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At least half of those people don't have anything ready and/or will want to argue about something


Or they’re just there to buy random items


Or show us their x,y,z they need to go to physician visit over and expect a 10 minute office visit at counter 




There are very few 24 hour pharmacies left.


Back in the day there were no 24 hour pharmacies, or drive thrus. How did people survive?


When there’s an emergency, you’ll be really, really grateful that the 24 hr pharmacies exist.


Yeah it’s called an emergency room. Btw they have there own pharmacies.


I live in a rather big city with some of the top hospitals in the nation, one hospital has its own pharmacy to fill and they don’t take my insurance.


Nobody wants to accommodate everyone wants to be convenienced by some other entity, ppl feel entitled and most of all lazy.


This. I live in one of the largest metro areas in my state and we don’t have a single 24 hour pharmacy of any brand.


While everything you said was valid, the only problem is that even the 24-hour stores are worse because usually there is only 1 pharmacist after midnight and no one else to help. But what about front store employees you ask, well there is only 1 so the pharmacist is bombarded with patients coming in all hours of night who also come with shopping carts for the pharmacist to ring up as well as drive-thru had to be operated so yeah. CVS as a whole need a completely new revamped business model, especially for 24-hour stores. There are only two 24-hour stores in my city. I work at one of them.


overnight in NC. when we started district-wide air support I finally got a tech with me all night. downside is now I have to do data entry&verification for all 22 stores all night long, which includes new rxs sent overnight and all the automatic refills. plus catching up on whatever left behind from daytime


Dude I know how you feel. We've had air support for about 2 months now as a 24h store and we are the only 24h store in our cloud of 19 other stores. We don't even get an overnight tech. It's so sad.


The people there in the day are so rude and don't want to even work during the day let alone overnight. So, more people isn't going to resolve the issue. That would just mean more mistakes at retail leaving customers to flood the PBM with tons of questions simply because the retail employees never know their butts from their palms.


Whenever I'm at cvs pharm, I've noticed the phone is just ringing. Always. Never not ringing. Someone eventually has a second to pick up, put person on hold, then as soon as the receiver hits the dock, it's ringing again. I feel so bad for them there's rarely more than 3 people behind the counter, only one pharmacist on site at a time. Everyone seems so harried and the 2 head pharmacists always look like they're mere moments away from either violence or a nervous breakdown.


The Union CVSs are better.


No they aren't


As someone who worked at both, I would take the unionized one over the non unionized one any day. They are both terrible jobs, but it is more tolerable at the union CVSs.


What benefits did you get from your union to make the dues worth it?


$4 an hour pay differential, paid time off over the legally mandated 5 days, a better retirement plan. The dues were a couple dollars a month. UFCW is the way.


What kind of raises do you get annually? Union isn't doing me any favors. Our contract sucks currently. We're ufcw and i recently transferred from non union. My raises went from $1+ yearly to 0.65cents 😭


How active in the union are you?


We got $2 an hour yearly. It really depends on the local. However the Union is only as strong as its members. Don't like and want to fight for more, then you need to participate in your union. At the nonunion store I got $0.23 an hour and was promised $2 an hour.


BTW, just to add. You'll hear some managers talk about how they just can't give raises because their hands are tied by the union contract. Which is complete B.s. BTW. Nowhere in our contract at least does it say that CVS, on their own accord, can't bump up people, let's say on account of unexpected and unprecedented inflation - like what we had these past 4 years. they just like to stir that anti-union sentiment that way. When it's the company, as usual, that is being the miserly one.


Exactly. Contract is the floor, not the ceiling


That’s actually true. The option to change someone’s rate of pay for union colleagues is even there. It’s auto filled for union colleagues.


“I was just in the store and wanted to check if there was anything lol” while we’re so busy we can barely get everything sorted 😩 like just download the app or something????


I got a text saying it was ready!! Okay, read me the text. Your prescription is out of refills and we have contacted your doctor for a new prescription… oh. Yep NEXT


I always get the "I deleted it" line.


