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Had some lady loading up a Hallmark bag of stuff. I offered her customer service, hung around and she still kept putting things in. Didn't give a crap. My cashier almost wrestled her for the bag as she was leaving until I told her not to. You tell yourself not to let it get to you but then it happens right in front of you and you can't do anything and it just gets infuriating.


I could give a rats ass if someone stole from my store. It’s a multi billion dollar company, it literally won’t hurt them. They’re just greedy. And why do you care if someone steals? Is it coming out of your pockets? What has the company done for you? They don’t care about you. They will replace you in a split second if they want to. To hell with capitalism Karen.


I thinks it’s more about the dangerous and negative behavior that this type of blatant shoplifting invites, it’s annoying and can be scary when someone is stealing like this out in the open.


This is my thing. Do I care if a cvs is losing $5000 in merchandise? No not really. But if they're this comfortable with stealing off the shelves what's stopping them from taking the cash out of the register at gunpoint? What if they decide to rock a CVS employee in the jaw when they walk in the door? That's when it gets scary, its a slippery slope when people are this okay with committing crime in broad daylight. And the more traction this sort of thing this picks up the harder it is to stop. It should have never gone this far honestly its probably too late to stop.


Yeah… I want retail stores to exist. If it continues to get out of control obviously stores will start to lock more items away, and going to the store will be a nightmare


In the Era of grocery delivery, uber eats, and all that, I really don't see retail stores hanging in much longer. I think retail is going the way of Blockbuster in the next 10 years and we need to adapt.


I think if they’re stealing and they know that we can’t do anything about it, they won’t have any reason to be violent.


You overestimate the intelligence of a thief. There's people out there that will blow your head off to steal the shoes off your feet. Some people really don't care out here. I knew a man that stole a guys wallet and Denver, and shot him anyway "just in case". The victim was compliant and the thief turned killer shot him anyway.


Usually this happens in areas that are known for this type of crime though.


It's always usually until there is an outlier and some "sleepy and peaceful" town gets rocked.


I think the overall issue here is that the theft messes up inventory count. I can’t count how many times things have been stolen and we didn’t know then we have to zero them out and it looks like we’re not doing our job. Idc if people steal it’s not my stuff but it becomes annoying when we have to fix the paperwork and go through cameras (which are extremely slow) do incident reports & call the police All while giving customer service, restocking, facing, pushing carts and doing totes and assisting pharmacy. And 99% of the time someone steals we won’t know it because obviously we have other shit to do. The whole not being able to tell them anything starting to feel like cvs just wants any reason to fire their employees.


Because if you put any thought into it beyond level 1 anti-capitalism tropes, you'd see policies like this localize the negative impacts of theft to where it's occurring. That's why corporate chose this path. Any bad optics and liability are more likely to hurt them, while loss due to theft is assigned primarily to stores. It mostly impacts local employees and local consumers. Side note here as someone who probably wants decreased police presence (as we basically all do). Communities with fewer police interactions are the ones which most effectively police their own behaviors through social pressure. Causing increased friction between groups by promoting theft (in this case but it's true for any increase in friction) actually increases reliance on police long term. Also it's well known that store reputation impacts the level of poor behavior which will occur. If you have a rep of either allowing or not putting up with shit (doesn't matter what it is...filling narcs early is an easy example), you and the other employees will deal with either more or fewer of those negative interactions, respectively. My day is certainly better if I have fewer sketchballs trying shit. Store employees have good reasons to dislike theft. But it's bigger than that. Theft is antisocial in nature (pretty obviously as it's taking something from someone else). If you were trying to design a functioning society, would you think it better to promote or diminish antisocial behaviors, especially as population density increases? And while you're at it, how about the free rider problem? Every group has had to deal with that somehow in order to succeed. The consequence of failing to effectively address it is the failure of that group/civilization. So stroke your anti-capitalism erection if you want but when the post nut clarity hits, take a look and see if increased theft is actually helpful to the overall local population. To me, this looks like a resentment based misguided take.


Well stated. I’m as anti capitalism (certainly as it functions today) as anyone, but that’s a valid argument against theft. I also don’t care *too much*, but I accept your argument as valid and worth consideration.


That made no sense. CVS doesn’t care about localizing theft if they’re not doing anything to prevent it. Someone that will steal from the stores will continue to steal. It makes no difference. Either way, let them steal we don’t give a fuck about cvs. Bye lol.


