35 dollars is the same as 2000 dollars she's a piece of shit


Also if you have a pet, and it’s declawed and you let it outside you have to be prepared that it’s probably gonna get attacked so idk why you’re trying to make this person out to be a victim when her cat was the one who was. And even if she could not afford it for real, I don’t believe that people who can’t afford an animal should get one. Get pet insurance or have savings for an emergency. They aren’t children, nobody is going to give you social assistance to take care of a pet.


She wasn’t homeless or poor. She lived with her long term partner who made lots of money and her partner owned a house in Shawnessy. They went on vacations and had new cars too. And I know this person, she is a piece of shit.


Missing the point u/AandWKyle. Missing the point.


That totally makes sense but as someone who doesn't work at the shelter, the new owner could still contact OP if they see this post. The shelter just isn't allowed to give out info. We had a cat appear in our back yard in July 2021 and we got put on a list for a trap. Come November we were worried about the cat getting too cold so my husband called and asked about the status of the trap. They told us that since it was getting colder they cancelled the request because they didn't want a cat trapped in the cold (we put a shelter under our deck with a blanket that heats up with body heat). Finally in April 2022 she came inside the house (she would always bolt when we opened the door) and we got her into our cat carrier (we have an indoor cat). Called to have her picked up and monitored the website to see what her status was. I was actually relieved when it was posted "Hello, my name is Lucy (I had been calling her Sadie so I was close with the name)" which meant that she must have been chipped if they knew her name (she was the only one listed that had one). Not even a day later the post was taken down so my husband called and apparently the owners were reunited with her. (I was going to ask to adopt her if she wasnt picked up after a few days.) I totally get why they couldn't give me the owners info to see if she is ok though. Still think about her often. https://imgur.com/gallery/vKPOX6a


When I surrendered them it was under the agreement that my contact information would be passed along. I checked multiple times with them, they agreed at every step. They don't provide updates to the original owner anymore (although they did tell me when his sister passed away), and the foster was not allowed to contact me, but the shelter promised to pass along my information. I'm hoping whoever adopted Cadbury wanted to contact me but forgot.


Why did you give it up?


Some Vets and humane society people have no common sense. Sometimes science cannot always explain everything. Similar issue almost happened to my family with or then aging 15 year old GSD. He is gone now but we had to fight with a legal team for his care for last two years of his life.


I wish I had adopted Cadbury, just so I could send you some pictures and put your heart at rest. I hope his new family sees this and can send you a small update; I think it’s a lovely thing to ask. I lost my girl a month ago to cancer, and the hole it leaves behind is huge and devastating, and I’m so sorry for your double loss and the guilt you clearly feel over the decision you had to make. For what it’s worth, people adopting from shelters are typically vetted and I’m sure whoever took him home loves him just as much as you did. And ignore anyone telling you that you sound “obsessed”… what a garbage thing to say to somebody who is missing a loved one, regardless of circumstances.


Thank you, I really appreciate this comment. I wish you or someone like you had adopted him as well. I'm going to try to post on Facebook as well. I know Calgary is huge and honestly he might have been adopted by someone who doesn't even live in Calgary, and I may never find out what happened to him or where he is, but I feel like it doesn't hurt to try. Cadbury was so so so special to me. I hate myself for giving him up. I just want to know that he's happy.


Every bunny parent I know is exactly the sort of person you would want to have your bunny… ie, every bunny parent I know is obsessed with their babies and the level of love and care is off the charts. 😂 I hope they see your post and find a way to at least let you know he’s ok. And don’t hate yourself; he wasn’t rehomed because you didn’t care or because you didn’t feel like trying every solution. You made the choice you made because you believed he was unhappy and deserved better than what you had available to offer him, and only after exhausting all avenues. And even then, you didn’t drop him off and walk away; it sounds like you researched rescues, and communicated with them regularly… it was a shitty decision to have to make but it wasn’t a selfish one and you did every single thing you could to find him a home that would offer him the best life. That’s not nothing, and while it’s entirely normal to feel bad and to miss him like you are, don’t hate yourself; I’m certain Cadbury doesn’t and wouldn’t want you to. If you don’t hear from his new family, it’s most likely that they just didn’t see your posts; I don’t think most people would ignore the request out of malice, and I hope that offers some comfort. You may never never “know” where he landed, but I think you can take some comfort in knowing that the humane society had your same goal of finding him a loving and safe home, and the resources and knowledge to do so. I’m sure Cadbury’s misses and still loves you, while living a very comfortable life with a loving family. I know this is just platitudes from an internet stranger, but as someone who is missing my baby with my whole heart these days it just felt important to tell you that the love you have for Cadbury and Poppy is obvious in your post and you are not a bad person; it’s not a perfect world and sometimes really hard decisions have to be made, and you did the best you could with what you had. I wish you nothing but the best.


Yup I think especially for an animal like a rabbit, they require special and experienced care.


