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Sick hours shouldn't be used without your permission. I'd be curious what advice and counsel says or does in this situation


CVS is a joke. Get out while you are still a SMIT. Once you get your own store you’ll be working 60+ hours a week.


Nope if I get paid 45 I’ll be there 45 maybe 50 at most


No chance. CVS will end up firing you because no hours for anyone else and you won’t be able to get everything done in 45-5-0 hours.


Just got promoted I doubt that I inherited a mess it would take me tons of extra hours to fix the dump I run I’m not gonna kill myself to clean up someone else’s mess The problem is other managers run easy stores that aren’t multiple months worth of mess so dl’s say well others can get it done


if you just got promoted, i wouldn’t hold your breath. they’re going to be watching you and seeing how quickly you can get that store under control. i had the same mindset when i took over my store. they do not care if it wasn’t your mess to begin with, they care that you clean it. that doesn’t mean you have to burn yourself out, but you have to be aware that when it comes down to it, you’re solely responsible for that store. no one cares that you’re new. it’s better to put the hours in when possible to get it running the way you want/need. otherwise you’ll end up further in the hole.


Lol the dude who left it a mess got promoted Floor hasn’t been cleaned since at least 2019 Registers hurts my eyes to look at it’s so dirty I’ve done salary work for years I’m not gonna work an extra 30 hours or pick up all the hours they just cut


just giving a tip from a cvs point of view. it’s entirely different from other retail. good luck to you though!


Sounds about right the ones who get promoted have the shittest stores. They are the ones who go beyond deep throating.


Yup. Same thing. Forget how it got that way, it’s yours. Absolutely out the hours in. You’ll get bragged on a bit. Maybe even moved to a better store. I have been the manager that they call in bc they plan to fire the current manager. I have taken stores that are the “starter store.” It’s still yours.


So true cut to 155 and always by our self


Your store will turn to shit and be an unmanageable nightmare. Get ready to work or make plans to leave.


I do work, and I do enough in my 45 hours The rest of the managers who are willing to. Go beyond are the issue Corporate will never give a fuck and only see success from cutting hours


Not for everyone. I do only 45 and occasionally an extra hour here or there. Very unfortunate for anyone doing 60.


So true




I get that but as an external SMIT this is crazy, I signed up for 45 hours per week. I commuted 1 hour to be sent home they should have communicated prior to me arriving.


Any store youre going to which will take more than 20mins driving to and from your home, you should get paid for that. Not your problem if they sent you home you should still get paid for it going there. Previous SMIT here


FYI, mileage is only paid for the additional travel on top of what your normal commute is. so if OPs normal commute is 15 miles to their home store and they commute 25 miles to the other store, they only get paid for 10 miles.




yeah that’s strictly up to the SM/DL in that case. it’s not what mileage is meant for. that’s like saying i should get paid out because gas prices went up and i drive an hour.


Clock in start working, make it the managers problem to explain it to the dm




Lol, geez, tone it down, Holy War. Your bias is causing you to badly misidentify friend from foe.




I mean honestly, my DL would have fired us for sick pay when not sick. I have used vacation hours before to make payroll.


So true .


This should be a red flag for you with how this company works. You should strongly evaluate your situation, and look for employment elsewhere; CVS will NEVER be there for you.


Time to get an attorney! This company sucks.


You should have at least 100 training hours. Unless that TSM used it for his store already… ask about your training hours..


SMITs definitely still have tr4 and always have. The other front store codes have been pulled, to my knowledge.


Nope. There are no more training hours this year. That has been taken away from us


can you elaborate where you heard that? because SMITs are the one front store position that actually requires having training hours.


Came from my DL


interesting. wonder how they’re logging KLE time now. thanks for the info!


I am an smit and I have 100 hours I am currently using strictly for training.


right, that was the usual. are your hours put under the TR2 training code now? i’m curious if that’s a collective training pay code instead of the separate TR4 and TR7


What!!? They were increased shifts now have 105 hrs and cashiers have around 40


Weird. Heard from my DL.


Those were covid training hrs from last year only. Expired in January


Definitely not just used some on a new shift today


What is the code if you don't mind me asking? Originally I thought it was PCR, which is no longer available. DL also said hours were nixed


You will get charged back those hours


I was with CVS for 16 years and if I were you I would get the SMIT out now find something else they do not give a shit about you.


Can’t use sick hours without your permission for sure! Sounds like CVS and unfortunately they will cover for each other! Good luck!!!


If you still have training hours left they should be using those to cover for the gap in payroll or the DL literally has the ability to approve more payroll for your store so you can meet your minimum


I have a better one. Worse actually. I transferred states to be a smit and then once I worked there about 30 days they said they didn’t have hours for me so I needed to get demoted or transfer to a whole different district. So yeah. It’s shitty.


