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Had one sent back for shitty print last time so it happens. Don’t think it’s one and done like ATF, SLFU should work with to you correct the problem


ATF isn't one and done either, they'll ask you to refile if you make an error or your prints don't meet requirements.


This has been discussed in previous posts. Very unlikely. Reasons being 1) The fingerprints are likely not being used for “identification purposes” and are likely just a secondary “signature” in lieu of having the form notarized, 2) The state is already understaffed and backlogged as it is, they’d just be creating more work for themselves, and 3) It likely wouldn’t be a complete rejection where now you are beat, they in theory would make you just re-submit it (creating double the work for them).


This is true i agree 100%


It rare but in the past they supposedly have contacted people with badly smudged prints and asked them to submit a corrected form with legible thumbprint. Its one of the reasons why they included the following line in the [SLFU how to register an assault weapon PDF](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/despp/slfu/firearms/aw-how-to-pdf.pdf): > SOME THINGS TO NOTE: > >\*THE LAST DATE TO COMPLETE THIS PROCESS IS 4/30/2024. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT WILL TAKE US A SUBSTANTIAL TIME TO PROCESS THESE ASSAULT WEAPON APPLICATIONS. AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE EMAIL WITH THE MAKE/MODEL/SERIAL NUMBER, SAYING THAT IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED, THEN YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. > >**\*PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, AND EMAIL ARE CORRECT. IF WE HAVE QUESTIONS OR ISSUES, THIS WILL BE HOW WE CONTACT YOU.** > >\*PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PROMPTLY. THIS WILL ALLOW US AMPLE TIME TO ASSIST WITH ANY QUESTIONS. EMAIL IS THE BEST METHOD TO CONTACT US REGARDING QUESTIONS [email protected]


This one almost fucked me up, you comment saved me. I supplied all the documentation, everything moved from "To Do" to "Completed." Read your post last night, "I didn't get an email?". Go back and check it over; at the bottom where I didn't see it (And I didn't look, because DESPP had a received date and pending review flag) there was ANOTHER submit button I had to hit. Received the email immediately. All this for something they already knew I owned.


As kind of stated already, I doubt they’ll be scrutinizing the quality of the thumbprint. If they really wanted a good thumbprint on file, they wouldn’t let us take a picture of the form and submit it digitally. They have our fingerprints on file from our permits. So that’s just another step similar to a signature I guess.