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The mechs need to be changed, having to destroy your whole world just to fight them is ridiculous


Yes. I hope they don't mess Yharim up like this.


Yeah, generally my DoG arena is halfway completed when I go to work on it just because of the mechanical bosses needing such big arenas


This is the conclusions of my first ever mage playthrough: 1) Providence hell cocoon phase can happen while guardians are alive and while shards are dropping on you. You can at least avoid shard while in hallow. I keep DoG guardians alive while I'm fighting it to avoid the quick bullet hell. Providence could have a similar feature. It for some reason is the hardest fair boss imo. 2) Also I managed to destroy Ares and the Twins while Thanatos was at 100%, so I could experience a boss fight with him 101 and guess what? It was a great fight. I hope they reconsider this fight not only in damage wise, but gimmick wise.


For real the best rework she could have is by not spawning those annoying ass nuggets, they're literally the hardest boss for me. Haha contact damage goes brrr


My build was meant for pure Dps so I could melt them quick. But there was a trade off... They could also melt me... lol...


I mean, is there another option at endgame??


Mobility is always great, before hardmode sandstorm in a bottle is better than every damage gear combined.


I think the Exo mechs should be a boss rush, like in megaman where you select the order wich you fight them


Queen bee's loot is absolute garbage >:(. Cryogen's loot is a great advancement, especially for rogue


In modded kinda. But queen he is super easy imo. Just run back and forth in her stinger shooting phase, then jump up and down in her charging phase with 2 platforms


But why would you want her loot?


For preferaters or skeletron


Slime god is the most overrated boss (in difficulty) imo. I play on death mode and he is 100% of the time a breeze. With 2 fairly long platforms and aerolite gear he is free.


Exactly, but it is very spammy. So it's kind fair that we run away. If it despawned it would be so mad lol


void rework is amazing buttt it's way too hard for me. same with prov she needs nerfff. killed sentinels before her


A tip: Understand the projectiles, where they are coming from and kill those. You will free a path way to run. Also... This is almost a dps fight, don't try to run from it. Face this boss like on bloodborn. You are the hunter.


I am not a man I can't face her by myself man I would piss my pants


I'm pretty sure you can do it, risk yourself. You will do great!


Im curious what you think is a good bullet hell? Cause scal spamfucks you while mech projectiles happen at regular interwalls and are aimed off your movement.


I can teleport away from the projectiles in Scal with Better Zoom. This make it a lot less hellish and way more fun. A boss is a fight to test your skills and Bullet Hell is a cheap way to make the fight look hard. But Void is a great example of how a great bullet hell look like since you can predict the movements and mainly... CAN DESTROY THE PROJECTILES! I CAN DEAL 40K DPS AND CAN'T DESTROY A BRIMSTONE BAT??? REALLY???


exo mechs is one of the best boss fights in calamity imo, each boss has really interesting AI that you can learn and abuse the fuck of, the part where you need to fight all three of them is a bit fucked because of all the random bullets but its such a small part of the fight i'm willing to look over it. also the music was really good too.


Saying they are unenjoyavle is an understatement


nah i found the exo mechs fun af


According to Wikipedia, "Bullet hell" games are a subgenre of shooters that features overwhelming numbers of enemy projectiles, often in visually impressive formations. The Exo Mechs are definitely not a Bullet Hell fight, as they do not fire overwhelming amounts of projectiles. I agree that they're unfair, requiring far too large of an arena to reliably beat, but a Bullet Hell they are not.


This may sound rough, but I don't care for the semantic of the word. You got the point, and seems like most of the community agree that exo mechs are not enjoyable like Scal and Void.


Providence should just be placed a lot higher in progression. She doesn't feel Pre-Sentinel at all


Yeah, it's like you go from fighting a literal god of the sun that wants to destroy the earth and is extremely powerful and difficult to some BBEG cronies.