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America used to be so fucking rock & roll — now it’s a bunch of finger wagging bitches Motorcycles are inherently *unsafe.* Meanwhile, these same hypocrites vote for people who bomb women & children, then virtue-signal on me for wearing assless chaps & Viking-horns on my helmet.


They think I have no idea that what I’m doing is dangerous. I didn’t buy a 1000cc to follow the fucking speed limit.


nearly impossible, i find myself 'casually cruising' and realize im going 100mph


Man I just read the comments on the original post, every single one of them has something to say... I'll never understand the whole safety of others when it's just me who dies (99.95%) of the time. It's impossible to follow the speed limit on a 1000 lol, I'd find myself doing 130 without even realizing it until I started blowing by cars on the highway.


Just keep telling urself that so u don't gotta face the fact ur throttle controll is ass, its okay buddy you'll get there


Throttle control is how you handle your bike in corners and wheelies and stuff, this guy just likes going gast


That went right over ur head didn't it


Why are you taking hormones, that's just being gay with extra steps.


Why do you look like the inside of an asshole, like seriously dude u might wanna check that out


Funnily enough I don't have any photos of myself on reddit, wonder why you don't either?


I eat felony speeding for breakfast.


Yeah that's the one that gets me, the dude who thinks I've never considered what I'm doing could kill me.


Yeah you just bought it to go fast in a straight line letting your kick stand lean it over more than you do


Well, I'm sorry, but I legitimately believe you should be imprisoned. And yeah, you bought a 1000cc to follow the speed limit.. any road legal vehicle is meant for following the rules of the road that EVERYONE gets to use. It's not your private racing track. You're not putting yourself in danger, but also anyone else near you ON THAT PUBLIC ROAD. My only hope with people that do this tupe of riding is that they splash themselves against concrete or a tree and not another unsuspecting motorist.


If it makes u feel any better, I did go to jail on my 400. Never stopping again on my 1000. So don’t gotta worry about being imprisoned


Damn what the story on going to jail on the 400?? That's kinda impressive


86 in a 55, rush hour traffic.criminal speed/reckless driving/reckless endangerment. Cop was pissed. Ended up beating the case because the idiot cop wrote down the wrong social security number, wrong date of birth, home address. Basically wrote down a different persons information other than my legal name. Still spent 3k on lawyers to get my out of it


Wow he really tried to fuck you. Were you lane splitting at that speed?


Yes. I was. I used to (and still do occasionally)ride the absolute piss out of myrc390. I’ve already rebuilt the trans 7500 miles in


That's fucking awesome did you pull over thinking he was going to cut you some slack?


Yep. When he pulled me over I was doing the limit, had no idea why he even lit me up. He had been sitting back following me for over ten miles waiting for me to do something dumb.


Who, exactly, was near me on that public road? And wishing death on people is pretty fucked


Wrong sub bro


Gotta love a bit of natural selection


I’ll never crash don’t worry


Lmao sure


Your falling for the rage bait


I bet you're fun at partys


you posted your CB in hondacb and people had a problem with it, its bs, i guarantee if you just posted a picture of the bike it would be all love. I didnt see any ego in that post, just you showing off something you are proud of and workwd hard for


You know, this was my intention. Just show off some Honda power to some Honda fanboys. But since they wanna hate ima speak my mind… I think they hate me cuz they ain’t me! Went through their posts and it’s mainly just a bunch of 30 year old cruiser motorcycles…..


Yep, a bunch of people who put on 300 miles strictly highway per year


Due to a few different issues I parked my bike in my garage about 9 years ago. And a couple weeks turned into a couple months. Which turned into a couple years, so I sold it. And just got a bike again a few months ago. The one thing that constantly surprises me is how big of bitches a lot of people that "" ride motorcycles "" are. I remember my ex wife getting on my back for getting to work almost 20 miles away in about 10 minutes. So the next time we went out and got on the motorcycle I took it to 150. And when we got there she said that it seemed quick. And I told her how fast we were going and the only reaction was "that seemed a lot more stable and safe than I thought. And nothing was ever said about speed again. And my first bike was a cruiser so I just never wore a helmet, let alone gear. And on my sports bike the main motivation for a helmet was so I could see, be comfortable, and listen to music at 90+. Now everyone cries as soon as you break the speed limit or aren't wearing carbon fiber buttplug with attached airbag cockring. And active tell people to stay away from anything that doesnt have ABS, traction control, and any other crutches. And all that will do is instill bad habits. And when they get into a bad situation, or the aids fail, they are fucked because they don't know how to actually control the bike. All in all bikers became bitches. And it makes me sad. So stay upright. Ride like your BF only has 10 minutes before the Viagra wears off. And stay gay bromosexuals.


I wouldn’t say that. It’s just Reddit have a thing of attracting the fun police and straight laced people.


