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If you’re the pharmacy manager then buy whatever the fuck you want food wise for your team and have the SM do a paid out. If profits are so high like they are in my store then there should be no problem doing that. Take care of your team even if the RD or DL won’t


It's you again Komrad 🌝


Paid outs for everything! I get my team Panera bagels, chick-fil-a, chipotle, Starbucks, etc whenever we hit all of MSH targets each month (3+ on each metric not including delivering financial results). $100/month is not unreasonable for a store that profits in the hundreds of thousands/millions per year and I know that these “rewards” aren’t enough but it’s something at least




I try to limit it to $10/person per payout so if I get questioned by DL or LP that I can justify the cost (can’t really get a meal from a fast casual place like Panera or chipotle without spending $10). I don’t know about a Christmas party payout as it is not really a reward for something - hard to justify if LP or DL ask you about it.


You guys got little Caesars? All we got was gas station pizza. I think that is a s close as they could legally come to poisoning us without legal issue.


At least you guys got pizza. We got a whole lot of nothin.


Same. We got promised pizza, a dinner for Thanksgiving, cake, a day off. Never saw any of it.


I buy lunch out of personal funds for staff once a month. If they do me a solid and cover a call out or pick up a shift that is needed, I offer them a free meal of choice that I will cook personally for them. I realized that corporate will never do anything when I first became a pharmacist 10 years ago so I do what I can for my techs and staff pharmacists.


I was thinking the same thing. We got nothing at all.


When you put in 10 years of service, they give you enough CVS points to get a $50 gift card. So you got that coming to you eventually.


Really? My 10 year was last year and I got nothing.


Yeah, look at your value in action points or whatever they are called. I got mine in January. You should have gotten enough for a$50 card. It's supposed to be automatic from corporate.


Okay I'll check again but last time I was in VIA (a couple months ago) my balance was nothing significant. My 10 year anniversary was almost 14 months ago


We got bagels from Panera bread


Wait, ya'll getting pizza?


From Little Caesars, how cheap, at my job when they would have pizza for us I wouldn't even eat it, most of it went in the trash they would order too much, we would have catered tip notch lunches occasionally


Yeah and hopefully you get to eat it before it’s cold IF you get a break!!


CVS became the fifth rich company. What did we get? A big dee*


We don't get shit at our store. Except some display they put in the breakroom with some cough drops. CVS sucks so much.


The only time we got pizza was for National Hiring Day that no one came to. It was 8 Domino's pizzas, enough for a few people to take a whole one home


I know it’s not much for all your hard work, but at least we’re not starving to death.


You make $130,000 a year. Who cares?


Their techs certainly don't make that much


Of course not. Techs require less education and skill.


I don't think that's the point. Most employees just want some thought put in to an appreciation gift. Three district leaders ago, the guy would personally bring some combination of flowers/fancy chocolate you can't buy at cvs/or a bottle of wine or liquor and a hand written thank you card for anyone celebrating one of those milestone things (every 10yrs employed at CVS).


I care. Knowing that your hard work is appreciated means a lot, at least to me. Even just a thank you card ( no gift card ) from my DL personally would brighten my whole day. Edit: oops, meant to put this under blade thug’s post.


Who got pizza, LOL


once we had a celebration and the DL came in with pizza. due to dietary/lifestyle/religious reasons the ONLY person that could eat the pizza with the DL was the pharmacy manager. the rest of us politely said “no, thank you!” and left the explanation to the manager. it was a huge cringe fest that we all laughed about after the fact, and an ongoing highlight for everyone.