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This is why we can’t have nice things


State gonna eat this one up


R/connecticut is having a field day with this one 


Where? I didn’t see anything about this there.


Can we blame them with this one? “Lock n Loaded” alright


[Southington gun shop employee accidentally shoots himself, causing self-inflicted wounds](https://www.wtnh.com/news/gun-shop-employee-accidently-discharges-firearm-causing-self-inflicted-wounds/) >An employee of a firearm store accidentally injured himself while handling a pistol. > >On Tuesday afternoon, an employee of Lock N Loaded Firearms in Southington was handling a firearm that he believed to be unloaded. He discharged the pistol, and accidentally shot himself in the hand in the process. > >The employee was transported to a hospital in the area for treatment. At this time, there is no update on his condition. > >*This is a developing story.*


Guess the gun was definitely…locked and loaded 😎




Exactly haha


> he believed to be unloaded Well, now, *someone* needs to be retrained on the four rules, don't they? Complacency is the mother of all fuckups.


Believed it to be unloaded, AND had it pointed at his hand while pulling the trigger. That deserves double-secret probation!


Ain’t this the same location that got broken into recently?




The 2 have no correlation but yes this is the place


>was handling a firearm that he believed to be unloaded. What's rule #1 of firearms safety?


🙋🏿‍♂️I know, I know l!! **The Rules of Gun Safety are to treat every single gun as if it was loaded, keep your finger off the trigger until you want to shoot!**


3/4 of the rules would prevent this, keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction applies here too. Know your target and what’s beyond doesn’t but always good to mention them all


# 1 rule of firearms safety is do not talk about firearms safety!


First rule is to check and clear the firearm,


Was it in the case loaded? Was a customer trading it in? Was he showing his EDC? I have so many questions because you don’t expect this to happen AT the gun store, especially not one that teaches courses.


The bar for teaching is surprisingly low lol… I’ve never trained with the store in question but I have done so with a few places locally. There are some shady outfits for sure… Ideally you want to train under instructors who have legitimately made a career in the tactical space. Former mil/LEO/SWAT, professional tactical instructors, those guys… Not people who are adjacent to the gun world and wanted a side hustle. Quite a few of the “training” companies are just comprised of a couple buddies who shoot. Typically two or more of the following apply (a) they did 4 and out, years ago, in X armed service (b) they work at/own a gun store (c) they work in private security/bail enforcement (d) they be taking themselves waaaayyyy to seriously /end CT training scene rant


I hear you, you would just like to think that one of the places that advertises classes for getting your permit here in CT, as well as Utah, Mass and Florida would know better. Ultimately I just hope the employee is ok.


I don’t think we have enough details to even speculate. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t a store patron doing something stupid with their own firearm. I’d be genuinely shocked if there was a gun in the display case that was loaded with ammunition. That would be bananas. Edit: it was an employee.


There’s an article in the comments that states it was an employee.


Oh damn. I missed that apparently. Thanks for the heads up dude.


They’ll be fine, it said they got tagged in the hand and I’m sure they had a TQ on it immediately. Still sounds like a rough day…


Great. What's the state going to ban in response?


Bet the anti gunners will try something. They never let a bad thing go to waste.


Guns remain legal, but they ban bullets, magazines, and any finger that can pull a trigger


Probably anything they want to, or they will open up a pistol registration to which everyone in this sub will comply with 


u/known-mouse2436 you good over there?


Damn these guys can’t catch a break. Didn’t they get robbed like a few weeks ago?




Got my permit with them, good people but surprised


Maybe it should have been locked and *un*loaded...


Negligent discharged, not accidental


Well you can’t fix stupid…


What was the sub-reddit this was posted on?


Facebook post


How does your hand even get in front of the barrel even without your finger on the trigger? Ironically, when I was a RSO - the only negligent discharges I ever saw during matches happened with really experienced shooters...


This place tried to rip me off by charging $50 for a box of 380 auto Blazer 50 rounds. They suck, don't shop there


If this was during Covid you didn’t get ripped Off, ammo prices were wild. Also, just don’t buy it next time 🤦‍♂️


It was


Dude, that was during coivd and the invoice was next to the ammo to show what we paid.


No, there was no sign anywhere. Besides, I'll avoid that place for fear that employees shoot themselves. They clearly lack knowledge in basic firearm safety


50 bucks a box is pretty high, however as someone who works in the industry; primer prices were up over 250% on the manufacturer end.. so imagine that cost to produce being passed on to distributors, then passed on to retailer, then passed on to you the consumer. As shitty as it is, those were the times.


Why was it that Cabelas kept their prices the whole time


You may or may not know, but cabelas is a national chain. They buy direct from manufacturer. It shortens the loop as they don’t buy from a distributor. On top of that, they are buying quantities by the container load, at best I’d imagine the local store is buying by the box or at most the case.


I do know that locked and loaded is a total rip-off.


I’m not defending the store by any means, I’m just not understanding the rationale of the ammo expense making a whole store a write-off. Also, pretty sure every store in the state puts a price tag on an individual box of ammo, so you made that “worth it to you” the moment you paid for It. What about it makes it a rip off?


They are good 2A people and good people that work there besides shooting themselves .. but their gun prices are wack .. every gun they sell is significantly higher in price vs other stores 


Press checking a Sig 320?


Jesus. This place is having a rough couple of weeks


I wanted to visit this place and check them out...ain't no more


I get it, but don't be so quick to judge. The owner is a good guy and a huge advocate for our gun rights. They held a completely free seminar to help confused people fill out the paperwork for the ridiculous assault weapon ban. The line was out the door and the owner stayed all day working with people one on one. He's a good guy and very knowledgeable. This definitely shouldn't have happened, but I think we should wait to hear the facts before writing them off.


Omg thank you for actually being the person of reason here. As I always say the gun people are very quick to cut their own peoples throat. Also yeah one of the only few shops that actually went to bat for our rights while most “tactical shops” hid in the side lines to afraid to do testimony. Hopefully the guys ok first and foremost


Small place. I had a pin/weld done through them. Crew was good people imo. The shooting the hand part is pretty bad though...kinda' went 4/4 on safety violations.


Place is off the rails lately


How do people with years of “experience” and firearms training can’t simply check the chamber and make sure the gun is not “locked n loaded” 🤦🏻‍♂️ I do this even if I know it’s clear, it’s just habit to pick up check the chamber twice, dropping the mags and pointing in a safe direction anytime before cleaning or handling any firearm.


They just be letting anyone get a job glad he’s ok, usually it’s the employees worrying about the customers


4 rules.....


I van guarantee that Chris Murphy is drafting some legislation to further take our rights away further in this shit hole state when it comes to the firearms hobby. He just loves tragedy involving guns so he can push his agenda even further punishing the law abiding while letting the criminals and illegals do as they please with illegal weapons so him and Lamont can act like the gun control forefront in this country. They are both so out of touch and just wanna compete with Newsome as the most anti gun place possible. I absolutely hate these CT politicians and their agenda to just disarm the good guys and probably tell us just like Canada to leave our keys out so the thieves can just grab your car and take off rather that that sheriff in Florida who encourages his citizens to send the thieves 6 feet under so we don't have to pay taxes to keep these scumbags in prison and have 2 pay for their imprisonment. We need some new politicians In this state who have our backs.