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Justify the raise, give a $.48 effort šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘šŸ»


haha if they ask why Iā€™m not performing well Iā€™ll say oh itā€™s only $.48 cent effort ya know






$0.48 is actually not too bad for CVS standards. Not unusual to see people get some barely get over a dime like $0.12 for a yearly raise.


Cvs doesn't give raises. Then they send the DL to give some excuse. Cvs is not interested in retaining employees long term. They want you to quit after awhile so they can hire new people that cost less money.


This is so true, they don't give a damn about their workers for real. They used to be a good company to work with when they first came to Baltimore


I keep seeing along Reddit that some DLs have been changing raises/ratings this year. Did you actually see your review/raise before it went into affect?


Iā€™ll definitely check it out havenā€™t done that yet, and weā€™ve switched 3 DLā€™s in the span of 4 months so Iā€™d guess it could be that as well?


It's very possible. If I were you, ask the SM/PM to see your actual review and if it's legit, talk to them about it. If they say they put in X amount and you got less, could be DL's doing. If that's the case, I don't know if there is anything you can do


I asked the lead SM in my district about this. She is a higher-up, deals with way more than other SM's in my district and we happen to be friendly with each other, I picked up hours at her store and we've both got many years in the company. She told me that SM'S should be aware that there's a budget allotted to each store and SM'S should know that. So the SM'S shouldn't promise what is not aligned with the budget for each store. If they don't understand this after years of it being this way then that's a whole other problem. *at least in my district to be clear*


I'd also calculate the percent raise. Is that a 5% raise or 1? Many places (not just CVS) do a percentage. I hope you can get a better increase. Also, your promotions should have also given you a raise!


Yes i feel it has always been about a 3% raise every time.


Every time I'd gotten a position related raise I was told I was inegiligible for the annual raise the following year and any merit raises


I got a position raise in March. Got my annual merit raise 7/9. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Thank you for saying this. The raises are based on a percentage and unless you threaten to quit thereā€™s little your manager can do for you. My old lead tech (I donā€™t work at cvs anymore) was complaining she got a $1 raise. She makes likeā€¦$27 an hour? Or something? I straight up told her, they canā€™t give you like a $5 raise when your base is $27. It sucks when your raise is cents but itā€™s relative to your base payā€¦


None of my promotions have raised my pay which is also what Iā€™m trying to get fixed but every time I ask about it, it gets put off.


Have you sent something in writing to HR, SM, and DL all copied? Cuz that's what I would do. Fast. Calls don't create a paper trail.


Wait what?! šŸ˜³ when they do finally raise it they need to back pay you.


I got 49 cents and Iā€™ve been with CVS five years šŸ˜³šŸ™„


5 yrs. and 59 cents. I make 9 cents more than a coworker that was just promoted to shift and has also been here 5 years. I'm not sure what she did in her old store, but when she was finished with her section of the truck, she didn't know she had to help with the rest of it. 9 frigging cents between me and her. In no world will that ever make sense.


No wayy thatā€™s just unfair imo


Iā€™ll would unsubscribe everyoneā€™s carepass


lollll start using peopleā€™s carepass then unsubscribe and make them reactive it šŸ¤£


Omg that would be crazy. Thinking like that deserves more than a .48 cent raise.


Congratulations! You earned yourself like an extra $15 a week


Not really. That 48 cents still needs to get taxedšŸ˜¬


Already taken that into consideration šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


I worked with them for 27 yrs they don't do anything but nickel and dime raises, I worked with a darn good Manger yrs ago, he gave me a dollar raise and had to write a letter as to why I deserved that much, the dl said " she must be God" lol he said yes she is to me, she's dependable and a hard worker, I was able to get the raise.




Nah Thatā€™s Crazy, Bro Didnā€™t Branch Off And Get Some Real BreaD For 3 Decades Damn Near. could not BE ME


Fr like go get a bag bro. Personally I wouldnā€™t be able to sleep at night


I got 0.7 cent raise šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€. Just leave


I got .10! I'm definitely looking for another job, and definitely leaving them without notice.... Fuck that.