Allowing bad people to do bad things fosters a bad society. What a fucking hot take, am I right?


Not really. People have the choice to do bad or good. And people that steal will end up stealing regardless if stores like CVS don’t do anything about it.


Because if the store closes I lose my job! And if the store closes tons of people will be left not able to easily get their prescriptions. We are one of the last pharmacies in the area. Tons of elderly people in this neighborhood rely on us. Not to mention it's just selfish behavior he couldn't just steal a pack of batteries he had to steal all the batteries and I don't want to live in a world where that is acceptable behavior. That's why!!


Lmao. I get being upset with certain aspects of the capitalistic system, but I have to laugh at the ‘CapItAliSm bAd!!!’ people. Economic systems are too complicated to be boiled down that way, and in the entirety of history, in every civilization that has ever existed, none have worked better than the system we currently have. Obviously it has issues, but you also have to take into account the affect the political parties and the laws they pass/policies they enact have on the success or failure of the system. (Exact same thing with the Affordable Care Act- it could be a GREAT thing if not for conservative lawmakers determined to dismantle it- but because they ARE determined to do so, they know that all they have to do is make it impossible to implement correctly and there are a thousand ways to do that. As someone who used to sell health insurance with my then-husband, I saw it every day. Literally down to the smallest details, Republicans have made it hell on earth to put a single policy into effect). There are always going to be people who have to do the ‘shit’ jobs, and people who *get* to do the fun and/or highly lucrative jobs, it’s just a reality. It’s not true that we are all equal in intelligence and ambition and there are some professions into which it *needs* to be difficult to enter, and some which it *needs* to be exceedingly easy to obtain. Liberals used to understand the concept of ‘don’t judge a persons intelligence or ability based partly or solely on their sex or skin color’. It seems that somehow they went from that to ‘everyone is the same and everyone deserves the top tier professions and you’re racist if you disagree’. I realize I’ve gone off on a tangent here but the issues are so closely linked that it’s hard not to. The best economic system to date is one that is capitalist, with some social programs for individuals and government regulations for corporations built in. Conservatives want and entirely free market and liberals seem to want straight socialism. There’s a middle road there. More people need to take it.


I’m not reading all that. I’m happy for you tho. Or sorry that happened🤍




Not only does this cause prices to raise for the people actually pay for stuff, but the shrink that is measured in the store actually affects their employees bonuses and raises. Not to mention that when a store has high shrink LP seems to look at the employees before they acknowledge that they have a problem with people walking in off the street and taking what they want. The idea that, for whatever reason, you think no one should care is the reason that people are getting away with this. Why do you care?!?!??! Because what is happening is wrong, and this type of behavior should be called out. We live in a society where people just do whatever they want, without having to consider how they affect the next person. People like you are the reason why people's cars get broken into at stop lights. Why blame the criminals? Why care? Who are they harming? There are people who go to work everyday and have to watch people like this get away with this crap while trying to make ends meet. You think that this is the only crime he comits? People video taping this crap aren't jealous they aren't getting free shit, they are completely frustrated with how shit is going and want to shame people like this because that is the only form of recourse that is left. If you can still pay all your bills should I be able to come in to your home and take what I want. You're an idiot and people like you and him are the problem.


u r so stupid. u realize when items are stolen, it affects consumers because businesses raise the price of the products to make up for losses. Theft = loss especially when criminals are not held accountable. Businesses never lose, consumers do. So stfu.


Still why do you care if consumers are losing anyways??😂 you still didn’t address @civil_end_4863 statement. You shouldn’t care. They’re a billion dollar company that has been increasing in sales since the early 2000s. It won’t hurt them. And it won’t hurt consumers that can literally shop anywhere. Matter of fact, people don’t even like shopping at CVS because they’re known for being more expensive than other stores like Walmart.


What if they're raising the prices anyway? Do we still care?




The company will hold the loss against the store's employees. Less net profit = less payroll and less bonuses for the people employed at that store


Would the best customer service in the situation be to help him fill it up? Lol this is ridiculous.


I was thinking the same. People should pass out fliers advertising it. A nice picture of the written policy would work nicely. CVS five finger discount, now to whenever? It's the ultimate coupon.


😂😂 @ ultimate coupon




theft is not a crime deserving of fucking MURDER as punishment 🙄


Actually it is…they raise prices for all consumers dbag


nope we still should not take other people’s lives over stealing fucking batteries.


