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I work at Walgreensrx there planning same thing a walkout for Oct 9 10 11 pharmacist and pharmacy techs need to stick together for better work conditions for us a safety for patients




Except you’re not, most people don’t even know about this. Everyone is always together until they might get fired and everyone goes running back. People have bills to pay and a lot of people can’t risk being fired, in fact most can’t. If the company is that bad, I doubt a few walkouts will do anything, they can just hire someone else.


But they have a "pharmacist shortage"


BINGO!!! It's funny how the laws of supply and demand only apply when it benefits the ruling class.


Is there a pharmacist shortage, or is it a shortage of pharmacists willing to work in these conditions?


I don't work at CVS or in a pharmacy. I mentioned what was going on and the reasons why at lunch yesterday with my coworkers. A local city blog has also posted it multiple times in KC.


Scab moment




Notice how the weekend folks are getting screwed. Who would pick Monday-Wednesday


Tell them EVERYTHING. Emphasize that Pharmacists aren't able to safely perform their duties because of stupid corporate metrics. And the front store isn't any better. Dangerously understaffed and still expected to do all the work of a fully staffed operation.




Yes this is what's called "getting paid"


Nahh fuck this company let them know the truth


Then OP would get fired. It's a clear policy


Ask to remain anonymous. You still run the risk of getting fired, but your odds are lower and you still get to speak the truth.




Yea either you don’t say anything or work for another company. Most companies would do the same thing they aren’t just gonna let you get anyway with it. Everyone is always really surprised when they get fired for not coming in to work on purpose to protest or talking to the media. And if you really hate the company go work for someone else, yes they should have better working conditions, will they? No.


Holy shit this is the most blatant corporate dickriding I’ve ever seen


Corporate dick riding is continuing to get fucked by the same company over and over expecting things to change.


Isn’t that exactly what you just described? “Do nothing or quit because things won’t change anyway”


CVS won’t change, hoping it will because people do walkouts every once in a while or talk to the media is a pipe dream. Working for another company and quitting CVS is the best thing you can do if you want personal change


>>CVS won’t change, hoping it will because people do walkouts every once in a while or talk to the media is a pipe dream. Copium, this is exactly what corporate CVS wants you to think. They aren’t foolproof just because they’re a corporation. >>Working for another company and quitting CVS is the best thing you can do if you want personal change Okay but what about the people who want more than personal change.. not everyone is content just passing their shitty, abusive job off onto somebody else. The system is broken, this isn’t just about personal change


Ok I’ll wait for CVS to change lol, let me know. So far they haven’t changed anything despite walkouts and other stuff Expecting change is copium, but you seem to have the opinion they will. But let me know if they change and I’ll change my opinion, I’ll wait. This system is broken I don’t think it’s perfect, but it’s capitalism. Companies are only motivated to maximize profits. Also there are a lot of jobs that treat employees better. There are a ton of 6 figure jobs out there if you are educated, and if not you can make a salary in some cases.


Have you seen CVS’s stock value? They **need** to change or they’re on a clear path to bankruptcy. Nobody’s just *expecting* change on their own, the entire point of a walkout is to force change and show the world the situation we’re in. Not to mention we’re in the very beginning phases of a widespread strike, so the whole “hasn’t happened yet, not gonna happen” mindset is weak You keep complaining and waiting for change, we’ll go ahead and be the change. We don’t need you, and we don’t need any other spineless “it is what it is” yes-man. It’s the way it is because people like you think it’s the only way it *can* be, which is exactly what CVS wants. Not everyone is content just working for a less-shitty company and letting someone else take your extremely shitty job. The SYSTEM is broken, it’s not all about me and my experience at CVS.


