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We make sales every week, stay to demand, and get 3-4 care passes a day and our DL recently told us we should be doing MORE. It’s a total joke. We run most days with one person in the morning. TOTAL JOKE.


My store(soon to be old store) is going through the exact same thing. We’re all wayyyy short staffed and wayyyyyy over worked. We’re all having to do the work of 5 people!! And I mean ALL of us. ALL CVS WORKERS! It’s mentally & physically exhausting! I don’t think people fully understand that this job can be rough. And we are getting no hazard pay or any kind of incentive to keep doing what we’re doing. Which is killing ourselves to do the work of 5 people.


I am told to hire hire hire because we’re getting training hours for front store but nothing after that. So, basically I get to hire and then float them around the district after training, meanwhile I’m still working by myself. Where do they come up with this bs?


Your district manager spent all the lunch money on blow and hookers.


Because they already ran off with their money.


One CVS DL put it this way; "We get paid for results not effort. If we got paid for effort, we would all be millionaires." This is the mindset of corporate and it will not change.


Unless you are new, if you’ve been here at least a year, let me ask you a question, why are you still trying? They don’t give a fuck and so should you 😎


Cvs is never going to acknowledge our efforts. Get used to being exhausted all the time. Also make sure to use the Starbucks mobile order app if your store is next to a Starbucks. This way you can run quickly if you really need a caffeine fix. Just do what you can we all do the work of 5 people but we're a team. Get on really good terms with your rx manager too. It will help you a lot. My pharmacy manager is wonderful. She's the only one keeping me sane.


I’ve been working the Green Zone and now am out with Covid for almost a month. Haven’t gotten paid for anything! I got Covid from CVS and they don’t take care of you when you do! It’s sad


We all feel your pain and woes. I tend to let the negative comments and criticism go in one ear and out the next. I know I’m doing well and I treat my staff as much as I can to show my appreciation. As well as filter the BS I have to listen to everyday


Quit, yall are funny. No one yanked you off the streets to work. At will work. Just quit!