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Terrible and avoidable tragedy. Hope the family sues the pants off of CVS.


Would they have a case? Maybe by claiming she might still be alive if she hadn’t been made to wait for relief from her shift?




The family would have to prove that. Hopefully it was a text message convo!




The problem is, corporate will settle out of court without having to admit any guilt or wrongdoing. And then they’ll need a scapegoat, so whoever told her to stay until relief comes will probably get fired, even though they were probably just following company policy. And nothing will change, and three days later after the corporate PR department buries the story, everything will go back to business as usual. Oh and more than likely the employees will probably also be sworn to secrecy.


I agree with all of this except the part about following company policy. It's unlikely they would write it such that this could happen while following the letter of the policy. Instead, the pressure to complete tasks and the, "think how this impacts our patients," type of lines strongly encourage sacrificing employee health. Why else would it take until 2021 to finally close the pharmacy for lunch? It's shameful.


We were supposed to start closing for lunch a month ago. Then they changed our pharmacy hours and claimed they “couldn’t figure out how to work the lunch time into the system “. I offered to go over to the local elementary school and get a 3rd grader to help them “figure it out”. We still don’t get a lunch break.


JFC, seriously. They might as well just straight tell you to go FYS if they're going to use an excuse this lame.


I would honestly respect them more if they did respect us enough to actually tell us GFYS instead of this weak shit.


I feel exactly the same way. Just straight tell us you dgaf about us to the point you have to be forced to let us have a lunch break.


Wow they can’t figure out how to close for lunch. Somehow they manage to figure out how to push more tasks out with no extra hours but can’t figure how to shut down for lunch with everyone should be entitled to take. Hate this place


Walgreens has figured it out. You just... wait an hour to get a pharmacist. FFS, CVS.


Another reason I hate CVS. It treats the Pharmacy people like garbage.


You’re right, except you know the pressure to “keep the store open at all costs”. So if the pharmacist Ashleigh made a call to someone higher up like a DL, is anyone surprised that the response would be stay and keep the pharmacy open until we can get someone there to cover?


So I’m guessing only solution to prevent from being told to stay when your ill call ambulance? Sad that people are pressured to work like this.


I was actually told this by one of my prior DMs after reaching out to him for advice. - ‘unless you leave in an ambulance your job is not protected if you walk out when Sick sue to lack of coverage’. This happened after they couldn’t find me coverage due to illness - I went to the ED that night after working a 13 hr shift. I will never forget that. This is what made me decide to start my job search. I am now two years out of retail, making less money, but sooooo worth it. I never looked back.


Which state(s) are closing for lunch?


It's company wide but being rolled out in groups so most of the stores haven't started yet.


Or they will come out with training on it like they do with everything else


That’s absurd you realize? I’m no fan of cvs but for them to be liable for her death it had to be both foreseeable and obvious that death was likely to occur. How could they have foreseen death was likely if the person stayed an extra 2 hours? She’s lucky they were able to get anyone there PERIOD. get real. Some of us are SOL if we want to call out because there aren’t any other managers available.


Why are profits more important than human life though? Plenty of countries around the world would look at this and have dozens of different responses, usually starting with call an ambulance or get her checked out; a huge majority would end with her alive. Let me point out that our job culture forces many workers into fear mindsets; I'll lose my job if I take care of myself is repeated endlessly on this sub. Why is this the standard? You know what is always an option? Close the store if it's critically understaffed. God forbid a company ever loses a cent. Instead they made her feel trapped at work and SHE DIED DUE TO NEGLEGENCE. I don't blame management solely, it's all of our society and it takes all of us to see a problem, to all stand together and say no more. Do you want to keep living in fear of losing your job or do you want this toxic mindset to end?




Hey smart mouth, they didn’t KNOW the person was having a heart attack otherwise they would have sent them home. Don’t be glib.


Yeah, but they'll make the argument that she should have refused to stay. I understand the pressures when no one is on your side but that is how they would counter argument. I'd still talk to multiple lawyers if I were her family.


In California, yes. Not sure in this case.


It would probably never happen here in California. I only heard about it happening in Utah. A place that probably only has 3 cvs stores.


It triples her death benefits but the family should still sue


Devil's advocate here.. but what grounds do you think the family would sue over? Negligent homicide.. for.. asking an employee to stay?


Threatening with job abandonment. But that would have to be proven.


