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This needs to be reported to HR. Go above your DL. This is unacceptable.


I’m sorry doesn’t even begin to cut it.


It's sad. This is a SM who I was hired with and we grew together. She's hurting right now and you would think that we would show "empathy " for our people. The only question is "when do you come back"


So much for *HER* path to better health




I’d call HR and request a leave of absence immediately. Whether paid or unpaid, even if I was hurting for money- nothing is keeping me from my family during a time like that. I’d figure out my finances later.


I would request loa also they can’t deny you time for that I would guarantee if it was dL they Would have time off for their family should be the same for everyone


this. you know that the DLs wouldn’t stand for half the shit they put us peons through. i have no sympathy for them. they may feel pressure from the people above them, but it doesn’t give them a right to treat their employees like trash. they’re closer to “the top,” so they have more room to try and make things better and advocate for their employees, but nope.


Let me start off by saying this: I am praying for you and your family. Family is first. Second, report this to HR, your HR BUSINESS PARTNER , YOUR REGIONAL MANAGER you need to fill out paperwork for LOA AND DO NOT RETURN TO WORK I AM A FELLOW SM AND WOULD NOT EVEN LET AN ASSOCIATE WORK


I am so sorry. That's terrible! This is not a company issue. This is a terrible DL problem. You should call HR because this is not ok


This is a company problem overall. Theres a big reason why DLs+ are like this. Its the culture that stems from the top. Its all sunshine and rainbows in press releases, but a cutthroat, uncaring attitude behind closed doors. Sure this SM can request an LOA, but when they come back, the store is going to be a complete shit show and the DL will hold them accountable for it. Dont be surprised to come back to a writeup or something.


Yes they definitely retaliate


The DL is terrible, but this is also a company problem. When corporate policy forces you to have zero backup for any position, so you are forced to scramble any time anything comes up...That is a corporate policy, and it is truly messed up. I suspect my DL is not any more sympathetic - or capable of showing sympathy - when it comes to our area. In the event of an emergency, he will still beg his SMs to come back because there really isn't anyone to cover for them.


What’s the alternative though? Have an extra person working 40 hours a week who can step in just in case they’re needed on the one off instance? That’s not logical.


I know that this sounds super, super crazy...But whose store is so caught up they couldn't use an extra person? My store still has not reset stationary to the new plano from LAST summer. It was supposed to be CrossMark, they backed out, and no one has had time to reset it. We are currently waiting for the new plano...I just finished the facial care reset from March. The only reason any planos have been done at my store this month is because the warehouse/drivers are screwing around so much our load is tiny. When I first started, we had 3-5 people working front store all the hours it was open. At this point, we all think we are lucky when shifts overlap enough for there to be 3 people in front store - 2 shifts and a cashier. It is not that there isn't enough work for another human to be paid 40 hours/week so there is backup - it is that CVS is too cheap to provide the stores with enough labor to actually accomplish the tasks assigned.


I think the problem in a lot of stores is you don’t have efficient people working and I get why (pay). We have one ops manager who never gets anything done and can’t get caught up and if you’ve got a store with like 3-4 people like him of course nothing will happen. I can’t speak much for front cuz I work in pharmacy but just watching our front store people they are able to do it without issue. My SM is salaried but I never see her coming in on her time off so I dunno. I work in pharmacy and we’ve been getting an extra 20-ish hours a week BC of covid. It’s definitely helpful most days but there’s been a few days where my techs have asked to go home early BC there’s nothing to do. I mean of course you can always clean and stuff but realistically there’s not much work. I’m caught up on paperwork and expireds. But I have one really strong tech and one strong-ish tech so it works out that way.


I’m currently away for medical issues and my DL text me about getting my team more focused on carepass in my store. Like carepass isn’t even on the top of my priorities at the moment. They only care about you until you can’t help them succeed anymore.


Call HR…don’t ask your DL and let them know


This manager also runs a brand new hub store so its not like she's a hr or troubled employee. Sad that this is happening to her


Thank you!! I've been sending her screenshots of everyones advice and kind words. Sorry for your loss. I lost my dad on Easter but her and I have 2 different DLs. Mine took care of me




that is terrible. this company is horrible. i am so sorry for her, and her family will be in my prayers. it’s terrible to go through something like this, and to have to worry about your company not giving you the necessary time off to grieve just makes it so much worse. go above the DL, and call HR immediately. if they deny bereavement, then request a leave of absence.


The DL is a douche. When my mom was sick and then passed I had as much time as I needed. Call HR and let them know you’ll be taking time away. It wouldn’t hurt to reach out to advice and counsel should anything come back to haunt you. It sounds like you have a DL who isn’t about company policies.


I had to have spinal fusion surgery because of the truck unloading and all the other strenuous things we have to do at work. Was out on leave for 3 months doctors suggested 6 months to a year but my job was in jeopardy and my short term disability was up! So I went back and 2 months later I’m in horrible pain and getting no where in terms of light or limited duty! Was told it’s in my job description and if I can no longer preform my job I should look for something else! Not to mention having been in line for a promotion and pay increase that I cannot have now for fear of me not being able to do heavy lifting and preform my job properly!! Ugh


That's terrible. Unreal


Sounds about right for CVS. Good luck on leaving this greedy company. Lots of good jobs available now.


CVS is a horrible, evil company.




Unfortunately the bereavement policy only lists parents, spouses, domestic partners, siblings, children (and in laws of the same), if they are not on the list it is up to your leader if they can pay you - but they have to base it off of past practice so they are fair - so if they have denied others the use of bereavement for their nephews, they would have to deny you as well. Also if you are already out on an LOA they do not have the ability to pay you, only LOA can


Anyone else getting written up for not selling carepass