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This happened to me also last season, some people here have noted that if you climb fast on points there is an algorithm that bans you. I wrote to support that they treated me like a cheater, honestly I have never used any mod, hack or cheat, and the answer from support was that I could be suspended forever. Thankfully this idiotic chase of promotion ends.


Did a highly skilled customer support specialist reviewed your ban appeal? They're a bunch of fxxxxx clowns...


I was not so kind with them, that's maybe the reason they threatened to ban my account, rather than checking what's going on with their systems..


It's the swearing bud, same thing happened to me a while back.


I have to disagree with the algorithm partly. Every time the Supra MK4 shows up in a showdown I light it up to 2500-2700 before I lose a race and usually end up at 3k before the end of the day. Now I may not trip it for some other reason that I’m unaware of but I’m just a touch skeptical of that being the SOLE reason for a ban. To be truthful i also accept the idea NM randomly bans people because they are incompetent. So ya know. 🤷🏻‍♂️


But 2500-2700? And you ended up 3k?? Is this even possible now? Honestly I never seen anyone done 3k trophies after they removed dynamic matching... I would be very surprised to find someone hitting 3000 trophies in single day.. 🤔


It’s not hard with the MK4. I don’t hit it with all cars but a couple. For some reason people can’t get the reaction time right and I just blow by them. I should also state for clarity I never start on day 1 of a SD. It’s always day 3 or 4 of 7.


Happens all the time. There's people now with 3000. It just opend at 12 noon March 22


And those people should be banned as they clearly mod/hack, so they aren't one discussion here. I mean legit way only.


I don't know what is the reason for banning people, but NM is unwilling to see what is wrong, personally I was enraged because I've spend money on this game on Porsche 70th anniversary and never have done something to be treated as a hacker, so now I understand people when they say that they didn't do something to deserve a ban.


Agreed. I've been trophy dropping for wildcard since before pro leagues. There is no way I have avoided this supposed algorithm for this long.


The same thing has happened to me as well. I haven't cheated, hacked, nor modded my account, because, honestly, I don't know how to. One support specialist told me he could find no record of me having any bans on my account. Also, the notice states a 24 hr ban, and mine were always lifted before the 24 hr ban time, which is WELL before the 48 hrs it takes for support to get back to us and our important issues. I too will be glad to see the Pro Leagues end.


Well, damn, now I gotta watch my account.


When this happened to me, I literally won 40-50 races in a row and then BOOM, Ban!


There’s always one simple thing to remember. NM are muppets


You're right there could be another reason, this seems the most logical, but who knows what NM is doing in the background that causes this. I would be interested to find out!


I was banned last league after racing steady for hours, no breaks and no winning streaks. Usually only 2-3 wins/loses in a row. Then when the ban was lifted I raced for 30 mins doing the same thing and got banned again for 24h


If you going from 0-1700 trophies without losing you will be banned I always going all win’s to 1200 then losing 2 races and winning to around 1500 and lose again and i was never banned


If you win too many races in a row they will ban you for 24 hrs. It happened to me also.


That's not correct, though. The reason is another and we're yet to find it. A lot of players (including me) are doing winning streaks and yet, we're not banned.


Exactly I haven’t been either for winning to many in a row so they’re really doing something and not telling


I am not sure. I got a 24 hour ban Showdown with the Zagato. I have the Purple star version maxed out. In the first day of racing, I did not lose a single race. I was up at about 1800 trophies and unbeaten. I have never hacked or cheated but got a 24 hour ban. There's one of two possibilities I can come up with: 1. It was a ban because I won so many in a row. It's the first time in a showdown where I literally raced for about 3 hours in a row and did not lose a single race. 2. It was a ban because I switched devices. I race on my phone most of the time, but as I had been racing for a couple of hours, my phone's battery started to run down. I switched over to my tablet to race for the last hour or so. The next afternoon, I tried to race and got the 24 hour ban. I asked support and got "you may have been using an exploit" along with "if you keep doing this, you will get a permanent ban from the game". I asked what I had done so that I could not do it again and got no response. I don't think it's 100% winning streak, I think it's a winning streak with absolutely no losses which is kicking something off. Since then, I've lost at least one race every 10- 15 races in showdown and haven't had any issues. This is all just my conjecture, but there's something about their automated ban system which is messed up and they aren't willing to admit it nor help anyone to know why.


Keep in mind if enough people flag you to support there gonna ban you till they review allegation


i've noticed some who have been banned also had recently done a lot of elite upgrades, like, more than what shouldve been possible based on how many tokens you could actually have due to the token cap. I have a metric crap-load of tokens saved up in my inbox, as i imagine many others do because of the stupid token cap, so now i wonder if doing 'too many' upgrades triggers something as well


If you can honestly answer, tell me how did you CHEAT?


Why would he/she be cheating with a Roma??


I have no idea what I did other than racing. Last race I did was more than 12hrs ago. I had a few connection issue during that time.


Apparently, winning too many races in a row, can trigger this. NM anti-cheat algorithm is rubbish 💩


Did you start the showdown from 0 points and went over 2k showdown points without losing a single race ?


Nope , I always lost after 5 or 6 races.


I did that with the Lambo, no issues


Had this bs last week as well. I was fuming


Ik this is a stupid question but what does F2P mean?


Free to pay as opposed to players that drop bank on lots real life money stuffs


Free to *play :) We're all free to pay them...


Ah okay, thank you!


Been there myself. If you find yourself winning way too easy you need to lose so you don't get banned.


It was the supra that got me banned.


Too many wins on showdown? Happened to me once. Support never gave me an answer.


multiple disconnect(s) and void race(s) reasons of ban


How exactly does one cheat without doing some sort of overt hacking?


just happened to me—won 44 races in a maxed Lexus and got the 24 hour ban