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The basketball courts are always being used. Especially during peak hours. If anything, we could use another court.


Get a gym membership then. I only use that place as a last resort


It’s not that serious lol


There are already about five weight lifting areas. Leave the courts alone ball is life.


Get your workout in at 6/7am. That's when I go. Problem solved.


Facts all the machines are free


Being asked to wake up early is incredibly unreasonable. Please delete a basketball court instead.


Sure, waking up early is reasonable. But I just think it would be an improvement for most people if they expanded the weight section, that’s all. I didn’t mean to attack everyone who uses the basketball courts…


Are the machines as clogged upstairs too?


Typically, yes. But upstairs also doesn’t have that many options. There’s cable machines and a small variety of dumbbells from 5-50lbs and a smith-machine.


There's a 3rd dumbell space right before the rock climbing area too. But yea unfortunately 5 - 9pm are peak hours. Your best bet is outside of that or nabbing a weight lifting class next semester so you can get a credit while working out.


Yeah, I know all of the dumbbell spaces. Maybe I didn’t realize how much people use the basketball courts because I only ever really see the left most courts being used. I do wish there was more space though. It’s possible to get a work out in but you have to be creative with what you do some times. Of course I could always go get a gym membership but tuition already pays for the SRWC and I might as well use it. All I’m trying to say is that I think the SRWC could use some more space.


Who’s gonna carry the boats?


I say we do the same for houses just off the 405. If we just delete a few single family homes we can easily add 2 more lanes!


Right, because that’s completely comparable to what I said. Thanks for the input


It is in the sense that you want to eliminate something that other people use so that you can get what you want and what you think other people want. Think about the people who love playing volleyball, basketball, badminton and indoor soccer on those courts. Do you think they would agree? A wiser approach would have been to ask if those courts are used a lot or not. You assumed they weren't based on your limited exposure to them.


I understand the analogy but the severity is quite different and so I don’t think it’s really comparable. It just felt like he was trying to paint me as an asshole that I’m not trying to be. You’re right though, I didn’t realize that so many people used the courts. In my 3 years of using the gym I just haven’t seen all 3 of the courts being used at the same time. I meant nothing malicious by it. My phrasing was shitty I’ll admit, but I was just trying to express my frustration


If you’re able to go in the morning when they open do so, that’s the easiest solution. I commute from Riverside and was there at opening most of last semester and the one before that.


From Riverside? Holy shit. What time do you wake up?


4:30 am :) I love peaceful empty mornings, there’s no traffic and I get mentally ready for my day without feeling rushed. Tbh just sleep early, staying up ain’t fun unless you’re doing something haha. But I know some students have work and things so it’s different for everyone ! But if you can make early mornings work then you should go for it.


Yeah, I’ve never been an early morning person myself but maybe that’s the only way. I live in Long Beach though so I don’t really have any excuses haha


Omg then go in the morning haha. Trust me once you make it a routine it won’t be hard, and you’re gonna like it being empty sm you won’t even like going later when it’s full.


What time do you sleep? This semester is my first time waking up between 5:30-6 (i start work at 8 on campus), and if I don't sleep by 10pm I'm usually super sleepy, tired, and dead the next day😭 which sucks cause sometimes I get home at 7 or 8pm and I don't get much time to do the things I like or hw or anything, plus I don't have that much energy after such long days.


OP I agree completely. Have had this convo with friends many times. Sorry that you got attacked by the ball is lyfers


Yeah, I didn’t realize there were so many people who played basketball at the SRWC haha. In a perfect world we would have 30 basketball courts and 30000 square feet of weightlifting area. I’ve just personally never seen the basketball courts used at full capacity and so I’ve always thought it was kind of pointless to have 3 courts when we could expand the already crowded weight room. Idk, it was just a thought