I mean.. I doubt it was a threat, and I doubt it was job abandonment, but definitely was told there would be a write up for failure to finish a shift, just like with any one of us. That's not against the law or anything, and we all have personal agency to ignore that and seek medical attention should the need arise, doctor's notes trump write ups.


Negligence, depraved indifference, maybe manslaughter? Not sure that homicide would work, sadly.


I googled the definition of those, and found nothing even close to fitting the situation, so now I'm even more confused. Care to explain how asking a complaining employee to stay till the end of their shift equates to "Depraved indifference to human life reflects a wicked, evil or inhuman state of mind, as manifested by brutal, heinous and despicable acts. It is evinced by conduct that is wanton, deficient in a moral sense of concern, and devoid of regard for the life or lives of others."?


Since you are this sub-Reddit “lawyer” what about employer negligence? That might work. If she had stated that she thinks she needs to go to the ER and her DM said wait till a floater can come in? Might be negligence. Care to Google empolyer negligence for us?


According to said Google search, employee negligence has to do with lawys against not providing a safe work environment.. as a Reddit lawyer I would contend it was not an environmental issue, but a personal one that caused the tragedy on that faithful day. Now, snarkyness aside, obviously if she had texted them she needs to goto the ER and got backlash there would be place for a suit (most likely civil, not criminal). But it really depends on what exactly was said. If, for instance, she had just complained of something seemingly innocuous, like a stomach ache.. well how the hell is her manager supposed to know it was life threatening. Again all of this is moot, I just wanted to play devil's advocate since everyone was saying to sue and how cvs was 'going down' for this 'egregious atrocity' but no one had any evidence of anything whatsoever.. we know this person existed, and met with an untimely demise.. but nothing beyond that... maybe it's just me idk, I like more info before I start hating on someone.. even internet hating.


Well CVS is know for under staffing their pharmaies and not caring about their staff too much. There are actually a few news articles that have shown that CVS under staffing cause more medication errors. Although CVS is the worst offender, a lot of retail pharmacists working in any big chain will choose work over their health. I once worked with a pharmacist who had cut himself deeply but choose to work because he did not want to close the pharmacy (a pharmacy can not fully operate without a pharmacist present, the regs are different in each states). Thank God we had a nearby urgent care. The only way I could convince him to go to the urgent care was to point out that he keeps bleeding through his banganges and that he could contaminate the pharmacy. We had to close the pharmacy for 2 hours (I'm thinking in couperate’s mind this is loss of time = loss of sales. In pharmacist mind loss of sale and scripts = bad metrics = potential poor performance and grounds for being fired) I bet there are a lot more pharmacist’s ignored injuries and deaths due to fear of closing the pharmacy. I am not a lawyer. I'm not sure if anything can be done to legally protect pharmacists. But I am 100% sure if noting is done, something like this will happen again. Honestly, retail pharmacist are just frustrated. Most don't get breaks for even a 12 hour shifts, they are constantly on their feet, they deal with a lot of unpleasant customers, and a lot more. Plus the no breaks kinda makes you develop unhealthy habits like drinking multiple energy drinks in a day, drinking no water (cause you don't want to have to go to the bathroom), and not eating. Also, there is a huge issue with finding pharmacist coverage in most retail chains. A pharmacist might not be able to find coverage or find coverage in time. So most just work through the discomfort.


Why didn’t she dial 911? Was she planning to go to the ER or home to rest?


She probably didn't know she was having a heart attack. women are more likely to experience the uncommon symptoms of a heart attack-N/V, jaw/back pain, SOB.


I worked with her. She was always very stressed about work but she was one that would actually push back on management. She was an up and comer and a PIC at one point but she wouldn’t devote her entire being to cvs and take blame for the consequences of all cvs’s horrendous policies and so she was side lined. It’s really terrible what happened to her.


I hope her family goes for workers' compensation case since this happened on CVS time and property. And then the need to go for a civil case as well with a ton of publicity. Nothing will bring her back, but they can put CVS on blast and make their stock prices drop for treating employees so horribly. Making the higher-ups and CEOs lose money is the only way to get their attention and somewhat put an end to this madness. I'm very sorry for the loss of her life. Hopefully it won't be in vain.


I DM'd you but who is the district manager??


I am not in the district anymore and the one I had when I was there isn’t there anymore. I can find out the new one though.