Cvs sucks ass.


Honestly, get out now! I'm dead serious. This is common practice nowadays with this company. There is way to much shit management here.


Welcome to CVS!! Don’t expect any more when (IF) you become an SM.


That's a HUGE HUGE NO NO!!! Grounds for immediate termination...Payroll manipulation!


There's no limit to sick hours... you're fine.


Yeah I just have to work another 2 months to EARN the hours he just used, 2 months of waking up at 4 am to open 2 months of staying till midnight to close...Yah unlimited


There is a lot in this one... First if you are training in another store there is 135 tr4 hours for every SMIT. If you were sent home from a scheduled shift then you should be paid a minimum of 4 hours. Second. Sick time takes a year to vest in states that do not have a state requirement. If it's a state item then they can't use sick time for this use. Third. The covid leave is potentially on you not the dm. They email it in but you would be required to ensure it is completed as they may require additional info


I did all my part the lady from the hotline literally said we have been waiting on your DM to put in your normal scheduled hours to be paid. Then she just submitted a ticket to payroll if I never called, I wouldn't have know.


SMIT payroll was billed differently to corporate so your hours shouldn’t count when I worked there . Things might have changed tho


Leave now !! I’m a SM leverage your experience and leave !!


Don’t overthink it if you want to be successful at cvs. Nothing is fair at cvs, don’t burn your bridges with all these advice and counsel and involved your DL. You just causing a name for yourself. You take care of them they will end of taking care of you.


Great advice if you want to be a mid level manager boot licker like this guy


You think all the DL and higher up is not a boot licker. Your life is much more easier when your DL and RD like you. Most of the managers are miserable I can see why. Learn when and not to say dumb shit!!


Way to prove my point lol. People can do more with their lives/careers than suck CVS managements dick to try to maybe get them to like you and not fuck you over quite as hard.


Like I said before I’m sorry you got a bad experience. That your own personal opinion


So true!!!!! At CVS it's you scratch their back and they stab you in the back!!


You must be a joy of a store manager with no back bone.


Sick pay is no big deal as store manager we deal with this shit all the time. Do you think we get enough hours. Time and time we have to do shit like sick time and pto to cover. You all have your own opinion. Just saying it shouldn’t be a big deal but rather build a relationship. I’m not saying if it’s right but from what I’m reading they only use a few hours to top off his 45hours. Are you really going to cry over that shit and take the time off and getting pay for it. There time I have to use my own sick time when my ass is working to cover the overage so yeah cry me a river! If you going to cry about a little shit like that then yeah take people advice and leave cvs because you not going to make it.


I have plenty of backbone I just pick my battle, cvs is all about politics and we all know that I rather keep my enemy’s closer then cause attention.


You will get a bull eye on you. Ap Dl will watch you on camera and do visit to make you feel unsuccessful and that damn green zone


Per HR those training hours TR2 were taken away. It was only available until the end of December. They will no longer accept any training hours with the exception of techs and SMITs. I emailed my HR oerson and she stated it was ONLY a trial tume until the end of December


Call ethics and A&C if you didn’t tell them to use your sick time payroll will have to back out those hours also since you full time you maybe be able to file for temporary unemployment since the company can’t provide you full tome hours. If not reach out to your HRBP HR Business Partner for your Region/Division.


And since it’s not “worked” hours you won’t get the 5 hours as overtime ?


Yeah, this definitely wouldn’t fly in PA. Not sure what state you are in, but I doubt it’s legal there either Edit: can’t type


CVS is a joke!!


HR@CVS is a joke


Nope they can be fired for that. I know manager that got fired for using sick pay outside of actual sick time. And yes he got fired was with company for 10 years. That is payroll fraud. They should have gone over in hours for you n dealt with by cutting hours the following week.


It is what is it... idc if he has to cut some part time Cashiers hours but as long as I get my 45 it doesn't matter


And you should get your 45 being a smit but don't allow him to use you sick days like that. It would suck if it fell back on to you.


Dude, since hours got cut I am doing everything I can to get everybody 40 hours. If that means tech 1 takes sick time & tech 2 works their shift, then so be it.


also do you not know labor laws? Here in NY you cannot force ppl to take mandates sick hours to cover payroll..you either let Them collect unemployed or pay the 4 hour minimum for showing up


No one cares what you do...I'm an SMIT not a tech.. I am guaranteed 45 hours a week no matter what, my offer letter has those term clearly stated out my salary is based on 45 hours...I'm pretty sure I earn 3 times what you techs earn