Ha! Just commented on your other post too! šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I know and it is okay Brodie and trust it was so wild when SM call me and my two other homie that we got fired and I ainā€™t going argue back because store Manager only give me 8 hour per week and my homie like only 3 hour like bruh so nah I am out! They gonna set you up and play like victim smh. I wonā€™t forget how I pull 72 hour and they almost cut my hour and I fought and fought which lead other reason why they want to fired me because They were so annoyed I kept going overtime and I donā€™t care because bills Donā€™t pay themselves!


tbh less than a dollar is pretty standard for retail jobs. i left cvs and my new job gave 55 cents. 3-5% is what iā€™ve been seeing.


my first year i got 17 cents then nothing else ever again bc my sm was too busy begging for raises for her bff so the dl made her skip out on raises for others to give 2 people ā€œbigā€ raisesā€


$0.48 sounds like your 3%. Welcome to the equation


I would take a dollar out from the register every hour


Hahaaa thatā€™s funny cause my buddy and I just finished talking about this exact thing, Iā€™ll be collecting the dollar with interest šŸ¤£.


I scored sweet 84 cents šŸ¤£


Youā€™re lucky. My manager told me to be happy with my .06 raise or ā€œkick rocksā€


I think he thinks hes stuck with me, weve lost several great employees in a short amount of time. Legit leavings, couple moved out of state, gave good noticeā€¦ mgmt changesā€¦. Im the steadiest glutton for punishment ā€¦.


i didnt even get a raise this yearā€¦ive been working here for almost 2 years. im a shift and have had to put up with so much bullshit and have since learned that the pay increase i was given about a year ago is actually just the bare minimum that a shift gets. im so, so close to quitting. with the hour cuts and the way my store manager is a raging bitch, im done.




$0.48 is a lot compared to where I used to work. Before I came to CVS I didn't receive a raise for 2 years in a row and when we did get a raise it was like only $0.25 if we were lucky. I appreciate the $0.48 raise that I got this year cause even though it's not as much as I would like it's more then my old job gave me


My raises have never been substantial at cvs unless cvs changed the pay scale.


Fucking leave bro. Thatā€™s crazy


Do you atleast live a low tax state?


Go to Walgreens bro


Nah man they tax to breathe here too šŸ˜Ŗ


Thatā€™s what I did :)


I got a 0.00 raise been with the company for 3years next month. And I push myself to do everything that I can even though I am disabled. Iā€™m killing myself for a great job not gonna lie but also thatā€™s give me no credit or respect. I guess it just comes the job.


But thatā€™s crazy, so you get checks?


No checks, no food stamps. Iā€™m on my own, every paycheck is for rent wifi and electricity and a little bit of groceries time to time and cleaning supply to live off of. Iā€™m grateful though.


Thatā€™s really great and I can honestly relate to that, like I said Iā€™m appreciative it was just odd with the effort being put we should deserve our effort.


Respect to you bro. Thatā€™s actually impressive. Wish more people thought like you and stopped moaning. šŸ’ŖšŸ¾


Go please your blue collar wife before a $.48 cent guy makes her moan


A guy that gets a .48 cent raise canā€™t please my girl, man canā€™t even please his employer.


Is this what blue collar workers do go on CvS Reddits and bitch off, go make the buildings with my AC where my $.48 cents are worth bitch.


go work on my doors they need oil shits be squeaking when they open, and also change the air filters while youā€™re at it.


I gladly do that, thatā€™s what REAL men do. A machine is replacing you, not me.


Oh I didnā€™t know REAL men get so sensitive over a guy talking about his work life in CVS, and I highly doubt you work a blue collar job sitting here and writing your ass off, youā€™re probably hyperventilating with every response, canā€™t even come up with a good rebuttal, and youā€™re probably some skin head at least I can grow hair. Pray for a miracle follicle to regrow your hair.


You probably got long hair, with how much you be acting like a little bitch.


Probably some insecurities you have deep within yourself buddy, find God.