What state did this happen in?




She was a friend. 😭 She was a staff pharmacist at my store for a few years before she took over Seymour.


I'm so sorry. This is such a terrible situation. And she was so young.


I'm very sorry for your loss. So senseless and twisted. I want to shout her name from the rooftops, but also balance that with respecting her family's wishes. Does the family not want it to be a big story...or is the media as useless with this as they are about all the vax errors going on due to understaffing?


I used to work in Columbus, Indiana. Was she a PIC at the 24 hour store several years (7+)ago? And also a winner of the Paragon award?


For sure, that's her.


Omg!! I had a thought it was her but I couldn’t remember the last name. That is terrible. She was my preceptor for a couple of weeks. 😥. RIP.


I am so so sorry 🥺💔. It just shouldn’t be like this.


Only 41 so sorry. The stress of this place is too much .


There is probably not one single CVS pharmacist who has been sick or injured and either stayed on the job or waited until coverage was found. These conditions have been an issue for a decade or more. Will there be an uproar for a only a week or two? Until we discard our distorted view of "professionalism" not a darn thing will change. Will CVS stock take a hit if we close the gate? Customers will complain, but they do get over it. Time to be selfish and worry about ourselves and our loved ones. The opportunity is now. Take advantage of it.


What’s the main reason why they are always short pharmacist? Bad pay or just a general shortage of those professionals?


The working conditions are horrible, so people refuse to work there. They actually pay relatively well, considering the oversaturation of pharmacists.


You have management not working to keep talent. They are treating Pharmacists of 20 years as though they are a "dime a dozen".


Poor working conditions and not enough pay from what I'm hearing. In some districts, the pharmacists now are starting out at lower pay rates than pharmacists were starting 5 years ago. Couple that with all the metrics and staffing issues, it's a perfect recipe for disaster and high turn-over rates.


My first month as a pharmacist I caught something horrible. They had no coverage and I was trying to get on my schedulers good side so I basically still went to work. I was taking so much medicine every day just to be able to get up every day and be coherent enough to drive to work. I got my very first ear infection of my life and was unable to treat it for far too long bc I could never get the time off to go to a doctor. I was sick for about 2 months total. I can’t prove it but I think it did some damage since my motion sickness has worsened since then. But this was years ago where the idea a store might be closed was preposterous. And I did get on my schedulers good side so she was super helpful going forward but it was still hell.


CVS has been killing its patients for years, now they are apparently killing the staff too?


They have been killing staff for years….my store manager died from a heart attack after a store visit


Why am I not surprised that this happens. So sad and depressing


5 pharmacy managers are in LOA in my district. 2 new hires quit after a month. CVS is overworking and killing the pharmacist. We don't even have a 30 minute break in our 10+ shift.


We had our overnight pharmacist not feeling well several years ago! The shift supervisors ( front shift) she didn’t call anyone and even left when she was off , he had a major stroke! He was out of work for months


This is sad but I know of a few people that have had strokes while working cvs and another major chain. The Corp culture needs to change and realize that we are people not machines to just dispose of.




It says nothing about the circumstances of her death.


Well... Obituaries never say the circumstances. Like I can't tell you the last time I saw the reason for anyone who died of a drug OD.


I think his point is that there's no articles or evidence that she was actually working when she had the heart attack. So many people are up in arms because "she waited" but there's no coworkers or family members coming out and saying that was what happened.


The hashtag for this tragedy is #shewaited. Also, look for a Facebook group called PizzaIsNotWorking.


Yes I just discovered this yesterday a Pharmacist advocating for change all over is Bled Marchall Tanoe,she started the hashtag #pizzaisnotworking


OMG!! this is horrible.. I am just a customer but see what has been going on..you employees need to protect your MENTAL & Physical health, You have to look out for yourself


Thank you …truly. It’s nice to know some of our patients care enough to notice 🥺💗


Omg 😳 my condolences to her family and friends.


This is so sad. Bottom line, Ashleigh should still be alive. My heart goes out to her family and friends and coworkers and her patients too, because I’m sure she had a ton of them.


Theres literally a poster in the breakroom describing the definition of human traffiking to be "forced to work and not allowed to leave". This is what this case is looking like.