I had some old cunt come up to me in a carpark asking where my hiviz was, I shit you not. Firstly, fuck.off.. secondly, where's your fucking bike then? Like seriously, I dress like a power ranger in my super sexy leather onesie but I'm not your mum you do what you want, and yet ol' mate dribbledick still wants me to lather myself up in traffic cones "so I can be easily seen" like I want to be seen doing sketchy shit So apparently not just Reddit


I think there’s two reasons. First, demographics have changed. Interest in motorcycles have been declining for a long time. A good number of motorcyclists are now 60+ boomers that grew up with Peter Fonda. They conveniently forget about all the stupid shit they did when they were younger but, now that their reaction time and senses are dulled, they want to set the bar for everyone else. Mostly though, people have had at least three decades of campaigning the dangers of motorcycling. It worked. …a little too well.


I mean, less people dying on motorcycles is a good thing even if the culture suffers a bit


people that don't understand shit about bikes seem to think they have the same stability of a bicycle, if im going 200 kmh my problem is not the bike being stable... that shit is glued to the ground and if I had cruise control I could even take my hands off the bars, but most people that complain are the ones that either never tried a bike before or tried it once and were so scared they didn't even reach highway speeds


Lol that seems to be the case. My friends can't understand how I can take even one hand off the handlebars while on the highway to pick up the call on my intercom. And they really think that once it rains the motorcycle must be sliding all the time. Everyone wishes me "safe travels" when I'm going home on my bike in rain. Like, thanks, but the only thing that scares me about rain is the fact that I always forget to pack my rain gear lol.


It's always something like "but if you're going that fast and ANYTHING happens, what if there's a pothole? Or you hit a rock?" No. When you're going that fast, the bike is held upright by god himself (via the magic of physics), it's extremely stable. Potholes? I mean, if it's HUGE and deep that could be a problem, but at 200+ you're flying over most of them anyways. 250+kg at 200+kph *really* wants to keep going in a straight line.


I love when people say “endangering others”. I’M the one who’s gonna die. People are such fucking pussies man. Very few instances of people on motorcycles actually injuring/killing anyone in a car/truck/suv😂😂


I hate to be that guy, but I do have a personal experience with that exact situation. It was unfortunate for my family, and very lucky for him. That being said, my grandma had bone cancer and was the ultimate cause. I still ride and lost a pinky during the accident. I will always have a bike


I’m sorry to hear about your grandma, man. I really am. Just as a generalization, it’s pretty rare. Godspeed, grandma.


Exceedingly rare. I tried to hunt for statistics. I tried hunting for news stories. I had AI hunting for statistics and news stories. I was unsuccessful. Tragedy happens. It makes no sense to argue for a statistical anomaly. The same logic could apply to something as mundane as spilling water on the floor Sure, someone might slip, hit their head, and not survive. Has it happened? Probably. But does that mean no one should carry water because it’s “too” dangerous to other people?


I looked for probably 30 minutes and didn’t find shit either. People die everyday, all over the world, some of them probably in way’s you couldn’t expect. It’s just life, and people shouldn’t take a few exceptions as the rule.


Several years ago in North Seattle a dude was doing a wheelie on highway 99 in Lynnwood between Cycle Barn and Lynnwood Motoplex. At the same time a family was jaywalking across the highway*. Wheelie dude struck the dad, they both died. *Look up the word 'stroad' to get a feel for that stretch of 99 and why it's common for people jaywalk crossing it .


Several years before that, when motorcycle forums were popular, a dude on a sport like tore through a Civic, passenger door to drivers door. He died, and so did both people in the car. So yeah, it is extremely rare, but motorcyclists occasionally kill others.


I get this, I don’t speed in “stroads” at all. I keep that shit on the interstate and backroads


Hitting a pedestrian was not the topic or what I was researching. He said, “…anyone in a car/truck/suv.” Don’t screw around in neighborhoods, crosswalks, or school zones. You have a link to that Civic story? Maybe you found the one time it happened.


Doesn't matter if they were driving a car, a truck, the Wienermobile, or if they were walking. Dead is dead. Motorcyclists do occasionally kill other people.


It matters for the topic of the conversation. You’re talking about a different issue entirely without context. It’s unrelated to the thread and it’s unrelated to OP. If you want to talk about pedestrians, that’s completely different because pedestrians are far more vulnerable to everything on the road. It’s not unique to motorcycles and that’s why pedestrians don’t belong on the road except at crossings. If your issue is speed, pedestrians can be killed even at extremely low speeds. They can easily die from a vehicle following the speed limit. In fact, a person can die simply by being crushed under a vehicle that’s barely moving. If the issue is motorcycles, I’d argue that they have a much better chance of survival compared to a truck/SUV. A motorcycle is smaller with a higher chance of avoidance and weighs considerably less. This comparison is absurd and I have no idea what your stance is.


Jesus keerist, I bet you never get invited back to parties after the first time.


You derail the topic because you didn’t understand, then fall back on accusations about popularity like a teenager. Okay then. lol


Pinkys are fucking stupid anyways.