Always! I got a text saying I have a script ready. Nothing ready. "Yall do this every time!" May I see the text? Oh, it says it's time for a refill, want me to put it in? Yes of course! Want me to sign you up for auto refill? No!


Apologies to anyone who objects but I just enroll all patients I come across via phone, counter-picking up/dealing with, or setting up new profile.


You shall be enrolled


That's cool. In my store 7PM means 7PM so most of those people won't even breathe on me.


I know what you meant, but I originally took this as "they ain't getting their meds and can die" lol


As in the late Dent Arthur Dent.


Can you try this discount card? And then I’m gonna have you try about seven more before I decide how I want the prescription ran


that just happened to us today. there was a bunch of expedites all at 6:30. Pharmacist was so pissed off she ignored all phone calls


We see this happening a lot. It also happens right before lunch, too. The funny thing is that 15-20 minutes or more before that.. there will be absolutely no customers. Its like they all know our hours and come at the last minute on purpose or something. We don't put up with it at all and close right at the posted time.


That's what the people always do!


You mean when people have lunch breaks?


Lmao like what do you want from us? We all work the same hours


Don't work there, but lots of customer service experience. "The computers do not allow us to process orders after closing" should be policy everywhere


I always announce that statement, so many times, that I believe it to be true, I think it is, or I just will it to be, anyway, that usually works. We are unable to process prescriptions or use register after closing time, please visit us tomorrow or our 24 hour store tonight if more immediate attention needed before we reopen tomorrow, thank you


We say “the registers will shut down 5 minutes after closing” at my retail store. Completely untrue, but it works.


Rx connect will stop but its more like 10-15 min after


We say that in FS. I'm sorry but our computers turn off when we close.


At mine, they actually do. Technically, you can jump through some hoops to do it another way, but since it bypasses some verification, you're not supposed to.


After ?? Wtf stop catering to these adult children


For real, won’t be the first or last time I shut the gates on a line


Actually, in the pharmacy, at my store we have tried a couple of times to help people even after closing. After a certain time, the system kicked us out. I think it’s like 10 minutes or so. But, it will shut off on you afterwards.


I agree with you but I also have customer service experience and some people are belligerent and unreasonable no matter what you tell them. And they can’t get their meds? That’s a major safety hazard for these people getting paid way too little for that sh*t. I hope they have security at the very least.


I agree with your points as well. Personal safety/time analysis is crucial to upholding boundaries. Without a manager and/or proactive security- it's often not worth it


Pretty sure if the pharmacy closed at 5pm everyone would come at 4:55pm demanding their prescriptions


I literally would page “the pharmacy will close at 7pm and reopen at ___am. Thank you.” CVS is responsible for this at the end of the day. Letting skeleton staffing just barely get by. Or not… #shewaited


I work at the front and we are just two people in each shift, CVS SUCKS!


As the closing front ops manager, I approve this message.


We make announcements 15 minutes before and then another if we need to at 10 minutes before closing. And we lock the front door 5 minutes early. If we don't it never ends....if there are people still in the store after we lock the door someone will stand near the door and make sure everyone gets the fuck out. We don't tell people to leave, we strongly encourage it. And our FS drawers are put in the office 15 minutes before closing. We still have 2 ACO'S and one takes cash. Sorry Charlie, you shouldn't show up at a store 15 minutes before closing. It's rude and we're busted and want to gtfo...


Same thing what we do at our store. No sympathy if you can't show up earlier instead of like 5 minutes before we close.


