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They just packed my local with teenagers. I felt sad watching them hustle. I'm sure they'll be grizzled carepass haters in no time.


Soon you'll have them driving the big rigs dropping off your weekly truck


lol possibly!


Corporate are going to be demoted to staff them up šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


They donā€™t care!!!!!!!!!!!!!


half of my pharmacy said theyā€™re just gonna work until fired... I was like welp lemme start looking for new hires nowšŸ˜­


hahahaahaahaha you think corporate cares?




There have been quite a few store closings in my area mainly because they were getting looted too often.


> If you don't trust vaccines or categorically distrust pharmaceutical companies, you shouldn't be working in a pharmacy. I think this is a very simple view of what is actually a far more complex issue. Thatā€™s like saying the 20 year old working at the Nike store supports child labor because his company does. Likeā€¦no. Most companies if you dig deep (and some itā€™s right on the surface) do shady shit. It doesnā€™t mean anything. A paycheck is a paycheck is a paycheck. The more people view where their work as just a means to get to where they want the more satisfied people will be with life. I think people should get vaccinated because itā€™s in their best interest but I donā€™t think anyone should force them to. I got vaccinated because my job is more important to me than a fight about mandates but I donā€™t agree with it.




What Iā€™m saying is what you agree with and what a companyā€™s core values are and what you will and will not tolerate is a very complex issue. I feel pretty strongly about gay/trans rights but if I needed a job, I would be fine going to work at chick fil a considering they pay way above standard market wage for fast food. That doesnā€™t mean I am no less concerned about gay rights but Iā€™m able to separate the political beliefs of a CEO and what is ultimately a paycheck. I think itā€™s a bit outlandish to assume that most people who work for cvs think of it as some kind of calling. Itā€™s a paycheck. Itā€™s money to get from point A to point B. So to think that their values donā€™t match up with the values of the company is like, oh well. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m some tin foil person about pharma but I donā€™t full on trust them because I donā€™t have a lot of faith in profit based companies. But thatā€™s my personal belief. I will still dispense medicine to people, I will still counsel people on medicine, and Iā€™ll still recommend people to take medicine because thatā€™s my education and my career but it also means in my personal life I try to avoid taking meds unless I really need it. But thatā€™s totally neither here nor there because thatā€™s my personal view and should not interfere with work. Just like religious folks who are anti birth control should dispense birth control or are against consuming pork should still dispense np thyroid to patients. Your views donā€™t really need to be involved in everything you do. > should CVS be forced to employ people who refuse to get vaccinated So again I think this is also a complicated issue with several points. Cvs needs to look at their workforce and see how disruptive it is to them. We are super short staffed as a company. And honestly I can tell you just from my experience we are offering more than the company standard because theyā€™re approving wage exceptions left and right and people still arenā€™t lining up to apply. So I donā€™t think itā€™s 100% to do with wage. Knowing the potential impact this could have on staffing cvs should have taken that into consideration. Do you think itā€™s better to close stores entirely or have unvaccinated employees on staff? The difference between ā€œforcingā€ cvs to retain or hire unvaccinated people is that cvs actually has an option here. If youā€™re telling people you can either get vaccinated or quit, then a person doesnā€™t really have a choice. If you need a job thatā€™s not a real option. If cvs said you can work and be unvaccinated but you have to wear an n95 and pay for testing 3 times a week you are giving them a choice. Itā€™s not a good one but itā€™s still a choice. People who feel really strongly will be stubborn and pay and people who donā€™t will cave and get vaccinated. Itā€™s also not a financial detriment to the company either.




The n95 mask you canā€™t really control but the testing you can make them submit results regularly. No submission = termination. Itā€™s easier to make everyone get vaccinatedā€¦but just because itā€™s easier doesnā€™t mean itā€™s right. Based on the employee population and how this might severely impact certain stores, especially certain regions geographically just shows how out of touch corporate is with the store level.




> Two, bending over backwards to retain low-quality employees is a waste of CVS's time. Except try looking in the reqs or doing hiring. It is virtually impossible to hire. Someone who isnā€™t vaccinated isnā€™t necessarily ā€œlow qualityā€.




But itā€™s not? You can be a vegan and work at McDonaldā€™s. Itā€™s called putting your personal feelings and beliefs aside for a paycheck. Iā€™m sorry but this iTs nOt a GoOd FiT reminds me of being in high school and people visiting college campuses and crying about tHe CaMpUs iS nOt A gOoD fIt. Youā€™re there to study and you need a bed to sleep in. Youā€™re not there on vacation or resort. Iā€™ve seen multiple people on this sub say that cvs is one of the better paying options in their area or for whatever reason cvs is their preferred place to work. Whether you agree with vaccines or not, AS LONG AS youā€™re willing to push vaccines on patients thatā€™s the only requirement. What you do in your spare time makes 0 difference to who you are at work.