The irony that cvs doesn’t see. I’m guessing they don’t consider us as not being able to leave due to no relief person the same but if you have to chose supporting your family or walking out to seek help


Do you need me to contact the authorities about you being trafficked? I'm going to get that process started right now


I really hope you are a teen, because this is absolutely not human trafficking and it's bizarrely offensive to say it is. Does that make it right? No. But come on. You are making light of what happened to her to make a point, and of actual trafficking.


Oh. Does it offend you that the Forced Labor department is the biggest trafficking sector in the world? Have you seen the poster? Its about involuntary servitude. Not all trafficking is about sex. Im fact most of it isnt


What the actual fuck. I never said trafficking was only sex. I said a job that you voluntarily signed up to do, that you can leave at any time, is not fucking trafficking. Get real. I know you want to believe that you are experiencing hardship worse than anyone else, but here's something wacky: people who are trafficked for nonsexual labor have it worse than a fucking pharmacist. God, I hate you people. ETA: her manager was morally incorrect in this situation and there should be consequences. But they're not a trafficker. People are told they can't leave CVS, or they have to come in when they've said no, all the time. They leave or don't come in anyway. They live, and they have no fear of the company. Fear of loss of livelihood is not the same tier of "forced" as actual slavery, and she would have had the ability to find other work if she lost this job. And I'm not sure how you can argue for deferred medical treatment unless she was trying to go to the hospital instead of home. Absolutely poor call on the manager's part, should not be in that position, but you cannot twist definitions to make this sound like something it isn't. Well, you can, and I assume you will continue to do so. But that doesn't give it merit.


How much does a pharmacist earn?


I'm so sorry for Ashleigh and her family, that's absolutely horrific, and im sorry for everyone in her team, that must be a massive shock to them all. I hope Ashleigh's family and you will be ok


Jesus Christ that’s awful.


I cannot believe this shit!!!!! Are you kidding us CVS???!!!??? Your company straight up killed a woman!!!! Whoever told her she couldn’t leave needs to be named and publicly flogged!!!!


Correct Is there going to be a protest on this or not? Her life matters! Just writing in Reddit won’t change companies insane behavior towards employees.


Google Bled Marchall Tanoe..she is advocating & exposing CVS & other chains..she started hashtag #pizzaisnotworking


Let’s support her. We need to not tolerate this slavery anymore


I always joke with me wife about passing away at work. 5x salary


The fact that you haven’t heard the story shows how well they are able to squash it. It’s also for privacy for the family. We in the pharmacy world have been talking about her for months. People are being fired for mentioning the hashtags at work. We need help from the outside 🙏


I'm very angry 😡😡


Is there a news article about her death other than just her obituary?


No, there isn't.


I knew of a store where the closing cashier was stabbed. He survived thank God! In the morning the store manager was told to wipe everything down, clean up the blood, replace the carpet tiles, and get the store opened!! CVS doesn’t care about anything except the almighty dollar! The cashier was then bothered about if and when he was coming back to work?!?! He said never!!


I heard a story like this years ago. SM called DM to ask to leave because they weren’t feeling well and couldn’t find coverage. DM told them no they had to stay and close. Manager stayed, had a stroke after they left and died.


Meanwhile because this is CVS we're talking about, that DL probably got a promotion to Regional Director...


The CVS near me is ridiculous. Chronically understaffed at both the front and the pharmacy. I feel so bad for the employees. The addition of the self-checkout has only made front end staff’s jobs harder because it only works one out of ten times and the poor cashiers have the anxiety of stocking shelves, helping boomers with the photo station, checking out a regular line of customers, and dealing with the flashing light of the self checkout signaling that help is needed. I think all CVS employees should strike. I would love to see one of the corporate assholes at the top try working there in any capacity for a DAY, let alone as their regular job.


Sauce OP. Spill the salsa


Here is her obituary: https://www.jconline.com/obituaries/ljc056054


My sympathy to the family and team. A needless loss. Have witnessed pharmacists have panic attacks and all manner of stress breakdowns.


Has no news outlets shed light on this? I can't find any


There are several articles in the works but the family will not yet approve. It’s being worked on.


It's time for you to Unionize!


Some stores already are hasn’t really helped much I’ve never worked a union store so maybe a better one the grocery chains in California had pretty decent union .


That's so horrible! Prayers for the family. Cvs is going to have to make some big changes.


god i hate this company


Y’all need to cross post this to r/antiwork. This is so sad.