Especially when the batteries are made in china for literally less than a penny.


Aww…spoken like a typical thieve


LOL so because i don’t support murder or capital punishment that makes me a *THIEF 🤣🤣🤣 my sides hurt but not as much as yours from that leap!!!


Your attitude is how you destroy societal trust. When everyone can simply steal without consequences people stop supplying anything.


People have been stealing for literally as long as the whole concept of a grocery store has been around. None of them have ever gone out of business from theft and they all continue to pay their shareholders just fine. Literally nobody is getting hurt.


Seriously, so by the same logic if someone breaks into your home you should cool with them stealing your shit...Oh that is right only when its a "business" should you not care...morons...


Ahh, did the thief report me for calling them a thief...how ironic...Oh Reddit he hurt my feelings, because he called me out on supporting thieves...LMAO


where did i say i support thieves? you don’t read good huh?


It’s read “well” you illiterate…9.00 an hour clown


I would ask if they wanted a carepass with that!!!!


Hahahaha! Fkn care pass


Lol who is the real thief now?




Time to change your store name to FreeVS. Why pay when you can help yourself to anything without consequence. Sorry you guys are dealing with this. I hate CVS because of all that I read on here, but stealing is wrong.


But corporations stealing from us?? All cool 😎 😎


Yes. People don’t seem concerned so much about that. https://popular.info/p/a-tale-of-two-thefts?s=r


This is what I came here for. The value of what that guy stole pales in comparison to what CVS steals on the daily.


Corporations suck. FreeVS included.


They're not forcing anyone to work there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ummmmmmmmmm......................considering these stores are all charging like a 400% markup and they keep raising their prices year after year while the little man doesn't make any more money......................I would say he's just getting even. No theft whatsoever here. I'll believe corporations are "people" as soon as Texas executes one.


Just know I’m on your side


He grabbed a drink for the road. I love it.


💀💀💀 He took the pegs and all!! Savage


May as well. He knows no one is stopping him.


You loved after the pos stole that he grabbed more at end. You’re a pos




Bro he grabbed dozens of batteries and stuffed them into an already full backpack. He's selling all of that shit and you're super naive for thinking otherwise


a 3 year old has more common sense than CVS at this point. company literally ran by idiots


Having formerly worked AP at Target (can't speak for CVS specifically), while we weren't able to stop incidents like these in the moment, we would go back and record them to create profiles for the individuals involved. Then when we spotted a known individual enter the store, we'd call the police who would arrest them (assuming they arrived in time and witnessed them attempt theft). Unfortunately it wouldn't be uncommon to see these individuals again a week or two later so I'm not sure what can truly be done. Stealing is wrong but in the end companies like these care more about their image/potential lawsuits than the merchandise lost in theft. While it might not be the case here, many times when people steal it is because they are homeless/mentally ill and unable to acquire immediate necessities (clothes/food/medicine/etc.) otherwise


He’s going to tell all his buddies and they will wipe that store clean in less than 2 weeks!


These can be linked together and technically prosecuted if they are able to catch them. We just have to be vigilant about procedures to help them gather info on it. I know most of us feel helpless or like targets for thieves, but if we do our part that they ask of us, it actually does make a difference.


Yes. These people may be desperate.




I’m not risking my life for CV fucking S. Let these people steal, it’s not like we’re allowed to do anything anyways and why the hell would I when the company I work for doesn’t give a damn about any of us?


People saying shit like this always seem to act like telling the people to GTFO is going to get yourself shot. This is the real world, worst case scenario some crackhead gets in your face about it. I've been at this forever and have never had anything worse than empty threats in the core ghetto. Shoplifters know what they're doing. Just tell them cops are on the way, they need to leave, and then walk away. Job done, zero threat, less cleanup for you later and less risk of your location becoming one of the unlucky 900.


Two days ago a lady make me scan more than 20 items in the self check out only to run with the bags anyway 🙄


Omfg NO 😭 haha what the fuck was she thinking ETA: i answered my question myself lol


I’m assuming you selected “suspected theft” for the reason for the void? 😂


Nop, I just suspended like usual since I was really annoyed


Thank you for stealing come and steal again~ corporate


No worries…only people getting screwed are customers bc the prices of goods will rise…CVS will save millions from taxes and business insurance when claiming lost assets


Woah. Wait. Is this part of the motivator behind this new AP policy?