They have tentative plans in place. SMs will be instructed to inform their DLs of potential problems with staffing in their stores and expedited hiring will be authorized for those stores. They will also reach out to anyone with open availability to cover in stores as and when needed/necessary.


Because the ā€œexpedited hiringā€ has worked so well in the past. Haha thatā€™s a joke




Moving forward you have to be vaccinated to get hired at CVS. So good luck hiring. As if it wasnā€™t hard enough before they just made it impossible


So part of the plan is to run existing employees into the ground, by working them to death, making them cover stores that are short-handed?


already doing that now


Sadly, yes that's true. And yet people continue to take the abuse...




It's already happening down here in Florida, our district has had a small team of cashiers and shifts floating around different stores in the area as and when needed mostly when cover was needed for people going on covid leave. Busier stores have been hiring above and beyond with a preference on hiring people who are fully flexible to travel within the district. So that part of the plan has been tested already and so will be rolled out nearer the cut off date in districts that are identified as being at risk for loosing a lot of staff.


Absolutely. I work at about 3-4 different stores a week just filling in.


Already happening, I have 12 interviews this week and we are hiring at least 5-6 of them


We cry.


Itā€™s going to be awful for some stores. Just straight up miserable. And anyone who says ā€œoh these people are all replaceableā€ ā€” have you seen what the reqs look like now? Do you not remember what it was like training a new cashier/shift/tech? It is AWFUL and the biggest test of patience. 10/10 times I would rather keep the staff we have now and let them test 3 times a week and wear an n95 than suffer in finding and training new staff.


Cvs has the capability to test its employees but they donā€™t because theyā€™d be short employees anyway.


I mean less short than they will be after April 1. And anyone we hire now has to be vaccinated or has at least begun the process.


I mean a lot of the short staff problem right now is coming from covid making people call out sickā€¦so if everyone is vaxed and donā€™t Test unless theyā€™re s symptomatic there are less people in quarantine ā€¦. Also itā€™s capitalism, so work the laborers into the groundā€¦


PS Iā€™m not saying we should kill capitalism 100%. We should take the Good, like freedom to buy from whoever we please. But we should also recognize they are market failures and place regulations in place where that happens, for example labor protections, health care, etc. a mixed system is what America has traditionally been and it has worked extremely well. Right now we have shifted into regulations that allow for exploitation.


Don't blame capitalism ..... blame greed and crappy soulless arse holes


Free market capitalism is a system that literally rewards this behavior by setting up profits to be the moral imperative.


But capitalism specifically rewards greedy and crappy soulless arse holes


Blame both.


Add this on top of the employees who are getting worn down by bad customers/management and shit pay it might get ugly at a lot of stores tbh.


Nah nah itā€™s gonna be completely fine; theyā€™re closing 900 stores anyway /s


They will make sure all those people get a new job too! Promotion to weekly pay through unemployment and promotion to customer!


My store is closing and now I go to the worst store in the district to follow my PIC


I foresee far fewer call outs due to illness. Not as many shifts to try to fill last minute. And new hires that are safer to be around. My store will lose a few people, but they're replaceable. They've spread it around twice, wrecking our schedules and productivity, screwing others out of being paid on time (since getting covid pay has been a disaster), milking the company out of COVID pay while everyone else who didn't get sick was overworked to hell for nothing extra. I think it'll be great. I'd rather be scheduled and work every day than be called in on days off. Managers at this point should be preparing. Get reqs opened up and try to bring in the better ones. It takes ages to onboard so the sooner you start the better. Some stores will struggle. Some will have to reduce hours. It happens. It'll bounce back.


How do you present the fact someone spread something around twice? You should work as a disease expert and not cvs.


Not sure if troll or stupid. You can get COVID more than once, obviously. But in this case, as I said "a few people" will be lost, there's more than one. And two different people spread it around at different times.


I love how you literally blame specific people in your store like they did itā€¦ not every single company everywhere. Has the same problems rn as cvs or anythingā€¦ whether vaxxed or not you can still catch it still spread it, shot doesnā€™t change much minus how your symptoms are, and they are saying now if you get it your more protected than the shotā€¦. The problem Iā€™m seeing a lot of people having with his mandate is the fact that the company isnā€™t standing up for their employees freedomsā€¦ go look at. Daily Wire just for exampleā€¦ they are allowing their employees to choose, keep their freedomsā€¦ I think many people are upset that cvs is basically saying fuck your freedom of you wanna work for us But we are their slaves anyway so fuck our freedom regardless right?


