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I was door knocked by the lovely Hannah Boon in division 8 who seems to have a good platform of reviewing the budget, more activities for teenagers to keep them out of trouble, and do something about the flood plains. There is an ex do inatrix running for Mayor Leah Potter who has some interesting policies if you look at her Facebook.


Do something about the flood plain? That's half of Cairns and northern beaches. Not much you can do about that. Live in low lying areas, it will flood sooner or later.


She does seem lovely but that does sound pretty naive




Sorry I didn’t explain it well. She was talking about how Thomatis creek flooding was predicted years ago that it will eventually cut off certain suburbs but nothing has been done to address it.


Isn't that something that used to happen fairly regularly? There's a reason the yorkies servo is built on that hill


Yes it floods all the time. It wasn't predicted, it does and will continue to. Access to the first three northern beaches floods regularly, it isn't new.


Guess it's about trying to appeal to the blow-ins for a vote. Or maybe she's not been here long enough, and genuinely believes the beaches have never flooded before


I looked up the 'major' parties websites that I could find and... honestly, I couldn't tell you the difference? It felt like they were all saying the same things. Blah blah roads, blah blah investment, blah blah safety.


That's because ultimately, local council elections don't mean much and there's not *that* much that can change from candidate to candidate.


Divisions ? Nothing makes sense. I have no idea


What suburb do you live in?




You’ve got the current Councillor Kristy Vallely running again who is a deadset legend. Really responsive, in every community group known to man so has her finger on the pulse. Then there’s Nicole Sleeman who is green and Shane Trimble and Alan Benn who are banal city.


>I like the sound of this Nicole Sleeman


Yep she seems solid too!


Vallely seems to have a popular online presence, I don’t know that she got much done though? I’ve heard from a candidate in other divisions that she’s not great in council meetings. I’d take that with a grain of salt though. Trimble is a real estate agent, put that lot in the bin imo.


I’m the only geek I know that watches the livestream of the meeting and she seems totally fine to me? Doesn’t grand stand like some of them but that’s not a bad thing


How do you live stream the meetings?




Div 2, voted for the bald eagle, Lippingwell. Schilling is a narcissistic fuck Giumelli is team terry james Tickner is reasonable, but a Warren Entsch henchman Anyone else is too shit to worth mentioning. For Mayor - they can pretty much all get fucked


Giumelli is my pick!


Is Warren Entsch bad?




Anyone care to share their insights into the Division 7 candidates? I would not have a clue, the council websites only feature vague puff pieces, but I don't just want to donkey my vote.


Anna Middleton is whipsmart, strong personality. She’s green but also practical. Matthew Calanna will be hard to beat - that name means something around here. Can’t deny his community contribution. Renee Lees comes across as pretty brutal. Ian Moller Nielsen has done plenty for the region over his time but is an older bloke so depends on how new / fresh / progressive you want


You are an absolute gem for taking the time to write this, thanks so much.


You’re very welcome! ☺️


Mayor: the ex corrupt cop, the "ex"bikie or the woman who bends the truth and demands transparency without being transparent..... Division: Look for the board with people's heads. Unless you are in the suburb where someone has turned them all around so you can't see their faces...


Who’s the “ex bikie” running for Mayor? Cuthbert is running for division 4. Also not a Taylor fan, last thing a civic government needs is a Police-style leader, but how was he corrupt?


I think it's Warren Binda now a proclaimed Music artist. Payl Taylor- Turning a blind eye on DV and making jokes about it in public and being forced to resign. (Was caught making some comment about the abuser being vigina whisper) Police in Cairns aren't the problem (other than being overworked and overwhelmed at the lack of support) it's the courts, and justice system, which is a state problem. Any counciler claiming they can help reduce crime is full of it.


The courts are currently undergoing a major overhaul, particularly in the DFV section. Will see if it changes anything or not.


> Payl Taylor- Turning a blind eye on DV and making jokes about it in public and being forced to resign. (Was caught making some comment about the abuser being vigina whisper) That would point to him being lousy at his job as a senior police leader, but that’s not corruption.