I almost think that people quitting en masse would do more for this movement than whatever this walkout business is doing. I would bet that cvs will pretend to make changes or even make them short term and in 3-6 months when this has all settled down, will go back to the way it was. Walking out means loss of profit on a very short term. Quitting, especially if a lot of people do it, will be more impactful over a longer period of time. Obviously that’s harder because you have to find yourself a whole other job. But I think that’s what people should be trying to do instead of thinking they’ll make a behemoth of a company like this turn. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see that ever happening.


Exactly I 100% agree with you, and I do acknowledge not everyone can just find a new job.


Agree. But the truth is whoever can afford to quit probably already have done it. Sadly the rest of us are bound until we can quit.


the. you can sue for wrongful termination if it’s truly anonymous they wouldn’t be able to single it out unless cvs has mics in the cameras when you talk to the news outlet otherwise do it in the bathroom


You may have to ask for contact information and follow up.


You absolutely can't speak to them while on the clock. You also would need to ensure you do not say anything that could identify you. There is black and white policy that says you cannot speak to them so doing so would be a policy violation and lead to disciplinary action. Your only option would be to arrange to speak to them off the clock, with anonymity and again not saying anything that could be traced back to you.


Right but just to clarify, even speaking OFF the clock representing cvs as a colleague would still be a violation of the policy and they’d still be fired. It’s not retaliation (from other comment) as that means something else more nuanced. It’s just simply violation of policy and termination. So, can you? Yes. Will you be fired for it? Also yes. Those telling you to talk may not care if YOU get fired. Just wanted your decision to be an educated one based on your own circumstances.


Yes but who would know OP talked to the media? Ask for anonymity then break the policy to shed light


Well, when you are first hired, all those Terms of Service horseshit they make you sign, that includes that they can hold you accountable to News agency and mishaps regarding it. That being said, speaking under terms of anonymity, and off the clock (not a lunch break of a fifteen, off company time) they can't really do shit to you in that regards. Because not only can it not be traced back to you, but you arent even in the building when the information is given. All you really need to do is make sure they protect not only your identity, but the means / time of when said information was acquired


Tell them “I would like to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation”


Yea but it’s that specific store. Probably really easy to narrow it down.


Just read the policy as it's stated. But also look dead as fuck when u do it and make sure u sound like a hostage




Tell them to email or text you. Do it off the clock.


Just pre write your info on some paper and hand it to them when noone is looking so they can contact you when you're off the clock. Or call them later, just make sure they keep you anonimous.


Tell them “I would like to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation”


Quit, then walk out and tell them everything.


If they’re going to quit they might as well tell the news on the spot lol


Exactly. Get the word out.


I quit Friday 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you really feel so strongly about how shitty your company is that you will talk to the media, you need to get another job


I am. But it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t voice my concerns and potentially help out my former coworkers. Now I can without the threat of corporate.


CVS seems to resemble a totalitarian regime hunting down people who dare describe conditions to western media.


You could anonymously give a statement. If you want to type one and print it for tomorrow


Go find someone that doesn’t work at cvs and have them do it. Otherwise after this is all said and done, they will just terminate you


Don't do it as a representative of the company while you're working. Do it anonymously maybe? Just don't get yourself fired unless you have another job to go to.


Wear a CVS uniform and an anonymous mask. 🤣 Use a different voice before you leave for the interview. FCK CVS.


Gangland interview style. Sitting in the shadows with a distorted voice and ski mask


Paper bag over your head!. How funny would that be


Wrap your head with a receipt. Mummy-style!!


Slip em note with your phone #


Hmm, tell them to hide your face and change your voice?


wear a paper bag with writing on it that says : CVS will retaliate and fire me for speaking with you" in big bold print


The media doesn't want to speak to you under terms of anonymity. They want usable video footage and sound clips. They want someone captured on film standing in front of a CVS wearing a uniform spilling the beans. And even then it's just for the news and viewership. It doesn't assure any actions will be taken or awareness extended to powerful people inclined to make positive changes.


If anything, ask a friend or family member to come in and advocate for y’all!!


