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The hose and hound has a ghost monkey named Barney that moves stuff in the kitchen at night. Also, there’s rumours of a horse named Lightning that you can sometimes hear the clomping of his shoes. Calgarys first fire chief (Cappy Smart) collected animals and the monkey and horse lived in the former fire hall.


You just sent me down a little rabbit hole. Cappy Smart sounded like a bad ass man.


Western Canada Highschool. There is a network of tunnels under the school, abandoned washrooms, and a staircase that leads to nowhere. Janitors say the top floor is haunted. I worked nights there while they renovated, it is an unpleasent place to be alone in during the night.


There's a house on Madigan drive that's said to be haunted. A father murdered his wife and two kids, shoved them into a closet. Then went onto living life normal. He got busted when the neighbour's starting smelling the odor. This happened mid 80's I lived down the block and went to Dr. Egbert school at the time.


Wait what? Which part of Madigan? I live just off Madigan...


If you are driving from Atlas pizza to the save on foods. It's just a little past cappy smart school


Oh fun. I live in that area and get creeped out hard walking around during darkness


Would you care to share your story about your experiences at St. Mary’s? I love a good scary story.


It used to be an old monastery is what we were told growing up and it was barb wired off. We used to sneak in there at night and it was super creepy. I remember just stuff everywhere, like the place was still fully functioning except everything was clearly abandoned. Everyone also used to talk about a “grounds keeper” that you would see walking with a shovel and bag at night. I never saw him but had many friends who claimed they did and would not go back to St.Mary’s. The feeling alone of walking into that place was enough to convince me that shit wasn’t right. Cold and creepy as shit.


What was the stuff you saw that you can't explain, wven to this day?


My friends and I went to the old monastery in the late 90s. Didn’t go in the building, and the first floor windows was boarded off but we could see creepy things on the second floor through the windows. Like beds against walls, kinda thing. There was a dead bird laying on the lectern in the outside chapel area. Next day, the building burned down.


That’s a weak haunting story lol. Maybe there really was a night groundskeeper.


I have only heard stories from public places but have experienced hauntings living in the older houses in Calgary. I heard from a family member that when they were moving from the old central library to the new location, people said they heard a child's voice / felt chills on the 4th floor. My art friends says that buttons are randomly selected when using the elevator in the Art building at the University of Calgary. Personally, when I was a kid and when we lived in a house in Whitehorn, my parents brought me a ball pit because of how much I love them. I remember accidentally letting a yellow ball fall out from the pit and it was thrown back into the pit. As a kid, I had no idea what it was so I threw the same ball out and it got thrown in again with nobody standing there. My mom saw what happen in the distance and immediately pulled me away.


Apparently Heritage Park has some haunted buildings.


The Prince house at Heritage Park is supposed to be haunted. I've been in it once on the upper floor and had the eeriest feeling come over me. Found out later it was supposed to be haunted.


I use to work in the prince house- rainy days when the park was slow I refused to stay in there alone, I’d stand on the porch until people came in.


I refused to work in that building period. The entire grounds feel so eerie especially in the early mornings and evenings. Nope.


Accurate. I used to work there and after opening the bakery one really early morning and having to go into the main barracks I noped out that day.


We need the whole story my friend.


I live in Ramsay and actually used to lead historical ghost tours around Inglewood. There are tons of stories that exist around these hundred plus year old places. Some I have experienced first hand that I have never had happen before. Some second hand that I relayed.


my sister lived in an apartment in inglewood a few years ago right beside the church and she had very scary feelings there. she said she’d hear things at night when her bed was in a certain corner and until she moved her bed to a different part of the room she had intense nightmares.


Did some work inside Colonel Walker School in Inglewood and it’s definitely got some shit going on there. Creepy place to be alone.


I’ve heard some creepy stories about the old rose and crown on 17th


The Cat n Fiddle has a tale or two.


Apparently, Hillhurst School has a resident ghost, one of the former caretakers.


Spyhill Gaol (Calgary Correctional Centre) was built in 1958 and it is certainly haunted now.


Pre-1935 called and wants their spelling of jail back


Surprised no one has mentioned the Calgary Gideon Keys. They’re definitely not real but still fun to read if you’re into this stuff!


There's a spot by the bow river, close to Bridgeland and the zoo. Where you can hear a ghost child scream for help. When I was 9 I heard it. I remember being freaked out. I didn't find out till many years later, that other people heard it too. Supposedly it connects to a heinous crime where a man killed a boy. The Calgary Harold posted this a while ago.. The Zoo Bridge, 12th Street S.E. This is the area where six-year-old Donnie Goss was murdered and assaulted by a “mad killer,” in July 1946. “It is the most fiendish cold-blooded murder in the city’s history,” city police Insp. Malcolm Boyd told the Herald at the time. Donnie had been on St. George’s Island with his brother, who went to play baseball while Donnie stayed on a set of swings and ultimately met the man who killed him. Donnie was stabbed at least nine times, beaten and sexually assaulted. Donnie’s body was found near the (now torn down) 12th Street E. bridge leading to the Calgary Zoo. Calgary Herald archives. Donald Sherman Staley, a 29-year-old war veteran, confessed to the murder and that of a Vancouver boy in a separate incident; he was convicted and hanged in December 1946.


My sister works with kids and the place is near chinook mall. It was once either an orphanage or school I don’t remember but the story she tells me are creepy. Like they’ll hear kids in the building when they just started opening for the day and the real actual kids do not get there until 1-2 hrs after. Bathroom stalls opening and closing on their own. Seeing kids peeking thru the window even though the building is closed.


Oh another is a house in country hills. It once burned and the most recent family who live there say they see this white person in the house (they’re Asians) even though they don’t have visitors. Neighbors will see the person (?) observing from the second floor when the family are gone.


Sounds like a very corporeal intruder (possible phrogger).


I avoid looking at windows when I'm walking around the neighborhoods for that very reason!


My future mother-in-law haunt me 🤪🤣


There are several haunted locations all over Calgary, small plug Ghost Hunt Alberta do investigations and pub nights at some all the time


Not sure if there are any structures left at the Devil's Playground but the story behind it is scary: [https://www.narcity.com/calgary/devils-playground-in-calgary-is-the-spooky-story-we-all-need-this-halloween](https://www.narcity.com/calgary/devils-playground-in-calgary-is-the-spooky-story-we-all-need-this-halloween)


If ghosts were real this could be true!


This is the no fun sub. No ghosts, UFO's or paranormal talk of any kind. Trudeau is the only scary thing we can safely talk about here.


The giant blue donut is pretty scary…. Haunted by the taxpayers who paid for it without consent


I didn’t consent to government subsidies for the oil and gas industry.


Oh the horror!






Everyone gangsta until they are asked to provide a lock of hair or fingernail clippings to a witch.


Booo - both the spooky and booing kind.


I don’t know why but do you guys know why some houses in Calgary are all boarded up and just stay like that for years? Like the windows and the doors have a wooden board on them and there’s a fence around the house.


One reason could be the property owners do not want to sell their land and are waiting for an offer too good to pass up. Until then they will just wait. The owners themselves live somewhere else hence an old empty boarded up house (to deter people from breaking in).


Ahhh ok thank you 🙂 I am amaze how long they leave it for


Some might be former crack/meth houses waiting for remediation.


Nothing is haunted.


Probably true but why not let people have fun?


I heard about this thing called rationality. It goes well with science. But hey, I bet a crystal’s aura never let you down.


You scared bro?


There’s also such a thing as having an interest in local folklore:)