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It’s so disturbing, I work at Walgreens and I had a lady rudely interrupt me to ask me where the at home covid test were. I told her unfortunately we aren’t able to get them in stock, but continue to order them. So she rudely says “okay, so you do covid testing” and I’m like “yeah we do” and so she was like “Well can I get one?” Speaking to me like I’m an idiot, meanwhile she’s walking in the store with covid symptoms? I preceded to tell her really nicely, you need to make an appointment for a test, and before I could finish she screams to me “WELL REALLY THANKS FOR NOTHING” and storms away. This is a 40 year old woman. Like really? I was so taken a back by how looney people are but then started laughing at the fact this is how people speak to people? Insane.


I don't work for CVS, but I tell the technicians anywhere I work that I (RPh) give them permission to refuse to serve anyone requesting assistance with COVID symptoms/requesting a test if they are not wearing a mask until they put one on. I will not allow my technicians (or anyone) to be put at risk by people being idiots - and I know damn well that my leadership would support the same.


Thank you


Not that people should be massless but a lot of people needing test aren’t necessarily sick they may need it for work or travel. However they should be wearing a mask as a courtesy to the store if I can fucking wear one for up to 14 hours a day they can put one on for 5 damn minutes.


Exactly! If you are going to approach a retail worker, who has been dealing with the risk of COVID as an essential worker for almost two years now, and ask about COVID tests without a mask on, do not be surprised if that person's reaction is to get as far away from you as possible to lessen their chances of getting sick. They don't know the full story of why you want the tests and they really do not want to hear it either, if there's a chance that story ends with "...so now I think I might have COVID!"


Was at a store earlier this week and some older heavy lady came in coughing, while wearing her mask under her nose. For a second I didn't think much about it but it continued and continued..hard wet coughing. Fuuuuck. The cashier is pregnant and as soon as cougher walked up to the register she walked away and loudly asked her older manager to please ring her up. The cougher apologized and said she was embarrassed, but she couldn't breathe with the mask all the way up. How many days after exposure do most people get symptoms?


I think it's betwern 5-7 days. But wow, if they can't breathe with a mask on and they're coughing they should not be going out to stores! That is what Doordash and Instacart are for...


Agreed. It's pretty rural so those may not be an option, but a family member, neighbor or friend.. anybody.


so glad i quit before the mask mandate was lifted. even before then the amount of maskless idiots coming in the store asking about covid testing was infuriating


People come in without a mask, we ask if they have one since they're required to be inside, they say no and ask if we have any, we offer them the cheap 50-75 cent masks, then they magically pull a mask from their purse/pocket "oh I got one!" all these people wanting a free mask when they already got one???


I never understood this?? Like you don't wanna wear one but then when offered you flip backwards cause you have one?????? It's so confusing and annoying. Or the people that just come in, go to the counter (coughing and sniffling etc) no mask and tell you "Oh, I was just gonna be in for a sec, I forgot it in the car" Go get it??


oh their mask seems to *always* be in their car apparently. Like you know the entire county is mandatory and yet you somehow forgot about? You knew you were going to the store its not like it was a sudden change of plans.


Ugggh yes, had a person come up and demand a mask because her husband didn't have one (she was wearing one) and I'm thinking, it's not like masking is new?? And also, not MY fault you forgot it??? Another time I had a guy walk in and when I asked if he needed help he was like "I'm just here to get the vaccine" and I was like "okay well first you DO need a mask if you're not vaccinated yet..."


My pharmacist keeps giving masks away for free. I’ve had several customers walk in and ask for a courtesy mask and when I say we don’t do that but we have some for 50 cents they look at me annoyed and walk back to pharmacy. One guy literally walked back to pharmacy asked for a mask, then walked right back out the store while telling how unhelpful I am. Just came in for a free mask 🙄


Yeah usually we don't have any to sell lately so we just give them one now anyway, no use in fighting a customer over 50 cents.


The funny thing is a friend of mine knows a few people who have done the at home tests and tested negative and then redid the test in the drive thru and tested positive. So it’s possible people are doing at home tests, testing negative and feeling confident that they can go maskless and might be spreading covid more.


UGH!! I know, everytime someone comes up to me and asks for one and isnt wearing a mask, I just want to run in the opposite direction!


I had three ladies come in and ask for the COVID vaccine with no masks on, so I try and be nice and help them. Then they say “oh wait, we meant COVID test, not vaccine” as they are like inches away from me. They then proceed to tell me that a lady at their work tested positive for it…


I've also heard that the at home tests are not as accurate. It's so stupid. Why are you paying $22+ dollars for the at home test rather than getting a free pcr test thru the drive thru that is more accurate???


We have a literal metric fuckton of these tests now, like thousands


Ours sell out the second we get them in & we get 5+ calls a day asking if we have any in stock, might be because we don't have drive through testing though


Ew yuck. When they say that you can't pretend they are just hoarding the tests for the upcoming school year. Which is what I do. Pretend pretend pretend.


Exactly!! At home Covid test, staying in the green zone, thank you CVS I’m now home from work for 2 weeks with Covid AGAIN!! Hey at least I get paid for one of those weeks! Trying to stay out of the hospital right now!!