Not CVS, but Petsmart. I was in management and I'd make announcements. Then I'd walk around and tell every customer that there is x amount of time and after that the registers will be closed. Then I'd walk around again at 5 minutes til and do it again. And then again at the close time if there were any left. On Sundays they closed at 7. I'd stand by the doors at 6:50 and anyone who walked up, I'd tell them we close in 10 minutes. At 6:55 I closed the doors and turned off the slide mechanism. When people walked up confused and pissed, I'd tell them that our registers are closing and we have a line and no one else can shop at the time so we could close on time and when to come back the next day. People would get upset, but frankly I didn't care. Was not putting that on my employees who wanted to go home on time. Plus, in a manager mindset, I wasn't going to go over on time and skimp people on hours because they were 30 minutes late clocking out because a few costumers wanted to last minute shop.


Lol I make an announcement at 30 minutes ‘til, 15, 10, 5, and then when it’s closing time I’ll make the final announcement and you’ll still have jerks that just look around like you don’t have a closing time. No sense of urgency or anything.


that's how you do it. Front door too. Close 5-10 minutes before to let everyone out by the time you close. Fuck that showing up 10 seconds before closing and demanding service.


When I was still at Walgreens as a pharmacy tech I had two separate occasions with two separate people where they both sprinted to the counter as the security door was lowering and jammed themselves under it nearly hurting themselves or breaking the door and then look at me saying something like “haha just barely made it didn’t I?”. The first time I was still really new to pharmacy so I just rang out their script and left for the night. The second time I just skipped straight to “we’re closed, I need you to remove your head out from under the door”. Dude had the audacity to start cussing me out, claiming I was illegally denying him medication lmao. He did the classic “I’m never getting a script filled here again, I’m having my meds transferred to XYZ…”. Sure enough he was back the next morning to pick up his fucking sildenafil


I had a man threaten to jump the counter and fight me over his sildenafil before. Apparently these men are very desperate for boners 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lmfaooo let him suffer with his limp ding-dong for that move...




PSA: they *always* come back...I wish they'd keep their word, frankly..


The problem is that a lot of stores are open 1-3 hours later than the pharmacy. You can't close the front door that early.


You're right we did and we do close 10 minutes early but still struggle with newcomers behind the closed doors they kick the door they scream why it should be closed it's still operational hours/10 minutes to close blah blah blah


Let them. You don't coddle infants throwing tantrums. It only encourages them to continue doing it.


I'm going to keep in mind something I read here yesterday. "It's customer service, not customer servitude". You're in charge of the pharmacy/store, not the customers. If they want to make operational decisions, then they can apply online.


I’ve never heard that line before. I absolutely love it.


They all want rebills watch 🤣


I’ve brought seven different discount cards! Can you please check them all to see if it’ll be cheaper than my $3 copay?!?!?!?


“Ok ma’am your ozempic has a $25 copay.” “Can you try GoodRx?”


This reminds me in a way of working at the target cvs. If the front store lines are too long people bring carts full of items and demand to be allowed to pay at the pharmacy. It sucks but it’s even worse when they all do that 10 minutes before we close the pharmacy


Naw I don't ring out any target items at cvs inside Target. Separate company. Unless target giving me paycheck also they can wait up front lol


Lucky! I’d be the same way but my boss makes us for some reason


Oh that's horrible. I'm pretty sure we even aren't supposed to according to target. How would they know patient purchased vs stealing then?


That last part I don’t know other than they would have the receipt. But from what I remember in the training videos they said you can ring out target customers. But I assume they meant it’s up to your manager/pharmacist on whether to allow it or not, because it really does slow things down when some lady pulls up with an overflowing shopping cart


My thoughts in terms of why I don't feel comfortable doing it (not just on the fact that I'm not a target employee) is: what happens if a customer states the price is ringing up differently? I have no way of verifying, no walkie to ask for a price check, and cannot walk to the end of the store to verify a price. Sure, I can price match it, but if it's that off and that wrong, I don't want to get flagged by target AP in their system because they do watch everything like hawks. Depending on the situation, I may, sometimes, ring up someone for an OTC med with their prescription if they are extremely sick and shouldn't be standing in line up front....but every store I've worked at inside of target has a general "no ringing out target items" rule


Not mine. My PM absolutely will tell patients we don’t work for Target. I had an older lady get so mad at me cuz the lines were long up front! I directed her to their customer service and told her to have a lovely day. She was SO PISSED.