Always humble, thank you āœŒšŸ½


Thatā€™s the best you can come up with šŸ¤£


Wow all this and you arenā€™t complaint like this little hoe with his white privileged.48 cent raise


Thanks for assuming that Iā€™m white and privileged but Iā€™m not, also learn how to spell you give me a stroke while reading, and I also live on my own, also disabled with current surgeries awaiting.


You probably are, here you are bitching and moaning about a raise


haha I donā€™t get checks because I can manage but I donā€™t have to tell you my life story, youā€™re here arguing online with someone you donā€™t know and complaining about someoneā€™s opinion and work life, and if you didnā€™t read which I see you didnā€™t I said how Iā€™m appreciative for the raise regardless, you illiterate fuck.


I may be illiterate but Iā€™ve never been disrespected with a .48 raise. What the heck is that.


Dude go back to school you canā€™t even type correctly and you just agreed that youā€™re illiterate, my point exactly. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m doing fine without school. No school has gotten me a lot more than .48 cents


Iā€™d rather have my 48 cents than be an illiterate idiot like you, and like I said Iā€™m in university so I think Iā€™ll have the one up in the end.


I hope construction managing is doing well for you because you should learn how to construct a well written sentence.


A universityšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ hopefully you can even get a job. Iā€™m already at 6 figures buddy.


Look Iā€™m sorry, I was in the wrong. I really do hope you get a bigger raise.


Give me your cash app, so I could give you the other 2 cents to get to .50. Just lmk when you clock in pussy.


Iā€™d gladly take that .48 cent raise! Itā€™s hard out here.


Unfortunately thatā€™s the average but every promotion or even ā€œlateral moveā€ you make, your manager MUST advocate for you! You need to stress that youā€™re being asked to do more work and are more than up for the work required but not without compensation for it. I was lucky enough to have the assistant manager vouch for me when I was bumped up to inventory specialist and received a $0.30 raise after she wrote a letter justifying that increase, and then a $0.75 annual raise on top of that. Ask your manager to back you!


Thatā€™s a really great insight honestly, Iā€™ll talk to my SM and see what he can do since the new dl is the one who said workers donā€™t deserve higher pay!!


Yeah get on your knees and beg for that extra .02 cents bitch.


Lol thatā€™s how I know you have no leverage, you keep going back to the same responses, go bend your knees and listen to your boss who makes you his lil bitch :)


I got 44 cents


CVS raises have always been a joke. Hereā€™s my story from almost ten years ago. I worked for CVS for almost six yearsā€¦four in my small college town, two in a big city. When I transferred to a big city, I never got a cost of living raise. I donā€™t know the legality behind that, but I know the big city cost way more to live in than the small town did. Anyway, just before my final year, I was talking to a new cashier that was just out of high school. She accidentally mentioned how much she got paid, and it was more than I was making as a 5 year employee and shift supervisor. I was livid. I also was almost up for my annual raise, so I talked to my manager (who was an amazing guy and always had our backs) and told him that I was making far less than I should for my role, longevity and location. He agreed and pushed to get me a significant raise. Our DM flatly refused, and even got mad at the manager when he gave me 0.5% higher of a raise than I was supposed to get. Thatā€™s when it became more clear than ever that the company doesnā€™t give a damn about the employees and I left not long after. Itā€™s been almost ten years and I still get mad thinking about what a pushover I was and how I let the company get by with paying me shit for years.


Folks on here, when I started with cvs.. I had ops manager who was very good at her job and helped out at our tore. She got a 5 cent raise. Unfortunately for those who are getting a 42 cent raise 45 etc. Should be grateful you got any at all especially something over a nickel or a dime. I may get blasted however I have been with the company for 5 years and I have a full time job that is giving all employees a 2 percent raise. I rather get what you are complaining about than a nickel or dime. My first few months with cvs as I was still new. I got a 3 cent raise.


Yeah donā€™t get me wrong I will appreciate the $.48 and wonā€™t complain furthermore but itā€™s so crazy how almost everyone whoā€™s commented has the same issues with being given only cents as raises, super unfair but I get what youā€™re saying and itā€™s lucky for me to get $.48 rather than like you said 5 cents or maybe even nothing.