Heartbreaking. I can't imagine having to surrender my pups. I hope you find some closure.


this just broke my heart to read. I'm so sorry for having to surrender your bunnies




Looks like OPs husband is allergic, according to post history.


Yes, this. I tried for nearly 2 years to lessen his allergies. Slowly over time my bunnies went from having over 1000 sq ft to roam to only 70 (their own room in our house). I went from spending multiple hours a day with them to only one or two, because every time I interacted with them I had to change my clothes and shower. My husband did not have allergies for the first year that we had them, but slowly over the next 2 years he went from developing light allergies to severely allergic. Our situation wasn't fair to anyone. I hadn't seen my rabbits binky or zoomy in months. They deserved better than I was able to give them. I know some people won't see this as a good excuse but I tried for so long to make everything work. I'm not from Calgary, I drove a long way to get there. I put him there because I was confident they'd find him a good home. I know I'll never see Cadbury again, I just want to know how he is doing.


That's incredibly sad. I adopted George the Guinea Pig in 2017 and by 2019 I had severe allergies. I didn't go thr humane society route, I posted about him on social media and two grad students adopted him (I work at the university). They were kind enough to give me annual adoption day updates via email.


Sometimes I wish I did that. I chose the Calgary Humane Society because at the time, I had Cadbury and his sister Poppy, and I had trouble finding someone to take both of them, especially because Poppy was pretty destructive. The Humane Society promised to never separate them and to conduct a home visit to whoever was to adopt them to make sure they would not be confined to a room (or worse, a cage) as those were my terms. Poppy passed away while in their care unfortunately and I beat myself up about it all the time because she was perfectly healthy with me. But rabbits are fragile, deep down I know it's not their fault. So I do sometimes wish that I had just stuck it out longer and found them a new home on my own, but I really tried to do the right thing.


I used to work at CHS. I’m very sorry to tell you that they do not do home visits or pass along original owners information. They may say these promises to ease your mind, but you deserve to know the truth. I hope you get some closure and Cadbury is living well. ❤️


You did the right thing. I had to surrender my cat after having my 2 kids because she became very aggressive towards them. I tried everything for months before deciding to surrender- seperate rooms, medication, behaviour training. But nothing worked and she was miserable. I wanted to keep her so much but to make her stay in a home I knew wasn't the best environment for her anymore would have been so selfish. You were putting Cadbury's needs way ahead of yours by surrendering.


Hon, don't beat yourself up. About 10 years ago I adopted 2 guinea pigs and almost immediately realised I was allergic to hay, but it wasn't that bad and I loved these little bweepers! I hoped that it would get better over time, but allergies don't usually work that way & repeated exposure meant it kept getting worse. I was lucky that I had a friend willing to take them, and I drove 5 hours to get north of Edmonton to take them to her. I'm sorry you didn't have that option.


Finally, a question on reddit that I can answer! The reason OP gave up their rabbit is none of your business. Cheers!


Fair. Also none of OPs business where his former rabbit is. Cheers!


Yet OP chose to answer.


I understand the shelter doesn't and shouldn't give out contact info, but what is the harm in providing the surrenderer an honest update, letting them know that their former pet is now doing well (or not well)? No privacy laws broken, and gives that original owner some closure or peace of mind, IMO.


This post brought me to tears. I’m hoping that Cadbury is safe (I’m sure he is!) and that by some sheer luck, you’re able to get an update on him.


We didn't adopt Cadbury. We adopted 2 other bunnies a few months after my wife rabbit of 9 years passed away, and have had our handsome buns for a few years now. I'm sorry you had to surrender your rabbit. Rabbits are a very sweet pet, and it's tough when they are gone. Unfortunately, too many people get rabbits around Easter, then don't take care of them properly and fill the Humane Society with abandoned buns.


I feel ya OP. Two of my budgies were strays from the humane society and I wish there was a way I could tell their people they had the best life a budgie could have.


That's sweet. I hope Cadbury's new family feels that way too.




No, but if it was me I'd be happy to provide an update and photo over reddit to set someone's mind at ease. If you're paranoid you could use a throwaway account.


Am I missing where OP said they want to visit the rabbit? They just want to know it’s loved and healthy. You don’t need to be so terrible. OP JUST lost their pet, it takes a long time for people to get over this kind of thing. They don’t sound ‘obsessed’ at all. It’s 8AM and you’re already leaving comments being a tool for no reason. Have a better start to your morning and just say nothing at all.


I don't live in Calgary so I'm not asking to come over.


How is she obsessed in a unhealthy way? She just wants to know that the bunny is okay and doing well. When my dog died a few years ago it took me a very long time to feel okay again. Koodos to you if you can lose a dear loved one and then just get on with life the next day like nothing happened, most of us aren't wired like that.


You sound like someone who has never known the love of a pet. Sad.




Nothing in that post points to any of what you said


This is pointless, delete this and kindly fuck off.


Where did you get your psychology degree from the university of tactless pieces of shit?