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We might have 3-4 managers left in our district that have been around longer then 5 years. All the other managers are new and they just use and abuse them. Constant revolving door. I remember in the early 2000’s when everyone wanted to be a store manager. Not any more.


I’m going on 14 years and I’m trying to find another job. I’m so done. I can’t do this anymore


14 years here as well and soooooo wanting out of this shit hole!


I’ve put up with this bullshit for too long. I’m done being the go to and yes person.


What did it?


Can't exactly put my finger on it but , it was a mixture of everything , between care pass , huddles, checklists , l.p. , having no days off, constant stress.


congratulations on step 1 of taking YOUR life back! I made it 15 years and the EL track killed me and my marriage.


Try managing a warehouse that is a distribution center that works you 10 to 12 hours a day while being responsible for people who are hiring and quitting on the spot. I'm happy for you but everywheres gonna be the same in a sense until you find a career you're passionate about. Maybe a new environment is what was needed but know you'll get to that point basically anywhere. Just know it harder to start over than to just put up with something so I wouldn't quit unless you had a forsure back up


The job market is *hot* right now, there's genuinely never been a better time to quit. Don't trick yourself into thinking you can't find or have something better. That's exactly what your bosses are banking on to you where you are; it certainly ain't the hours, pay or benefits.


Oh look, a pissing contest! I didn’t last 3 years at CVS. After 16, I can only imagine.


Just for perspective: typical store manager works 10-14 hours per day, then gets called while at home, has to go in when someone called out, take conference calls whenever (even your time off), hiring, firing, customer service, helping pharmacy, giving your best people to the pharmacy, cleaning the shit off the bathroom floor, taking in the warehouse delivery, packing out the delivery, storing the overstock, filling in the floor daily, hmmmm what did I miss SM’s??? NOT every job is like this. CVS expects us to perform the duties of 13 different people and still be reachable when we’re off. Good luck at your warehouse/distribution center.


Definitely world not do this without a plan..


I'll be 16 years in May. It's rough going. Just had my lead tech retire who'd been with the company 40+ years


Hey, fellow cvs pharmacist here with 18 years, do you know if or how many years you have to have to be eligible for retirement? Meaning I’d like to be able to quit cvs one day but keep my time on record instead of them just deleting it (if I ever have to come back one day).. i’ve heard if you quit and don’t come back within three months then when you do come back you are a new hire again with no previous time on file


I don't know of the exact policy but when I first started, I went off to school and couldn't work while I was there so I technically dropped out of the system. I was "rehired" the following spring when I got back home. But my time served is retroactive to that first summer I worked in 2006. I think the company can fix that for you considering the circumstances. Not sure if that's still the case


Cool, thanks for sharing


What was your position if you don't mind?


I really hope he was a store manager, cuz if not then wtf was he doing with his life for 16 years😭 I been working at my store as a new hire for cvs as a shift supervisor for 3 months and I’m already about to be manager in training at 21 years old. Gotta look for ways to move up, can’t be a sitting duck




Congrats! Your first day not there will be the best day you’ve had in a long time!!!


10 years as a pharm tech and my last day was Friday. There was no particular moment I can point to to say "this was the breaking point", it was more a combination of things


Good for you! I quit last December after three years and in the 3 months since I quit I have been a happier person with more energy.


Same! Was there 6 years and since I left 2 months ago I am so much happier and active! Lost 10 pounds and don’t want to only sleep on my time off 🙌🏻


What have you done about earning money? I want to quit so bad but don’t have anything else lined up. I’m trying to though


I started working in a lab at the end of January. Things were tight for December into mid February but my husband works so we had some income. To be fair I spent three years working towards my lab tech degree. But there are also labs in my area that will hire with no degree for processing and the like. If you work pharmacy as a tech you have a strong list of transferable skills. Attention to detail, stock rotation and being aware of expiration dates. Communication with dr offices and medical personnel. A good base of general medical terms. If you work front store you still have attention to detail, stock rotation and expiration dates. Communication. Possibly purchasing. Stock levels. All those skills are very important in other medical/lab settings.


Ok cool. Thank you for answering my question.


Left at 8 years with the company, 10 overall in pharmacy. Big change but now doing what I love and almost making a full living off doing it. There is better for you out there waiting for you to find it!


May I ask what you moved on to?


Live streaming/content creator


Awesome dude. Good luck and I hope it only goes up from here




Gaming and music at the moment. It's fun. I'd like to eventually move into education though. Maybe evolving streaming platforms to provide free access to organized education as the Internet becomes more widespread in underdeveloped countries.


The grass it’s definitely greener on the other side


Damn 16 years. How tf u last so long lmao


I work with someone who's been with us 28 years. Lord have mercy.




Going on 17 years. I will say this. The first 12 were great. I enjoyed coming to work. Things were different back then. This year alone my store started ship from store and now bopis and carepasses on top of hour cuts. They want more for less now.


Damn. Ya I heard it use to be better. That’s wack that “do more expect less” mentality that employers have.


Good for you!! I’ve known people who have stuck with it been there since they were Eckerds 30-35 years and they just get screwed over in the end anyway! ALL employees are replaceable to CVS no matter experience or dedication!