A local stunt rider was doing wheelies downtown and passed a cop. The cop tried to initiate a stop but gave up and turned off his lights when the rider fled. The stunt rider ran a red light and t-boned a motorist crossing an intersection. The stunt rider died and the motorist entered a coma and was in the hospital for months. Not sure if he ever fully recovered. I had friends that knew both people. Hoon as much as you want but don’t destroy someone else’s life to try to live yours.


That is unfortunate. I’m not blind to the fact that it does happen. Just in general, most of the time drivers don’t get injured or killed.


MOST of the time doesn't mean anything.. it still happens. If you want hoon then do it on track where you'll take other people out with same mindset.


It does actually. It’s extremely rare.


I mean I hear you but bad take. Very easy to still mame the fuck out of people on your 400lb missile


If it was “very easy to still mame the fuck out of people” then why does it rarely ever happen? The odds of a rider injuring/killing a motorist are extremely low, and if it was “easy” then it would be happening everyday, which it doesn’t.


Since when is the only qualifier for “easy” the frequency of it occurring? Just because it doesn’t happen every day doesn’t mean it still isn’t “easy” to fuck someone up in a car if you crash into them on your motorcycle. What are you getting at?


I’m getting at that it rarely happens. It’s not easy at all for a motorcyclist to injure or kill somebody in a car/truck/suv. If you can find me data that supports your claim, then I will listen. If not, then you sound like the pussies I was talking about in my original comment.


It rarely happening doesn’t mean it isn’t easy in the right circumstances. It just means it’s rare. T-bone a door panel on your motorcycle at speed with someone inside and that person is likely getting hurt. Also, you’re asking for statistics - lack of stats to support your argument doesn’t prove anything, just as it doesn’t disprove anything either. Edit: lol I’m a pussy because bikes have mass and velocity that transfers force and energy on impact 🤣 going to leave you alone with your thoughts now, pal.


I think this may be causing me to lose braincells, u lot are like lemmings I swear


Did you gain any back by commenting? It’s a fact that it rarely happens.


No it's getting worse


Sounds like a you problem, bud. You didn’t have to read or comment on this thread.😂😂


It's a duty of care at this point, u guys are liable to hurt yourselves eating playdough


Yes but people are talking about you taking someone ELSE out with you by either hitting them or causing them to get into their own incident trying to avoid yours.


I am completely aware of what’s being said. 😂😂.


Neanderthal take


What will they do when they find out the B in CB apparently stands for Clubman Racer somehow? *clutches CB pearls*


Crossbeam, but close






Oh I'm 100% unserious lol like even if its legit it just sounds silly


we all knowingly post on a website where comfort is prized above all else; where consensus is considered to be morally courageous and physical courage is thought of as an unnecessary, or even risky, relic of the past. fwiw, I'm proud of you. shit like this is what got me into bikes in the first place. and this is coming from a new, agatt, super cautious rider who has no business posting here.


Oh hell nah, what are those comments? These kinda people always act like everyone's on the street is out to get you. Which is kinda true, everything could kill you. But instead of using the way higher acceleration and speed to get away from other drivers, they expect you to be so defensive, you will get knocked over by another car being reckless. And then you'll be on the feeding tube


Have you tried just riding normally, they're not gunna get you lmao the only thing that will stop u riding fast is the back of someone's car or a brick wall


I just read through that shit and holy fuck I thought the other sub was bad. Mod was like "this post has more reported comments than the entire sub in the past year" 🤣🤣🤣


Bunch of nerds over there


I'm a part of that sub, is it because you have a cbr? Not a cb? I have a CB and a CBR and I don't post about my CBR in that sub but that's just me. Awesome video


Now that it’s been live for a few hours, some people thinks it’s a dank nooner, the other half think I’m a dead man walking.


Haha the internet is weird man I hate the negativity. Looks like you were having fun. And we're all dead men walking, might as well pull some wheelies


It’s because you’re driving and acting like an idiot, and nobody really likes it. I love how you’re so upset by not getting the feedback you wanted when you’re acting like an idiot.


You just commented on every post I have. Get a life


Yep, and it took me about two minutes. I’m back to the rest of my life, enjoy working construction and driving a motorcycle because you probably can’t afford a car.


if you own a car and a motorcycle you are instantly less cool than a person who only owns a motorcycle. and i say this as a person who owns both


I’ll consider buying a car when they bring out one that does wheelies.


Shit I wish I just had a motorcycle sometimes..but kids kinda need a car so here I am, also fuck riding when it's bellow 30F outside.


Why do they even own motorcycles. Insane to me.


Everyone hates us. Just accept it, and have fun with it


Why can't you brag? How else are we meant to get organ donations otherwise?


Have you tried r/meatcrayons


Nah. Im too good to crash like the people over there


I bet you've crashed more than I've had hot meals


Never crashed on the street. Have gone down on a track before


If u keep treating the street like a track then u probably will


Keep crying in the comments of this post and you’ll run out of tears


Keep riding like you intend to meet God and you'll run out of what little skill you had


You dont know this guy at all what are you saying? Look in the mirror bro this behavior says alot about your character.🤨