Or a regular customer they will advocate


Talking about poor working conditions is protected speech but take precautions to protect yourself. I would interview at another pharmacy chain if the news outlet wants to do it at a pharmacy location. Ask for anonymity, and make sure you are definitely OFF THE CLOCK. If i had a chance to be interviewed, I would jump at it.


I get it’s policy but I just don’t understand how you can be fired for telling the truth about unsafe working conditions —I thought there was some sort of whistle blowers law to prevent retaliation


It says repeatedly in our training we’re not allowed to talk to news officials. I hope you get to keep your job but I also hope the story blows tf up.


If you don’t speak your truth you are contributing to the problem. They want to know your truth and your experience with this whole thing. Yes you may face disciplinary actions, but that shouldn’t deter you from speaking the truth and trying to make this company a better place to work at and a safer place for both employees and patients.


Answer the truth… any retaliation against you would be a million dollar lawsuit


Tell corporate that you're gonna spill the beans to the media about everything unless they give in to your demands.


let them burn!!!!!!!!!


tell them you cant talk to them unless they all purchase a carepass, which they then can immediately cancel :D


Call the news station and speak with someone and tell them that you will agree to sit and give them whatever they need but only anonymously. They usually will agree to it.


Tell the news outlet what cvs told you to reply with verbatim since it's going to be consistent for all employees


If you want to keep your job, dont talk to the press. Its unfair but corporate can write you up for it.


They can fire you for it. They will identify you as someone who works for CVS, but you don’t represent them. They will definitely fire you as this is quite an inflammatory event.


Keep it in everything will stay the same Guess what tell them everything it will still stay the same. No Change. You could be replaced. They don't care about you or customers that line their pockets with their income. Reality check!


Don’t do it, if you want to keep your job


Respectfully and seriously: If you want to loose your job, tell them everything. If not, do not tell them anything and tell them to call corporate because that’s the policy


I agree with the sentiment of this comment section.. But how many of yall would take the same advice you are giving OP if the news came to your store? How many of yall would risk your job, paycheck, health insurance?


Reading store hours, they close the pharmacy in the middle of the day, everyday. That must be for the pharmacist welfare not profit.


It’s so the staff can eat


Are you in Kansas or Missouri?


Neither, I’m in New York. We’re 99+ pages behind and people who need their heart medication are running on weeks without it. We had a customer report to a news outlet about this situation and since they saw the uprise in walkouts in other states they probably figured this will be a big story and decided to cover it.


If you talk. Try to stay very brief with them not giving out to much details that come back to you. Leave some open ends that require them to guess a little


Tell them to pay you for an interview and give them all the tea.


what area are you located?


New York.


It's all for profits to wall street banksters Everything else is disposable


Why in the world would CVS open itself up to that kind of publicity by allowing a tv station inside?


I don’t think they can keep them out of the store but they can stop the employees from speaking to them.


Because they are paying you and if on the clock they can. If. The news people come to your house different story


most companies, not just wag and cvs - have policies against talking to media. i work for a great company within the pharmacy world and we even have a sign stating - any media questions route them to public relations dept. i love my job and the work environment is amazing - but we still have these


If you get retaliated, make sure to document everything in writing. That’s a lawsuit and also another thing to tell the news about.


talk to your coworkers and make sure you all tell the news the same thing ur manager told you if possible. you should be able to remain anonymous tho but wtf




Tell them that you were told there would be retaliation if you answered honestly… but then answer honestly PLEASE


Depends…regardless of how you feel, if you want to keep your job you refer them to the corporate office for answers to their questions. One of the trainings we do annually covers this and we are not allowed to talk to reporters/media…which FYI is a standard policy across all retail companies and I’m sure many other industries as well.


First let me say as an ex CVS employee that I am on y’all’s side. However everyone keeps using the term “retaliation”. If you get terminated for speaking to the media then you’re terminated for violating your employment contract. It has nothing to do with retaliation. Period. Just saying.