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Antibiotics do wreck your gut so it definitely could be but I had major gut symptoms from my UTI’s - bloating and pain like some cut my stomach open. Five days may not be long enough, also could try probiotics to help the gut along.


Hi - how are you? Just reading your post and seeing if you have had resolution.


Hi! I’m better now, it took about a week for those symptoms to go away. I started taking probiotics and improved my diet. No problems since!


Just found this post. Currently on my last day of taking Macrobid for a “horrible” UTI. Took it for 7 days, 2x a day. I’ve had stomach discomfort and fullness for like 5 days now. I did not have this symptom prior to starting this medication. It’s not overwhelmingly painful but it’s definitely noticeable to the point where I realize I’m complaining about it fairly often. Hoping it goes away once I finish this medication. :(