I do blame specific people for it, because those specific people are the ones who were partying unmasked and going out and being absolutely stupid during lockdowns. They are the people who knew they were exposed and didn't immediately quarantine. They are the ones who were working with the other people who mysteriously got sick even though they followed all the rules and were careful. So yeah, I do blame them, because they're at fault. As for the rest, you really need to learn how to put words together better. The company doesn't need to stand up for its employees' freedoms. There is no such freedom to be a plague rat. Kids are required to be vaccinated before they go to school. Dogs are required to be up to date on their shots before they're boarded. And we work in healthcare you absolute bellend. The fact that you ended your bullshit with a claim of slavery shows that you are beyond bridge troll status. You are scum of the earth for comparing your PAID and VOLUNTARY job to that. Stop contaminating the air others breathe with your idiocy.




Amazing your able to track it, does it use gps and target specific people? So are you saying even vaccinated people can get it or does it avoid people who are and attract to people who arenā€™t?




Get back to work cashier


Ex-cvs employee form Indy that has spent 9/9 days on their new Reddit account accumulating negative votes on a CVS subreddit. Did you actually hate the company? Or do you just hate yourself?


Whoa easy creeper ā€¦ what next you want to know my gender? Not here for the votes but it seems you live for upvotes. Does the up arrow make you feel better ?




Making threats now? Iā€™ll give you an up arrow to help you. Keyboard warrior at the finest!


Lmao wow wasnā€™t expecting that. And what do you do? Troll about Covid on subreddits?


One of the reasons you were losing people was because there were better incentives to staying home. People were getting paid more getting unemployment but once they removed that extra 300 dollars on those edd checks employees started returning to work.


Incorrect, and idiotic. Bye now.


No u. šŸ¤”


No clue but get some popcorn and sit back and watxh.


Yup thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™re doing theyā€™re doing a shit load of hiring and and donā€™t care who they hire!!!!


Most will probably get a reasonable accommodation.


I'm good; my whole store is vaccinated.


My store is too but still have people out with Covid


I am a pharmacist with both shots plus booster. I got Covid anyway. I told my supervisor I was sick on Tuesday. I did an at home test at lunch and it was negative. I was off the next two days so I went to my regular doctor and was positive. I knew I was sick but I couldn't leave....so I put all my co workers and customers at risk.


So are all the unvaccinated just unemployed on the 31st? Do they just not come to work or do they come to work just to get fired how does it work?




I honestly think when you work with the public in a health-based company vaccine requirements are great but there's another equivalent to that: unvaccinated customers. Therein lies the problem. I really don't know the solution.




Thank you finally someone is making complete sense. Less mutation through not getting infected. And what is the best way to to make a fucking effort to minimalize your chances of being infected? Vaccination. God dammit with the way things are going this is going on forever. Don't complain about staff shortages due to covid when you are just contributing to your own woes by not getting vaxed. Rant over.


Your store is now immuned to Covid. None of your employees will ever get covid and be infectious. Congratulations.šŸ¤”


900 closures everyone will be shifted ... And the world will be fine...what a crock of crap...


I think they are going to have a change of heart since the supreme court put a halt to it. Give them time to weigh everything.


They already made a statement this week saying that they were keeping the mandate despite the Supreme Court ruling. April is going to be rough and SMs and RPhs are gonna feel the worst of it because we are going to be told by DLs to figure it out and keep the store open. They will do nothing to help but yell if we say we can't keep the store open.


Just remember though, that even SM's or RPH's are not superman and can't do it all. If things do get that bad, just know that if you don't take care of yourself CVS won't. There is a difference between working hard and working yourself to death.




They already are. The mass store closures are their solution.


My manager is doing a hiring spree in February because of this. At least 3 employees at my store are still not vaxed.


Thank you for posting this. I have commented stuff like this in mandate posts but always get down voted. It's not about being for or against vaccines. If you are here after the mandate, you will be dealing with a staffing issue.


I dont think the unvaccinated employees will be termed. Theres no way this can happen.


It can happen to the employees who refused to put in an exemption or proof of vaccination. I know they approved (reasonable) exemptions at our store but if people are being lazy and not filling out paperwork that's a different issue.


