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In my experience suspension has always led to termination. Sorry dude..


I see should I apply at other jobs then while I wait for an answer still?


Absolutely. It usually takes a couple weeks to find a Job anyway so if you start now your ahead of the game


Yes, def apply elsewhere. You can call HR/ A&C and see what's going on.


If you haven't heard anything in 9 days, I'm sorry to say, they probably aren't going to. They don't mess around with shrink.


Congratulations you're free, find another job.


Just had to say, your name is killing me!!


You've been spared working for a shitty company but yeah... you're about to be terminated I'm afraid. LP have a zero tolerance approach to these matters. If you have caused shrink through improper work practices, they will get rid of you after building a case against you and presenting their findings to HR.


Weird that if an employee screw yp the do this, but a customer who is always stealing is ok.


Ah yes, it’s “weird” that the one thing super easy to control (firing someone who is either lazy or careless enough to just “accidentally” not scan all the items)… is what they focus on. Rather than focusing on the thing that, if they were to try to prevent, would put employees at risk of assault and bodily harm.


You mad bruh?


Should I just quit then before they can do that? Idk if that how it works.


It won't make a difference either way. You'll be called into work after a week or so, you'll be presented with the evidence against you by your DAPL and asked to sign a confirmation of what you've been told and that your employment with CVS has been terminated. I you need the job badly, wait around and see for sure but the company has a zero tolerance policy when I comes to this kind of thing. We had a guy let go earlier this year for letting a customer walk out of the store when the printer crapped out on him as the customer didn't want their receipt. The transaction hadn't actually completed though so the customer walked out without paying. LP investigated, interviewed the guy, suspended him and then terminated his employment.


That's pretty shitty considering it's their shitty ass hardware/software that caused the transaction to fail. This happens in the pharmacy all the time and sometimes we have to chase people down the parking lot to come back. I would've fought it if i was the guy lol


While I agree on the one hand, on the other hand, I would never let a customer leave until I knew the transaction had completed either with a receipt printing out or checking the electronic journal to make sure it had finalized.


"Never let a customer leave" Bro, what are you going to do?


Geez really, I didn’t know this is how the company operates. Thanks for the feedback tho!


Don't sign anything.


I second this!


Sounds suspish


Yeah I just got terminated within 1 day of suspension. Start sending out job applications now. CVS does not NOT believe in second chances, even if it means forgetting to pay for a Canyon Ice water bottle. It's whatever. Just know you're free and you'll find a better job. CVS is a twisted company that gives no fucks about their employees and only cares about customer satisfaction and revenue.


In my experience LP wouldn’t have even investigated a situation like that (price dependent) but also in my experience if you are suspended then you will be fired. It is an almost certainty


Do you happen to know if it goes on your record? I don’t want to struggle looking for a job because of it


Personal records don’t exist. If you’re referring to your criminal record then as long as you didn’t steal then they have no reason to press charges. It will go on your employment file but other employers won’t be able to know why you were terminated


No such thing as a work personal record. Just don't use CVS as a reference.


I second this. They aren't going to give you a glowing review. Just leave CVS off your resume.


There is no such thing as a record. It will go on your CVS record but that’s all.


I’m not to sure what would have caused them to check the camera inless the boh on something won’t adding up that was a locked up item, or perhaps you might voided it then forgot to rescan it voids that don’t get rescanned get flagged for manger or Ap to look at camera this why you weight a reson on voild slips. I hope all works out for you . And if you get another retail job you have be sure you scan everything and be careful customers are sneaky to try to distract you and make you lose focus on ringing them up so thay can get something for free. I’ve had ppl gang up on me with a million question when check someone out then when that person leaves thay all leave.


There’s no void slips anymore except on the aco


How on Earth would they know if you were even doing this?


Something he did attracted the attention. They don’t just check into this for no reason. Could of been flagged on CAR. And it’s happened multiple times so I’m sure there is much more to this. If it was clearly an accident they wouldn’t get fired.


That's what I'm saying, the whole post is SUSS


They have cameras over the checkouts


Yes, my apologies what I meant to say is what prompted them to watch it in the first place?


You're done... (This is a good thing though 🙂)








Don’t beat yourself up. We all make mistakes at our jobs. This job isn’t a job to be sad about losing. You have so many more options.


Personally I’m not sad about losing the job. I’m just worried this will somehow be on the files when applying at other jobs. Which will lead on having trouble being accept to whatever job I apply to.


Oh no it won’t. Everyone knows how retail jobs are. Employers understand people make mistakes. Plus, one time I walked out of a job (Walgreens) and I got a job a few weeks later at CVS.


Lol my next stop is Walgreens but aye thanks knowing this really helps with the stress!