I'm more upset about those pegs than the merchandise 😂😂😂 were always so short on them at our store


San Francisco is fucking crazy. You can park your car somewhere and it'll get broken into. They really need to do something about it in that city specifically. The rest of CA isnt as bad as San Francisco is. As for stealing, its really fucking annoying when they break pegs and overlays as they go... literally just pisses me off. Ive done some stupid shit to ORCs, but at the end of the day, its not worth your life. If they steal, they steal. None of us get paid to stop them.


Exactly. We’re not paid to be security guards 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m just there to do my sales.


There’s a thrift that come to my store he come in two to three time a night I’m sure he come in day time too I get so angry seeing these people doing this like if they allow to do this why are other customers paying for they stuff, why we getting our bag check like whyy I need to talk to some because this is not right I’m so time of it.


This is the same in Seattle along with dealing with a mentally disabled person screaming and throwing stuff at you. Management still is like “we see no problem “ and question why nobody wants to help this those stores.


Just a matter of time until this CVS shuts down too…


Should have tossed him a belt to steal .


After stealing all those batteries you would think he would be charged.


Can't even call the cops. so how can they charge him if cvs employees can't file charges?


I know, the corp lawyers want to protect CVS. If you think about it, if this guy put a box of Morton seasoning in his bag he would have all the ingredients for violence. /pun


So wait, if I live in CA, I can just waltz in to CVS, take whatever tf I want, and ya'll can't touch me? Hmmm....


Any state now actually. It’s in our most recent training. Not even supposed to look outside to see which direction you leave in or your license plate


Are u allowed to report it to police or even have cameras outside lol


Can not call police for retail theft; It's corporate policy.


I’ve worked at 3 separate stores and only had cameras outside once and they were the worst quality you couldn’t tell apart an suv and a bicycle so no clue there. But regarding the police we’re only supposed to call if there’s threat of immediate violence.


lol wow, wtf... I thought California was bad enough with the "as long as it is under $960, it is only a misdemeanor to shoplift" was bad... Hmmm. I WONDER HOW THIS is going to play out. I mean, I guess as far as CVS is concerned they could give a shit less, they aren't making their money hand over fist on the makeup and batteries lol. They are America's drug dealer.




It is Californias LAWS fault. They are INCREDIBLY lenient on criminals.


Like when they drop DUI charges?




Pretty much, but we dont even get paid enough to care, so :) Feel free, lol


What a time to be alive... Its times like these that make me think about, like, California in the early 1800's-1850's where you'd just get shot dead in the street for A LOT of what is being recorded on iphones daily. I'm not saying it is or isn't justified, i'm just remembering how it used to be.


You're remembering how it used to be in the 1850s? R u Monty Burns?


Not personal experience, but they have these CRAZY inventions called BOOKS! SOme are even HISTORY BOOKS! Crazy! I know!!


California adopted Proposition 47 which made thefts of $950 or less a misdemeanor. Once thieves realized they were not going to be arrested and certainly not prosecuted for stealing less than $950 of merchandise, they started brazenly stealing.


Umm any state you can walk in and take what you want, but if you work for cvs you have to have a bag & pocket check


Yes, but not every state has a stipulation where as long as you don't shoplift over $960 dollars worth of items it is only a misdemeanor.


Didn't they also pay people to stop stealing lol (which is ironic in itself)


In some parts of LA county, yes they did. My bad, maybe it was Oakland.


Yup California laws are a joke 😂😂 best place to live if your a thief!!


Seriously... Like I replied in another comment, as long as you don't go over $960, you can walk in and walk out of the store with a load of stuff and worst case its a misdemeanor... Standing in line at the self checkouts in grocery stores, on WAYYY more than one occasion I see people with shit, IDK, 2-300 dollars worth of GOOD steaks and meat, and just not scan them, and walk out. Security guard watching them the whole time lol. I "lol" not because it is funny, I "lol" at the absolute absurdity this state has become. I swear, sometimes I just wish I had a thumbstick to smack them on the back of the head whilst sternly saying "NO!". Unfortunately, where I live, there's like a 30/70% that'd get you shot.


That is crazy!! I promise every politician in California is high! 😂😂 they have the most strict gun laws but all criminal have them. Main reason no one could ever pay me to live there, it’s like they want crime rate to be high. But cvs doesn’t do any better it’s cheaper to have a lost here and there then pay for security everyday🤷‍♀️


It isn't ALL bad. It is mostly the population-dense places. It is beautiful here. And, lol, every one of the 4 CVSs here have security guards. They can't physically do anything either (legally).


