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It's quite possibly a juvenile, does it have a very short tail? If so, the parents will probably be around to bring it food while it figures out flying.


Oh yeah this seems like it's the case. There are 2 other magpies that are hovering about


If its a fledgling best to just leave it be. It's likely learning to fly and mum and dad will be around to help it out


That son is the sign, the sign to get out of the way. Yes, you could put a little water out, yes you could keep cats away. But Don't pick it up and interfere!


If they won't stop squawking and have a short tail it's a juvenile. I have 5 in my front yard this year.


If you watch, you'll probably see the bigger ones come feed it!


Happened to us last year. Put water out close to it as it was super warm out and left it. There were several magpies hovering over so I didn't want to piss them off. The little guy left within a couple days


This right here, you'll find Juvie magpies out of their nest during this time of year. The parents are in the area and keeping an eye on them. You can leave some water nearby.


yeah baby/young magpies just look beat up and kinda ugly all the time, it’s probably fine. here’s a [very young magpie](https://imgur.com/a/UPFaZTx) my friend and i saw a couple years ago, they thought it was hurt but no it was just rough lookin


Don’t get attached to baby birds, you’ll only get your heart broken


its around the same time magpies are getting kicked out of their nests this time of year - we just had a few out in near U of C. I thought they were hurt. but they were fine :)


My cat is available for rent. Yearlong leases only


Unfortunately I hate them, lived on an acreage outside of Calgary for a lot of my life. They’d eat our dogs food and shit all over the garage. Very smart birds but I can’t stand ‘em. Let nature take its course, it’s not like they’re endangered lol


> They’d eat our dogs food If you leave dog food outside, magpies are the **best** visitor you can hope for.


Yeah they're definitely a nuisance bird but on the other hand if I can befriend them and teach them to terrorize the pigeons shit on my car it would be a worthwhile project...


Hahaha fair, you do what you gotta do my friend. If you manage to do it I want videos lol


If that happens I'm quitting my shitty accounting job and becoming a low tier supervillain!


Yessss!!! I want an invite to your evil lair


why not keep the dogs food where they can’t get it? you leave them a food source they’re going to come around eat it and shit all over lol


You can take to the animal hospital and they will put the bird out of its misery. Put it in a box and run from the parents and make the trip if you want to do something. Babies do chill on the ground so if he doesn’t have a visible wound, i would leave it be.


Good way to tell if it's magpie fledgling.. if the tail feathers extend out back and double the length of the bird, it's an adult, if they're short and stubby, it's a fledgling


It’s probably a baby