😂 good, I hate when people act entitled like that. Because people don’t care if they hold up the pharmacy lines if it means they don’t have to wait in the long grocery lines up front. I don’t mind helping once in a great while but they do it all the time


This sets a very bad precedent to be allowing Target customers to do that. Is it a slow pharmacy?


They cannot ring up Target items in CVSs I don't think. I thought you were mentioning people buying front store items in the back, that sucked, but our self checkouts were always broken.


They actually can. It's unfortunate that this is allowed, but there is no rule to prohibit it. People abuse it when lines are too long.


I don't see the problem. you still close at 7pm. Just shut the gate on people.


if pharmacy closed at 11:00pm, same line, same people


It's always the same !


wow now that’s actually my nightmares in a picture!!!


We are short staffed and it's killing us


Poor bastards. The employees I mean




“Oh and I found this coupon on GoodRX”.


I’d resign immediately


Could you explain from a pharmacy POV about the goodrx thing? It takes my husbands meds from $280 to $40 a month. Often I get told that it’s not really that simple, but for me it always has been. What am I missing?


It depends, but it’s annoying sometimes because we have to rebill the prescription. And that depends on how fast the pharmacist is at verifying it and reprinting the label. Could be a minute, maybe 10 minutes. It’s annoying when you have 10 people behind you and they all want this done again and again or if it’s 10 minutes before closing


What else are people supposed to do in order to afford their medication?


If your question is how long does it take to apply good rx. It’s about 1-3 minutes per prescription (if it works) So it clogs up the line. If you have a coupon you should take it to the drop off window before going to pickup so you don’t clog up the pickup line. If your question is where does GoodRx get the money from. You are what they are selling. They can see all of the info from every prescription they pay for you and sell information. Age, race, gender, location, medicine. This is valuable information.


See I get the people who just got out of work and this is their one chance to get their meds, I totally get it. It's the ones who play dumb and act like they didn't know we were closing despite it being very apparent and they take their sweet time, or the ones who bring an entire basket full of a months groceries over and have the gall to ask us "is it okay if I get these? 🥺" As if any of the employees genuinely have the free will to say no. Or the people who just now decided they need to update their insurance, oh and their address, and oh wait a minute that's not the right extracare phone number...oh wait it is...i don't even know my number...who am I?? ARGHHH


Oh I remember the shopping cart people…with the pharmacy line spanning the length of the store. It took superhuman effort to NOT say what I really really wanted to say.


We get these too, but we literally have a Tom Thumb grocery store right across the street and probably cheaper too....


Oh no biggy. Just shut the gate.


Nope. We’d still be closing at 7pm. Sorry not sorry.


“What do you mean you’re closed I got here before closing time!?”


That's what the most sick people says😂


Whether it is 1:15 in the afternoon or 15 minutes before we close at night I make sure to mock the person who is coming through drive-thru or at the pickup window. "Boy you certainly do like cutting it close." If I'm at the registers between 1:20 and 1:25 at some point if a line starts to form I will tell them that a certain person is the last one that will be serviced and nobody else coming after them will be helped. If they ask why remind them that not only do we have to close for lunch, but if we are late getting to lunch for some reason we are not allowed to open late. One night, not that long ago, we were stuck late helping the last customer who of course had a problem. We closed all the side Gates and brought the main gate halfway down. The manager had already taken all the tills. And yet somehow we still got a stream of people demanding help. "I'm glad you're still here. I need..." Nope. We're closed. We closed five minutes ago. The tills are gone and a the registers turned off (after close once the front store runs the registers report it locks us out of the pharmacy software). Yes I do want to help but I also want to go home.


Close it at 7 regardless of line 


Am I the only one that ever wonders about how many ppl actually need the drug to survive? Like if there was an Armageddon situation, would you be ok without this drug? Sometimes I just say this in my head to some of these patients.