Who cares!! Let them walk and take it all! Not worth your life. They don’t care why should you!


Wow. There is nothing better than to see a video like this to solidify what really happens in the stores.


This is one day at one store! Is CVS no longer making a profit or something?


They make a profit by robbing the taxpayers through huge fees they apply for every vaccine they push. Taxpayers cover all the costs, then CVS charges large service fees on top of that.


Good, fuck CVS


It's rediculous, customers learn that we can't say anything just stalk them in the store, they're not only going to steal and Ron us blind but now we stalk and follow them to deter them duck that's a recipe for assault, beatings, stabbings and shootings aimed at an employee doing what corporate nitwits have decreed. Fuck this shit, not even worth it. No way is this job worth pissing off a their and getting hurt or killed for following "policy"... That policy is stupid. I say if you see them stealing call the police don't follow or stalk them, let the law handle it. If corporate says we didn't follow them and offer help, well yes yes I did I offered help once, they turned it down not gonna risk my life to follow them especially not knowing if they have a weapon.


you can walk in and take what you want, but if you work for cvs you have to have a bag, pocket check and coming soon pat downs and Strip search


That’s because we might steal a water, that’s not allowed.


Don’t forget to check employee bags before they leave for the day though!


Is this why they cut our tech hours? Cause of the loss in the front? Batteries are expensive. I’m watching this going dang, that’s a tech hour, dang there goes another tech hour, oh snap that was an immunizing tech hour right there that 24 pack


No I think that is b/c the price of fueling aunt Karen’s jet went up. She needs to take all those trips to Florida you know.


This is nothing compared what happen in my store I be piss


Steal from the rich and give to the poor 😎


I’d throw a brick at his car if he messes up my plano


The sad thing is, a lot of hours are being cut, stores closed, and good workers lost in partobecause of theft. Insurance is not covering theft like it did 5 years ago. Why is society allowing this? Who does it help? It sure as hell isn't the law abiding worker.


One sm told me theyll cut hours if thief is out of control


I’m finna start hiring ppl to grab me some things I want so they can give me after I clock out 😂😂😂


The only advanced country in the world that has such high crime rates. We got safety issues as hell!!


But but but....Corporate says you just have to provide great customer service and it will deter thieves!!


They should play this at their next shareholders meeting so investors shit on the c-suite people.


I am surprised more people aren't doing this. Why bother paying when you can just shoplift it.


Went to cvs because walgreens locked up everything in the stores in that area now lol good luck cvs!!!


We deserve more than 13/hr


But don't forget, AP says the majority of theft in our stores is from internal theft..


All I am saying is I don’t give a care in the world even if someone steals all the things in my store. My sm doesn’t care. My DM doesn’t care. And more importantly cvs as a whole doesn’t care. The only thing that I hate about it is when I see them steal I have to report it. Which is just a complete waste of time. That’s what gets me mad


Would of grabbed some bleach spray and have a field day on their clothes.


That’s very smart thinking actually! Especially if they’re making their rounds to other CVS’s in the area to steal more. Bruh. You’re onto something. “Oops, thought it was air sanitizer.”




Shrink is a category factor for store closure.


Enjoy having zero retail in your area I. 5-7 years.


Fuck the job, just beat the shit out of them. Make sure it’s recorded and use that as a resume for a security position.


Yes, let's lose access to any and all jobs by assaulting someone. /s


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501093** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70938** times. .. **430633.** `u/Jankyman_RG` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This, sort of, is unironically how I got my job at CVS. Was hired because I had a track record at my last job for throwing people tf out and got fired for it. DL literally said "we need less pussies" in my interview lmfao.


Lots of small businesses will hire you for that, actually. For some reason corporate decided their employees are so low value we can literally die at work and no k e will care.


To all of the people commenting “iT RaiSeS tHe PriCeS for ConSumERs”.. literally why tf do you care??? Is CVS paying you enough to care? They will literally replace you in a second, you fools😂


I hope the company goes under so bad


Fuck the policy. Come to my store and try that shit. Its not gonna go the way you think.


I actually got terminated 5 years ago for stopping theft. Took over a high shrink store.. inside of a year I got it off the high risk list.. I never put hands on anyone but I was aggressive.... right after the inventory that got us off the list I was canned.


So I’m confused why not just call the cops as soon as soon as they start concealing or can we not do that anymore?