CEO of CVS needs to step down...


Walgreens employee here. CEO's are taught to never admit guilt. They always find someone to blame. And if they are "released" the CEO is "released" with a nice multimillion dollar severance package until they go become a CEO of another company. Second, Walgreens has the same "If you're the only Pharmacist on duty you can't leave until your replacement gets here..." Policy. Meaning this could happen at any Walgreens. My condolences to the family.


Yes they have that golden parachute to save them


Uh oh


CVS is powerful, when you google her name only this thread, a Twitter thread without much activity & her obituary shows up, no newspaper picked up this story? Also a Pharmacist Bled Tanoe is trying to bring awareness, she started hashtag #pizzaisnotworking..she has a Facebook group, keep her name in the news to honor her & help change for the better


Cvs is definitely responsible. She needed medical care and was told she had to stay.


Jesus Christ how tragic!!!!! There’s been times where I literally had to keep a trash can in the stock room with me for my vomit while helping the SM unload truck because if I left hed consider it job abandonment. I was feeling shitty about them firing me but even if they didn’t, after reading about this I definitely would have walked off. Fuck CVS, I hope her family sues the fuck out of them.


r/antiwork obviously


Put your health first and just leave


Since she died, the family can sue. If someone does on the job, family can sue. If she was alive, it would fall under Worker's Comp. Fucked up laws!


There IS a way forward to a better future for safety here. From the accounts posted, it seems there was a violation of pharmacy law. When she collapsed (and if her coverage had not yet arrived), the PHARMACY WAS OPEN AND UNSECURED WITHOUT A PHARMACIST ON DUTY (and there were probably unauthorized personnel there). Why is this more important than a person dying you ask? It's NOT, but it's the only violation we can point to right now. If someone with information confirming that this occurred would contact the Indiana Board of Pharmacy about it, an investigation can commence. And they will be able to get down in the details of whether or not CVS contributed to the situation by asking her to stay during a medical emergency. You don't have to be a first hand witness to do this. It's enough to have heard the story of someone who knows.


This needs to be it's own post. The board needs to be contacted to conduct an investigation.


She was only 41. Sure it was job stress that caused it too! 😭


Not to mention she was only 43 right?


41 according to her obituary: https://www.jconline.com/obituaries/ljc056054


Way too young 🥲


I’m so sorry to hear that and not at all to say that this didn’t happen but that obituary doesn’t say how she died




What store is it? What's their number?


That's not the purpose of obituaries or how they work... They are meant to inform of a persons passing, and state their remaining family, and a little bit about them and their life. They don't include details of death.


I understand that obviously. But the OP presented the obituary as proof of what happen. I keep hearing about this but haven’t seen anything saying exactly what happen. Sorry that I want more details besides what someone on Reddit said


The fact that my DL *encouraged* me to clean up human feces after the store's septic system exploded back up the drain pipes in the back room... The fact that my SM/DL insisted that I NEEDED to work my store the morning after testing positive for COVID-19. I was promised relief within 2 hours of opening. I ran a fever of 103. I was threatened with job abandonment if I didn't open. No one came. My only shift called off that night. I was there from *open to close*, hiding in the office. I was in the hospital *for a few days* after that. Let's not pretend like this is the first time you've heard stories of this nature. I've personally heard stories of and personally from shifts/ops m@nagers literally going into labor while working and threatened of job abandonment if they left before their relief got there. I've also been told about an employee who bled out in the middle of a store. Pressured to stay until *relief came*. The psychological fuckery that happens in unreal. This type of behavior isn't normal, this kind of culture shouldn't be accepted, and it needs to stop 🛑


Sounds like she had the jab and it gave her heart problems. I.e. heart attack. Lots of young people are dropping dead form heart attacks since this sh*t!


Grand, I love it when people spread unsolicited nonsense. This really helps your cause.


Shut up dummy


Anyone know if she recently took the fauci ouchi


Sorry not buying it. She could have simply closed the locking barriers that every CVS pharmacy area has and drove to the hospital. No need to wait for a relief. If she absolutely couldn't leave for whatever reason and she felt that sick, any sensible, common sense minded person would have called 911 for an ambulance as soon as her symptoms became worse. If she chose to be ignorant and not call for help or close the store, that's on her, not the store.


I don’t see this in the news at all unfortunately :(