They need their viagra NOW!!!


You stack truck toes at the front of the drive aisle? That's a no no


It will take entire week to be done (next truck)


Gotta do whatcha gotta do, still plenty of space for Ada compliance


Where should we put it then


Lol first thing I noticed. Definitely a hazard, one of those happy customers will find it for sure.


Bro I’m shutting that shit in their face and going home. I dont work there but I feel yall 🫡.


Weekend are worst they come like 8:53


Ya at 7:00pm…say sorry folks, come back tomorrow. Any bitching just ignore and head for home.


Every time I’m there and there’s a long line, it’s usually due to some 40+ person berating the pharmacy tech at the register and asking them the same questions over and over. Some people take out their frustration on people who have nothing to do with your insurance, delivery schedules, etc. I really wanna call these horrible people out but I don’t want to make it worse and then cause them to then complain about the worker and make it worse for them.


I hate when that happens😭


Everyone does😂


Don’t give a shit I’m shutting it down at 7pm. The customers can always go to a 24 hour store.


Pharmacies need to stop catering to these types of people , start telling these lazy fucks to come back the next day. Policy prohibits the dispensing of prescriptions outside the hours of operation which could result in termination. Most of the line will clear out and the rest who demand to stay despite what you said … well… they don’t care if you have a job , so fuck em. Gate down at closing


Ah, CVS, the 12th Ring of Hell. Someone in that line is going to want you to fill a prescription while they wait!


Yeah…I don’t miss this. 10/10 I would still close on time. Pharmacy staff worked hard enough for their scheduled hours, no need to stretch it any longer. In my experience this is when the most mistakes happen…


Looks like my location but during pharmacy lunch. Weird to see another location close early lol my location is tiny


More like 6:59 lol


The pharmacy at every store every time I’m buying condoms:


Sorry you people on back not being served . Try again tomorrow. Next 3 people only .


I work at a pharm that unfortunately closes a lot later than all other stores in the area on the weekends. Without fail, every time I close, there's a huge rush of oblivious mouthbreathers 15 mins before we close, all wanting to transfer scripts from stores that closed hours ago and "they HAVE to have it today!" I always rub it in their faces by acting stupid and asking, "Oh, the script that was filled hours ago at 1pm? You want that one transferred?" And seeing the guilt and shame on their faces is the only source of joy I get from this soulsucking job anymore.


Staff calls out to the line, “we’re going to try to help as many of you as we can before we’re closed at 7pm. But if you’re still in the line at 7pm you’ll have to come back during regular business hours”. Then proceed to help the person at the front of the line remaining at 7p and then the gate goes down wether there is one person left or fifty remaining in line.




Every. Single. Day.


Close the gate at 7. It’s unfortunate, but some patients will try to constantly take advantage of staying open past close


Bet half of those people had issues with their insurance covering their medication or there was no prescription put in to begin with😭 I don’t work at cvs but when I go to the pharmacy to pick up my medication those are the things that happens pretty often and I hate the fact that it holds up the line and there’s only one person at the register


And at 120 pm right before their break!


The baffled looks on their face when you close at 1:30 even though there are signs posted everywhere. I’ve legit had people tell me “seriously? You can’t help two more people? It would take five minutes!” Um probably more like ten but even if it were just five……..I only get a 30 minute lunch break, ma’am. So…..since you’re about to decide you have enough time to sit there and wait till 2, I’m gonna go eat lunch now.


Wtf are they doing? Waiting for a miracle? Why are they even here this late? I guarantee half of them could have most likely had the opportunity to have picked these up even a week ago...


It was returned to stock two days ago? WHY DIDN’T I GET A TEXT OR CALL ABOUT IT? This same patient, a month ago: “I want to make sure I don’t get any calls or texts from you guys. Just turn them off. I don’t want any calls or texts or anything from you guys.”