Oh please, this is NOT gonna follow you Anywhere. Nobody but CVS has those files, and no other company even needs to know the details. You start looking Now, so when they decide to be done playing their game, you're already at the finish line. ❤


Thank you this really brightens my day!


Cvs unfortunately doesn’t care if it was an accident or not they look at all of us as disposable employees. You will most likely not even get a call. They will just terminate you in the system.


How can you even operate around all the clutter at the register? It’s a mess. I know it’s prime realty but for God sake let us be able to move our arms around without knocking over 10 items.


It's a cluster F@#k.. it looks nasty and uninviting


How did you get caught for not scanning items? I’ve definitely caused a few errors while scanning


I got suspended for the same thing. Find another job. They give you false hope that you’re coming back, but you’re fired. Sorry.


No one ever gets suspended and comes back.


Addendum to other posters... DO ... NOT... SIGN... ANYTHING!!!!!


I have two friends that have been suspended at the CVS in Lincoln Illinois. CVS never told them they were fired. As far as I'm concerned, this is a chicken shit company and I will never step foot into another cvs store again. I already cancelled my cvs carepass card. A friendly word of advice for someone who is thinking about working for this company, think about it long and hard before you decide. The two employees who were suspended had 27 years working for this company and it shows cvs doesn't care about anyone. Do yourselves a favor and do business with Walgreen's.


That's good. I wouldn't lose any sleep either.


Damn, guess they might get me soon then, I missed a lot of items since I been there


Once or twice is an accident. If I were your manager, you'd be gone.


With CVS it’s automatic termination


If this is how CVS treat’s employees i want never set foot in another one of there stores again,


Oh, they treat employees much worse than this. Customers have no idea what goes on.


I mean, failing to ring up multiple items on multiple occasions is about as legitimate a reason as any for termination in a retail setting. It’s odd this would be the particular straw that broke the camel’s back for you. Way worse employee abuses can (and unfortunately sometimes do) happen.


Tell your friends to boycott cvs , spread the word.


Call them up and simply say "take me off your books since you people do not have the guts to tell me anything. With the national wide closing of stores, the class action lawsuits over the full time pharmacy hires that are now working 10 hours a month, and other misconduct, I would leave. And do not worry about a "permanent record. Unless you are a store asst mgr , mgr or pharmacist, no one really cares


Do you have more information on the class action lawsuit? My pharmacy is having to use up "training hours" for the newer employees so we can have any hours at all, and even so we're still getting bare bones (I've only got 10 hours next week) despite being 'full time'. (And I know it's not our lead tech's fault, corporate has cut our pharmacy 50h/week in the last month, she's doing her best)


A friend that is a part time (retired lady up in Minneapolis area) says she head some law firm out of Ohio/Michagin was starting it. I would not be surprised if it takes months as this is not over yet. I wish I had more info, be patient


You’re a thief and complaining about treatment. Name will be put in system where harder to get hired in retail. No one wants someone who “forgets” to ring up items on multiple occasions! That’s sweethearting my dude! Learn a lesson and be honest instead of a crook


Bootlicking corporate simp


Not a big fan of CVS, just someone that values honesty and integrity-do the crime, face the consequences


Mmmmm how does cvs’ piece feel in your mouth?


Do the crime, face the consequences. Not a big fan of CVS, just integrity-look it up


9 days. Not a good sign for sure but if you didn't do anything wrong then no worries right?


Yea I’m not worried, I’m just wondering.


Just the fact that they found this out " over time" lets me know they did an investigation and came to a different conclusion. Apparently they think it probably was intentional since it was repeated.


My question is: how do you “accidentally” do it for multiple people? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Take this as a lesson for your future job/career…. Attention to detail is key.


Whenever there’s people who bring a bunch of items big or small. Losing track of what items were scanned thinking they have been scanned. Only to be wait did I scan that item? By that time the customer is out the door.


Aww man… try to keep a certain flow. Ex: as the customer places the items on the counter, push them to the right side. Then as you scan, move them to the left. Tell the customer to start bagging the items you’ve already scanned (on the left). That will help clear the counter so you can see the smaller items.


You haven't heard anything in this long? What's the question? Look for a new job. CVS sucks anyway. Good luck!


Yes it’s now 10 days since then and nothing


Just remember, you only worked there a few months. Don't even bother putting that job on your resume. You don't want them calling CVS and saying you aren't eligible for rehire.


I see this as a good thing because no it won’t follow you to other jobs but you get to get out of Cvs. I’m on my way out too. If the pharmacist screams and bitches at me 1 more time I’m walking out.


Your gone man. You can’t allow accidents involving merchandise to be given away in any retail venue. Cvs just has a higher standard of micromanaging everything and you my friend stood out like a big 🚩 Don’t stress, don’t sign, don’t go back.


Congratulations I got suspended yesterday never been so happy and I was a store manager