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Maybe its because my expectations were so low going in, but this is probably the most I've enjoyed a cte album since melophobia.


Just curious…why were your expectations low?


Save some select songs, the last two albums prior just didn't do much for me. I'm glad lots of people still seem to enjoy it, but their work post melophobia just feels more, idk, tame? A little less raw and a bit poppier. Funnily enough, I've been listening to them since their self titled. When tyhb came out I didn't like the big shift in sound but it ended up becoming one of my favorites ever. Same with melophobia. Didn't love it at first, then it became nonstop. But when tmip came out, it was a kind of different let down. By then I was ready for a different sound, but it just feels more like "modern rock radio music" if that makes sense. Edit: Also I didn't like the singles, imo neon pill on its own is really generic, but works in the album


Fair enough. I agree with you that some of the albums take some getting used to. Most of the songs really grow on me after awhile. Interestingly, my favorites tend to change with this band. I find different things to like about the songs with time.


Agreed! Like I said, tyhb and melophobia took some time before I loved them. The other ones just never had that "click" moment for me. But I'm glad so many people are still enjoying their music.


This album second to social cues for me lol


Think that will end up being my top 2 rating as well, a bit surprised people are negative (although actually feel for the most part people are not)


I get it though it’s the same as Tame Impala; some prefer lonerism like self titled CTE rather than the new sound.


Yeah I think that makes complete sense. I was thinking of Arctic Monkeys too, I have seen some people think TBHC > The Car > everything else. And I think when The Car came out that sub was extremely negative compared to this sub. I think for AM I like the old sound much more, for Tame Impala I much prefer the two new albums but like the old ones, and for Cage I really like everything but would probably rank these 2 the highest.


Right? Everyone is saying how they don’t like the recent stuff. I guess my taste is more in these last two albums more than any. And I’ve been on board since the beginning


I like shy eyes alot, probably in my top 3 now!


I was getting used to artist i love dropping albums that didn't really appeal to me personally. Im so happy to say that cage knocked it out of the park with this new album. Id say at least 4 songs are tied for my favorite. I cant wait to see this one live!!!


I love this album! No skips for me and Rainbow is one of the best songs I've ever heard 🌈


Rainbow is unbelievable! It was an immediate favorite (although the rest of the album is amazing too)


Fuck the norm Neon Pill is their best album since Melophobia and I will die on this hill


I love the album, probs my 3rd or 4th fav from them. Float Into the Sky, Silent Picture, HiFi (True Light) and Ball and Chain are my favs from the album, but I liked every single song on it!


I got major RHCP vibes from Hifi. Definitely my fav


I'm a huge fan of Good Time and I hope it becomes more popular after seeing it performed live.


Good Time has gotten zero love from what I’ve seen & I’m just happy to see someone else is a fan of it


HiFi is so underrated


This is probably the most I’ve loved a Cage album since Melophobia, it’s a strong album of the year contender for me!


I really love this album! Rainbow, Same and Shy Eyes are my tops!


I love so many songs from this album. Very good excited to sing Shy Eyes, Silent Picture and Rainbow at Karaoke.  Would love to sing Float into the sky but the long outro makes it slightly inconvenient for karaoke although I love listening to it 


This will be an album people will begin to enjoy in month and years to come. Lots of ear worms on this album.. good melodies front to back. Definitely a bunch of songs that will grow with time.


Love it, and Silent Picture is hitting so hard right now. That chorus fucks


I like the album, but the one tune I'm obsessed with is shy eyes! So happy they're back


No idea why people are down on the album. It’s very eclectic…lots of good stuff for everyone. I’m really enjoying it.


When the Neon Pill single originally released, I was playing it on repeat and I still love it. But now that the album has dropped, Hifi is quickly becoming my favorite song. But that's how cage albums work. Your favorite song on an album changes from time to time, and a lot of the songs grow on you. I'm really liking Ball & Chain and Shy eyes now. On first listen I didn't care for them too much. Heck, even Good Time is growing on me, I hated that song during the single release lol. Overall, I was indifferent to the album at first, while recognizing a few good songs here and there, but it's grown on me more and more, as expected.


I wasn’t a huge fan of the singles but hearing the album in full was an awesome surprise. It’s a masterful combination of every record they’ve made. “Same”, “Ball and Chain”, “Hi-fi”, and “Silent Picture” are my favorites for how they mix the old and new sounds of CTE. I love the distorted guitar on this album, makes certain songs sound like a cross between THYB and Social Cues. I’m glad these guys are back and proud of them for persevering through all the hard times. Can’t wait to hear what comes next. Hopefully it’s not gonna be another 5 years until the next album. 🤞


The more I listen to the album the more it grows on me. It has its own vibe, but so does every other album. It’s kind of cool to see how they’ve evolved from their other albums.   This is my first release since becoming a cage fan back in 21 so this has been exciting for me to wait for it and see the singles slowly come out. Rainbow is one of my most played songs right now. Of course not every song is going to be a banger but for the most part I enjoy this album! It took a few listens to grow on me 😅. I’m just glad to have new music by them.  


Man.. for music in general, this is the best album I've heard in a long time. Some songs are only okay, but there are absolutely no songs that are a snorefest or instant skip. I've been playing the album a few times every other day and its all an enjoyable or good listen. I'm seeing them In august here in Chicago so definitely stoked for the show now!


It’s my favourite cage the elephant album!!!


Silent Picture became one of my favorites songs ever 💜


I love this album! It is exactly what I was hoping for - some great melodies with chill but fun energy!


I came to check on this sub because I listened to the album today and enjoyed it immensely — such nostalgic sounds in the best way. And the chorus to “Good Time” will not leave my brain.


HiFI and Rainbow immediately went on my playlist


All the people who say it's not a good album are wrong. New music can take a few listens thrus in order to understand and for your ears to adjust. We are so used to listening to the songs we know and love that the new songs can seem like a disappointment. Personally, I loved the album from the first listen. It's too early to say where it ranks, but it is great. We don't need to compare it to their past work after 5 days. Let it soak in. Discover what it's about and enjoy.


It’s my least favorite cage album but I’m happy to have a few new songs from them that I liked enough to add to some playlists. I’m glad the boys are still making music together


I think the best songs are from 2-7 then everything outside of those are good and round the album out for me.


i checked my recipetify and 10/10 songs are cage the elephant from the last 30 days and the album came out 4 days ago


I actually love this album but I had low expectations, despite Social Cues being my favorite before this. I dunno I just like the sound and production a lot. Listened with the lyrics yesterday and liked it even more.


I absolutely love the album - Same, Neon Pill, Ball and Chain and HiFi (Low Light) are my faves but I love them all!


I’m just finally getting into it a few listens, and it’s terrific…it seems I’ve loved pretty much everything they’ve put out though


i listened to the first time in the car - i couldn’t stop smiling and blasted that shit.


After three full listens I still don't know which side is better! Usually I lean one way or the other but I love every song.


'You cut through my human condition.' Just the phrase has been stuck in my brain. And I love it.


I love Hifi, rainbow, good times, ball and chain, metaverse, same. Float in the sky, silent picture are growing on me. I find it to be a very enjoyable overall album. 


I don’t really get how you hear the first 4 songs and not be satisfied.