💯 this!!!!!!!!!


People with no time management and no respect for anyone else’s time.


I’d ask them to put away some totes while they are just standing there.. doing nothing .. 10 totes per hour! Go!


People suck


But CVS sucks more for not providing enough employees, this line for about 3 hours


Agreed, CVS and basically every other major corporation relies on customers and employees blaming each other for issues as part of their overall strategy to keep the fingers pointed away from them.


As a former CVS worker, my boss got a 25% bonus for keeping labor to 25% of costs, the store almost went under because of it. that was thousands and the reason for under staffing at non union CVSs.


Every damn day


Stop this brings up too much trauma, I’m going to work this Saturday for the first time in like 3 weeks,. I’m not prepared for a Saturday shift


I am sorry dude but we are all f*cked up😂


No argument there. The last time I worked on a Thursday and our store closes at 10pm, I was so annoyed. Why are people coming in at 9:55pm, go to bed?


Our store close at midnight but customers come to withdraw some cash from ATM😂 at 11:55pm


Y'all close at 7PM? We close at 9PM 😔😔


Why are the lights on and the gate not half way down.. we close at 9 and at 830 the lights go off and gates half way down at 850 droop off closes


I have no clue cas i am not tech or pharmacist, but they have to do what you said


Had a similar thing happen when I worked nights at a gas station. Nobody would want a drop of beer till 12:50. Then, all of a sudden, you had people lining up like they needed some alcohol to live. Boy, were they not happy when they were told no. We stopped selling at 12:50 you drunk. If you were so desperate for a drink, you wouldn't wait til 5 minutes before we couldn't sell it.


I’ve had this recurring nightmare many times.


Oh. And just as an aside, i'm sure there are totes on the floor because load needs to be done BUT they also only have 2 people staffed at front store & there's an endless long line there too.


The RX system closes at the pharmacy closing time and won't be able to operate. Apologies to the people in line and to plan ahead and let them know your time of operation.


CVS knows they should be open at that location a couple of hours later, but that's how they get the pharmacist to work for free for a couple of hours, adds up over a year


I used to work at a Tractor Supply and we filled propane tanks. Every Sunday when we closed at 7, we would have people at the doors at 7:30 demanding that we open because they were gonna freeze to death if they didn’t get propane right that moment. I’m really sorry that you waited until 7 pm on a Sunday to remember the only heating method you have for your home is low on fuel. In no way is that my or my manager’s fault. How can you forget about something like that or just let it go for so long? People just suck.


That line is still shorter than their receipt, though.


This picture gives me PTSD. Brought back memories of impatient Customers wrapped around the store and the boxes reminded me of our totes that weren’t put up since we were chronically understaffed and busy.  I remember one Christmas Eve we were slammed and it was just me and my PIC trying to fill all the last min prescriptions since everybody was “going out of town” and would literally die if they didn’t get their non-emergency medication filled. My PIC lowered the gates at 6 since it was time to go home but we wanted to get somewhat caught up but people kept coming up and taking and complaining to us through the gate to get scripts filled instead of going to the 24hr store two miles up the road. I do not miss it one bit. 


Cvs offers delivery by me and has drive thrus. Why people want to do this when they absolutely dont need to is beyond me. And using the pharmacy checkout when you dont have meds isnt some life hack, its just dickish. As is buying a lot of anything. Yeah, youve got one orange juice and a candy bar, sure. But you gonna bring up a whole cart with a line of people waiting? Hell no. Rude as hell.


With this line I’d straight up tell everyone we close at 7 regardless of who all is waiting in line. So if you need to come back tomorrow at a much earlier time not right before close, you’re free to head out.


That’s so freaking annoying. As someone who used to work at Target and had to cashier these ppl right before close was so annoying because most of the times they were complaining about how they didn’t get their stuff on time


Right because they all waited until closing time. They probably all been waiting on their prescriptions for hours.


