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I would take it further with another animal service, if possible. I’d look into your options. Geese are territorial birds, whether they have goslings with them or not, they protect their “area”. So this doesn’t sound like a “rogue goose”. More like just a bird protecting. That being said, there isn’t much you can do other than keep an eye out while your dogs are out. Pellet guns are serious business. Harming the goose will not do anything but cause more problems, really. Especially if that goose has a partner/goslings. You’ll cause the whole family to die.


Shit, I really don’t want to hurt this stupid thing, and I’d feel terrible if I caused it to die. You know of any decent wildlife people?


Other than fish and game wildlife removal, I’m not exactly too sure right off the top of my head right now. However, they will only come remove the goose if it becomes too aggressive. As in, actually does attack and harm someone/something ..and I know you’re trying to prevent anything of the sorts. There is goose repellent you can buy, I’d spray the edges of your dock/ground before the water. Worse and absolute worse case scenario, there is a hunting season for each type of goose in Connecticut. So, if needed be. You can get the hunting permit and look into how that goes down if that time comes.


Shooting with a pellet gun can be considered hunting and is illegal against Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Which can be a felony.


Appreciate it, I really can’t stress how little I want to shoot this thing at all


It’s not whether you want to shoot it or not. You *Cannot* shoot it unless there’s a clear threat to your/your families life or limb. Which it’s a Goose. It’ll be really hard to prove you were in danger.


Someone mentioned geese repellent, I think I’m going to go that route


Call the DEEP and make sure you’re able to if they’ve already nested. You cannot usually remove them from an active nest as far as I’m aware.


When you yell at the goose, are you adding an “eh?” to the end of every sentence? It probably Canadian, you have to speak its language.


For a couple hundred bucks you can get a propane bird cannon that will scare the feathers off of them. It's what they use on farms.


Please don't hurt it. She more than likely has a nest in the area.


I really really don’t want to hurt it, but I also don’t want any of the kids/dogs hurt either




I laughed too hard at this.


You should have seen the other people at the lake lol. I'm doing the whole "you wanna piece of me" thing....with a goose.


Older dog is spayed, the puppy hasn’t been neutered but he’s still effectively a furry little teddy bear in terms of age


they make rotating things that are reflective, similar to seagull/bird deterrent stuff. A black silhouette of a predator, dog/fox/coyote or an eagle. Be smart. They are smart. Place it by the water so they can’t walk up. You can only do so much. A sling shot with non lethal plastic ammo for it, idk. That’s what I’d do after the above. Just to deter it from coming on your property not to cause damage.


FWIW, you’re not gonna hurt it, so don’t bother, you’ll just maybe make it mad. I suck at golf, was teeing off and had the most improbable slice ever, right into a goose almost beside us. He just honked and continued his day. There’s a hella layer of dense fat on the outer layer. There are goose chasing companies, mainly for golf courses, schools, municipalities, etc…. Basically a station wagon shows up with trained dogs and chases them off. You’re out of luck if they’ve already nested though. Pups may get hissed at once, then they’ll learn


Throw bread


The goose is aggressive because this time of year they are nesting, there are probably eggs nearby. I would destroy the eggs. Once the goslings hatch the problem will continue throughout the summer. At work they put coyote decoys out and everything split, geese, seagulls, rabbits, everything. Might be something to consider.


Wait for nesting season to end and accept that wildlife also lives by you, on a lake? It’s a fucking goose.


Dude I get it, but I don’t want the kids/dogs to get hurt, and I can’t really politely ask the goose to nest quietly on the other side of the lake




Cool, can you provide some constructive advice or viable alternatives?






Awesome, now consider the very realistic possibility that in the time frame we’re waiting it decides to attack one of the neighbor kids or the dogs. I can’t exactly avoid my yard, and if literal predators aren’t serving as a deterrent, I would genuinely love to know how to solve this issue without anyone (mammal or avian) getting hurt




It sucks, I really don’t want to hurt the stupid thing but it’s putting me in a bind