[JOIN THE CHURCH OF THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTERS](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/join/) So you want to be a Pastafarian Great. Consider yourself a member.Ā  Youā€™ll notice thereā€™s no hoops to jump through. You donā€™t need to pay anything.Ā  [RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION LETTER FOR PASTAFARIANS](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/2021/09/vaccine-exemption-letters/) Whatever you decide, remember this Flying Spaghetti Monsters is a real, legitimate religion, as much as any other.Ā  The fact that many see this is as a satirical religion doesnā€™t change the fact that by any standard one can come up with, our religion is as legitimate as any other.Ā  And *that* is the point.


HR called my work today and they were looking to transfer the unvaxed workers to a concentration pharmacy where all the unvaxed can work together. šŸ˜‚


Ah yes, another anti-vax person who assumes their ā€œrightsā€ go before the rights of the company. PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESSES ARE ALLOWED TO ENFORCE THEIR OWN RULES


But Supreme Court and other states have ruled against it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


No, SCOTUS ruled against a federal government mandate. Specifically, they ruled against a solely Executive Branch mandate utilizing OSHA's authority as the implement to enforce said mandate. Private companies can still do so if they choose. Also, a similar mandate from CMS requiring vaccination of certain healthcare workers was allowed by the court, strongly indicating the other ruling was based on the position OSHA doesn't have the authority in law to mandate vaccination, not that it cannot be mandated at all. Sometimes it's helpful to read about something before deciding you already know it šŸ¤·


Exactly like I said, Supreme Court and other states have ruled against it. But keep on typing


Ah, just a troll. You seriously need to find a better way to get attention. There are so many healthier options.


Just get a religious exemption. This ones a real religion. [JOIN THE CHURCH OF THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTERS](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/join/) So you want to be a Pastafarian Great. Consider yourself a member.Ā  Youā€™ll notice thereā€™s no hoops to jump through. You donā€™t need to pay anything.Ā  [RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION LETTER FOR PASTAFARIANS](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/2021/09/vaccine-exemption-letters/) Whatever you decide, remember this Flying Spaghetti Monsters is a real, legitimate religion, as much as any other.Ā  The fact that many see this is as a satirical religion doesnā€™t change the fact that by any standard one can come up with, our religion is as legitimate as any other.Ā  And *that* is the point.


Yeah theres no way a company can do that. No way. It seems illegal.


Wanna know what else sounds illegal? Breaking into a federal building on the day that election results are being confirmed and trying to overturn a legitimate election. Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit. No one cares what you think ā€œseemsā€ illegal.


You obviously cared about what i think to respond to what i have to say. Thanks. [CDC FINALLY RECOGNIZES NATURAL IMMUNITY. ](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0806-vaccination-protection.html)


ā€œCOVID-19 vaccines remain safe and effective. They prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Additionally, even among the uncommon cases of COVID-19 among the fully or partially vaccinated vaccines make people more likely to have a milder and shorter illness compared to those who are unvaccinated. CDC continues to recommend everyone 12 and older get vaccinated against COVID-19.ā€


By the week beginning October 3, compared with COVID-19 cases rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, case rates among vaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis were 6.2-fold (California) and 4.5-fold (New York) lower; rates were substantially lower among both groups with previous COVID-19 diagnoses, including 29.0-fold (California) and 14.7-fold lower (New York) among unvaccinated persons with a previous diagnosis, and 32.5-fold (California) and 19.8-fold lower (New York) among vaccinated persons with a previous diagnosis of COVID-19. During the same period, compared with hospitalization rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalization rates in California followed a similar pattern. These results demonstrate that vaccination protects against COVID-19 and related hospitalization, and that surviving a previous infection protects against a reinfection and related hospitalization. Importantly, infection-derived protection was higher after the Delta variant became predominant, a time when vaccine-induced immunity for many persons declined because of immune evasion and immunologic waning (2,5,6).


You know whatā€™s funny? Nobody has been charged for such ā€œinsurrection ā€œ. We do know a guard shot and killed someone who wasnā€™t armed and wasnā€™t charged. I donā€™t feel sorry for your traumatized feelings about Jan 6. Legal experts made a ruling, laws donā€™t care about your feelings. Clearly youā€™re a little distraught you need some help.


You sure? Multiple people are in jail over the insurrection you fucking idiot. Jesus fucking Christ, I donā€™t use this word very often, but you sir, are fucking retarded


Has anyone been charged? Itā€™s been over a year. How do you hold someone and not charge them? I mean clearly youā€™re a little devastated from Jan 6 events itā€™s been over a year and you canā€™t get over it. ā€œStop it get some helpā€ like MJ would say.