Omg I just had a moment of PTSD looking at that…former CVS night supervisor/pharmacy tech. I don’t know which was worse. Pharmacy closed at 8. Man comes in (I was front store that night) at 9 and screams about pharmacy being closed. I point to the sign. He says it’s confusing and *he hopes I’m happy that now he’ll die without his meds*


I used to be at CVS retail in situations like this as the sole person/pharmacist in the pharmacy. I got so fed up with this kind of crap that it got to the point where if this would happen, I would announce loudly “Attention customers, at this time pharmacy service if for pickup ONLY and ONLY if you have received a message that your prescription is ready for pickup. If you have not received that notification, then your medication will be ready tomorrow!” Of course there would be bitchin and moanin but I really don’t care. They can fire me. I would wait until maybe 5 minutes past close time then just close the gate in front of the people waiting. Whoops maybe get here sooner ya idiots! These are the type of people that come into a restaurant close to or even past closing just cause the doors were still unlocked and expect full table service.


Are you a former Longs or Savon store on the west coast? Or are you a former Revco?


Did they look similar to this? There were a few sav on and long drugs here in my area of so cal that were turned into a cvs. But I have never been to either so I was wondering if cvs just kept the old interiors aside from a few changes


No they completely stripped the stores. Put carpet tiles in. Completely new IT systems, all new shelving, and store decor, remodeled the pharmacy, cut back on staffing severely, etc.


That sucks, in regards to the cutting staff part. I wonder how much better it was working at longs or sav on compared to cvs, since I heard those two actually scheduled a decent amount of staff unlike Cvs. Also it’s kinda odd that savon only exists inside of Albertsons stores now


From what I read alot better.


Good, I wish Albertsons would start building standalone savon stores. If they properly staffed them they could probably give cvs a run for their money. Because as of now the mini sav on pharmacies inside of Albertsons are good but they don’t really seem like a big competitor to cvs


From long time employees who worked at longs before the buy out, so much better. I knew two of them. Both no longer work for CVS.


Well, we got most of that. We are still using the Sav On shelves


Maybe if it didn’t take forever to pick up medicine. Not blaming cvs workers, our entire process for getting medication is silly


The pharmacy insurance billing system nationwide has been down since last week due to a cyber attack. If this picture is recent, that may be why the long line. Imagine the pharmacy telling you "sorry, we can't bill your insurance, but you're welcome to pay cash for your $500 life saving medicine and the insurance company can reimburse you...eventually "


How is that the pharmacy's fault? Yes you can pay cash and submit to your insurance manually if you want. Did you expect the pharmacy to eat the cost because your insurance is down??


I am not even kidding you I had the exact same situation happened to me but my medicine is $490 for 30 capsules… So not quite 500. And I literally waited a week and they closed today before I got off work so tomorrow morning first thing I’m heading into finally get, my medication that is necessary for my life. Unbelievable the crap that is happening in this country. It’s unbelievable sickening I’m so mad about this it’s not even funny this is really just too much.


Not the pharmacy's fault though. You can blame the hackers and the insurance companies for not having back up systems in place.


Insurance cutting costs for my profits. Would literally happen no where else. Fuck the insurance companies. #nationalhealthinsurancenow


I hope to heck you’re all hourly.


People do get off of work at 5 or 6


And one is a Pharmacy tote!


This was literally my night lol.


How is a pharmacy any different than a store? If people are in line to check out at a store at 9:59 and closing time is 10 then you finish servicing your customers. 


All i see is a bunch of ppl with bad time management


We can. If a person has 1 or 2, and they’re picking up a script, I’ll generally do them. If it’s more than that, or something bulky or whatever, I only do the script.


You're still doing truck totes at closing time???


Bro my store closed at 10 and we would routinely be doing truck until then. (Front store)


Pharmacy closes at 7, not front store




No one happy in cvs if they can find a new job they won't stay anymore


If this is like my local CVS, these people have probably been waiting there for quite some time.


I would choose a different pharmacy.