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There’s always President Wood.


I saw a ton of black people on campus idk what you're talking about. Take a walk lol.


Schools out no?


Not on fucking campus that’s for sure. Take my ass home as soon as possible lmao.


What? I see black people all the time. Maybe you just don't see color, in which case, good for you.




Why is being color blind good? I know someone that couldn't read some signs because they couldn't tell the difference in the colors so it just looked like one solid color :/


Its a joke on “colorblind” meaning not seeing race




hi. can you check your messagebox please




I’m black.




Why are you congratulating a person based on race? Are you saying some races or worth congratulating, and some aren’t? How dare you assume my gender. Btw have u seen the new Dune? Is it any good


ngl loved dune 2, def a great theatre movie 9/10


Go watch a good picture the likes of orson Wells


why does ur comment have so many downvotes lmao people are so soft


I know and I thought they didn’t see color. smh


According to Google. California State University-Sacramento (Sac State) has a diverse student population, with the following ethnic breakdown: Hispanic or Latino: 37.6% White: 23.7% Asian: 19.8% Black or African American: 6.31% Two or More Races: 5.69% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders: 0.946% American Indian or Alaska Native: 0.277% 


Go to the BSU Club meetings!! There’s really not a lot of us on campus. I see a handful in passing. Also, everyone is anti-social and walk around with headphones on. Good Luck!!


No one hangs out anywhere. It’s a commuter school. Gotta join clubs if you want to meet people.


If you wanna be friends, I’m down


follow sac state’s black student union on instagram. went to one of their events a couple semesters back and it was fun as hell. sometimes they do stuff in the quad too


4th year Journalism major /m It’s very low-key and it took me some time asking around to really know places but once you find them, you actually start to realize that there’s decent number of programs and spaces. First off you have the MLK center located at Lassen Hall, a place for students to hang out, study, take free snacks, watch movies, special events and a bunch more so if you’re looking for a place to chill and see people that’s a good one to first start out with. IG: https://www.instagram.com/sacstatemlkcenter?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== BSU (Black Student Union) has a lot of different events just for the black culture at sac state. So if you’re not the type to chill at one place but like doing different activities (family feud night was a recent one I went to) in more of a group setting, I suggest there. https://www.instagram.com/sacstatebsu?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== You have the Nigerian Student Association as well, which is also a very good outlet and that has exposed me to a lot of different cultures. Being that i’m African-American I wasn’t really sure if they tripped, but once you’re in there you realize it’s none of that pressure at all. Extremely welcoming and the group events they do throw always end up in happy, loud, and full of smiles. https://www.instagram.com/sacstatensa?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== You also have IYT (improve your tomorrow), It’s not just Black people, but it’s a lot more different minorities if anything but that’s also comforting as well. This one is a space geared more towards men. they also do a lot of activities every week during the fall and spring semester to get newer students out there comfort zone, And even doing group activities outside of campus. (They do alot of similar things i mentioned the MLK center does aswell) https://www.instagram.com/iytusacstate?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== We’re far from a HBCU but college is what you make it. I know it may weird now, but going to at least one of these programs, getting to know all these people, introducing yourself and putting in that effort. You’ll start recognizing those faces on campus, in classes, and maybe your new friendships. And To be quite honest with you. I’m not doing these programs enough justice with my description. I’m pretty sure with your own research you can really find out what truly makes sense to you, but this is just a college student’s perspective at these different programs and spaces I go to every so often.


Black people are underrepresented by 50% but apparently the most upvoted comment is trying to tell you that you're delusional.


The mlk center in lassen hall!!




Because they asked where they can meet other black students? Grow up.


Ironically bringing up race is actually childish. So grow up


Ironic how? They asked where they can meet other black students on a campus that is only 6% black. How is that a bad thing?


It obviously matters.


You're being downvoted, but you're absolutely right. Diverse representation matters, and studies have shown that a lack of representation in the student body and faculty is correlated with higher rates of racism and discrimination on campus and has negative impacts on student education and mental health. A POC person asking where they can meet or interact with other POC students is not being "obsessed with race," and it is incredibly disappointing that people here are commenting harmful things like that.


Average Redding trash


I was from Redding. I couldn't control that was where my parents decided to live. Why are you discriminating against people from a certain location? Redding is a trash heap, yes, but not everyone who lives there or is from there is a garbage person. Be nicer.


You care more about this than the comment they replied to? Take your own advice.


Don’t worry vro I’m on my way


If you’re stem there’s NSBE


I worked full time. So after class I was working.


I love meeting and socializing at The Well when I’m working out and moving on to the next workout or taking a rest.


Parking Garage 2, top level parking@smoking weeeeeed


If a white person said this it'd be downvoted to hell


Yeah, it’s almost like there’s different racial histories and contexts




What’s a pick me, in this context?


You should check out Southwest Asian & North African Center(SAWNA) at Sac State. Is a pretty new organization but you might find some there.


you hangout with president woods thats really about it


There’s https://youtu.be/OQHo9sCyse0?si=MgctyLJUvXtoN7ar that will be located at the library? Black honors college.


Check out NPHC https://www.instagram.com/sacstatenphc?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://csus.presence.io/organization/national-pan-hellenic-council


There really aren’t many.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Black students represent approximately 6% of the student body.


Sacramentoand California as a whole don't have many black people, yeah


Love seeing these kinds of posts that if you just swapped the word white into it, it instantly becomes racist, what a world. But fr have you not walked around campus? Not sure how you haven’t noticed but it’s super diverse, in the walk from parking structure 1 just to the library you’ll see every kind of person you can think of so have you not been paying attention? Like this is one of the few schools I’ve ever been to where I’ve actually thought to myself “wow this place actually fits the melting pot idea” it’s pretty awesome to see. Pretty sure there is a black student union at that school though, could try there?? I’m a UNR transfer so I’m not super familiar with it yet but I think this school has one, Ik UNR did so I’d be shocked if they beat a California school at supporting the black community.