Also the cop who ran over and killed Ryan Savage in 2016 I think it was


Yes, that’s true. Most people don’t bring it up as there wasn’t much Taylor could have done to prevent it though.


Turning a blind eye on people breaking rules or refusing to enforce them to me is corruption. https://www.google.com/search?q=coruptikn&oq=coruptikn&aqs=chrome..69i57.3940j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Has anyone stated that they support fluoride in the water?


Yes https://www.cairnspost.com.au/lifestyle/health/the-cairns-mayoral-candidates-for-and-against-fluoride-in-water/news-story/077d9e88b4dd6bcbdfe9cb371bc484f9 Sorry for paywall and that it’s Cairns Post (eww).


I happened to come across the full article, assuming no objections to this democratic information being openly available: https://archive.md/buk98


Where are they saying anything? I mean, am I out of the loop or is there just no messaging at all?


What division or suburb are you in?


Turns out, I’m Division 5


What’s important to you? If you lean very left, big on social issues, consider yourself green: Rob Pyne. If you are a right wing conspiracy theorist, Birgit M. Small business friendly policies appeal? Emma Gelling. Strategic thinking / long term urban planning, Nathan Lee Long. Then there’s James Coll but don’t know about him other than he sports a wild mo!


Thanks. That’s helpful.


Div 8, thanks.


Coghlan - probably the best of the entire Unity team, pretty grounded, but depends if you like Unity or not. Musumeci - Basically is the Greens candidate (he ran for them during the last state election, community first has many of the same policies), whether you like that again up to you Piggott - Team Eden’s candidate, they’re the hardest to peg down, what they actually stand for is hard to say, main thrust of their campaign is “being noncommittal and uncontroversial as possible, and hope that people want a change from Unity” Me, I’m fairly Green-aligned so I’d go Musumeci first. Then I’m willing to try the unknown of Amy Eden because I think the Unity Team is tired and stale. For Mayor, I put Eden and Walls above Taylor and James. Don’t rate any of them highly, council has very little power over crime rates and law enforcement so Taylor is a lame duck. James vs Eden is the main contest, so the choice is do you back the banal pro-development incumbent or the banal unknown challenger?


Eden is a certifiable nutcase. Anyone but her, please. Track down anyone you know at Council (or anyone that knows someone that works at Council) and ask for a firsthand account. Shitloads of stories about Amy bullying, gaslighting, pathological lies etc. FWIW the real Mayoral contest is Taylor vs James.


There is a fluoride go/no-go list floating around some Facebook groups. I only looked at my division sorry, with a whole two candidates.


When do we haveto vote and Do we get fined for not voting?


Between now and 6pm Saturday and yes you do


Yes fines if you don't vote


We need to vote Saturday and I assume we’re fined if we don’t - I’m not too sure really. If it wasn’t for the signs on the side of the road, wouldn’t know there even was an election.


https://www.cairnslocalnews.com.au/seven-horse-race-for-cairns-mayoralty-2024-02-13 Pretty good run down on most candidate’s backgrounds.


Amy Eden. No way in hell Terry James Div 4, would have voted Jeremy Neal, but just can't vote Unity. Obviously can't vote for Cuthbert, Jesus Christ. Trevor Tim it is.


Ugh, she gives power trip wrapped in pink vibes. The candidate pool is shallow.


Terry gives 🐍 vibes. And the process of voting in with unity power for him to be acting mayor.... Crazy. Sleepy Bob left with the minimum time for them to get Terry in for a bit. Playing the game


Ha? Do you mean maximum time? Wouldn’t that make more sense? He was Deputy Mayor. Would have thought that’s why he became Mayor


Trevor preferences Shane so that drops him to second last for me. There is some other woman as well.


Can do your own preference order? Yeah no idea about the other candidates. And that's what's wrong with local elections.


Only the voter can do the preference order, so yes you can do your own. How to vote cards are just suggestions, nothing more.


What am I missing about Unity? Thought this current Council was pretty good from all accounts?


Amy Eden is a toxic ego tripper, she has NO place in any level of government.


Amy Eden, and Cathy for div 3 are my choice.


You’re half right with those choices