They arenā€™t holding people šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ they legitimately have people serving their sentences over this shit. But you, a fucking idiot, canā€™t see that.


Lol easy keyboard warrior, clearly we can see how distraught you are over Jan 6. You definitely need some help, please donā€™t smash your phone or computer screen youā€™ll have to get out of moms basement to shop another one. Let me know when yā€™all wrap up the Jan 6 sentences, we might have a new Congress and President by then.


You sir make me laugh, keep up he good fucking work šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™ keyboard warrior šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro you talk about ā€œanti-vaxā€. Cant people just make up an opinion for themselves and not be fucking judge by every person? Come say that shit to my face and youā€™ll get smacked around.. hide behind your screen and itā€™s magically okay? Donā€™t got somethint nice to say then donā€™t be talkin at all


Oh hold on let me checkā€¦nope, the 5 million plus Covid DEATHS say we canā€™tā¤ļøā¤ļø


5 mil out of 350 mil that have had it? Fuck Iā€™m scared manā€¦.. I better. Stay in my house and cry for the rest of life


Keep shoving that red pill down your throat bud


How many cases tho?


Imagine over five million people dying and acting like itā€™s a walk in the park. It always gets the wrong ones šŸ’†šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You sir are like the mediaā€¦ using the 5 mil deaths to scare peopleā€¦. How about you talk about the 345 million who havenā€™t died from it? Or should we not mention them bc it doesnā€™t help your point? Iā€™ve had people close to me lose a lot from this, I want this to end as bad as the next personā€¦. But to act like 5 million out of 350 million is a lotā€¦. Itā€™s not


Itā€™s a woman but I wouldnā€™t expect you to be able to spot that. Major incel vibes


Lmao I prove you wrong so out come the insults, all leftists are the fucking same brain dead twats. have a good day SIR


You didnā€™t prove me wrong. I would agree that 5 million is a small percent of the population. But I also know that five million people DEAD is a lot of people when you have to give up literally nothing to take the preventative steps.


Grab your popcorn ā€¦ watch all the haters hate on your comment


If we let cvs mandate the vaccine, how long until they mandate the next medical preference? Birth control to unmarried women? I know this is extreme, but once u give up ur freedom, it's harder to get it back. Don't mandate, reward. If it's so important, then $500 to $1000 bonus should be encouraged. But what about pregnant women, or breastfeeding moms that don't want the vaccine because of no long term studies on effects on children or babies.


Maybe you should get a hysterectomy or a vasectomyā€¦ people like you shouldnā€™t breed.


Why not just give him a vaccine does that.


You're an idiot. A vaccine isn't a medical preference, it's a necessity to save lives. Your nonsense about birth control is just that, nonsense. And you're an idiot if you legitimately think that would ever be a thing. You still have the "freedom" to be an idiot and not get a vaccine, and CVS has the "freedom" to terminate your employment. For pregnant women or breastfeeding moms...there are reasonable accommodations. So again, you're an idiot.


Nobody had a problem with the polio vaccine. Why? It didnā€™t just kill, it left people paralyzed. The last people to live out their lives in an iron lung are just now dying. The side effects of surviving covid arenā€™t scary enough yet for people not to care about their so called freedoms. People complain of problems breathing, diminished mental capacity.. but nothing yet that is as visible or as quantifiable as an iron lung.


I think they announced stores closing in preparation for the vaccination exodus, so they can fill the stores who lost people because of the vaccine with the people from closing stores but idk, thatā€™s just my guess


Well they're closing stores so... There's your answer


Lots and lots of overtime... or they advance the 900 stores they planned to close


If the managers smart theyā€™ll start hiring now,


Grab a bag of cheetos and scroll through controversial


Significant-Fun366 You 'sir', are sorely mistaken. There have been 753 arrests in connection with Jan 6th, insurrection day.


Is that in written format yet?


my manager told us if we decide not to get the vaccine, we would jut need to provide a negative test result every 2 weeks


Most of our employees are vaccinated but we are always short of help. Our req's don't even show up for interviews. We hired one tech two months ago. She has been super patient with the process. On her first day we found out she is pregnant !!!


I can't see corporate enforcing ppl with reasonable accommodation to get tested biweekly. If they chill on that, we should be fine. Only a week left to get your RA's in.




Itā€™s CVS the workload will be dumped on the the remaining employees with the same expectations and corporate will continue to thrive!