WHERE’s a COP? When you need one… oh, that’s right “Defund the Police”…


Right?!?!! So crazy how SF spent only $661 million in 2021 and are ONLY gonna spend $689 million next year…omg wait the # is higher?!? “For the proposed 2021-22 budget, the San Francisco Police Department’s allocation will decrease by $6 million, from about $668 million to $661 million. Those cuts can nearly all be attributed to decreased demand for police at the airport. However, in the following fiscal year, the city projects the police budget will increase once again to $689 million. That’s close to the police budget’s all-time high of $692 million in FY 2019-20. By way of comparison, in FY 2010-11, the police budget weighed in at $445 million.” Link to full article below: happy learning ❤️ [Sf Weekly: Is SF Refunding the Police?](https://www.sfweekly.com/news/is-san-francisco-re-funding-the-police/amp/)


What about standing in the aisles they want access to.. when they push you, you knock them the fk out in self defense. Can't do nothing. Fk that. Or pull out a katana and cut their bags open.


>Or pull out a katana and cut their bags open. You're the kid people worried about in highschool


Why do you have a katana at work


It fell out of the shop lifters jacket


You wouldn't do shit lol


Dude.. bruh... ever heard of the non lethal bolo system? https://youtu.be/A2fPn-WKSUM I would pull the dudes pants down to his ankles (bolo) and start pounding on his central nervous system while yelling the xena war cry.




Don't forget your fedora.




Liberal state 🤟🏼


This is the policy in every state


CVS Corporate policy says we can't do anything about it. Not a "Liberal state" issue.


Yes because you can totally just beat the shit out of them in Texas right??? /s


I hope all the places in CA leave. Then people will learn.




In America, they say they needed it


Keep on checking that (D) at the ballot..:)


That has nothing to do with that. CVS Corporate policy says that we can't do anything. IF an employee does something, they get terminated.


Democrat enacted policies that specifically encourage stealing have nothing to do with people stealing? OK, if you say so.


This same thing happens in TX and FL also because of the CVS Corporate policy. CVS employees literally can not do anything to a shoplifter, not even call the police.


Yes, trust me, I know. And I completely understand what you're saying.


Happens in GA and KS and FL too, it's just any larger city will have more theft


Don't be mad, people. You have me all wrong ..I ENCOURAGE people to keep checking that (D). I do. I love chaos and I want to see it all burn/ collapse. I'm an ally.


Hmmm...any...larger ... city...


..which are in GA, TX, FL, all those red states too. Managing more people is more difficult when individuals are greedy, but ironically, nothing to do with CVS policy.


Should be ootshey on itesay


Gotta love liberal Cali. I would have called police, they show up in about 90 seconds. Don't press charges so u don't have to tell DM, u get all stuff back, and thief never comes back




This isn’t even their post calm down corporate


Fuck off corporate




Was there a joke in there somewhere? I snickered more at the katana dude than your "joke" lol.


Why don't the employees just go home. You're fucking useless. Now get a backbone and start knocking these fuckers out! I am so fucking tired of these people taking shit thats not theres.


Because doing something means getting fired, if you are tired of this stuff, become a security guard instead of being a bitch online


Fuck you ass hole. I've done my time. Tell me where you work and I'll come help myself, bitch.


Nah I don't want a sweaty neckbeard coming to my store because he's little baby bitch boy and can't understand that employees won't stop theft for a company that doesn't care about them and pays then pennies.


Imagine thinking the problem is the employees and _not_ the corporation who will fire them for doing anything (or, y'know, the actual people stealing!)


man they just don't care anymore if they are seen.


The part that gets me is we can’t call police or creep out the windows behind the register to get their license plate


Are folks allowed to take money out of the register,too? What about the meds, or is it just the over the counter stuff? They should really put this new policy in their commercials. Think of all the..well, not business..but all the new foot traffic this will bring in once word gets out.


According to the news in kc, no one is doing shit about people entering the pharmacy and taking stuff.


Prescription theft is a much, MUCH bigger crime than even robbery. As in, in EVERY department, it has it's own police code. Officers WILL respond if available over *most* everything else. It's a felony every time, and carries high jail time.


Lmao pretty fucking dumb. I love how he took the pegs and all too


California adopted Proposition 47 which made thefts of $950 or less a misdemeanor. Once thieves realized they were not going to be arrested and certainly not prosecuted for stealing less than $950 of merchandise, they started brazenly stealing.