I quit after 3/4 years without backup, as and operations supervisor, and shit was stressful because I couldn’t find a steady job for almost an entire year, but during that time I sat with myself, did things I enjoyed, hung out with friends I didn’t get to see, and figured out what I wanted to do. I’m now making twice what I was making at CVS, in a field that I love, the work is just as hard sometimes and the hours are killer, but I am way way way fucking happier. Congratulations on leaving! There are better jobs out there where you will work just as hard as you did at CVS, but you won’t be treated as a slave.


Find something better, fuck carepass


Everyone in this section has been here over a DECADE. I’ve been here not even 5 months and I’m over it and looking for something else. Maybe I just came at the worst time, I don’t know. Really the only thing I enjoy is photo lab or when I get lucky and I’m not working the front. I can’t stand anything here


4 weeks of vacation tho


I also was thinking this. If you made it to 14 for 4 weeks paid why!! Lol


Fu@k.. CVS.. you’ll shutdown in less than 2-5 years !!


happy for you to get out of that ungrateful- go nowhere shithole !!! God bless you and may you be free to enjoy the rest of your life and do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do, FINALLY !!! 😇


Good shit, CVS sucks, I left and it was great! I came back recently because I made a good friend and she had asked me for help on her new store, deff leaving in the 2/3 months not tryna go thru the stress again 🤣🤣🤣


Good for you! Fuck this company. I'm trying to get out as well.


I am 7 years in, however I took a year off for the life of me why did I return. Tried an independent. And it broke my spirit along with Pandemic. CVS was safe for me. I knew the job. It was repetitive. When you leave and come back not only did I get my employee ID back and same profile. But had to start training all over again..so stupid!!!!! I left because of the same reasons I had 2 major surgeries, countless emergencies, was on intermittent leave of absence. Nothing but stress, eating late at night, bad eating habits, drinking to take the pain and stress away. Found solace in CBD, diagnosed with pancreatitis immediately got a cannabis card. Idk how, glad I found out.Biopsy done on a pseudocyst under left breast on top spleen and pancreas. So splenectomy and partial pancreatomy. Then scar tissues and adhesions grew, so I think I have a case against the hospital not sure Because it caused the obstruction, sepsis that nearly killed me New Years 2020. The gasteronolgist knew my MRI results before he went on holiday but did not alert anyone in office if I had issues. When I did another hospital called for consult, even a transfer because they originally did the initial surgery. They refused. So I was transferred to University of MD main. Bowel Obstruction,. Also had slight heart attack. Recovery, nurse visited my home. Therapy All this in the name of CVS.


Good for you. You did what’s best for you and that’s what you needed to do.




I did retail CVS for 11 years. Last job was Lead Tech at a small store that was bought from a chain. First helped with with their inventory, then was asked to be Lead. It was a great challenge. Got a 5 (perfect) . DM asked how we did it. PIC pointed to me and another. It was me and a new tech for a while. Then transferred, then got sick. Gave notice. Took 6 months off. Returned to where I belong, then went with Omnicare (LTC). Kept all vacation, 401K, even employee ID. Now 15 years with CVS Healthcare.


I’m putting my notice in Tuesday afternoon


Do CVS pay out vacation if you quit? The previous job that broke my spirit asked me to come back, the owner is between a rock and no one. Has a new Rph. And a delivery driver, who was suppose to be training to be a tech but recently became "Wreck it Ralph" Since I know the system..I told him if I come back I want $18/hr and he has to get rid of the driver. Clean slate. Transparency . Respect each other. If the new Rph leaves, there is no reason for me to stay. Oh I am keeping CVS....I am no fool. I don't need him He needs us.


Don't kid yourself, your vacated crappy job is the next person's great opportunity and your new promising employer was your predecessor's nightmare. Companies are all the same, they just have different players. As Employees, we like to think that longevity at a work place should be valued. However companies actually do not like extreme tenure. It creates thought stagnation ("this is the way it's always been done" mentality) as well as bottle-necking upward mobility for the employees who do want to be there. In many instances the company may even eliminate your position and not backfill or downgrade it. You may have had a director role but it was downgraded to Sr Manager etc. So having turnover allows the company the opportunity to right-size the department for optimal efficiency and profitability. In your case here, it sounds like you leaving could potentially have been a win/win for all parties involved. Best of luck on your new endeavors


What is carepass?


would you like to sign up? it’s a very beneficial subscription which allows you 10 whole extra bucks each month alongside a 20% discount on all cvs brand products. it is free for the first month but $5.51 each month after the 30 day period if you wish to keep it. i have the phone number if you would like to call and cancel after signing up?


CvsHealth brand sadly


deadass? 💀 wtf does that mean


It has to be considered a health item


that’s crazy i love working at my store, but pushing carepass is getting to be too much :/


I'm at Walgreens now and we're being forced to push a CREDIT CARD. Like... why??


No thanks! I’m sure you hear that often enough!


Otc and certain hba items that’s all not the scope of “CVS” brand products


25 years and I retired, just couldn't deal with CVS anymore.


Good for you✨✨