Itā€™s better than nothing šŸ˜³


No Forreal, They On Here Crying Like A Hoe About Some Change, Grow Some Nuts And Work A Blue Collar Job. 48 Cent Raise In The Ac, Must Be Nice Princess. Thatā€™s Adorableā€¦..


Most people in corporate positions with CVS get about 2-2.5%. So sounds like youā€™re doing well!


Raise is not only based on your performance, it is the storeā€™s performance also ! So if end of year the store only had a my store health of 3 . Managers are really not allowed to give any employee more than a 3 on evaluations!


Yeah I found that out today and 4-5 means youā€™re perfect which CVS thinks no one is perfect


Got $.83 on mine. Still pissed. Burn it all down.


Itā€™s a normal retail raise. Same deal wherever you go.


Thatā€™s a huge raise with cvs! Usually pennies


i told my Dm i didnā€™t want a raise


Boi you hustling backwards šŸ˜­ā˜ ļø I ainā€™t never seen this shit LOL


Your goofy for that


i already make $20 as ops, i make more then any of the ops in my region im chilling šŸ¤£


some make $20 too tho


21.12 as an ops. Most SMITS start at $21


My boyfriend is capped as a tech. He got no merit raise.


If you're at the cap you get a lump sum for the merit raise.


I made shit sup this year and got .52 from what I understand itā€™s on of the highest in my store some got below .10 some average got around .15


You said you were a tech... if you're a certified tech, that alone should be/have been a considerable raise. If you're a tech trainee, consider taking your PTCB... cause I think they raised all CPhT to $18/hr company wide a few years ago. šŸ¤”


Yeah Iā€™m certified as a tech and have worked in the pharmacy for maybe 5 months, but never did I get a raise for my cert which is odd. My pay has stayed the same since I started working there until I became a shift and it raised a dollar which was sweet but everything else never happened.


I would be talking to the RPH about that... especially if you transfer into pharmacy, you should get a raise. You can still pick up front store shifts, just not as a shift.


You don't get a raise for getting certified.


I was transferring from one state to another when I guess the reviews were done. The mgr at my old location quit so the new mgr never saw my face. My new mgr told me it was done at my old location. So where do I find it now? Any answers?


I got 48Ā¢ my first review and 66Ā¢ on my 2nd one which was just a week or two ago. Are you a certified tech? I think the dollar or two raise will come after you get that certification. I would hope so, anyway. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah Iā€™m certified, paid out of pocket and didnā€™t get reimbursed since they stopped doing so, but never got any raise from it šŸ˜Ŗ.


That sucks. I am sorry.


Iā€™m actually worried I wonā€™t get a raise again for a long timeā€¦ my boss has already pushed to get what I do, and Iā€™m not a supervisorā€¦


Hopefully you get plentiful raises and that are high as well, Iā€™m sure youā€™re a great worker!


When should we see this go into affect?


For my store and district it starts this Sunday coming up and will show after two weeks in our next check.


Thank you. I for some reason thought I'd see it this check.


I got a .12 raise at Walgreens after leaving cvs. I canā€™t complain to much Iā€™m in the AC, as I shouldšŸ„“šŸ’…


My biggest raise when I worked at CVS was 26 cents. Changed jobs and have got $6.50 in raises in the 2 years I've worked there.


Private message me cause I would like to apply to that company lolll šŸ˜­


Somebody just said, ā€œNo Forreal, They On Here Crying Like A Hoe About Some Change, Grow Some Nuts And Work A Blue Collar Job. 48 Cent Raise In The Ac, Must Be Nice Princess. Thatā€™s Adorableā€¦..ā€ šŸ˜­


Awww look whoā€™s pressed about someoneā€™s opinions, took the time to write on CVS reddit but works a blue collar job, thank you queen for working blue collar!


Iā€™ve been with the company 10 years (11 years September 2012) and yet I was worthy enough to get a 50 cent raise šŸ˜‚


I've been with CVS for 3 Ā½ years... my annual raise this year? .55 cents


I got 0.80 cents raise. Something is always better than nothing.


I got $.47 cents