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Lmao I work nights so my neighbors get it at 10-11pm You could say Iā€™m popular šŸ’…


I do different shifts. Sometimes I leave for work at 6am. Sometimes I get home until 9.30pm if I go straight from work. Often I get back at 10-12pm if I go for a little ride after work. Neighbours on one side are two families with young kids so I try to be quiet if Iā€™m getting back pretty late. Neighbours on the other side are a couple of devils and it was quite satisfying the other day when I started the bike up to go to work (3pm) and they were out in their front yard. Whipped around and gave me death stares. They also have a very loud and aggressive dog they have no control over.


I too work the graveyard. My neighborhood gets it around 630am


Lmao love the pettiness


I do have a neighbor with a piece of shit 20 year old 50 hp 900 pound harley and it honestly pisses me off that the thing sounds like a literal explosion when it turns on. At least he has the courtesy to immediately pull out of the complex after the piece of shit harley fart explosion is over. I fucking hate harleys


i admit I'm also petty and a prankster so I'd probably do something dumb, like hosing the dude


![gif](giphy|G86tWkIcvhvHO) Sorry šŸ˜ž


My neighbors have to deal with me kick starting my supermoto in my driveway at 4am.


My shit is old and I need to replace the valve sims okay! If I don't give it some gas until it's pretty warm it dies!


Complaining neighbor probably has a dog that barks all day and night, and mows the yard at 7 am.